(A/N: Several people pointed out that the battle seemed anti-climactic (which was by design) … and a few also rightly added this was how it should have been. My thought was "proper planning prevents poor performance" and they've done a good job of planning over the entire hunt. A big problem for Riddle is that he thinks so highly of himself that he underestimates others. So while knowing he could be walking into a trap, he never thought it could take him down. Harry just showed him, with help from Moody and others, that enough people can take anyone down … something the Wizarding Society should have done years ago but were afraid.

For those who haven't figured it out, Harry's power was a vivacious flirty redhead who insisted he plan - Riddle didn't have one of those. :)

Here's the last of the story; I hope you enjoy it. I believe I've tied up all the loose ends.)


[Shortly after the battle]

Ginny flopped back on the bed while Harry turned over and laid on his side, head propped on one elbow, and watched her. Like him, she was covered by the sheet only from the waist down and he was enjoying every second of watching her bare chest go up and down as she worked to catch her breath.

"Considering how good that felt, can you imagine how good sex will be when we get there?" she asked him breathily.

Harry was catching his breath too and took a moment before saying, "It will be totally brilliant with you."

"You just like looking at my-Yi!" she shrieked the last sound as she'd started turning towards him. She also grabbed at the sheet to yank it up to cover herself better.

When she yelled, Harry also heard a heavy thump behind him causing him to roll to his side of the bed and lunge for his wand on the nightstand, only to freeze as his hand touched it and he saw the tall thin form in a light-sucking black cloak who also had a tall scythe next to him standing all on its own. If his heart hadn't been racing before, it was going double time now.

Harry felt Ginny move on the bed and then press against him, hiding. He understood. A quick check showed the sheets weren't damp with more than sweat, so at least he hadn't pissed himself and Ginny hadn't either.

"You have finished your task and I thank you for clearing out one partial soul from my collection," Death spoke in its raspy and eerie voice. "I give you a choice but you must answer now. Give up my items or go hunting for me. If you keep them, you must return the rest of at least one partial soul every year. If you do not, I will take them back."

Now that Harry thought he could think straight again, or mostly straight, he considered the offer. In many ways, he didn't really care about keeping them and honestly the wand could make life dangerous if anyone ever found out what it really was. On the other hand, the rush of the fight made it tempting - very tempting. Yet, it was not fully his choice, or he didn't feel it should be.

He turned his head and looked back as best he could considering how close she was. "I don't have to, but it is tempting. What do you think?"

She moved slightly to make it easier for them to see each other. "Maybe for a little while if the conditions were right," she acquiesced. "One a year shouldn't be too hard if we knew who we were after."

"Right." Turned back to Death, Harry said, "Will you provide us with a list of names so we can call them with the Stone?"

Death looked at him for a moment before he said, "Yes, that is acceptable."

"We're still kind of young and therefore in school. Can we have an extra year before we start?" Harry requested.

"No," Death answered, "but the year will go from Yule to Yule, as I believe you call it."

Harry looked at Ginny and asked, "Christmas?"

"No, Midwinter's Eve, the shortest day of the year for us. I understand the significance." Ginny paused. "That could work as we could go hunting next summer and since he'll give us a list, we can find an easy one for the first year. After that, we'll be out of school; although, I'd hoped to play Quidditch for the Harpies."

"I don't see why you couldn't," Harry replied. "We can hunt in the off-season and I haven't planned anything special, so I can work a job around that."

"At least for a while; we can't do this forever," she told him with a look that said he better not disagree with her.

"I guess you have a point and we could do more than one a year," he suggested.

"We could." She rubbed her hand on his bare chest lovingly.

He looked down at her left hand and smiled before he looked back up. "If we can delay the start of the agreement until this coming Yule, the year runs from Yule to Yule, we only have to do one per year but can do more, and you give us a list of identifying names, we'll do it."

Death grabbed his scythe and picked it up only to tap it on the floor again, causing a sheet of parchment to fall as if out of the blade. "Deal, do not disappoint me." Then He was suddenly gone.

Both teens flopped back on the bed and stared at the ceiling. "I know he's not the Devil, but I feel like I just completed the saying about 'Making a deal with the Devil'."

"I know what you mean," she answered.

"So, since our lives might be short, how about sex now?" he asked.

Ginny laughed. "Now you start acting like a teen-aged boy. Sorry, you're restricted to what we've been doing until you do that task you mentioned before we were interrupted."

"Hmm, that's not so bad," he told her as he tried to turn but found he couldn't. "Well, if we can get the sheets untangled first."

She giggled and then laughed. "How about we go downstairs and get something to eat then come back up here and resume our fun?"

"Sounds good, after I do one other thing."

As soon as both had their night gowns on, he called, "Kreacher, come!"

"Master called?" the elf said neutrally.

"Go tell Hermione not to come back here until after we find her tomorrow; she can use the trunk and tent or stay in the school until then. Also tell her that we'll be returning to Hogwarts this year and she should ask about doing the same. Go," he waved the elf away.

Leaning down, he picked the parchment off the floor and glanced over it, not recognizing a single name. He laid it on the dresser and then took off after his girl.

— — —

Hermione watched Kreacher pop away after he'd delivered the message from Harry. All she could do was blink for a moment. Then she realized Harry had neatly prevented her from giving him a piece of her mind about that he'd done today by leaving immediately after the battle. Well, now he was going to hear about a second topic as well: being kicked out of the house for the evening while they did who knew what. At least she knew the two were safe.

In a huff, she turned and went in search for the Headmistress, even if it was only temporary. She did acknowledge he had a point about school. With some work, they should be able to catch up as they'd only missed about four weeks of school by the time classes would start again on Monday. It would be easier since they'd been learning on their own instead of lazing about.

True to their word, Harry and Ginny left the house the next day. While they didn't expect a spell fight, they knew they had to be ready to defend their actions verbally - probably several times. He also planned to tell Charlie 'thank you' and get him a nice Christmas present since he'd been the one to teach Ginny how to protect herself from aggressive boys.

Landing outside Aunt Muriel's house, they walked up and knocked on the front door.

"Don't worry," she whispered as she knocked. "It may be loud at first but it will all work out."

Her mother answered and shrieked. "Ginny!" After hugging her fiercely, she hugged Harry. Stepping back, she assumed a displeased look. "Why did you run off after the battle? I wanted to make sure you were all right. Are you?"

"Yes, Mum, we're fine, I promise," Ginny assured her. "Can we talk to you and Dad?"

"Come in and go to the parlor. I'll bring your father." She headed off to find her husband.

In the parlor, they found her great aunt. "Aunt Muriel," they both said.

"Ginny darling, and Harry. Have a seat on the settee. What brings you here today?" the auntie asked so casually the teens wondered if she'd heard about yesterday.

"We need to talk to Mum and Dad," Ginny replied and Harry was happy to let her do that.

"By how close you two are sitting," the older woman smiled knowingly, "I'd say you have an announcement, beyond what you accomplished yesterday. Jolly good job, by the way, removing that blight from our land. The Daily Prophet sung your praises, both of you."

They were saved from their slight embarrassment and from answering by the entrance of Ginny's parents.

"There you are," her father told her and came over to give her a hug and patted Harry on the shoulder. "I believe I heard Muriel saying 'good job' and I have to agree, although," he paused for a moment, "it came with a difficult price. Nevertheless, a smaller price than if the war had carried on for months."

The teens looked at each other for a moment. "What price, Dad?"

"Your brother, Percy. He was," Arthur paused for a moment. "He was one of the attackers."

"What?!" the teens cried together while Molly looked down at the floor, clearly upset.

Arthur held up a hand. "I found him on the road, still alive but gravely injured. Fortunately, we found help for him in time. He will not leave the hospital for a week, but he will live."

"But what was he doing there?" Ginny asked aghast. "He's been a royal git for the last couple of years, but I wouldn't have thought he'd have been a Death Eater."

"We've only talked for a couple of minutes and he's under house arrest, but he swears he was forced to come - put under the Imperious since the Ministry fell." Arthur gave a forced smile. "You'll be happy to know that he didn't have the Dark Mark like the others."

Arthur looked at Harry. "You'll need to be careful for a time. There were a few others Imperioused like Percy and they didn't survive. I suppose if Dumbledore were here he'd say this is why he always tried to stun all of the attackers. However, I'm of mixed thoughts about it because I'm fairly certain Moody's more aggressive style saved many lives, yet I understand the grief since I almost shared in it. War is - never a good thing."

"I'm sorry a few innocents were harmed," Harry said, "but as you say, many more innocents would have been harmed if the war had dragged on. I'll grieve with them, but I don't think I can do anything about it."

"You can't," Arthur agreed. "I just wanted to be sure you knew. Also, there were a few injuries to our side, generally from spells cast from the castle that went wide of the road, but all were treated and I think will recover fully or very close to it. Ron was one but he's already back to normal."

"That's good to hear," Harry said and Ginny agreed and looked at him before tilting her head towards her parents.

Harry squeezed her hand gently and smiled at her. "Mr Weasley, I told you before that I care for your daughter greatly and that I'd protect her. Now that the war is over, I'd like to extend that and ask for your blessing to marry her. I love her dearly as she loves me and we plan to be together in marriage."

"Thought so," Muriel said softly, but her niece and Arthur were staring at the teens. "Don't just sit there, tell them yes; you know you're going to anyway."

"Auntie!" Molly objected and scowled at the woman, who ignored the look easily.

Arthur sighed. "I can't say that this is unexpected, but the timing is. Why?"

"Sir, we've each found that the day is better when the other is in it," Harry answered, leaving out the part about the night being better too. "Being with each other so much the past months has shown us that we're compatible and it works so well we want to continue it."

"I don't see why not," Arthur said with a bit of resignation. "It'll be nearly two years before Ginny finishes school, so that's a reasonable engagement length." Molly nodded to the last part.

"About that," Ginny said, "I was thinking about having the wedding maybe the day after Boxing Day - of this year."

"What?!" Molly objected. "Certainly not! What will people think?!"

"That we love each other," Ginny returned, slightly defiant.

"Absolutely not!" her mother said forcefully and glared at her daughter.

"I guess it's Plan B, Harry," Ginny told him with a knowing look.

"I told you it was always going to be Plan B," he retorted with his own knowing look.

"What fun," Aunt Muriel said as Molly sputtered. "What is Plan B?"

"We get a couple of good friends and go get married now," Ginny told her great aunt with a grin. Her great aunt could be a bit stuffy, but she could also be fun - like now, when it was against a common target.

"No, I should say not, young lady," her mother protested. "Besides, you're not even seventeen, so the Ministry wouldn't perform the ceremony even if you begged them." She gave them a look as if that closed the matter.

"Except in the Muggle world," Harry stated calmly. "We can get married there now since we're both at least sixteen and British citizens. Then we can do the magical ceremony next year, but we'll still be married now."

"Arthur, do something!" his wife demanded as she shook his arm as if to send him into motion.

The man rubbed his face for a moment and quietly said, "Everyone said the twins would the hardest to raise, but I knew otherwise when you were born." He looked at his daughter then at Harry. "You're dead set on this?"

"Yes, Dad," Ginny said gently. "We're sure of it."

"I am too," Harry said with a nod. "Ginny was a gift from the gods these last months in helping me to win the war. She was also my inspiration for fighting the war and not walking away. She understood that I needed to do this and she let me; but wanting to be sure I survived, she fought with me. I can't say how much she means to me; she's priceless. I want what I have with her to go on and never end." He looked at Ginny and smiled. "She's one of a kind and I love her."

"Well, you can't use the tent like Bill did in late December," Muriel said. "You can have your wedding here."

"Auntie!" Molly objected.

"Hush you," she waved her niece's objection away before turning back to the teens. "Your father agreed and I heard him. Go tell your friends, I'll take care of things here until you can return later for planning the wedding."

"Thank you, Auntie!" Ginny squealed and hurried over to hug her great aunt. Harry followed and gave the old woman a much gentler hug.

"What's this?" Muriel asked and grabbed Ginny's left hand. "Ooh, very nice ring, Harry. See, Molly, Arthur, the boy has it well in hand … ha-ha, in hand."

Neither laughed at the joke as Molly continued to look perturbed and Arthur looked resigned.

As soon as decorum allowed, Ginny grabbed Harry's hand and let him outside so they could Apparate to their next stop. "I told you Aunt Muriel could be helpful."

"Yeah, but you weren't sure either," he returned teasingly.

They Apparated to a spot near where they'd burned out the spiders. Surprising to him, it was still smoldering in a few places.

They walked towards the school until they reached his tent. Looking inside, they saw no one was there and Hermione's things were gone. Stepping out, he cast the spell to cause it to fold itself up and called for Kreacher to take it home.

"Time for the next battle," Harry said and guided her towards the school's front door.

"Probably two," Ginny told him easily, "though I think one won't be difficult."

"I agree," he said with resignation but didn't slow down or lose his resolve.

It was lunchtime when they entered the school, so they found everyone in the Great Hall. The cheering started as soon as they entered; they kept walking towards the head table. A number of people reached out to shake hands or to pat them on the back. The two teens smiled and returned the congratulations to move as quickly as they could.

When they reached the head table, a smiling McGonagall - the temporary Headmistress - rose and held her hands up, causing everyone to quiet. "I know that many helped in the defense here, but I wanted to say that we all appreciate the time you've invested to secure the demise of … Tom Riddle, including facing him directly at the end. Thank you." She started clapping and the rest followed her lead.

It took nearly a minute for it to quiet down, but eventually Harry was able to say, "Thank you. It was a difficult task, but one that was made easier by many helpers including many of you. We couldn't have done it without you." People started clapping again.

After a moment, Harry turned to the Headmistress. "Can we have a moment of your time please?"

"Of course, follow me," McGonagall led them out a side door.

Harry glanced and saw that Hermione was glaring at him, while Ron was waving. Harry waved back and followed the Professor. He and Ginny looked around while they walked and enjoyed being back. "Is it returning to normal?" he asked.

"It is, or mostly so," McGonagall answered. "We're going to try to restart classes on Monday." She gave them a knowing look but didn't say anything else. Soon, they were at the Headmaster's office; the gargoyle leapt aside so they could continue.

In her new office, McGonagall sat down and asked pleasantly, "I am truly appreciative of what you two and Ms Granger have done and I should like a full report in the near future, but what did you want to see me about today?"

Harry thought that was a bit presumptive of her to ask for a full report, but he supposed he could understand her desire. "Professor, this school year started a little less than a month ago, so we would like to be able to start the year now." He was not surprised by her pleased look. "We have been studying this year's material for the last few months, so I don't think we'll be behind, or at least not generally so."

McGonagall continued to look pleased. "I don't believe that will be a problem at all, Mr Potter and Ms Weasley."

"And," Harry continued quickly, "we'd like to be day students. We'd like to take meals here, but we'd sleep at my house."

McGonagall's smile faded and she pursed her lips in thought for a moment. "That's most unusual. Why?"

"Because we don't believe you'd let us share quarters here," Ginny said.

Harry was surprised by her bluntness despite it being the truth.

"I'm afraid not," McGonagall agreed, "as it would set a bad precedence."

"Our time here," Ginny continued just as bluntly, "has not been easy and we've found that living together makes life for both of us … easier."

"If it helps," Harry added hastily, "we do plan to be married before the start of the spring term."

McGonagall raised her eyebrows and sat back in her seat. "My apologies for my shock, but this seems very sudden."

Ginny held up her left hand and smiled broadly.

McGonagall nodded and a hint of her smile returned. "Very lovely, my dear, and congratulations to both of you." She shook her head after a moment. "I'd like to accommodate you for this term, but I'm afraid I can't. Perhaps being day students would be for the best. However, I could provide quarters for you next term after you are married officially."

She looked curious. "Ms Weasley, I would think your parents would be against this. I'm curious, how did you convince them to agree to your plan?"

Ginny grinned broadly. "My Aunt Muriel helped a lot, but they also don't know about our living arrangements just yet. Our engagement was a bit of a shock, but they did agree to let us get married."

"Well, yes, I can understand the shock," McGonagall told them before she rose and walked over to a filing cabinet.

"Professor?" Ginny spoke up. "One more thing, I'd like to enroll as a seventh year." As the woman whirled around and looked shocked again, Ginny added, "I have studied ahead and believe I know all of the first term for my sixth year classes, I'd like to finish Hogwarts this year even if I take a little lower grade on my NEWTs."

"But Ms Weasley!" McGonagall objected.

"I'm sorry that offends the educator in you, but I want to be done with school this year," Ginny told her.

"I'll also be paying for her tuition," Harry said. "I don't see a need to burden Mr Weasley with that since he's been without a job and I do have the money."

McGonagall looked between the pair of them for a moment before finally sighing and turning around to a cabinet to finish her errand there. A moment later, she handed a parchment to Harry. "Your, and I suppose Ms Weasley's, list for school supplies for those entering their seventh year. Because of the turmoil, Quidditch teams haven't been picked yet, so you may try out for them. I was going to let the team pick their own captains."

Harry and Ginny each brightened. "Thank you, Professor."

"Run along," McGonagall told them, "and return Monday morning. We'll have your timetables for you then and we'll also work out any other details required. In the meantime, I'm sure your friends will want to talk to you."

"Thank you!" "Yes, thank you, bye!"

"See," Ginny whispered when they were out the door, "it wasn't so bad."

Harry snorted, "Look down the stairs." All of their friends were waiting in the corridor at the bottom of the stairs to the Headmaster's office.

"Harry James Potter!" Hermione said loudly with hands on her hips for a moment before she abandoned her glare and then hurried over the last few steps and hugged him tightly for a moment before turning to Ginny and giving her a hug too.

"Good job," Neville told them with a grin, echoed by others.

Hermione glared at them again. "How could you leave so quickly yesterday? We were so worried about you."

Harry put a hand on his friend's shoulder. "Hermione, we were fine physically; but emotionally it was a different matter. I swear I thought I was going to lose Ginny. So after it turned out that we weren't hurt, we needed some time to deal with what had happened and we knew we weren't going to get the privacy to deal with the close call here. We had to leave."

"Then why couldn't I come there to help you?" Hermione demanded. "I've been with you every step of the way."

Harry looked at Ginny and gave her a pleading look.

"Hermione," Ginny said softly, "you have been there and we couldn't have removed Riddle without you, but we needed that time for us. I'm sorry, but I can't explain it in a way that will make sense to you because you haven't faced him like we have - up close and very personal. You know what we've gone through and we needed time to deal with the suffering again and the fact that he's gone and will never bother us again."

Harry was really proud of her. All of that was completely true and worded in a way Hermione would probably understand yet didn't imply everything that happened between them after the battle. Then there was the meeting with Death.

As everyone else was looking between the trio and fidgeting uncomfortably because of the conversation, Luna walked up and grabbed Ginny's hand. "Very lovely. Are you getting married sooner or later?"

"Sooner, during the Christmas holidays," Ginny beamed, breaking the shock of the others from Luna's question.

"What?!" Ron barked. "Do Mum and Dad know?"

"Yes," Harry answered with a grin of his own. "We visited this morning and I asked for permission then."

Neville slapped him on the shoulder. "Congratulations, mate. You're very lucky to have her."

"I know." Harry grinned with Neville while Ron shook his head. The girls looked at Ginny's ring for a few minutes. Eventually, the group ambled outside and enjoyed the afternoon together.

Hermione was invited to return to her room at #12, but she elected to go see her parents for the weekend before she returned to school on Monday for her last year too.

Harry stood at the front of the enlarged room, Ron was next to him and Neville was on the other side of Ron. The room looked especially nice and he thought all the "girls" (from Ginny to Great-Aunt Muriel) had done a brilliant job given that it was winter outside so everything was indoors.

There were a few more people here than he'd wanted, including the Minister of Magic whom Arthur had insisted as his one special guest. Fortunately, it was now Kingsley Shacklebolt and he was being respectful of their privacy. The rest of the crowd was made of family and close friends only, thankfully.

"Steady, Harry," whispered Ron.

Harry rolled his eyes. "I'm still good, Ron," he whispered back as the music started and Luna walked up the aisle between the chairs; Hermione followed. He had to admit that they looked very nice today.

Then Ginny and her father appeared at the back and she took his breath away. He'd agree with her that white wasn't her best color, but it looked good on her today and the cut showed that she definitely was a woman. Her cascading bright red hair just added to her beauty.

When the two arrived in front of him, he heard her hiss, "Potter!" That broke him out of his stupor from staring. Arthur chuckled before he leaned down and whispered to his daughter, who gave him a mild glare before smiling at Harry.

Arthur took a step forward and whispered to Harry. "It's not too late if you want to change your mind."

Now Harry understand Ginny's look from a moment ago, assuming she'd been told the same thing. "I'll happily take her," he whispered back.

With a pat and squeeze on his shoulder, Arthur said, "Welcome to the family, son," before he put Ginny's hand in his and then sat down.

Harry barely remembered the rest of his marriage ceremony, though the reception had been a blast with lots of laughter. Their wedding night was very memorable.

Harry watched Ginny rip the envelope open while he merely held his own, since he was in no hurry. Now was the time to find out if Ginny's gamble and hard work had paid off. She squealed and threw her arms around him.

"So how did you do on your NEWTs?" He looked at the letter she'd received as she held it in front of them.

"I got an Outstanding in Defense, Transfiguration, and Charms, plus Acceptable in Runes and Magical Creatures," she told him excitedly. "I have to send a letter to Mum and Dad, then we can go. How are your scores?"

"As expected, Outstandings and Exceeds Expectations," he replied and shrugged before handing her the letter to look at.

Harry finished gathering their things while she wrote her quick letter. "When do you expect to hear from the Harpies?"

"In about six weeks, assuming they're interested in me," Ginny replied as she attached the letter to Hedwig, who hooted happily and then took off. "Try outs should be soon after that, so we have six weeks for this adventure before we have to be back."

"I don't think that will be a problem, this first one should be easy with a single split and not many traps, assuming nothing has changed over the years," he told her as she joined him.

"I do hope your assumption is true," she quipped and grabbed her small bag.

Harry pulled out their Portkey and when she was touching it he activated it and they were in southern Romania a moment later. It took a few minutes to clear Customs then they were on their way.

— — —

A week later, a very disheveled and dirty Ginny looked at her husband who was in the same condition, but more exhausted than she was. "If this was easy, I'd hate to see a hard one," she griped. "I'm going back to the tent for a shower."

"How was I to know someone else had found this place years ago and added more defenses?" Harry objected as he followed her. "At least we accomplished our goal, twice over since there was an extra Horcrux from another person in there."

She stopped just inside the tent. "I know it's not your fault and I'm sorry for complaining, but I'm dirty and tired and this didn't go anything like I expected." She started pulling her clothes off as she walked toward the bathroom.

Harry set a small box down on the table and followed her, both in destination and in undressing. "If it matters, I think the treasure we found is enough to take care of us for the next year."

Ginny dropped the last of her clothes and stepped into the shower. Harry followed and held her loosely from behind and she relaxed into him as the very warm water cascaded over them. "I suppose that's useful, but that's not the reason we're doing this."

Harry grabbed the soap, lathered his hands, and started washing her. "Lovely," she groaned in pleasure.

"I've got enough energy to remind you why we are doing this," he commented as he worked his way down her body.

"Keep that up for a few more minutes, Potter, and I'll show you why we're doing this," she returned with some enthusiasm as he continued his ministrations.

"Deal," he said as he touched her in a magical place and caused her to hiss in pleasure. A moment later, Ginny grabbed the soap from him and washed him very quickly before shutting off the water and dragging him to bed without bothering with a towel.

They liberated one more Horcrux before returning home. Ginny also told him they were taking Bill with them next time.

A twenty-two year-old Ginny knelt down and adjusted her son's shirt before giving him a hug. "Jimmy, be good for Grand-Mum, all right?"

Harry wasn't sure their toddler fully understood her, but the little boy nodded seriously. He knelt down too and gave his son a hug. "We'll be back soon and you get to play with Victoire while we're gone." Little Jimmy looked over at his cousin who was only about a year older than he was and smiled happily.

"Don't worry about him," Molly Weasley said with fondness before her look turned to look at them with consternation, "worry about yourselves. Going on adventures at your age." She looked at her oldest son and his wife. "That goes for you too."

"We'll be fine, Mum," Bill assured her. "It's just a little trip to Egypt for a week or so. I've done it plenty of times and it'll be four of us to make it easier."

Molly snorted before telling them each good-bye with a hug and then shooing the children into the house.

"Shall we?" Harry asked and held out the Portkey.

They found three Horcruxes during the week and enough treasure that even Bill was impressed with their share. The two younger ones learned more about breaking down wards and avoiding curses too.

Harry was sitting at his desk in their comfortable home. It wasn't overly showy, as he didn't feel that described him or Ginny; but it had everything they needed and enough luxury they enjoyed living there. He'd remodeled #12 Grimmauld Place and rented it to Ted and Andromeda Tonks for the price of the taxes only; she actually liked the house now that it was redecorated and Kreacher liked her. Ted had a more difficult time with the elf, but Andromeda had taken care of the issue with a few careful orders.

Dobby popped into the study of the Potter House with a tray for tea for two. Harry was about to ask why when Ginny walked in and made herself comfortable in a chair. He looked at the clock and saw it was about time for her to be home, but her expression indicated she was unhappy. "Something wrong at practice with the Harpies?"

Ginny sighed and looked at her hands for the moment. "Yes, I suppose one could put it that way."

He could only think of one thing that would cause this. He stood and walked over to her hastily, then knelt beside her. "Did you lose your starting position?"

"In a way," she said softly before putting a hand on his head and caressing him lovingly. "I'm afraid we celebrated a bit too much after our last adventure, so I'm happy and yet not as much as I should be."

"And?" he asked, not quite sure where she was going with this.

"I'm pregnant again," she said bluntly.

"Really?" he said as he perked up and then reached out and hugged her. "That's wonderful, my love."

"It is, and yet I've enjoyed playing Quidditch so much, I…" She lost her smile for a moment. "I hate giving it up but I have to. It's not a rule they can legally enforce, but they've never taken anyone back after the third year off. They always find someone they think is better."

Harry hugged her tightly. "I'm sorry, love. I know how much your time with the Harpies has meant to you and I've enjoyed all of your games, even those early ones where you were only on the reserve team." He was sure he could feel her smiling and he definitely could hear the low chuckling.

She continued to hold him. "You're so sweet and you've been so supportive." She let go and leaned back. "It's time for me to concentrate on other things all year instead of just sometimes like I have been. I need to focus on being a mum."

Harry smiled lovingly. "You've never been a bad mum and the children have understood that sometimes you couldn't be here. Jimmy is over the moon that his mum is a Quidditch player and you know Ian adores you too."

"I know. Still, I appreciate how much you've helped out here at home when I couldn't. I suppose," she grinned at him and leaned closer, "you're getting a reward for that. You finally get to use Lily for a name."

"A girl?! Yes!" Harry grabbed her and pulled her up so he could hug her and swing her around, causing Ginny to laugh at his antics and joy. "She'll be as pretty as you I'm sure."

Ginny recovered and they held each other. "I'm afraid there's one more disappointment, though for both of us. We're going to need to give up our adventures. I think the one we finished a couple of months ago was the last and I don't want you to go on one without me, especially since Bill stopped joining us two years ago."

Harry sobered and looked at her for a moment. "I don't like it, but I understand."

"Our children need their father as much as they need their mother," she told him. "Don't forget we've had some very close calls. Last year you were in the hospital for a week."

"True," he agreed, "I haven't forgotten."

"We can be adventurous with each other without that excitement," she promised with a flirtatious look.

"I look forward to that!" he said suggestively, causing them both to laugh and then kiss for a moment.

"While the Potter money means we'll never be poor, I think we've made more money from the treasures we've found while hunting for the Horcruxes than I've made as a professional Quidditch player and I've been paid well," she commented.

"All right, I've already given in," he told her easily. "I'll take care of a few conversations with the Stone and then call Death and hand his artifacts back."

She hugged him and held him this time. "Tell your parents and Sirius good-bye for now."

When she let go, he asked, "So, what shall we use for Lily's middle name?"

Harry held the Stone and the Wand as he draped the Cloak about his shoulders. Ginny stood near and watched him close his eyes and concentrate.

A moment later, Death appeared, looking as usual. "I'm surprised you called. The room for partial souls is now half empty and there are still names on the list I gave you."

Harry blinked. "That was the second list you have us and there are only a few names left. That many people have created Horcruxes over time?"

"It has been happening for thousands of years, but most were at the beginning," Death answered. "Why have you called me?"

Harry held out the Stone and the Wand. "We are finished hunting for you. We need to devote more time to our family. I would like to keep the Cloak though, if you will allow."

Death looked at him for a moment before looking at Ginny then back. His gravelly voice didn't really change much yet he sounded disappointed. "If that is the way you want it." He stretched out his hand and the Wand and Stone floated to him then disappeared into the folds of his cloak.

"The Cloak is yours, but only until your death." He grabbed his scythe that was standing on its own. "If you change your mind and would like to hunt again, wear the Cloak and call me." Death faded away.

Ginny stepped over and they held each other. "So what are you going to do with your time now that you aren't planning our next hunting adventure?"

"Well," Harry said slowly, "thanks to Hermione's idea I've done enough interviews with the Stone that I could write a number of biographies as well as some history books. I also banished Binns a few years ago at Minerva's request, and I understand her History of Magic professor wishes to go elsewhere. So maybe I'll go teach at Hogwarts."

"Only if you come home every night," she told him. "I like the school but it's not a place to raise our children."

"I agree with that," he told her and continued to hold her. "It's so much more comfortable here, especially in the winter." He looked at her and smiled yet again. "You have such wonderful plans."

(The End!)

(A/N: There we go, that's the end and I hope you enjoyed it. Sorry, I'm not sure what I'll do next, it depends on which muse inspires me. - Kevin)