"He's being a drama queen," Bakugo said angrily as he watched over Izuku's sleeping body. "He only lost a few pints of blood. He'll be back on his feet in no time." Choosing to downplay the severity of the issue to not admit how worried he is.

Mitsuki gently rubbed her son's shoulders, comforting him as she knew this would be a difficult time for him. She'd seen the aftermath of some of Izuku's fights and the scrapes and bruises he got from them, but this was different. Izuku had never been this injured nor had a fight been that close to him losing before.

"I hope he burns in Hell," Katsuki grumbled as he thought about the man who managed to leave his best friend in that state.

"I don't think the fires of Hell could burn him like Izuku did," Mitsuki sighed, she'd seen the charred body of Stain as they wheeled him into the ICU. Izuku had left the bastard in critical condition and the doctors needed to stabilize him in the hopes of the heroes getting any kind of information out of the serial killer, however Mitsuki didn't particularly care if Stain lived or died, she only worried about Izuku.

The sound of knocking pulled the family out of their thoughts. "Hey, so uh," Setsuna said as she stepped into the room, followed by Reiko who peered at Izuku's resting body. "I just wanted to see if he was up, you know, thank him for the, yeah," she trailed off as she saw that the young man was hooked up to quite a number of machines.

"Is he going to be okay," Reiko demurely asked from behind the other girl.

"Young Midoriya will make a full recovery," All Might said as he stepped into the room, his mountainous form blocking the doorway. "He is made of the strongest material in the world, heroism," the number one hero proudly stated.

The room blinked for a moment before snickering at the over the topness that was All Might. "Thank you All Might," Mitsuki giggled as she looked back at Izuku with a smile. "We needed that."

"Needed what," he said confused as he didn't understand that they thought he was doing a bit.

"Hmm," Nezu hummed as he read the chart, no one seeing him enter the room behind All Might. "Well, we will allow him a few days time to recover," the principal nodded. "He should be back to school on Friday."

"Isn't that too soon," Mitsuki questioned, unsure about Izuku being up and about so soon after such a perilous fight.

"I'll be fine Aunt Mitsuki," Izuku groaned as he opened his eyes. "I've had worse," he said as he winced sitting up.

"Oh no you have not mister," Mitsuki said as she gently but firmly pushed him back into the bed. "You get some rest," she ordered him. "Please," she softly added.

"Fine," Izuku grunted as he lay back in the sheets and closed his eyes.

In a bar across the country, two villains who had previously broken into U.A. earlier that day were watching the evening news. "This could complicate matters," Kurogiri commented as he watched the explosion of fire coming from the infamous teen.

"Yes, if he's not contained our plan could fall apart," Shigaraki agreed. "The boy is known to train with All Might, so if we don't take him out early he could interfere."

"Kurogiri are you capable of dumping him into the flood zone?" A voice on the television asked. "Anywhere else will allow him too much of a chance to recover, not even broaching the outright disaster of him being deposited in the conflagration zone."

"Yes, however sir," Kurogiri nodded. "If I focus on ensuring where he goes, I will not have enough control over the rest and they may end up in more favorable matchups."

"That is unfortunate but acceptable, Izuku Midoriya has too much power to leave to random chance," the voice responded as the screen flickered off.

Shigaraki swirled his drink around before he killed it off. "I think we can gather enough people who'd like to get some revenge on the hero child." He chuckled darkly as he walked out of the bar into the night.

Izuku sighed as he saw the myriad of looks and glances he received from other riders on the train. They were constantly looking up from their phones and pointing at the bandages on his face and arms. He had seen the news reports all breaking down his fight, the implications of a battle with a known and wanted serial killer and comments from other pro-heroes. He'd been used to the stares before, but now people seemed to be cheering him on.

"Hey Midoriya, amazing job stopping that madman," A pair of businessmen said as they gave him a thumbs up.

"Oh gosh, he's so strong," some younger girls squealed as they ran past him.

'It feels nice to be appreciated,' Izuku hummed to himself as he walked along the campus thanking people who patted him on the back and nodding at the greetings.

"Holy shit, he's walking around," Kaminari called out as he saw Izuku step into the 1-A classroom.

"Dude that was the manliest thing I have ever seen in my life," Kirishima said as he rushed over to Izuku.

Before he could get crowded out by his eager classmates, Izuku raised his hands. "Guys, it's not that big of a deal, it's just another villain and we're all training to do this stuff anyway," he said trying to downplay his work.

"Hardly," Jirou rolled her eyes. "You've got a track record and this wasn't just some debut villain, this was the 'Hero Killer'," she airquoted. "This guy has confirmed kills on some high ranking pro's."

"I mean, yeah it was pretty close," Izuku rubbed the back of his head. "I got really lucky that Setsuna, Reiko and Kacchan were there to help."

"Fucker, if we weren't there in the first place, you'd have wasted him in a second flat," Katsuki snarled as he shoved past his friend.

Aizawa stepped in and sighed, he and the rest of the staff had been expecting a bit more energy when Midoriya returned and was willing to cut the class some slack. "That's a good mentality Midoriya," Aizawa said as he stepped to the front of the room. "There's no use getting a big head about any of this. But, your classmates are right, you did good. There are a lot of pro's who are feeling a lot more confident and safe knowing that Stain, or Stendhal as he was know when he was acting as a vigilante before he seemed to go off the deep end, is now under lock down."

"However, as much as we'd all like to spend the day chatting we have important announcements to make." Aizawa wrote on the board for the days lesson. "We're having a special Hero Course lesson based on rescue tactics later today, it will be off campus so you will likely be back later than normal."

"Rescue training." Uraraka's eyes lit up at hearing they would be doing some work on her favorite aspect of hero work. "Are we going to be working with Thirteen?" she inquired eagerly.

"Yes, along with All Might," Aizawa answered, unaware that All Might would be running late. "This lesson is to help you find ways to use your quirks as a means of saving others, rather than fighting villains."

Izuku slumped into his seat to be a bit more comfortable, as his abdomen was still wrapped in bandages, he figured that if All Might was leading the class it wouldn't be too terrible for him to participate.

Sitting on the bus as the students chatted happily with each other. "So have you a lot of practice with rescue Midoriya," Tsuyu asked.

"Hmm," Izuku shook his head as he was starting to doze off. "Um, no not really, I don't do a lot of rescue or cleaning up, I mostly just do the fighting," he answered as he tried to recall the last time he was called to rescue someone.

"So we'll be on even ground with you then," Sero mused as he thought about how his quirk might be better suited for rescue than Izuku's fire.

"We're here," Aizawa called out as the students disembarked the bus.

"Are you ready Kurogiri, if you fail the entire plan can fall apart," Shigaraki said as he checked with his subordinate to ensure the scheme would work.

"Yes, I have the coordinates, I will just need to isolate him, so I'll have to see where he is," Kurogiri nodded.

"Good, let's move," Shigaraki said as he stepped out of the warp gate and into the complex.

"I fucking hate this claaaaaasss!" Izuku shouted as he splashed down in the water. 'stupid fucking kacchan,' Izuku mentally swore at his friend. 'Had to attack the bad guy right off the bat. Couldn't have just let Thirteen deal with the situation,' he frowned as he started to swim towards the surface only to see movement around him in the water.

"Haha, there he is," a shark headed villain exclaimed. "And since he's underwater, he can't use his all powerful fire. Easy pickings. Say goodbye hero," the villain cackled as he opened his mouth to take a bite out of Izuku.

"Goodbye hero," Tsuyu answered as she planted her feet on the villains cheek and kicked him aside. "Kero," she ribbited as she wrapped her tongue around Izuku and pulled him away from the swarming villains.

"Oh my gosh," Mineta squirmed on the deck as Tsuyu and Izuku caught there breath. "We're all going to die. And the strongest kid in class can't even use his quirk because of all the water." He panicked as the villains circled the boat, menacingly.

"That is IT!" Izuku roared angrily as he stomped towards the side of the deck. "I have had it with fucking villains this week," he said as he raised his hands as flames snaked off his body and floated above him creating an orb. "Bigger, bigger, bigger," he shouted as the orb started to massively increase in size, looking more like a miniature sun. "Burn," he declared as he flung the ball into the lake. "Cruel Sun."

Everyone in the center of the complex, felt the heat and saw the bright shining light coming from the lake, as the villains trembled knowing that Izuku Midoriya was not playing around any more. The sounds of the aquatic villains screaming in agony as they were flash boiled in the water, were soon drowned out by the hiss of an entire lakes worth of water being turned into steam. The large ship slowly sank into the muck as Tsuyu and Mineta looked over the carnage, most of the villains were harshly burned by the boiling water and the steam wasn't helping, but they were alive, if barely.

Stepping out of the steaming lake bed that use to be filled with water, Izuku locked eyes with the villains who were battling his teacher. "Leave, now," he ordered only to watch as many villains scattered to get away from the angry teen.

"Well, that is unfortunate," Shigaraki sighed. "Nomu, put down the toy, break the boy," he commanded only for the Nomu to be engulfed in flames, letting out a hellish screech as the fire consumed him.

Bakugo saw the plume of fire a moment before they hit the ruin zone, giving him enough time to pull Kirishima around a corner to avoid being consumed by the intense heat. "Good news, Izuku's not holding back," he chuckled to Kirishima. "Bad news, Izuku's not holding back."

The Nomu's further blackened and charred skin cracked as he stomped forward out of the fire.

"Huh, normally they go down after that," Izuku said surprised that his opponent was still able to move.

"That's because of his super regeneration quirk, even you can't bring him down," Shigraki barked out a laugh before ducking under a burst of fire from Izuku's palm. "Fine, Kurogiri, plan failed, we're leaving. Nomu, rampage," he ordered as he stepped into the warp gate.

Izuku formed two balls of fire in his hands that he hurled at the charging beast which seemed to shrug off the burns as it slammed into his chest, sending him rocketing back towards the steps that lead to the entrance.

"Holy shit, that thing is fighting Midoriya," Mina called out as she saw Izuku furhter down the stairs. "Kick it's ass," Mina loudly shouted encouragement down to him.

As Izuku pulled himself out of the cracks in the ground he could hear his classmates cheering him on. "No, no, please, don't anyone fucking help me," he hissed in annoyance as he pumped his flames near his feet to boost his speed. Propelling himself towards the Nomu, Izuku ducked low and showered the beast in more fire.

However the Nomu powered through the pain and roughly grabbed Izuku's leg, breaking it. Izuku let out a scream of pain before the Nomu flung him back towards the fountain where he rolled to a stop next to Aizawa. "He-hey sensei," Izuku coughed out. "Kind of getting my ass kicked, again," Izuku chuckled. As his teacher lay on the ground unable to move from his own broken bones.

"If we get out of this, we're going for drinks," Aizawa laughed lightly, trying to not let what seemed like a losing battle get to him.

"Deal," Izuku groaned as he pushed himself up and hissed. "I am going to get so many infections from the lake," he muttered to himself as he tried to slowly hobble back towards the Nomu.

Izuku was prepared to gamble it all in one last attack and see what happened, which would have drained him of energy when suddenly the beast was half encased in ice. "Todoroki?!" Izuku said in shock as he turned to see one of the other recommendation students arrive.

"I had been interrogating the villains I had captured when I saw your impressive display by the lake, so I realized that you might need more help," Shoko coldly said. "Seems I was right."

"Yeah, not looking too hot right now," Izuku chuckled at his pun. "Kind of running on empty."

"You require more fire do you not?" She asked, as she realized that even someone like Izuku has limits.

"Pretty much, I'm too tired to make my own flames," Izuku said as he was barely able to make enough to light a cigar.

Internally Shoko was struggling, she promised never to use that man's quirk, but Izuku needed the power boost and she was still going strong. "I, I'll give you fire," she said as she raised her other hand, keeping her right side ready to freeze more of the Nomu if it moved.

Izuku felt a calming warmth as he absorbed Shoko's fire, yet at the same time it was cold. Nonetheless the Nomu had ripped off half of it's body to free itself. "Well I'm ready, how about you," Izuku winked at Shoko.

"Let's bring this beast down," Shoko said as she encased the monster in another glacier. However what they didn't realize was that when the fire Izuku shot at the beast, connected with the air that was rapidly decreasing in temperature, it reacted and created an explosion that rocked the entire building.

"Whoops," Izuku laughed as he lay on the ground again. "Well now we know not to do that again," Izuku said as he sat up. "Also that thing is dealt with," he commented as he looked at the crater where the Nomu had been standing, it's limbs currently scattered as the main body twitched as it slowly began to regenerate. "I hope," he muttered as he wasn't prepared for another round. Suddenly he felt a weight on his lower body, it seems that in the explosion, Shoko had been knocked towards him and she was draped over his lap.

"Fucker," Bakugo shouted as he hurried over to his friend. "I cause explosions, not you," he pointed his finger down in his friend's face.

"Sorry Kacchan, also my leg is broken, can I get some help," he asked as he looked up with a smarmy grin.

"Mom is going to be so pissed when she hears about this," Katsuki grumbled as he helped get Shoko off his friend to get him up.

"I mean, it's not like I planned this," Izuku shrugged as he limped back to the stairs.

"We are here," the other teachers announced as they arrived on the scene.

"Yeah, cavalry is here, about damn time," Izuku grumbled. "I'm apparently get pretty pissy after being dumped in a lake." he realized as he hobbled over to the exit.

As the class rode the bus back, excited that they got to fight real villains, Katsuki coughed loudly. "I'm sorry," he said.

"What did you say?" Jirou questioned as she had heard him.

"I said I was sorry, I shouldn't have jumped in, if I didn't then Thirteen would have sucked up that warp guy and we all would have been fine," Katsuki sighed as he realized he had made the situation worse by acting rashly.

"Ehh could have been worse," Izuku shrugged as he lay in the back of the bus. "Wow Momo these painkillers you made, are amazing," he said deliriously as he closed his eyes and rested.

"Just don't take too many of them," she advised as she continued to make more bandages for her classmates to cover up their scrapes and bruises.

"So," Aizawa said as he sat at the front of the bus. "You've all seen the real deal, how do you feel about being heroes now?" he probed his students for their feelings on their prospective careers.

"It was scary," Mineta shivered.

Uraraka nodded. "It was way too close at times."

"I've been getting my ass kicked a lot," Izuku mumbled from the back.

"So do any of you want to quit?" Azaiwa asked.

"HELL NO!" The 1-A class loudly declared in unison.

"Good answer brats," Aizawa smirked, proud of his students for coming out of this stronger than when they came in.