Chapter 6: The Verdict, Farewell Konoha.

(I do not own Naruto, which sadly will never change)

(Konohagakure no Sato, Village Hidden in the Leaves)

(Konoha Council Chambers)

"My name is Naruto Namikaze. Genin of Konoha."

Nobody was expecting him to say that. His supporters that knew of this couldn't believe that he found out without them telling him. While the rest of the supporters who didn't know were even more shocked about this than when they learned of Naruto's other secret. Well, except of course Shikamaru who already pieced it together.

'Figured as much. I mean, how can you not see the resemblance? Troublesome.' The young Nara thought in his head.

'Naruto is related to the Yondiame, or possibly his son now?! Hard to believe he holds the Kyuubi and he's the son of a princess, but now this?' Were the thoughts of some of Naruto's classmates who were present, except for Hinata.

'Naruto-kun, how much more do I not know about you? Hopefully you'll give me a chance to learn more about you.' The girl thought.

"You! How dare you take the name of our beloved Yondiame in vain you demon brat?!" Koharu said, breaking the silence in the room. This caused all the other people against Naruto to protest at this too.

"Yeah! Now answer the question truthfully!" Mebuki Haruno exclaimed over everyone else, causing everyone else in the room to cover their ears.

Having had enough, Tsunade raised her fist high above her head, and with all her might broke her desk in two. But she wasn't done yet, for her fist met the floor causing many cracks to spread throughout the level she and the elders were on. "Shut up all of you! I make the orders here, not you!" She yelled while glaring daggers at Koharu and Haruno, who in return sat back down. Regaining her composure, the blonde then seated herself and looked down at Naruto. "Naruto, might I inquire how you discovered this? Did 'You Know Who' tell you?"

Naruto knew exactly what she meant by 'You Know Who'. 'What's the point of keeping it secret any longer?' He thought as he smiled back at his Hokage. "Actually Granny, the Kyuubi did not tell me. The Yondiame did. He put some of his chakra into me when he sealed him into me. He told me everything. That I am his son, that he was taught by 'Pervy Sage', that he was Kakashi-sensei's teacher, that my mother is Kushina Uzumaki, who was the previous Kyuubi container after Mito Uzumaki. And of course, what really happened the night the Kyuubi attacked this place." He stated. This caused many people to look confused.

"There's nothing you can tell us that we don't already know. The Kyuubi hates humans, that's why it attacked us." Tsume said, glaring down at him.

"First of all, he has a good reason to hate humans. I mean, this place was originally his home first, but when the Leaf Village was founded he shared this land with them in harmony. That is until years later, when they started seeing him as not a protector, but as a weapon. He was enslaved against his will. Second, that's not quite the truth. An Uchiha who was not loyal to this village is responsible for the carnage of that night. My father explained that when my mother gave birth to me, the seal for the Kyuubi was weak, which the Uchiha used to extract the Kyuubi from her. And like Madara did decades ago, he used his Sharingan to mind control him into attacking the village. My father engaged him in battle, and while he was unable to kill him, he did cripple him and distracted him long enough to break his hold on the fox. And then, he sacrificed himself to seal the fox into me. That's what really happened that night."

Many people who hadn't already known this were now talking amongst themselves, arguing about if it was really true or not. Those that thought it made sense felt ashamed that they took their anger out on a kid rather than the true person responsible, while others thought this was just the 'demon' making up a fib to justify his actions. Naruto's supporters were now wondering what other secrets were being kept from them, and gave them more reason to leave.

The only one whose facial expression hadn't changed was Danzo. But in his mind multiple questions were running through his head. 'What else does he know? Does he know about my involvement in that night? Does he know of my 'Root' organization?' He stood up. "Enough. We are not here to discuss the events of what happened that night, are we Tsunade?" He said looking at the Hokage.

Tsunade looked ready to snap. She truly hated that man. But, she gave him her answer. "No, we are not. Naruto, Genin of Kohona, you stand before the council accused of the attempted murder of one Sasuke Uchiha. How do you plead?"

"Not guilty. He ran away from the village with some of Orochimaru's lackeys." He looked towards his classmates and back to the council. "He is the reason why my squadmates were injured, some severely including myself when he rammed a Chidori through my lung trying to kill me. I only did what I was ordered to do, bring back the traitor at all costs."

"So you say. While we do feel sorry for the other members of the Retrieval Team, how do we not know that Sasuke had changed his mind, was about to come back willingly, and was attacked by you? He could have acted in self defense." Danzo said in a voice with little to no emotion.

"Except he didn't. I tried to talk him into coming back peacefully, but he refused. He said this. 'I'm sick of playing Ninja. Why should I protect people that mean nothing to me, when I could go to someone who could give me all I need to kill my brother? That is my only objective.' I tried again, but then he grew frustrated and threw the first punch. From there, we fought with me winning." Naruto said with a hint of pride.

"Lies! We all know how you two were rivals in your academy days. You saw that as a moment of opportunity, didn't you? To exact revenge on the poor boy for humiliating you all those years. You just couldn't live with the fact that he always put you in your place!" Haruno screeched.

"I am not lying! Why not just have Ino's father enter my mind so he can see? If you won't take my word for it, maybe you'll take his." The young blonde suggested, even though he knew it was pointless.

"Do you think we're idiots? You'll just have him see false memories, ones that you fabricated to fool all of us." Haishi said.

"Exactly! And demons cannot be trusted." Tsume stated.

"Are you saying my mother was also a demon? For she was the Kyuubi's container before me. That would be surprising to me, since my father told me that the two of you were like sisters towards one another."

"Don't you dare speak of her! She was a wonderful person, a strong person. She was someone who could contain the fiend. Her son died as soon as you were sealed inside him!" Tsume yelled.

Before he could retort, both of their attentions turned Tsunade who yelled "Order! That is enough!"

"Anyway, to the matter at hand. Naruto, we the council have found you guilty of attempted murder of a fellow Leaf Shinobi. And before you woke up, we already ruled on how to punish you. You are hereby sentenced to life in Hozuki Castle, aka the Blood Prison." Danzo said with a small grin, with his supporters giving a similar grin.

Naruto's eyes had widened. Sure, he knew he was going to be punished for hurting their 'precious Uchiha', but he was not expecting this. "What?! That's ridiculous! You are all insane!" He yelled as he was being restrained by the two jonins who had first brought him into the chambers.

"No. We would be insane to simply banish you, you fool. That's too good for you. You will suffer for the damage you inflected on Sasuke." Said Horuma.

"No he will not." Said a new voice.

Everyone turned to the source and was shocked to see the Fire Daimyo, with a couple of guards and Jiraiya standing right beside him. "This stops now." The Daimyo declared as he walked towards Tsunade.

"My Lord, I can explain." Tsunade said. She was about to continue, but her superior raised his hand up telling her to stop.

"I got your message Tsunade, I am not angry at you. But we shall talk more later." He informed her. He then looked down at the young blonde. "I've heard a lot about you Naruto. It is a pleasure to finally meet you face to face."

"I'm sorry, but who are you?" Naruto asked with a confused look.

"He's The Fire Daimyo you idiot!" Haruno screeched.

This made the Daimyo look at her. "I don't believe was talking to you. Now unless I say otherwise, shut up. All of you."

"Y-yes my Lord." She stuttered.

"Now then, to answer your question. I am the Fire Daimyo. Lord of the Land of Fire."

"Cool. But, why are you here?" Naruto asked without thinking.

"Why, I'm here to help you of course."

"Help me? But why?"

"Well, for one thing after reading the report on the mission you were involved in and what Tsunade said was going to happen to you and the traitor in a message she sent to me, I was not going to stand for it. I was actually making ready to come here as Jiraiya came to me and brought me here via the toad summon he left me." The Daimyo explained. "The second reason is because I figured that I at least owe you a favor, given all the alliances you've helped us get with Suna, Wave and Snow."

Tsunade looked at Jiraiya and mouthed the words 'Thank you.' to him, to which he simply nodded with a little smile. This was shaping to be better than the plan she already came up with. "My Lord, might I suggest that we continue this discussion in my office? Just you, me, Jiraiya and Naruto. We can come back here once finished."

"Very well. If you'll kindly lead the way." He said to her.

Nodding, she turned to her teammate. "Jiraiya, I'll take the Daimyo. Go down there and get Naruto. But before you bring him to my office, have him change clothes."

"Yes love." And so, he went down, approached his apprentice and took him out the chambers, and shortly after that Tsunade and the Daimyo reached their exit. But as they reached for the doors, Shizune emerged and was shocked to see who was in front of her.

She was about to ask what was going on, but Tsunade stopped her. All she did was wink and walked out. But this did not answer her question. She went down the stairs to where Kakashi and the others were. "What's going on, Kakashi?"

"I don't know, but I'm sure that Tsunade and Jiraiya have things well in hand." He said as he did his usual smile.

(The Hokage's Office)

The Daimyo and Tsunade had just arrived a few minutes ago, and were eagerly awaiting the arrival of Jiraiya and Naruto. They sat in silence with Tsunade sitting beyond her desk with the three scrolls from before laid out, and the Daimyo sitting on the couch she had up against the wall. After waiting another minute or so, they had arrived, only this time Naruto was in his traditional orange outfit with his shinobi headband in his hand.

"Good. Now, Jiraiya seal the room." Tsunade commanded. Once the room was sealed she and the Daimyo stood up. "Alright, now we can begin. Naruto, come over here." He walked up to her desk. "Now then, I'll need you to bite your thumb and smear it onto this." She said as she picked up one of the scrolls.

Without responding, Naruto did as instructed. Once he was done, the scroll opened up and out came two more scrolls and a note. He picked it up and started reading it out loud so everyone in the room could hear.


If you're reading this, then you have either reached the age of 16, or the Sandaime or perhaps the Godaime believes you are ready for the rank of Chunin. What came out are how to learn my two signature moves, the 'Rasengan' and 'Flying Thunder God'.

Inside the other two scrolls are the things your mother and I both left for you. Pictures, the keys to our estate, some of the Uzumaki history and techniques, some money I made as Hokage, and your mother's family fortune. You are free to use them as you please.

I love you son, I always will, as does your mother. I know you will accomplish more than I could ever hope to.

Minato Namikaze.

P.S. Don't let Jiraiya turn you into a pervert.

Naruto smiled as he looked at his father's picture on the office wall. He then turned and put everything back in the scroll. 'I swear to you father, I'll make you proud and I'll find mother for you.' He thought as he then turned to his Hokage, still smiling. "Thank you, Granny!"

Tsunade had no time to react before Naruto tackled her into a hug. But she then smiled and gladly returned the embrace. "You're welcome brat. But anyway, that wasn't the only reason I called you here." She said in a serious tone. Naruto then broke the hug and gave her a hand to help her up. When she was on her feet again she continued. "Naruto, what else did your father tell you about your mother, besides what you mentioned at the meeting?"

"Well, he showed me what she was like, told me that she is from a place called Whirlpool, among a couple of other things. Why?"

"Did he mention that she was a princess by any chance?" She asked him.

This made Naruto's eyes widen in surprise. "Are you serious?!"

Nodding, Tsunade then spoke again. "Indeed brat. Your mother was the princess to Uzushiogakure before it fell at the hands of Kiri, Iwa and Kumo long ago." She said as she pulled out a map and showed him the location. "Right now, that land is deserted."

Getting over his shock, then asked his next question. "So, that land is mine?"

"Indeed it is. Which brings me to my next question. Now that you know, what will you do with it?" She asked.

Naruto closed his eyes in thought. After a few moments, he opened his eyes and gave her his answer. "Well, if no one is using it then I guess I will. I can't just leave it like that. Plus, I want to see where my mother is from. Who knows, maybe she's there, ya know?" He said with his usual grin.

"Very well Naruto. But you realize that if that's the case, then you'll have to resign your position as a shinobi of this village. Are you sure this is what you want?"

"Yes. I'm sure Granny." He didn't hesitate.

"So be it. I knew you'd make this choice, that's why I prepared for it." Tsunade said as she pulled out a resignation paper and a pencil. "I'm going to need you to sign here and here. And I'm gonna need you to hand over your headband."

He looked at his Leaf headband one last time. He thought about all the effort he put into it, and it meant so much more to him because it was given to him by Iruka, the first person ever to acknowledge him. He took a deep breath. "I'll return it, but to the one who gave it to me. I think it would be best." He said looking at the older blonde who nodded in reply. He then grabbed the form and signed it.

"Well, that is in order. Unless the Daimyo has anything to add." Jiraiya said looking at the Lord of Fire.

"Actually, I did have a couple of questions about this. Naruto, did you have any particular plans once you get there? And will Tsunade have some shinobi escort you?" This got Naruto thinking again.

"Well, I haven't thought about it. I guess I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. But don't worry, I will not declare war on you guys or anything. Just because I've decided to no longer live here, doesn't mean I no longer want to protect it. I still have people I love here." Naruto answered, but it wasn't entirely true. He wouldn't attack Konoha, but he did have one thing in mind of what to use that place for. "And as for your other question, that would be a good idea. Any suggestions on who it should be?"

"I can do that, and also train on some things along the way. As well as a few others." Jiraiya said.

"Others?" Naruto asked raising an eyebrow.

"Naruto, before the trial we told some of the people more about you because they seem to care a lot about you, including Kakashi and some of your classmates and their clans. We had made a plan to get you before you were in the prison and get you to Whirlpool, with some of them wanting to stay with you and help you in anyway possible." Tsunade informed him.

"Tsunade, we shall discuss that matter in private at another time." The Daimyo said. While he did not blame her for wanting to do that, it was too risky and a little rash.

"Yes my Lord."

Naruto for his part was surprised. To think that they would do that just for him, even Kakashi who seemed to be playing favorites. "With your permission Granny, may those that wish to join me still come?"

"Of course. In fact Naruto, I have a proposition for you. And I think you'll like it." Tsunade said.

"I'm listening." This intrigued him. He sat down, and listened intently.

(Takigakure no Sato, Village Hidden by a Waterfall)

The once beautiful village was now a scene straight out of a nightmare. Blood covered much of the grass, houses were trashed and even burning, a couple of fallen trees, and bodies of men, women and children littered the ground.

"Ah. That was fun. This should please Jashin for quite sometime." Hidan said and he licked some blood off of his scythe. "You know Kakuzu, I envy you. What I'd give to have a chance to do this to where I'm from."

"While I am glad that I finally accomplished this after all these years, we failed to capture the Jinchuriki. Our leader will not be pleased. She could anywhere in any of the Elemental Countries." Kakuzu responded to his teammate as he ripped out the heart of the Shibuki while he was still alive, to replace the one that he lost battling him.

"You worry too much. We won't need her for another three years anyway. That'll give us plenty of time to find her." Hidan responded as he stood up walking to his teammate.

"That maybe true, but regardless we failed. Now shut up and let's go tell our leader." Kakuzu said as he threw the body of the Shibuki hard into the ground and walked off.

"Why did I have to get paired with such a grouch in the first place?" Hidan whispered to himself as he rolled his eyes and started walking in the same direction.

(Konohagakure no Sato, Village Hidden in the Leaves)

Many things had happened in as little as just one day. After the private meeting in the Hokage's office, the four of them returned to the council chambers where just about everything they discussed was now made aware to everyone in the village. Naruto is the heir to a fallen kingdom and he had decided he wanted to leave and travel to the ancestral home of the Uzumakis to learn more about them and to restore the land to it's former beauty.

Everyone who didn't already know was shocked to say the least, but one particular old war hawk was seething. This was going to put some of his plans into jeopardy, and with the Jinchuriki being able to roam free, he could not keep tabs on him. The boy could find out his involvement in the Kyuubi attack and could destroy him. 'Soon you will be dealt with.' He thought as he was slowly planning how to handle this.

The next order of business was the Civilian Council being removed from the council permanently. When they tried protesting saying they had every right to voice their own opinions, Tsunade shut them up in not very polite way. But they protested even further when they heard from their Hokage that Sasuke Uchiha would be sentenced to ten years in Hozuki Castle, and the rest of his life on probation with his chakra sealed until the day he dies.

Then there was the people who wanted to leave with Naruto. Tsunade and the Daimyo assembled them all to the Hokage office where one by one they signed the resignation forms she had prepared for them, starting with Kakashi and Hinata. Kiba wanted to come, but felt it was best to stay in Konoha so he could look after his sister. But he did promise that he would be there if they needed him, as did Team Gai.

When everyone was done signing, Tsunade then asked for Hinata to come forward once again. She was shown why she was brought up again, which made her a little sad again. What she read was the disownment form signed by her now former father, Hiashi Hyuga. But her sadness then quickly went away. 'It doesn't matter anymore. Now I'm free to make my own choices, and focus on doing my best for those who actually do care about me.' She thought as she placed the paper back down. But any other thoughts she had in head were stopped but Tsunade revealed another sheet of paper that caught her completely off-guard.

In the dark haired teen's hands was a contract, but not just any contract. It was a marriage contract. She looked down at the already signed names hoping to find one name in particular, and she was so delighted to find it. Below it was said that if she signed below, she would agree to marry Naruto Namikaze once they reached the age of sixteen. She looked back toward said blonde, who was smiling at her. He explained to her that this was a way to form an alliance with Konoha once Whirlpool was restored, he also said that he wouldn't want to do this with one else. She then turned back to Tsunade, nodded her head real fast and signed her name on the dotted line with such speed. Afterwards, she dashed towards Naruto, jumped up and wrapped her arms and legs around him, to which he gladly returned the embrace. But it was short lived as Tsunade gave a fake cough, and Hinata immediately jumped back down with her face as red as a tomato which got some of the occupants in the room to laugh.

But it was starting to get late, and so they all went to where they currently lived to get some sleep in preparation for the long journey ahead of them tomorrow.

The next day, they all met again with the Hokage, Shizune, Asume, Iruka, Konohamaru and his friends, Gaara's siblings, Team Gai and Kiba with Akamaru at the village gates. But like always, they had to wait on Kakashi.

"Well, I guess this is goodbye huh?" Ino said to Tenten.

"No. Not goodbye. We'll see each other again one day." Tenten said smiling before giving the blonde haired teen a hug.

A few feet away was Naruto and Shino talking to Neji and Lee. "Naruto, I swear to you that I will train hard everyday and await they day I see you again! I wish to have an all out battle next time we meet." Lee said with great enthusiasm.

Naruto for his part just smiled with his eyes closed giving him a thumbs up. "You bet, Bushy Brows!" He said back, and the two shook hands sealing the deal.

"Naruto, you better treat Hinata well. She may no longer be a part of the clan, but she is still my cousin." Neji said activating his Byakugan.

"Don't worry, I'll protect with my life. And besides, you can't defeat me so easily." Naruto said confidently.

This however made Neji a little annoyed. "Just take care of her."

"I will. I promise." And the two shook hands.

Shikamaru and Choji were talking to Kiba. "It won't be same here without any of you guys over here." Kiba said with his dog Akamaru barking in agreement.

"Troublesome. You are more than welcome to come with us."

"Yeah." Choji said while he was eating a bag of chips.

"I would love to, but I wish to stay here and protect my sister. And also to make sure my mother doesn't try anything." Kiba said. A hand was touching his shoulder.

"You are always welcome if you ever change your mind." Naruto said smiling. All Kiba did was nod with his head a little down. "Hey, are you crying?"

"Don't be stupid. Of course I'm not!" Kiba said in denial as he quickly turned around to wipe away a lone tear that was about to go down his face.

"My eternal rival, I'm gonna miss you!" Gai wailed as anime tears went down his face.

"I'll miss you too, old friend." Kakashi said with his eye shut indicating that he was smiling.

"Take care of yourself, little brother. How soon can we expect you back in Suna?" Temari asked.

"I don't know. But one day i will return." He promised. He bowed to his siblings, they did the same and he rejoined the group.

Tsunade, Shizune and Jiraiya were off to the side watching everything. "I'll make sure they get there safely my love." Jiraiya said to Tsunade.

"Yes, make sure that you do. Nothing better happen to them, especially to my student." Tsunade said.

This however confused Jiraiya and Shizune. "My Lady, I don't understand."

"Oh come on. You really think I'd be sending them out without a very good medic?"

"But, my Lady, I do not think I am ready to leave your side yet. I still I have many things to learn. I'm nowhere near as good as you." She admitted.

"That's not true. You may not be as experienced as I am, but there is nothing left for me to teach you in this field. And, I do believe you are ready to take on an apprentice of your own." The blonde said pointing toward the other female blonde that was there. "She asked me once if I could teach her a thing or two., but for obvious reasons I can't."

Shizune gave this some serious thought. She didn't want to leave her master, but her master did bring up some interesting points. She looked at Ino and then back to her teacher. "Alright. I'll do it."

Nodding, Tsunade then gave her a hug and bid her farewell.

"You'd better write to me." Kurenai said to Asuma.

"I will." He said as he finished his cigarette.

"Take care of yourself Konohamaru. I promise that I'll come and visit this place whenever I can." Naruto said with his hand on top of the little boy's head.

"You'd better!" Was all Konohamaru said. He and his two friends then gave him another hug.

Naruto then got up and looked towards the last person of the group. His former teacher, Iruka. "Thank you Iruka-sensei. Thank you for believing in me, and for being my teacher." He said to the man as he held out his hand holding the headband he gave him.

"And thank you. It was an honor having you as my student." He said as he took the headband and gave Naruto a hug with tears coming down both of their faces. Afterwards, the parted ways with Naruto rejoining his traveling group.

"Until next time, take care and be safe." Naruto said to the people who were with Tsunade.

"Well Naruto, we await you." Jiraiya said as he lightly touched his student's back and guided him to the front of the group.

"Straight ahead, right Pervy Sage?" He whispered to the Toad Sage.

"Indeed it is." He replied.

And so they parted to Wave. Tsunade and her group kept waving and saying goodbye. But unknown to them, another person was watching everything. And that person, surprisingly, was Hinata's younger sister, Hanabi. 'I'll miss you a lot sis. I promise you, I'll unite both groups of the Hyuga. I'll accomplish your dream.' She thought with determination as a tear went down her face. She then left the area before she was by anyone, especially her father. He did not know of this, and she wanted it to stay that way, at least until it was too late for him to do anything about it.

End of Chapter 6.

AN: Thank you for taking the time to reading this and I hope y'all enjoyed it. To be a little honest, I had a little trouble finding the right words for this one. I think all of us who write stuff can agree that ideas you have in your head can be hard to put into words. But anyway, feel free to tell me your opinions as long as it appropriate. Until next, take care and stay tuned for Chapter 7 coming soon.