It's been years since the heroes and villains teamed up against Darkseid and his Parademons. Since then, the Justice League has gained new members including the likes of Green Lanterns Hal Jordan and Guy Gardner, Black Lightning, Firestorm and Ted Kord Blue Beetle

"Flash, do you have any leads?" Martian Manhunter voiced out in the watchtower.

"Sorry J'onn." Flash apologized through the watch tower's speakers. "Eye witnesses say that they were there one second and they were gone in the next." He relayed.

"I can confirm Flash's statement." Superman's voice agreed. "I was just fighting against Killgrave when he disappeared after throwing me against a car." He continued.

"This is troubling." The Martian commented as he pressed a few more buttons on the console. "Green Lantern Rayner?"

A green portal appeared in front of the Watchtower's console.

"I'm sorry J'onn." Kyle apologized as he stepped out of the portal. "Most of the corps report the same thing from their respective sectors." He continued as the portal disappeared. "Not to mention almost half of the corps are MIA." He finished.

"Can you locate them through their rings?" The martian asked the lantern.

"The guardians attempted." Kyle admitted. "But to no avail." He sighed. "Lanterns Jordan, Stewart and Gardner are among the missing."

"Umm h-hello?" A voice was heard. "Is anyone in the watchtower?"

"Batson." Martian Manhunter replied. "It's nice to hear from you again."

"J'onn?" The voice identified as Batson asked. "Y-yeah." He stuttered. "I really hoped it was under better circumstances." He hiccupped "Is anything happening in the world?" He sniffled.

"Why Billy?" Kyle asked. "Is something happening in Fawcett city?" He continued in concern and he approached the console.

"I just saw my sister and best friend turn to dust." Billy hiccupped.

"I can confirm Marvel's statement." Batman stated as he appeared into the watchtower's teleportation pad. "I have a security footage that confirms such an event happening."

The Martian and Green Lantern made way for Batman and left the console all for the dark knight, who inserted a circular disc into it.

"Calling all league members." Batman announced. "Teleport yourselves back to the watchtower."

"But Batman." Someone tried to object.

"That is an order." Batman insisted as he typed in a few buttons. "Marvel standby for teleportation sequence."

The remaining members of the league, over half of the whole roster, were watching one the security footage Batman has. It showed the Penguin and Catwoman fighting over a piece of artifact when the both of them suddenly disintegrated and turned to dust, leaving the artifact in question behind.

"Marvel?" Batman prompted for the ex-member of the league to speak.

"Yes Batman." Captain Marvel nodded. "That's exactly what I saw happen to Captain Marvel Junior and Mary Marvel in their mortal forms." He added. "Transforming into their champion forms wouldn't have saved them from the 'dusting'." He continued. "I was in my mortal form and I did not turn to dust."

"By the gods." Wonder Woman gasped.

"Zatanna?" Batman voiced out. "Are there any sorcerers capable of doing this?"

"Sorcery of this magnitude can only be performed by sorcerers of high caliber like Morgan le Fay, Merlin and Circe." She answered the unspoken question. "Even then, their spells should only cover the planet." She added. "The only people capable of spells on the universal level are the lords of order and chaos like Doctor Fate and Klarion the Witchboy." She continued. "Klarion lacks a familiar and Doctor Fate has been missing for five months."

"If that's the case, it's not done by sorcerers of this planet." Kyle voiced out. "I just got confirmation from Ganthet that the missing lanterns and the beings missing from the other sectors were turned to dust as the footage showed." He shared. "The lanterns who turned to dust also had their respective rings turn to dust as well." He finished.

"This has happened over the past five months." Flash announced after he teleported himself into the watchtower along with Superman. "People have been missing starting from November of last year."

"The testimonies were almost always the same." Superman supplied. "It was either they disappeared right when their attention was away from the missing people." He continued. "Or they saw them turn to dust."

"That checks out with what happened on Oa and the other sectors." Kyle voiced out.

Kyle willed his lantern ring to show a holographic image of the missing lanterns since November of last year. First of the missing lanterns was Kilowog followed by lanterns Larvox, Orlan, Eddore, Dalor then Jordan. The missing lanterns in the order of when their rings went offline and became untraceable.

"The spells wouldn't work outside of Earth let alone the universe." Zatanna repeated her point from earlier.

"The infinity stones." Captain Marvel muttered.

"What was that Cap?" Flash asked.

"I don't know." Marvel admitted. "The phrase just came to my mind." He added. "I need to consult the wizard."

"Marvel, wait!" Batman ordered.

Before Batman could even move from the console, Captain Marvel vanished in a strike of lightning, leaving only soot and smoke from where he stood.

With a bolt of lightning, Captain Marvel appeared inside the Rock of Eternity's throne room. To his side were the statues of the Seven Deadly sins, to his left was a cavern with a single lightning-shaped staff that gave off electrical energies forming a grid of some sort, it's as if it was banning anyone from entering or exiting the said cavern.

In front of the World's Mightiest Mortal was a single chair, a throne, as a faded globe floated behind the throne.

"Wizard!" Captain Marvel called out. "Wizard! I need your help!"

"You must correct the balance Billy Batson." The Wizard appeared sitting on the throne. "You must undo and reset the balance between life and death."

"But how?" Marvel asked.

"The infinity stones."

"What about the Infinity Stones?" Captain Marvel asked.

"Unfortunately we know nothing of this artifacts." The Wizard stated.

"They're not from this world or realm." Captain Marvel concluded. "The effects of these stones shouldn't affect our realm."

"Normally that would be the case." The Wizard nodded.

"How do we correct this one?"

"Get in contact with a Lord of Order." The wizard ordered. "They have the necessary spells to let you travel to this realm and undo the imbalance they have imposed unto our world."

"Doctor Fate has been missing for the past five months."

Suddenly an Ankh appeared beside Captain Marvel, and soon, after Doctor Fate stepped out of the said Ankh.

"I am not missing Billy Batson." Doctor Fate replied. "I am busy mitigating the effects of this otherworldly phenomenon forced into our realm." He continued. "I can trace the origins of this otherworldly phenomenon back to the realm from whence it came." He added. "I assume you're travelling to this realm and undo its damages done to this world?"

"You assume correctly Great Nabu." The Wizard nodded.

"Wizard Shazam." The Lord of Order acknowledged. "I see you have not fully abandoned your young champion." He added. "Regardless, young champion." He turned to Captain Marvel. "Prepare yourself for transfer."

"Zatanna Zatara." Doctor Fate announced his arrival inside the watchtower. "Young Billy Batson is in need of our assistance." He continued. "For him to undo the effects of this otherworldly phenomenon, we need to transport him to the realm where this event originated from." He added. "I will trace back the origin of this otherworldly phenomenon." He explained. "Our task is to transport Captain Marvel to that realm." He added. "I fear the spell won't be able to protect the young Batson."

"I will be protecting young Billy as you transport him and champion form to this realm." Zatanna nodded. "You can count on me Doctor Fate."

"Doctor Fate." Batman called out. "Is Captain Marvel necessary for this mission?"

"Yes." The Lord of Order answered. "The Wisdom of Solomon will hopefully brief him about the event once he arrives to that realm."

"Hopefully?" Superman questioned.

"We can't risk the league's youngest member on mere faith." Someone voiced out.

"Didn't he resign from the league?" Someone else murmured.

Superman and the remaining founding members of the league simply looked down and remembering how Captain Marvel had resigned from the organization.

"That is moot." Doctor Fate dismissed the concern. "Only he can achieve the mission."

"Then let one of us accompany the good captain." Wonder Woman offered.

"Denied." Doctor Fate declared. "We do not know how that realm's gods would react to this kind of breach." The lord of order admitted. "We are gambling on his status as champion of this world's gods and hopefully allow him to accomplish his mission." He added. "Anymore breaches would cause the gods' ire and we won't only lose Captain Marvel but his companion as well." He finished.

"Can you tell us anything about this realm?" Batman voiced out.

"It's a universe were none of us have any counterparts." Doctor Fate answered. "Otherwise, I don't have any more information to share." He finished.

"How about an anchor?" Zatanna spoke up.

"What about an anchor Zatanna Zatara?"

"While you and I can transport Captain Marvel and his mortal form to that realm." Zatanna explained. "It would be very taxing on my part to act as one." She admitted.

"Very Well." Doctor Fate nodded. "Who would you suggest?"

"It has to be someone who has or had close ties with Billy." Zatanna explained.

"I'll go!" A hand was raised from the far back.

"Stargirl."Flash acknowledged. "Makes sense."

"Are you sure Stargirl?" Zatanna asked. "Being someone's magical anchor could leave you bedridden for an weeks, or even an entire month." She cautioned.

"There's no one else who fits the description." Stargirl answered as she flew above the roster of leaguers and landed in front of the sorceress. "His twin and best friend were dusted." She explained. "Besides Billy and I were in a relationship."

Doctor Fate simply conjured a golden ankh behind him and took both Zatanna and Stargirl with him.

"Is this wise Bruce?" Superman whispered. "We're gambling with a child's life here."

"There's nothing we can do." Batman sighed.

"May the gods protect their champion." Wonder Woman prayed.