Well, here it is folks. The finale. The epilogue.

This story is now complete but Azula's story most certainly is not. Many of you already know this, but a sequel is in the works which I will likely be published in the spring. I can't wait for guys to read it and go on the next stage of our favorite princess's journey.

I'd also like to give a huge shoutout and thank you to every one of you who read, reviewed, favorited, followed, etc. Not once in a million years did I dream this fic would get this level of success, especially in an age of smartphones and are not as inclined to review. It means the world to me you supported my writing. And this was by far my most favorite story to write.

I also owe that to the creators Bryan Konietzko and Michael DiMartino. Fanfiction is often as strong as the world that was created in the first place, and ATLA is one of the best damn shows ever written. The fact that a villain like Azula became multi dimensional in the first place is a credit to them and their creativity.

One last round of reviews:)

Also a sneakpeak of the next story- It will be called 'Mother's Love'.

Matheus Bezerra de Lima- This has been one of the most rewarding things I've ever done. I'm glad you enjoyed it as well:) You are correct, this is actually the beginning not the end. You will get your sparring scenes I promise xD

AzureTemplar3535- Well I hope this epilogue is much more to your liking. You've been with this story since day 1. Thank you again.

Guest- Indeed, what a ride it has been. Thank you for your reviews and support. I have read the comics set after the series and I think they're pretty solid for the most part but there are flaws as it is with most things. I will definitely check out that reddit user you spoke of. See you for the sequel!

FeelthePainofPropane- Love your username btw. Thank YOU for reading and reviewing. I'm glad you enjoyed it:)

abracursix- Thank you! You gotta give a happy ending for a story this heartfelt. Although I don't think Azula's happy ending has come just yet.

hopelessromantic34- Haha thank you.

GNTR96- Indeed you will see me soon, my friend. Thank you as always.

M- That was my intent all along haha you can't change her personality, but you can change how she views the world and the capacity to think of other people besides herself. I personally loved that interaction she had with Toph last chapter xD See you for the sequel!

N3phyts- I gave a direct response to your review which I will note you did not respond to. Of course, you are free to have your opinion.

mdelau4- Zuko and Azula need each other above all else. I wanted that to be one of the themes of the story and I'm glad you caught on to it. When you read this chapter your suspicions will be confirmed about Ursa. Also I promise to include some sparring scenes in the sequels.

serendipitymadness- Everyone had a role and fitting them all into this battle was a bit tricky at first. Since this is from Azula's POV I elected not to include the scene where Aang takes away Ozai's bending but I digress. The lightning was the most emotional scene for me to write because it really has Azula come full circle- she cares about and loves her brother and will do anything to defend him. I thank you for your continued support:)

The Rhombus- Your hypothesis about Azula's role is very accurate. As a young ruler, Zuko doesn't have the stomach quite yet to do what must be done as a monarch. Azula serves that purpose and she will serve it well. Her instincts are now combined with knowing what it means to love someone unconditionally and have actual friends. Though her journey is not quite over yet.

UnOriginal2Tall- Oh yeah she's going to be an advisor and much more. Zuko needs her now more than ever. They definitely compliment each other well now. And I know we had this discussion already but I actually do think personality wise, Sokka is a good match for her. But there are other problems which I will need to sort whether or not it's plausible. Thanks man for reviewing.

And that's it:) Thank you guys. I will see you all soon for the sequel

Chapter 28. The New Journey Begins

Two weeks later

Ba Sing Se was a picturesque view of tranquility- boys were earthbending a rock around a heap of Fire Nation tanks, men and women were out and about once more enjoying the latest fashion and cuisine the city had to offer. Perhaps most beautiful of all was the evening sky, a vast array of color that contained violet, orange, red, and pink against a backdrop of deep blue. The Earth Kingdom was under the banner of freedom and its citizens were enjoying every moment of their regained autonomy.

Speaking of the Earth Kingdom, it was also the gathering place for Team Avatar on this wondrous day. The recently reinstated Earth King Kuei had invited Fire Lord Zuko on a formal state visit and there was much to be discussed- reparations, the return of territory, the fate of the colonies- but Iroh had invited his nephew to tea after official business was concluded. What originally had been planned as a casual meet up became something of a reunion. The Avatar would be there, and he had invited Katara, Sokka and Toph. Suki and Ty Lee, who were now employed as the Fire Lord's bodyguards were also keen on going. Mai, the official consort held no objection. The only one who took some convincing was Azula.

The princess wasn't much in the mood for a party, preferring to focus on her work as the top advisor and confidant of the Fire Lord, as well as the head of his council. Not the most enjoyable job at times to be sure, but at least it provided some measure of focus that she had struggled to find since the end of the war.

To say it took mere 'convincing' was an understatement. Zuko had insisted she accompany him on his trip to the Earth Kingdom and he practically had to invoke his powers as monarch so she would comply. As for the gathering, she had flat out refused until Ty Lee coaxed her into it using the usual bubbly charm the princess always carried a soft spot for.

And so, she found herself inside Uncle Iroh's tea shop, adorned in garish Earth Kingdom green, taking in the joyful scene. Iroh played the tsungi horn, while Zuko passed out tea to everyone (he was really getting quite good at brewing it). Aang played with Momo, while Suki, Mai, Ty Lee, and Katara were in the middle of a friendly game of Pai Sho.

Yes, it was quite the engagement. Except Azula felt no happiness herself. The same unpleasant emptiness that had been there during the coronation had lingered and only increased as time passed by.

"Zuko, stop moving!" Sokka yelled. "I'm trying to capture the moment!"

When everyone gave him a puzzling look he explained more calmly.

"I wanted to do a painting, so we always remember the good times together."

"That's very thoughtful of you, Sokka," his sister complimented, though her face turned into a confused frown when she took a peek at the portrait.

"Wait, why did you give me Momo's ears?"

"Those are your hair loopies," Sokka countered.

Everyone else came over to have a look and it became evident that despite the water tribesman's improvement as a warrior his skill as an artist left much to be desired.

"At least you don't look like a boar-q-pine. My hair is not that spiky," Zuko complained.

"I look like a man," Mai droned.

"And why did you paint me firebending?" Suki pointed out.

"I thought it looked more exciting that way."

The lemur jumped up on the table, chattering away, nearly spilling the ink.

"Oh, you think you can do a better job, Momo?"

Azula wasn't paying attention. Not really anyway. It was nothing against those in the room whom she had come to respect, even care about, but she needed a moment alone away from the banter.

Sipping her tea, she set it down before excusing herself silently heading outside onto the deck, only partially hearing Iroh's protests.

"Hey, my belly's not that big anymore. I've really trimmed down."

"Well I think you all look perfect," Toph joked.

The voices faded away as she exited and rested her still healing arm onto the railing. Leaning forward, she ignored the slight twinge in her back. Her physical health improved every day, but there were some injuries that time alone could not heal. There was something missing and she knew the sore spot that was currently causing the distress.

Images of her mother popped into her mind, except this time, they weren't hallucinations or delusions. Merely memories in the form of deep longing, desire, and profound sadness.

I love you Azula, I do

Oh, how she wanted to believe that. She really did. But knowing that the real Lady Ursa was out there somewhere, alive in some begotten village or backwards town incited an incredible degree of restlessness in the princess. Katara had embarked on a journey to find her own mother's murderer to gain closure, but with the knowledge that she was already dead. That road was defined by revenge and the princess already knew what that entailed.

Azula had wanted to kill her father, but that was not the case with her mother.

She needed to seek her out. They needed to talk.


She gave a huge sigh.

I should have known Ty Lee would have figured out something was wrong

"Hello, Ty Lee."

"I thought I might find you out here."

"Did you, now?"

In the corner of her eye, she saw her friend stand beside her gazing at the same sunset she did.

"You know I can always tell when something's bothering you."

"Is it that obvious now?"

"You haven't said a word all afternoon. You could at least pretend you're enjoying yourself," Ty Lee half joked. But it soon became apparent that her friend was beyond the reach of humor.

"Are you thinking about…her?" she inquired gently.

"What difference would it make if I was? It doesn't matter," the princess replied bitterly.

"It matters," the former acrobat asserted. "In fact, it matters more than ever. Remember what I said to you awhile back: when a box is opened, you can't put in what you took out."

"I suppose not," Azula admitted. "Even if I could, there's no going back to what I was before. I don't want that."

"What do you want?" Ty Lee asked, although she already had an idea of the answer.

Before she could reply however, Zuko walked in on the conversation knowing full well what was going on.

"So…Aang and Katara are a couple now. But I couldn't help but notice you weren't having such a great time back there," he said.

Fire Lord though he was, Zuko held no illusions of pretentiousness when it came to matters outside of running the state. His hair was free from its formal top bun and his body posture indicated warmth and understanding.

"It's not anyone's fault," Azula said as Ty Lee nodded towards her brother. The two, though vastly different in temperament, recognized what troubled the princess.

"I know. You're thinking about mom."

It wasn't a question.

"Quite astute."

Zuko joined them on the railing, with Ty Lee briefly hugging her friend before allowing the conversation to continue.

"I've been visiting dad lately in his cell."


The Fire Lord shook his head in disappointment.

"No luck. He won't say anything. The best I've been able to get out of him are vague hints that don't give away much."

"He's hiding something."

"No doubt," Zuko agreed. "But it doesn't mean much until I can get him to reveal more."

A flash of anger sped through Azula's heart imagining the man in his cold, dark cell, a shadow of his former self, wasting away to nothing to the end of his days. A cruel fate perhaps, but still more than he deserved.

"How do we know we can even find her?"

"Because she wasn't killed, Azula," her brother insisted with confidence. "Only banished. She went some place and we're going to find out where."

The princess turned and saw Ty Lee nod determinedly at her, the normally bubbly features aligned with care and concern.

Turning back to Zuko, she found he had a similar expression.

"You know I'm just as desperate to find her. We both need this. And we'll do it together."

Azula turned back towards the evening sun, which was fading just behind the dark purple fluffy clouds in the west. Zuko was right, they did need this. Especially if they wanted genuine peace of mind.

As a light breeze whisked through her hair, she could sense the homeland beckon back to her with its call.

There was one more journey yet to take

The End