Disclaimer: Big Hero 6 is owned by Disney Animation. This is the truth.

Disclaimer #2: Spoilers are not down below. That is a lie.

Chapter 10 – To Tell The Truth

"Soooo, how do you like my new new hat?"

"Umm..." Wasabi recoiled from Fred, who was sporting a brand new Tyrolean hat upon his head. Just like the tam o'shanter from yesterday, it was a hideous color of green, and a white feather was hanging off the brim. "Can I plead the fifth?"

"The fifth what?"

"Never mind."

Fred moved onto the next person, dramatically waving his arms in front of him. "Miss Honey Lemon, what about you? Does my hat excite you?"

"It's...very unique, Freddie!"

"Glad to hear it!"

Before he could even reach Go Go's station, her voice rang out loud enough for him to hear. "Don't even come over here, because you don't want to hear what I have to say."

"Fair enough!" Fred came to the last member of their group. "Baymax, my man! Do you dig it?"

"I do not see how someone can dig with a piece of clothing. It would be preferable if you used a shovel or a spade."

Before he could retort, the side door burst open, and a teen genius stomped their way into the room, fists clenched and eyes practically white with fury.

"Oh boy." Wasabi ducked behind his toolbox. "I've seen that look before."

"Hey, there's someone that will be honest with me!" Fred strode over to the newcomer, tipping his cap. "Can I get your opinion on-"

Their hand came down upon the brim, yanking it almost to the ground along with Fred.

"Aww." Go Go smirked. "I wanted to do that."

They stopped right in front of Honey Lemon's table, slapping both hands on the surface. The Latina looked up from her beaker to smile at the new arrival.

"Hi, Karmi."

"Where's Hiro!?"

"Oh, so you are actually looking for him this time?"

"Go Go, let me handle this," Honey Lemon said. She turned back to Karmi, who had steam pouring out of her ears. "Karmi, we actually haven't seen him for a few hours. After class, he said he had to go do something and left. He hasn't been around since."

"Are you sure?"

"Karmi." Honey Lemon continued to grin at her. "I'm not lying to you. I really don't know where he is."

Karmi stared at her for a moment, softening her gaze. She glanced over at Go Go, who shrugged her shoulders. "Hey, don't look at me. I don't know either."

She turned her head further to the right, her eyes now resting on the robot standing next to Go Go's station.

And then she got an idea.

"Hey, Baymax."

"Hello, Karmi."

She walked over to him, feigning ignorance. "You wouldn't happen to know where Hiro is, would you?"

"I can scan for Hiro, if you wish."

"That would be great, if you could. I need to talk to him."

Baymax's eyes glowed blue as his scan worked its magic. After a few seconds, they returned to normal. "Hiro is currently on campus, and can be found at this location." He brought up a map of SFIT, a large red arrow point at a very familiar spot.

"...I'm going to murder that boy."

Karmi sprinted off, throwing the doors open in the huff. Now free of her wrath, the four students looked at each other nervously.

"She's...not really going to kill him, is he?" Honey Lemon asked.

She's definitely going to kill me.

Hiro stood in place, waiting for the inevitable storm to come into the room. It was going to be tough, for sure, but this had gone on long enough.

This had to end.

He heard footsteps approach the automatic door. Oh boy. Here it comes.

The door slid open to reveal Karmi, her face red from anger and running around campus. She walked forward as the door closed behind her, trapping the two of them together...

In her lab.

"What game are you playing at, Genius Boy!?"

Yup, already starting off splendidly.

"Do you have any idea what-"

"Karmi...stop. Please."

"What did you just-"


The girl's face grew even more angry, but she stopped talking, staring daggers into his brain. At least she was quiet now.

"Five minutes. That's all I'm asking for. After five minutes, you can do whatever you want to me. Slap me, hit me, anything you can think of."

"...Fine." She walked over to her counter and turned the dial on her centrifuge. "You have five minutes. Go."

Hiro took a deep breath. Good thing he worked well under pressure. Maybe not this pressure, but he had to deal with it.

"I got into your lab because you didn't lock the door when you stormed out earlier. I was waiting for you to leave, and then I got in. I knew that the folder that I put underneath your door would make you go out looking for me. I didn't break into your lab...this time."

Karmi raised her eyebrow at him, but she didn't make a move to stop him.

"The folder, if you read it, contains everything that I know about Sycorax and the monster attacks that have been happening in the city. I can't tell you how I know this stuff, but it's all there."

Another deep breath, and he continued on. "There were two physical pieces of evidence that I didn't put in there. And that's these."

Karmi's eyes widened as two small discs were brought out of his pockets. Two very familiar discs...

"This one is the nanoreceptor you used on me when I overloaded the Nano-Dex in the garage," he said, holding up the one in his right hand. "This one (he shook his left hand) is a dermal patch that was found on the Hibagon that attacked the Golden Gate Bridge a couple of weeks ago. They have almost the exact same design; I checked the circuitry inside it. Someone used your tech to turn that man into a monster."


"I kept the disc because I implemented the tech into the Medi-Dex. It can be part of a back-up distribution center."


"I can't tell you how I found the disc that was on the Hibagon. I have...sources."

Hiro stepped forward, putting the disc from the bridge into her hand. "Karmi, I'm not going to try to convince you that Liv Amara is evil. You won't listen to me. But someone there is up to no good. And I'm not going to sit here and keep you in the dark any longer. You don't deserve that."

He shuffled back, maintaining his distance from her rigid body. "And now...for everything that's not in that folder."

"Wait, what are you-"

"Karmi, I still have two minutes left. I will shut up immediately after that. I promise."

She crossed her arms over her chest. "Fine."

A shaky sigh escaped his mouth. It would be easier if Karmi wasn't still glaring at him, but it would have to do.

"Karmi, I want you to know that throughout all of the stuff that's happened between us, I haven't thought any less of you. Every time we fight, every time we apologize, every time we argue again...I try to make myself understand that this is what happens when two people who are different come together."


"You're annoying, but you're persistent. You're loud, but you're powerful. You're a know-it-all, but you're one of the smartest people I know."

"Hiro, you don't have to say-"


Karmi stopped, seeing his face grow even more concentrated.

"I do."

Hiro straightened up, shoving his hands in his pockets to hide the shaking. "Karmi...you are one of the most frustrating people I have ever met in my life. But you're also one of the most amazing ones. And I'm going to tell you to your face...what I told you the other day in your hand. Because you deserve that much."

He looked at her straight in the eye.

"Karmi, no matter what happens between us...just know that you are still my friend. And I care about you too much to think otherwise."

The two teen geniuses stared at each other for a long time, not moving an inch. It wasn't until the centrifuge timer dinged that one of them made the first move.

"There. I said everything I needed to." Hiro closed his eyes. "Your turn. Do what you want."

The vibrations in the floor got more pronounced as Karmi walked up to him. She stopped right in front, and he could feel her breath come down on his forehead. He could only imagine what she was going to do. Maybe this time she would punch him in the face.

Yup, he felt the breeze of her arm go up his sleeve. Time to embrace the inevitable. He braced himself for the impact…

Karmi's hand came down lightly on his right cheek. She patted it once…

"That was for making me run around campus."


"That was for being an annoying braggart."

Three times.

"That was for being a general pain in my side."

Then she slowly put her arms around his neck, pulling him into her body.

"This is for believing in me, and for being my friend."

Pleasantly surprised, Hiro's hands made their way to her waist, completing the hug.

"And this?" Her head came parallel to his, the whisper rolling over his ear.

"This is for everything else."

Her lips came in contact for the briefest of moments with his left cheek, her hand on the other one to keep his head steady. You know, the head that was becoming increasing warm and flushed from what was happening.

"Karmi..." he muttered.

She brought her head back in front of him and returned her arms to her side. Her cheeks were still burning as she bent down to eye-level. "Now, can you do something for me?"

Hiro smiled. "Anything."

Her hand went up to his forehead, the middle finger and thumb together in her palm.

"Get out of my lab."


The sheer force of Karmi flicking her finger into his head caused Hiro to stumble back toward the entrance, the door automatically opening and shutting him out.

He found himself leaning against the far wall, staring at the closed door. He straightened himself back up as he rubbed his forehead, his neck still hot from what happened before that.

"Well...I guess I deserved that."

AUTHOR'S NOTE: And you guys thought this whole idea of mine was unplanned. Phase 2 of "Get Hiro and Karmi together"...done.

This final chapter, surprisingly, was the most difficult to write. Normally, the ideas for the chapters came to my head naturally when watching the episodes. Some came pretty quickly (Fair Play, They Hate…?), some took a little time (The Sass & The Curious, Not Out Of The Woods), and one took a very long time.

This one. Because I didn't really know what to do. Which is why I went to the old reliable Hiro/Karmi standby.

I feel like I did do a good variety of pairings, characters, and situations in these chapters. Yes, a lot of them are either entirely Hiro/Karmi or partially so, but again, that's what I like to think I do best.

I want to thank everyone who reviewed, favorited, and read this story, especially everyone who stuck in there through all ten chapters. As always, your support and excitement are the reasons why I continue writing.

So, you're probably wondering...what's next?

First of all, I have to catch up on sleep. It turns out if you want a consistent sleep schedule, don't make ten chapters in two weeks.

Two, I will be revisiting and finishing the final two chapters of Part-Time. It's only fair that Wasabi, Honey Lemon, & Fred get their stories done.

After that, I will be revealing my new story. It will be a slight change of pace from normal. It will have some romance in it. It will not be a Hiro/Karmi one (although I'll probably sneak something in there), and it will not be Go Go/Robbie.

Nah, I think it's about time I showed you a little more action, a little more adventure, and what I have in store for Wasabi and who I have as his potential romantic interest. And I highly doubt anyone will be able to Fathom at the start why I picked her.

Hmm. If only there was some sort of hint that I left in the last sentence. A title or something.

Read and review, if you like. Until next time, everyone.