She needed to take her mind off the night king. Off everything. She never wanted to be a hero, only wanted to live in the shadows and make anyone that opposed her family pay.

Revenge. That is what she lived for.

Trained with the faceless men only for one thing.


Emotions were beaten out of her by the faceless men, or so she wanted to believe. Yet somehow, someone other than her family snuck into her heart.


Maybe it was because she thought of him as family? As her family, the one she offered all those years ago.

Maybe it was because he was the only person other than her family that truly did care for her. Truly love her.

She couldn't rap her head around it. The only thing that switched her mind off was training.

And so she did, whilst everyone was feasting and celebrating being alive she stood in the shadows, repeatedly shooting arrow after arrow, hitting the target over and over again.

She fired another arrow and it barely missed a certain boy looking for her.


"Don't shoot" he said, holding his hands up letting her know it was only him.

Oh how she felt happy yet nervous to see him again. They never got to be alone since that night before the dead came.

She was straight up petrified.

She looked into his eyes, she could tell by his mannerisms he was excited and nervous, basically had a spring in his step. He made his way over to her.

"It's night time, its freezing and everyone is celebrating. You should be celebrating with them"

Celebrating? The last thing she needed was to be praised constantly for ending a life. If she was praised every time she put a knife threw someone she would never get a break.

"I am celebrating" Was the only thing she could think of to say.

"Yeah I am too"

Arya subconsciously raised an eyebrow. He was hiding something.

"I'm not Gendry Rivers anymore, I am Gendry Baratheon, Lord of Storms end. By order of the queen."

What? Gendry is a lord now? Seven hells these few days have been too much to handle. She could barely suppress her shock, the only word she felt was fitting in this situation was "Congratulations"

He pulled her in for a kiss. Oh gods how she missed this. Being held by someone she loved, yet there was something in the back of her mind that kept poking her to feel as though something is wrong.

She opened her eyes as Gendry pulled away, he looked so serious it left her speechless. He parted his mouth as though he was about to spill the secrets of his life.

"I don't know how to be lord of anything, I hardly know how to use a fork"

She could feel the edge of her lip rise in a slight smile about to chuckle when he kept going.

"All I know is that you are beautiful, and I love you, and none of it would be worth anything if you're not with me. So be with me!"

Seven hells he was too adorable for her to handle. He was like a cute little toddler that just got a toy.

She knew what was happening, she didn't know whether to feel scared or happy. She couldn't conjure any words, only let him keep going.

He got down on one knee.

"Be my wife. Be the Lady of Storms End."

She couldn't take it, she knew she couldn't. The only thing she could do was kiss him. So she bent down to match his level and gave him all she had to offer in that very moment.

She rose to her feet, taking him with her and continuing the kiss.

She pulled back.

"You will be a wonderful lord, and any lady would be lucky to have you."

It broke her heart watching his smile fall, but she knew she had to do this. She has to finish what she started before she could commit to anything.

"But I'm not a Lady. I never have been. That's not me."

He pulled away from her. She could practically hear his heart break. She felt terrible. Her hands were trembling as she tried to suppress her emotions. How could she do this to him? She knew she had to and she knew it couldn't be helped, not until she had finished her mission.

She picked up her bow to continue shooting until she heard his voice crack.

"So what happened between us then? Did it mean nothing to you?"

She missed.

She missed her shot on the target.

He looked shocked but nothing could shock her more than what he just said.

"Nothing? Do you think that meant nothing to me?"

He stepped forward, "Then what did it mean to you if you won't even marry me?"

She grabbed his shirt and kissed him again, rough and wanting. She pulled away and cupped his face, his face warm in her hands.

"If you think giving you my first kiss and my virginity meant nothing to me you are dead wrong. I love you Gendry."

His eyes widened and his mouth parted, he stood frozen to the core. She had never told him she loved him. Never spoke about love really at all.

"If you love me then why won't you marry me?"

"If you love me then why don't you understand?" She retaliated

Gendry couldn't look more confused if he tried. She loved him and he loved her so why shouldn't they get married?

She took a few steps back, sighed and made direct eye contact.

"You don't know what I have done Gendry. The things I have seen. I have changed from that little girl you once knew. I have never wanted to be a lady… and now with what I have done… I could never be a lady anyway."

Gendry saw the pain hidden at the back of her beautiful eyes and he couldn't help himself.

"Arya… I know you probably don't want to tell me but those scars… how did you get them?"

Her eyes flickered over to her target, then strayed to her arrow that missed.

"Do you really want to know?"

His cold trembling hands reached out to grasp her tiny ones.

"Of course, I love you."

As much as she hated doing it she instinctively snatched his hand out of his.

"Do you? Do you really? Will you still love me after you hear about what I really am? Will you still love me Gendry? Me? A killer?"

He couldn't take any more of this. Her doubting herself. Why won't she understand how much he loves her?

He grasped her hand again, this time with more force ensuring she won't pull away. Tugging at her arm he embraced her in a soft hug.


"You don't know that"

"Oh I know, you killed the night king Arya! I know you have been through a lot, take your time and tell me when you are ready"

Putting her hands on his chest, she slowly pulled away and looked into his eyes and kissed him. The softest she has ever kissed him, as if she was saying goodbye.

"I went to Bravos to train as a faceless man, do you remember Jaqen h'ghar?"

All he could do was nod.

And so she began the messy details of everything. Her list, Killing Meryn Trant and the Freys, getting chased and stabbed for disobeying, wearing other faces to disguise herself. She told him everything.

Gendry couldn't believe what he heard.

"I knew you were strong and fiery when I first met you, but that was more than I expected"

Arya let out a lose chuckle watching him pace around the room.

"You cooked them in a pie and fed it to him! Arya I know this sounds crazy but how could I not love you? What you told me didn't change a thing I love you for who you are and nothing will change that. No magic changing faces, no slaughtering. Just you"

"So nothing changed?"

"Nothing" He confirmed as he ran up to kiss her but she stopped him with her index finger against his lips.

"This is me. This is who I have always been. A fighter, a warrior, a killer." She gently dropped her hand.

"I know Arya, and that is why I love you, I don't think I could show my feelings any more than I already have. Everything you have been through, I know it has scarred you but you can be free now. Free of all that pain, with me."

She glanced into his eyes and could see his body fuelled with desperation.

"Become Lady of Storm's End. We don't have to be proper lords and ladies. We can change history Arya! We- we could change Storms End and raise young warriors! We could train a whole new generation of fighters, some even being our children! After everything I have seen and everything you have been through, who gives a fuck anymore about how Lords and Ladies should behave? A title changes nothing Arya, being a Lady doesn't change who you are."

She slumped slightly and raised an eyebrow.

"Says the one who was so caught up about our different classes when I asked him to be my family."

His face paled and Arya broke into a laugh.

"I'm kidding"

"I should never have left you, I should have gone with you and accepted to be your family. But here we are! Fate bought us back together so we can finally be family Arya. Maybe even start our own…"

He gently cupped her cheek and let a tear fall from his own without him even realising.

"A family I never had…"

Arya's heart finally had it but she stood tall and confident. She knew what she had to do, and hopefully Gendry would understand.

"You are right… fate may have bought us together to become a family but now is not the right time. It wasn't for you when we were younger and the timing isn't right for me now. I am still young and have to complete my list, why should I settle down now? I fight and I kill. This is who I am, and I am not done fighting. I was born for a purpose, I have not yet completed that purpose."

He straightened his posture, he seemed to understand what she was saying.

"So… once you have completed your mission. Will you come back to me?"

She chuckled.

"I wouldn't technically say come back to you, my heart isn't going anyway, and it will never leave. If I survive… If I complete what I have to do and live. Let's just say I will marry you. Once all this is over I will be with you, just don't expect me to be a lady everyone wants me to be"

He couldn't help but let a laugh slip.

"But if I die Gendry, promise me you will live without me"

His eyes shot up, he looked like he was staring death in the face.

"Promise me you will rule Storm Ends as the lord you were meant to be."

His hands shook even more now, he finally realised he was crying.

"I told you… everything would mean nothing if I don't have you… I will go where ever you go. If you come back and don't want to be a lady then I won't be a lord, if you don't come back I will find you. I would die for you M'lady…"

Lifting her rough little hands she whipped away his tears and gave him a deep longing kiss. Grabbing her bow she began to leave their hideout.

"Where are you going?" Gendry called out to her composing himself.

"I am going to kill the Queen, I am going to finish my list." She stated simply still walking, not even bothering to face him.

"Right now? You are leaving already?"

Gendry shuffled over to her and embraced her from behind.

"If you truly love me Gendry, you will wait for me, as I waited for you… I love you"

She turned and gave him one last yearning kiss before leaving Gendry frozen solid, processing his actions with his love.

Read and Review! Hopefully our Babies get together after Arya has completed her list 3