Hey Guys. Thanks for joining me :).

This fic is heavily inspired by the Smallville tv show. Hopefully you've seen it, and if not go see it. Hyrule is in modern times and our hero Link(botw design) has superhero qualities. The genres are romance, action, adventure, humor to name a few. Also expect school life!

chapter 1: PILOT

In the quiet of space, a bunch of Meteor Rocks and a small space ship make their way towards earth. In a flower shop, a little girl is chanting spells as a young couple walks in.

It was in the afternoon on a fine autumn day when Rusl and his wife Uli made their way into the shop looking for Tulips.

" Hey Rusl! Uli! What can I get for you today?" the cashier, Jenny asked.

"Uh, We're looking for some Tulips Jen," Rusl said as he looked around the store in search of the flowers.

Jenny took a moment to think before she responded," could I interest you in some lilies, not sure if I have Tulips?"

Rusl chuckles, rubbing at the stubble on his chin, "Nah, Uli has her sights set on them."

"Sorry Jen," Uli told her.

"It's fine, just gotta find the most difficult flower." Jenny said as she went into the back of the shop.

Rusl and Uli waited at the register for Jenny to get back when they noticed the little girl in a fairy princess dress.

"Hey little one, what's your name?"

"Malon!" said the little girl with so much excitement. She then proceeded to twirl her fairy wand in her hand and pointed it towards Uli.

"You wanna make a wish," she adds. " It'll come true!"

Uli laughs and decides to play along with the child.

"Sure, I'll make a wish."

Rusl and Uli walked out the flower shop and off to their nearby truck. As Rusl is starting up the car he turns to his wife with a knowing, sad look.

"I know what you wished for.."

"I see a little face. It's all I ever wanted." she sighed out.

Rusl looks at his wife with sympathy before he turns his attention to the cheering crowd. Apparently Hateno High won again against Kakariko High.

"Too bad they haven't won against Hyrule Academy." Rusl says with a bit of disdain as he starts the truck up and drives. He drives down a couple of blocks and slows down at a yellow light. Adjacent to him in an electronic stores shows a couple of Tvs broadcasting news of an incoming meteor shower heading towards Castle Town and parts outside of it. However, this is unknown to Rusl as he drives past the light before it turns red.

Back in the town, the crowd that was once cheering, stops and looks up into the sky to see black smoke from the incoming meteors. Everyone stares in confusion as they don't yet know what is to come, but when they see that the huge mass of rock appear they scream and run in terror.

Back at the flower shop Malon, who is with Jenny, notices her parents pulling up outside and is excited to see them.

Malon's mother and father shout and wave towards their daughter.

"Hi Malon!" says her mother.

Malon would have run over to her parents, but then the ground starts to shake and out of nowhere a large boulder sized meteor came crashing down onto them. Killing them instantly.

"Mommy! Daddy!"

More meteors came crashing down around them so Jenny grabbed the young child and ran into the store for some cover.

Rusl and Uli, who were driving home were unaware of the meteor strike until two flies overhead them. One lands near a advertisement board while the other lands nearly on top of them and causes Rusl to lose control of the car, crashing it.

Rusl and Uli wake up after a while in their car, upside down. As they get their bearings back, a young naked boy approaches the tipped over car.

Rusl who is still a bit disoriented looks at the boy with a strange look.

Once he had gotten Uli and himself safely out the vehicle, Uli picked up the child and held him in her arms.

"Rusl..maybe he's a sign from above?" Uli said as she rubbed the short blonde locks of hair the boy had.

" Uli, kids don't fall out of the sky?" Rusl said, though more in a question type of way—he didn't exactly know what was going on.

Uli pulled the child hair out of his face and looked into the most beautiful baby blue eyes she's ever seen. "Then where else could he have come from Rusl?"

"I don't know, but he must have parents."

"Well, if he does, their definitely not from Hateno." Uli said as she motioned over to a smoking space pod.

Rusl walked over to it and knelt by it. " Sweetheart, we can't keep him. What are we going to tell people - - we found him out in the field?"

Uli walked towards her husband and cupped his cheek. He leaned into her touch and let out a sigh.

"I know how much you want this, but they'll be questions on how we found him." he added on.

"We didn't find him. He found us."

Rusl felt his grasp on his common sense leave him. He wanted this to, maybe more than Uli did. Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea.

"What should we name him?"

Uli smiled up at her husband, they were in this together. " how about...Link."

If you enjoyed ya know what to do :)