"Ana!" Christian calls from the kitchen

"Yes dear!" I responded

"I want to show you something" He answered sweetly.

Ouch! Oh Shit! Christian curses from the kitchen. Christian wasn't exactly an experienced cook. I walked into the kitchen from the living room to see him bending over the oven, steam filling the kitchen. He pulled out two pieces of steak that more closely resembled a piece of coal than a meat. He threw the pan on the counter in frustration.

"Fuck! Fuck! I ruined it" He said looking at the state of the meat.

"At least you tried. Not everyone is a closet Gordon Ramsay you know" I said kissing him on the cheek.

"Someday i'll make you dinner" He said

"The evening is young. Do you want me to cook something?" I asked

"I'm starving! Let's go out" He answered.

I grabbed my jacket and purse and met Christian by the door. We wasted no time getting to the car. I could tell that he wanted to leave and forget the catastrophe in the kitchen. His testosterone took over as he sped through the illuminated streets of Seattle searching for some late night eats.

"What are you hungry for?" He asked

"How about there?" I asked pointing to a small restaurant.

"What do they serve?" Christian asked

"I'm not sure, I'm just curious. Something inside of me in drawing me towards it" I answered.

"OK!" He agree

Christian pulled into the strip mall parking lot. The place seemed deserted. I knew that the place was open because of the blue and red flashing sign that read "Open". The restaurant was called "The Russian Tea room". It looked like a small family owned business. The door chimed as soon as we walked into the place. An older woman in a long pink summer dress came to the door to greet us. She looked like an old hippy with a leathery face.

"Hi!" She greeted "Please sit anywhere you like"

Christian and I settled on a table located in the middle of the restaurant. The restaurant gave me the creeps. The place was completely empty. The restaurant did not have an inviting atmosphere. The walls were painted an extremely dark purple color that made you feel like the walls were closing in on you. The only light came from the candles on each table. The only other light source came from the kitchen from what i could tell. I looked over at Christian, he looked very uncomfortable. We both took turns stealing glances at the door. The table and chairs were a hard wood. McDonald's was looking like a better choice at this point.

"Can I get a menu?" I asked the old hippy.

"Sure!" She said walking to the back.

"I don't know if i'm hungry enough to eat here" Christian said as soon as she left.

"We are already here. Let's just eat quickly and get out" I suggested.

"OK! My love" He answered

"Here you go!" The old hippy answered giving a large, old leather book to each of us "Can I get you something to drink?"

"I'll have a hot water" I said to her

"I'll have a green tea" Christian replied.

"I'll be right back" She answered politely.

I opened the menu to see what was on special. The menu was in an old Russian looking dialect with English translation underneath it. The food seemed like something you would find in a bistro. There were sandwiches, cakes, milkshakes, soups, salads.

"At least they put English at the bottom" I joked trying to lighten the mood.

"At least there is food that i'm familiar with" He answered.

"What can i get for you?" The old hippy waitress asked.

"I'll have a beef and lentil soup with a ham sandwich" I answered

"I'll take a beef sandwich with a borscht" Christian said.

"If you are interested we have a special tonight for couples. A free reading from our in house psychic" The lady offered.

"That sounds really cool" I said brightly looking over at Christian.

"Do we really need a psychic reading?" He asked skeptically.

"We don't need it but it would be cool" I replied looking at the waitress.

"Why don't you take a few minutes to decide. I will be right back with your order" She answered.

I looked at Christian with hopeful eyes. I felt a sense of curiosity come over me. What would she say? Would she be right? Could she see into my past? Would we find out something that we both didn't expect? The old waitress came back with our order in record timing. The food looked relatively normal. My soup and sandwich was small and placed on a solid white plate, it smelled delightful. Christian's looked very similar to mine. Christian and I made short work of the soup and sandwich meal. The food was average at best. The prices were on par with what was being offered, still i was puzzled as to why there was no one else in the restaurant. It was a Thursday evening, which is far from the busiest night of the week but we had been here for over an hour and not one other customer had walked through the door.

The waitress came by to remove our plates and to ask us if we wanted the reading or not.

"Would you like desert?" She asked picking up the plates "And have you decided whether or not you wanted that reading?"

"We will take the reading" I answered

"Wonderful!" She replied "Come right this way!"

"The waitress brought us down a hallway past the kitchen to a large room in the back. Christian followed along without saying a word but i knew that he was not happy about the situation that i had got him into. The room had a round table with four chairs around it. This room was smaller but had a similar decor to the outside of the restaurant. Candles lit the room. The walls were a dark amber color. There was several book shelves in the corner containing old looking texts that i would expect out of a horror movie.

"Wait here!" The old waitress answered "She will be out shortly"

The old waitress left the room leaving Christian and I alone. He shot me an angry look.

"Ana, We don't need a psychic reading" He said sternly.

"I know that!" I replied " I'm just curious aren't you?"

"Not really" he answered "Let's just get the reading and get home"

"OK!" I answered.

Just then a woman in a long dark green dress and heels walked in. She had shoulder length brown hair with eyes that matched her dress. She looked about 35 but somehow seemed wise beyond her years. Her facial features were pretty, as soon as she saw us her features softened.

"Hello!" she greet "My name is Gwen"

"Hi! I"m Ana and This is Christian" I said speaking for both of us.

"I see! Your hear for a reading i presume" She answered "Take a seat. I don't bite"

"OK!" I answered obeying her command.

"We are kind of in a rush so if we could make it quick we would both appreciate it" Christian chimed in.

"This won't take long. I'm getting the sense that you don't feel that anything of value will come of this. You think i'm a fraud is that true"

"Prove me wrong" Christian challenged sitting down beside me.

Without another word she sat across the table from Christian and I. She grabbed Christian's hands, closing her eyes. Christian and I both sat there looking at each other waiting for her to respond. I knew he was impatient and if she started giving vague predictions that Christian would remain a skeptic.

"You're a businessman, a very rich businessman" She started "Ana is your wife. You've been married for about 5 months"

"Your correct so far" He answered still unconvinced.

"You have a deviant, sexual past that includes BDSM. Don't you" She said

"Go on" Christian continued.

"You love your wife very much but she doesn't always comply with your wishes does she" The woman answered opening her eyes.

"Not really! Depends on the day" Christian replied.

"Your birthday is coming up in the next month or two and she has a surprise for you that you are not expecting" The woman continued.

"What's her surprise?" Christian asked giving the woman his full attention

"She's pregnant" She stated

His eyes immediately darted in my direction. I could feel the angry growing in his voice. He was clearly not happy with what the psychic woman was proposing.

"Is that true? Are you pregnant" Christian demanded.

"Yes" I squeaked.

"When were you planning on telling me?" Christian demanded with anger.

"Just before your birthday" Said softly.

"Do not be angry. You love her and this child will bring you an incredible amount of joy" The psychic offered.

"I am finished with this. Ana we will discuss this when we get home" Christian answered pulling his hands back across the table.

"Your turn" She said looking at me.

"OK!" I shrugged giving her my hands.

She closed her eyes, holding my hands. We sat in silence for what seemed like much longer than before.

"Ana you are a fiction editor for SIP aren't you?" The psychic woman stated.

"Yes i am" I answered.

"Your publishing a new book next week entitled 'The struggle' about a girl with an eating disorder. This is a story that you picked" She continued.

"Yes I did" I replied.

"Your husband was planning a surprise getaway next week for the both of you" She said

"Is that true Christian?" I asked with a smile.

"I wanted to take you to the mountains" He answered "It was supposed to be a surprise"

"Wow! so far all of what you have said has been true. What does my future hold" I asked.

"You will live a long and happy life with your husband in a large house. You will make SIP the top publishing company on the west coast. Authors will flock to you for a chance to publish and market their work. Your mom will move to Seattle to be close to the children. That won't happen for a while though" She said

"Children?" i asked.

"Yes you will have more than one" She answered "Does that satisfy you curiosity?"

"Yes! I'm really impressed" I cried standing up from the wooden chair.

"I need to speak to your husband for a minute in private" She said sweetly.

I felt mildly insulted but i obeyed her order.

"I'll meet you by the door Christian" I said just before walking out the door.

The woman waited till I was completely out of the room before saying another word. What did she had to say to Christian that his wife could not hear?