Chapter 1

My heart races as I prepare myself for my first day of a new college. My morning alarm starts to ring on my bedside table, but I've already been up and pacing for the last 3 hours, anxious to start my first day with the feeling my heart could possibly come pounding out of my chest.

" Annie! Breakfast is ready" I hear my Dad call from the bottom of the stairs.

"Coming" I sound back as I move to my mirror to take in my appearance.

Do people dress the same here?

What if no one likes me?

What if I hate it here?

Are all panic ideas that run through my head as I look over my casual outfit, A simple white dress with a denim jacket and my white converse.

I pull my hair up into my usual low ponytail letting it fall to the middle of my back. Although most girls my age wear a ton of makeup, I, however, do not. Once I give myself a small confident nod into the mirror, I grab my white backpack from my bed and makes my way downstairs.

"Morning Dad" I smile giving him a small kiss to his cheek.

"Morning sweetheart, All excited for your first day?"

I give him the most nervous look and shakes my head, "I'm excited about classes, but I'm not exactly the most confident or most sociable person in the world when it comes to other college kids… what if they don't like me? They've already done one year here at campus, the friendship groups have already been made…" I sigh, "What if I don't fit in?".

"Oh sweetheart, I know it's daunting and scary but I promise you're going to be just fine…there's nothing not to love about you, Just keep your focus on your work and future and the rest will fall into place" He smiles reassuringly placing a kiss to the top of my head as he hands me a cup of tea. "Thanks, Dad" I move both my hands around the cup giving him a small smile as I take a sip.

After breakfast, I make my way down the road to College. As it's only a 15-minute walk from the house I decided against staying in the Dorms and staying with my Dad.

If it's even possible my heart starts to pound even more as it comes into view. I see groups of students walking around, Greeting each other, hugging each other after the summer break. Friendship groups already made as I said before, I bite my lip, shoving my earphones into my ears, letting the music calm my nerves.

Snow Patrol starts to play lightly into my head as I make my way across the street, focussing on my nerves I step out to cross the road, unable to see around the parked car, I edge out a little further before jumping for my life as a black Prius speeds its way around the corner before slamming the breaks on right in front of me. The wheels screeching against the ground as it comes to an immediate stop. I didn't think it was possible for my heart to pound any faster than it already was, but it happened. I stand there like a deer in the headlights as my chest rises and falls staring at the car that's barely centimetres away from my legs. I watch in slow motion as the car door opens a figure emerges, brows furrowed in anger, eyes slit in annoyance as his fist grips the top of his car.


His wheels? He cares about his wheels?

He almost just ran me over with the illegal speed he was driving and he's worried about his damn wheels?

My anger rises inside of me but my panic is still consuming my body as I look at him with worry. His stare is intense and I step back away from the car nervously muttering, "S.. ".

"Yeah, you fucking will be if I need new wheels! Look where you're damn going next time!" He starts to move back into his car as I hear him mumble, "Fucking stupid Freshman".

Freshman? FRESHMAN?!

Great first interaction Ana. I scold myself internally as I watch the car speed on. I continue to make my way up to the entrance, feeling even more agitated after my near-death experience before even making it through the doors.

As I see the reception sign in sight, I make my way over, playing my fingers together in front of me trying to calm my shaking hands, "Hi…I'm new here and I'm not too sure where I'm meant to be going?" The receptionist smiles as she takes my details before handing over my schedule and a map of the school. She starts to explain everything to me, My class numbers, my schedule, she briefly explains the map but it's so much to take in I'm barely remembering anything she said.

"Thank you…" I smile appreciatively anyway and I move down the corridor a little leaning against the wall to take a better look at my information.

Journalism, Room 128

English Literature, Room 50

During this time the Bell rings signalling first class and I realise I'm already late, I hate being late on a regular day, but today, it's my first day and I'm already making a bad impression by being late. I feel the panic run through my veins as I stare down at this stupid map in frustration. I can't figure out where the hell I'm meant to be going. I turn it to the left, I look down the hall. I turn it to the right and look down the hall. I even turn it upside down and look down the hall.

"This is useless" I grumble to myself sighing.

"Are you Anastasia?" A sweet voice behind me sounds and I turn to look. A girl, blonde hair cut short just below her shoulders, handbag on her elbow, binder against her chest, a bright smile on her face letting her lipstick glow.

I nod softly, "Yeah...I uhh… It's Ana" I smile softly at her.

"Perfect! I was hoping I'd meet you here! My names Kate, I'm student body president and I'll help you around" She smiles offering her hand, making my lips curl into a grateful smile. I take her hand shaking it thankfully.

"Oh my gosh, Thankyou…I never thought I'd find my classes, It's so big here compared to my last College" I say as she takes my schedule and she gives a small nod as she looks it over.

"English Lit and Journalism? Wow, girl, you've taken on some work" She smirks, "We have Journalism together as that's my major too, and when you're at English Lit, I'll be in business, so after that I can meet you and maybe give you a little tour of other things later during a free period?" She smiles handing me back my schedule.

"That sounds amazing, thank you so much" She links my arm with hers as we make our way down the hall.

This is weird, I think to myself.

I've never had someone be nice enough to take me under their wing before, but gladly, we walk into our first class. Luckily she manages to get us seats together and I'm starting to feel a little more at ease. First class goes by pretty quickly, they explain what we'll be doing through the semesters, I take notes with my new notepad and pens, they talk about the exams and essays and what will be expected of us, but before I've had time to really take it in the bell rings and Kate turns to smile at me as she starts packing away her things.

"First day is always pretty slow and lame, all the classes will be like this today, the usual what's expected of us, what we'll be doing blah blah" she laughs softly, "It kicks up a little further into the year" She smiles moving her handbag onto her elbow before slipping her arm through mine. "I'll walk you to your English Lit class before I head to business".

"Thank you, I really appreciate it".

"No need to thank me, I think we're going to be really good friends" She smiles.

Really? Friends?

I've never really had friends before. Not real ones anyway. I was always the nerdy one, The book worm. The person people would come to for homework help. Try to pay me to do their assignments, you know them, well, I was that girl.

We arrive at the door of my English Literature class pulling me from my old College thoughts.

"Here we are!" She smiles, "I'll meet you for the free period and show you around a little and then after that, we can head for some lunch, you can come and sit with us and meet the others" She smiles brightly.

"Sounds perfect, Thank you again for everything Kate you've been amazing, I'll see you later".

She makes her leave and I enter into the class. I scan the room looking for a spare seat and my heart drops as I see a similar face. Brows still furrowed in annoyance, as he sits there in a plain white t-shirt, jeans, converses and is slouched back into the chair as if someone has forced him to be here.

It's the guy that almost ran me over this morning. This is going to be a long class, I sigh to myself as I make my way through the rows of seats and deciding on one near the front, hoping not to gain attention from anyone. But as I walk towards my chosen spot, His eyes find me and narrow before looking away back to his iPhone screen.

What the hell is his problem?

He almost hit me! Not the other way around! I internally scream at myself but soon I calm myself as I pull out my notebook and pens, gaining a laugh from somewhere over my shoulder. I turn to look and I realise it's him.

He's laughing at me?

Apparently being prepared for a new college and a new class makes me a laughing stock, but honestly? I'm not bothered, clearly, he doesn't care about his education. I'll find a future with this major. He'll probably end up flipping burgers at a diner or something.

A woman soon enters the room moving to stand right at the front. A black formal dress. Very formal. Black shiny heels, which I swear are designer. Her blonde hair is perfectly shaped and her makeup immaculate.

"Good morning class, My name is Elena Lincoln as most of you already know, but we have a new student starting with us today" She looks at me with a smile and my cheek's blush a bright pink. I hate attention. I feel all eyes on me and I just want to crawl into a hole and die.

"Miss Steele, I hope you've settled in well so far", I nod slightly with a small nervous smile and I'm extremely thankful when she finally turns back to the whole class to begin the lecture.

It goes by quickly once again. The talk of Pride and Prejudice, Wuthering Heights and Northanger Abbey, excites me beyond explanation. I always figured I was born in the wrong era and I'm still an old fashioned girl at heart. I would willingly choose a life back in those days to living in this modern world now.

I'm Taken out of my daydream as the bell chimes through the room and I collect my things making my leave, only to find Kate waiting for me.

"Hey newbie, I finished early so figured I'd come to find you and show you around".

"Thanks, Kate" My smile grows.

"How was it?"

"It was good, Probably my favourite so far, I have such a love for the old fashioned books you know?" She smiles nodding in understanding and soon we're getting pushed apart as someone barges between us almost sending Kate backwards into the wall.

"Seriously Christian?! Why are you such an asshole?"

He simply laughs sarcastically and looks at Kate, "Why are you still such a stuck up bitch?"

He continues his walk up the hall, Kate rolls her eyes in frustration.

"He's such a jerk, That is Christian Grey, Don't expect to get friendly with him because it won't happen...Ever..."

I laugh shaking my head, "Oh don't worry I don't plan on it, he almost ran me over this morning" "Black Prius?" she says expectantly and I nod,

" Yeah, He came speeding around the corner and then blamed me...Told me I could have ruined his wheels", I gain a laugh from Kate and My smile grows as I laugh with her.

"He's a Dick and he will never ever change" She rolls her eyes linking our arms once again as we make our way through the halls. "He's my boyfriend's younger brother…. According to Elliot, he's always been an angry child and I guess that hasn't changed as he's got older either… Elliot also said that as a child he never used to speak, but now he's quite the confident asshole you've witnessed so far" She smirks teasingly making me giggle.

"All the girls swoon over him, something about the angry bad boy image they all seem to love…I don't see it myself but just pre-warning in case you catch the Christian fever too" She nudges me jokingly and I laugh.

"Oh my goodness, no way…Honestly, I find him a little intimidating… I guess if you're into that type..of guy I could see the attraction...but Definitely no swooning from me, I promise" I laugh as we walk with linked arms down the halls.


So for those of you that read my recent publishing 'Into You'. I decided to take it down and change it around a little for various reasons. I've had a few more Ideas that I wanted to include and decided to change some of the storyline. I hope this doesn't cause an issue and I hope my new publishing, for those that read the old version, will be just as great and I hope you continue to review, follow and enjoy this version.

For any new readers, welcome, I hope you enjoy! Please review with any likes, loves, concerns, criticisms. I appreciate all feedback and take advice on board willingly.
