So much anger.

So much hatred.

A madly driven avenger.

Magical smiles.

Startling blue eyes.

A believer of life.

Himawari was blinded by white-hot anger as she pointed her index finger at her paling and frightened big brother, who had plastered his back on the side wall of the stairs. All the while, she vehemently ignored the sudden change of her vision, seeing white structures around her and sensing blue lines running through her big brother's body. None of this mattered, unfortunately.

She was angry. Oh, so angry at her nii-san, and seeing those look of utter horror on his face made her want to see how he would look if she grinned at him this instant. But, no, she did not feel like smiling. She felt like knocking him out cold no matter how bad these thoughts were. It was evil. Okaa-san would not be happy about it.

But, then, Okaa-san was not here to see anything she would be committing.

Seeing a floating cotton passing over her feet, her anger flared a notch. Remembering how her favorite toy had been torn from its seams made her glare at her nii-san. She moved, barely registering her Papa rushing to intercept her attack after the few words, "Lock on" had left her mouth.

Channeling chakra to her feet, she pushed off and striked, a pathetic scream shooting off from her big brother. She felt the tip of her finger connecting to her Papa's tenketsu point instead, in which her Papa breathed out a squeaky 'Oomph!'.

If she was in her right mind, she would have been ridden with immense guilt. But alas, there was no good and evil in her dictionary at the moment, for the loss of her favorite toy was overruling every other emotions.

However, as if time had slowed, she heard a different grunting voice from her Papa's own.

It was animalistic, guttural, totally different from her Papa's. Before her Papa could slip backwards, unconscious, having his chakra points sealed, a strong burst of red roiling chakra shot out from her father's stomach, tendrils of it wrapping rapidly around her hand, snaking from her arms to her whole body, startling her out of her mad fury.

"Pap -" She was cut off when the large amount of chakra seemed to crawl their way into her skin. It creeped around and rushed into her stomach, swirling into her chakra core like vices of warm tendrils.

Then came the searing pain.

So painful she couldn't even scream as she felt her body fall backwards, as if the world was spinning around her.


She barely registered the worried cries of her brother as she gasped and twitched, before all she could see was endless darkness. But even in the cocoon of the darkness that she so welcomed over the cramping in her body, especially her stomach, she still felt as though she was being ripped and reattached, then ripped and reattached all over again and again.

A never ending cycle where pain clutched onto her mind, never loosening its grip.

But then it stopped.



And no pain.

A large contradiction to how she felt earlier. She didn't mind. She welcomed it all the more as her mind failed her.

At first, she thought she was dreaming. Why? Because when she opened her eyes, a furry, large fox came into her view. It's golden eyes with a deeper shade of golden pupils stared down at her, widening as she openly stared back.

Since it seemed like a dream, she did not spare another moment before she giggled enthusiastically and flung her...pudgy, tiny arms?

She blinked, startled, taken aback, horrified, until it dawned to her that those tiny clamped hands raised above her were hers.

"Mmubublupup -" she clamped her mouth shut at the unintelligible sounds escaping her mouth.

She did not need her big brother popping out in her head and telling her to wake up and stop disillusioning herself. But what could she do? If she wanted to move her very short arm to the left, it went to the left. To the right? It went to the right. To her mouth? She suckled onto it.

With great determination, she bit onto her fat fingers. Good thing she seemed to at least have two front baby teeths. Bad thing about it was, it drew blood and...pain. Before she knew it, a frightened scream escaped her mouth and fat tears dripped out from her eyes, the fox completely ignored.

"KI-IRO! Damn you! I left only for a second and this is what I find? What did you do, you twit!" a bellowing voice shouted, but Himawari's screams and cries did not even dwindle from the sudden powerful voice.

Above Himawari, too caught up in her realization, the yellow kitsune called Ki-iro glowered at the snow-white kitsune who flicked her four-tails and slap him on the face with it.

"The hell, Shiro!?" Ki-iro growled, but he backed away, no longer sticking his face at the bundle on the ground. "I was only trying to see if the human babe woke up, and guess what, she did and she started flailing around by herself."

"Of course she will! With that face of yours, no one will be happy having an ugly face staring down on them. Move!"

A pop resounded around them as the sudden appearance of smoke evaporated away, only to reveal a white-haired woman. Himawari felt her body lift as arms gently wrapped around her. Her throat became dry and her crying finally lowered down a timber, followed now by heavy hiccups as she roamed her eyes around her.

By this, she came face to face with bright golden eyes, much like what she saw earlier, but more human than fox. And this one was looking at her fondly, with a small smile playing on her lips.

"Hey, there, kit," she said, softly. A palm rubbed circles on her back and the action painfully reminded her of her Mama who would rub her back when she had trouble sleeping at night. "It's okay, no need to be frightened. No one's going to hurt you."

HImawari's stressed mind seemed to relax from the encouragement dripping off from the stranger. And, to be honest, she knew she was fine because earlier,she had felt a warm presence envelope her when she was overwhelmed by the fear of feeling lost and confused.

She did not know who or what that was, but it felt warm and familiar, exactly what she needed right now.

Himawari cherished the gentle arms cradling her. When the woman lifted her to a more comfortable position, she finally got a look at her surroundings. The place looked too fantastical to be real.

There were trees filtered in various colors; gold, orange, red, pink and violet, and the barks were uniformly white. From the woman's right sat a yellow-furred kitsune with its...his three-tails curved around him, chest puffed out, golden eyes lowered as if immersed in his own thoughts.

"I think she'll eventually need human parents," the she-kitsune turned human, Shiro, said.

"I thought you will never bring that up," Ki-iro replied, "but no human deserves to rear the kyuubi no kitsune's kit."

Himawari had no idea what they were talking about, but she persevered in listening because she knew that whatever decision would be made, it would affect her greatly. She may only be seven within and a baby in body, but she could at least understand some things even though some facts were making her head heavy.

She knew this was place was real and not a fiction of her imagination, no matter how strong and vivid her imaginations were. And being called the kit of the Kyuubi, as her Papa had once called the bijuu as Kurama, made her want to ask why.

Why would they say that? Why were they talking about giving her to people? Most importantly, why was she here? And why was she a baby?

"Giving her to a civilian family when the shinobi clans are at war is like giving her to a butcher." Shiro's lips flattened at her own words.

"You're not saying we're going to let a shinobi take care of her, are you!?" Ki-iro growled, flashing his set of canines as he bristled at the thought.

"Then what do you prefer, you dumbass?" Shiro snapped. "We're kitsunes! She's a human and a baby at that! Do you think she'll live past two winters before she's killed by the ever elusive weather? Or do you think civilians can win against shinobi?"


"If she's with a shinobi clan, seeing that the kit is a girl, and knowing how protective the clans are with their women, she might live long enough for us to safely take her back from the humans when she's in the right age and explain the things Gamabunta from Mountain of Myobuko has prophecied." Shiro slowly crouched down and sat comfortably on the grass.

"And who will this clan be then? Scratch the Hyuugas, their traditions are held closer to their hearts than their kin."

Hearing her Mama's clan name, Himawari's baby blue eyes shot open.

"The Uchiha's are known for their love, but they're a double-edged sword. With them feeling their emotions stronger than other clans, I have trouble considering them."

And with another familiar clan name mentioned, Himawari let out a relieved sigh in her mind. Listening to kitsunes decide who she would be adopted to, worried her to no end. But, it seemed like the family they were choosing from were actually family, so she felt immensely relieved. Their opinions of her families did not ease her worries completely though.

"Then don't," Ki-iro said as he flopped his chin down on his crossed fore-paws.

"It has to be a strong clan, away from the Clan Wars," Shiro mused. "The Uzumakis seem -"

"Stop. Right. There." Ki-iro abruptly stood up as his eyes flashed in hatred. "Don't even think about it, Shiro. How could you suggest a clan who doesn't let kitsunes sink a single paw in their land! We're sealed before we could even reach an Uzumaki family for the babe."

Himawari tried, wanted, and needed to speak. The two kitsunes had been shooting familiar names here and there and catching her own last name in their conversations. She did not know if she wanted to cry in joy or sorrow. To her disappointment, none of the two spared her incoherent baby talks a chance.

"I heard the Senjus are rolling in momentum and has been identified as one of the two strongest in the Fire country," Shiro said, her voice careful as she met Ki-iro's glare head on. "Even if they are at war, they are at least powerful enough to remain one of the strongest for years."

"You can't be serious."

"I am and we can watch over her if she crosses the borders or if she's outside the Senju compound. If any of the Senju's enemies sneaks into their land, we kill them. Simple."

Shiro and Ki-iro stared at each other, until Ki-iro sighed and looked away, saying, "Fine."

Shiro smiled wryly as Himawari gripped her collar, shaking her pudgy arm as if asking for attention. "Don't worry, kit, we'll make sure you get a great family."

Himawari did not want another great family. She already had one and there was no family that could compare to them. She really, really wanted to go home now. But, no, she was going to be shipped off in a world that was starting to scare her out of her wit.

This is my first time writing naruto fanfiction and I hope this chapter intrigues you all. I never wrote any fanfiction in my life. This, being my first, has been inspired by the short scene of Naruto's Inauguration.

I love Naruto's character, but I adore his daughter, Himawari! I'm just sad that the Boruto series only shows seconds or short minutes of Himawari, main or background, it feels short. I can't get enough. I want more!

And a month ago, I got hooked with fanfictions of time-travel to the Warring States era. Then I got this crazy idea of sending a clueless adorable Hima-chan to that awful era of death and gore. No worries though, Himawari will still glow brightly as the sun, just like her Papa.

*Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto (we all know that). It is all Master Kishimito's work.*

Do review! I am open to all ideas and criticism.