Bakugou stood scowling at the open fridge. He didn't know how long he was standing there, but what he did know was that he was starting to get damn cold from the chilled air pouring out of it. He glared once again food that lined the shelves. It was almost as if he was waiting for something to just finally jump the fuck out and scream "EAT ME!" Nothing did. Stupid non-animated food. Everything sat in the same fucking place it had just a moment ago. Snorting he slammed the door shut. He probably wasn't hungry anyway.

Giving up on the notion of a midnight snack, he turned his attention to the cupboards as he searched for the kettle. If food wouldn't help then maybe something to drink would. Filing up the pot he placed it on the stove. Lighting the burner he stood and glowered at the kettle, as if his expression alone would cause the water to boil faster. It didn't. He then turned his attention to another cupboard as he searched for the tea he wanted. In the back is where he found the box with the sleepy owl. The fuckin bird all cuddled up in his bed, wearing a sleeping cap and its eyes were blissfully closed. It taunted him. That cocky little slumbering bastard. Well, fuck you owl. Grabbing a tea bag from the box before shoving it to the back of the shelf. He then retrieved a mug and turned back to the kettle.

Once he was done preparing his tea he padded his bare feet over to the living are.a taking a seat on the couch. This really was ridiculous, there was no reason that he should be up at... He turned his head to a clock that was mounted on the wall: 12:52... Great, just fan-fucking-tastic. Snorting he took a long draw of tea thinking that he probably only got about an hour of sleep before he woke up and tossed and turned. He did that for a few hours before giving up and getting out of bed.
He sighed as he leaned his head back on the couch, his hands cupping his warm mug and closed his eyes. He just wanted to fucking sleep, but his body was disagreeing with that plan. Stupid fucking body. So, there he sat for a few moments, mind blank as the darkness around him as he breathed in the silence. Suddenlt the door to the entry was opened and he couldn't stop himself from jumping. The sudden movement caused his tea to slosh over the lip of the cup and splashed down onto his pants. Ignoring the warm liquid he snapped his head over and narrowed his eyes at the figure that was slipping through the door.

His eyes grew wide as he saw Uraraka come in. She looked like absolute shit. Her hair was pulled back into a disheveled ponytail, pieces randomly pointing in all directions. Her uniform was in an equal state of disarray: her shirt half tucked in and half out, her tights had large holes in them, her blazer opened wide. In her hands were two plastic bags. She closed the door by slowly pushing it shut with her back. Once it was shut she stood for a moment before a grin broke on her face and a hum left her lips. What the fuck was she doing and what the fuck was she so happy about in the middle of the night? Bakugou watched her as she began to walk in, stupid grin still on her face as she hobbled into the kitchen. She flicked on the light and it made his eyes burn at the sudden brightness. He could hear her moving around in the kitchen. He couldn't help but raise his brow. Where the hell had she been so late? Wasn't she one of those people that always followed the rules? It was well past fucking curfew.

The lights went off and then suddenly like a fucking magician she appeared on the other side of the couch with a mug in her hand. Her eyes wide as she looked down at him.

"Oh, Bakugou, I didn't know you down here," she said sheepishly running a hand through her wild hair.

"Where the fuck were you?" He asked as he scowled at her. Not that he really cared.

"What do you mean?" She smiled but her mouth twitched as she questioned him. He narrowed his eyes.

"You just waltzed through the front door, dingbat. Where did you go?"

"I had to run to the store," she said quickly as she sat on the other side of the couch tucking her legs under her. His brow raised.

"At midnight?" he scoffed. He saw her purse her lips as she kept her gaze in front of her.

"Girl stuff," she shrugged. She was lying. He was pretty fucking sure of it. He knew that she was lying and that pissed him off. That type of shit had always driven him up the wall. To him, there were few things worse then lairs. He frowned at her as she took a sip of her drink but once her mug left her lips they would return back to a tight purse. "Well, it really is late. I should get to bed," she stood and gave a trembling stretch. "Good night Bakugou." He let his eyes follow her fleeting form. He shook his head. That whole encounter seemed sketchy.

Two days later Bakugou found himself back in the kitchen making more sleepy time tea. At 12:45 A.M. he also found Uraraka slipping through the door again. This time she was in a black hoodie and track pants and she still looked like complete shit. Again, her hair was a disaster, there also looked like a bruise was forming on her cheek, not to mention her clothes were bunched in in weird places.

"Oh, hiya Bakugou," She said as she flipped the light on in the kitchen, once again fucking burning the shit out of his retinas. He didn't say anything. No, after he was done with his blinking fit he just stared at her as she stood in the doorway of the kitchen grasping two plastic bags with white knuckles. Slowly she entered and placed the bags on the counter. "What are you doing up so late?" He knew that she was attempting to keep her voice light, but he could hear the strain in it.

"Brain surgery," he snapped. "What the fuck do you think I am doing?" he spat as he lifted his mug of sleepy time tea to his lips. She turned her whole body to face him. Her lips were drawn into a straight line while she raised both of brows.

"Right, well I hope that went well for you," she said after a few beats of silence. She then turned her attention to the fridge and pulled out a carton of milk and went to grab a mug filling it then placing it into the microwave. Bakugou nearly gagged. There was nothing worse than warm milk. While she heated up her milk she pushed the bags farther back on the counter like she was trying to fucking hide them behind nothing. Okay. That did it. He had some damn questions.

"Where the hell did you go?" He asked as he placed his tea down. Once again she turned to him as she ran a hand through her hair. He narrowed his eyes as her hair was pushed from her face it uncovered a decent sized bruise in front of her ear.

"To the store," she breathed as she leaned against the counter. She was trying to act completely relaxed but he could see the stiffness in her movements. He raised a brow at her. "I ran out of toilet paper." He then found himself looking at the two white bags she brought in. That was definitely not the size or shape of toilet paper, and why the fuck would she have gotten two bags? Also, he was pretty sure UA provided the bathrooms with toilet paper. The microwave chirped and she turned her attention to her warm disgusting milk. "I am going to bed. Have a good night," she said as she gathered her drink and bags and bolted out of the kitchen before he had a chance to question her more. He glared at the now empty doorway before letting out a loud snort. He then drained the last of his tea and rinsed out his mug. All the while he was thinking that Uraraka Ochako was up to something. He wasn't sure what it was, but he would figure it out.

A week passed before his next encounter with the girl. It is 1:15 in the morning. He was sipping his tea in the kitchen when she walks in again, and of fucking course, she had to turn on the damned lights. He groaned as he shut his eyes then winced as he opened them slowly to see her standing in the doorway. She stood with two bags in her hands and looked as if she took a ride in a fucking tornado. Her hair was in two uneven ponytails with whisps and chunks hanging out all over the place. Her clothes were in tatters. Her tank top was ripped on the side and there was a large bruise blooming on her clavicle. This time there were no words spoken. She looked at him with narrowed eyes as she reached for a water bottle. She grabbed it and slowly closed the fridge then backed out of the kitchen keeping her eyes glued on him. Her bags never left her hands but before she out of the doorway she reached and flicked off the lights.

What the actual fuck?

For the most part, he had decided to ignore the questions he had about the girls night time routine. It wasn't his business and he really didn't care what the fuck she was up to... That was until all of that weird shit she pulled. After the last night, he just couldn't ignore it. He couldn't not get answers to his questions... Now he was finding himself watching the girl at school. Nothing changed, she as still all fucking rainbows and sunshine there. Her uniform was always perfectly pressed, hair done just right, looking like she slept for at least eight hours. Which clearly, he knew she didn't. And she was always smiling brightly while talking with her friends. Never once did she bring up what she was doing at night. She would even glance over at him and smile. Fucking smile at him like she wasn't hiding anything. What a sneaky little bitch.

After school, there was a moment when he questioned if he should watch her. He wanted to know what she was up to, but actively seeking her out... Well, that seemed a bit stalkerish. He couldn't stop himself, though, that night. He was in the common room waiting for her to sneak out. She never came. He even stayed up past midnight to see if she would sneak in. Nothing. He glared at the door from the couch. It was 1:15. Grunting he pulled himself up and went to his room.
She was fucking all smiles the next day again. It was fucking irritating him. He didn't know why he was getting so invested in what the hell she was doing, but he couldn't stop himself. When he had questions he always found the goddamn answers. He couldn't stop until he knew. And for whatever reason, he needed to know what the hell she was doing. That was it. Tonight he would wait to see if she left and if she didn't he would believe her stupid stories about needing toiletries.

Code fucking red! She was leaving! She was fucking leaving! He sat on the couch the dark living room watching the door and out she went wearing dark track pants, a hoodie and even a fucking black beanie. There was no way she was leaving for more toilet paper. Not when she was dressed like she was out to rob a fucking bank. His hands gripped on his pants. This was it. Maybe he would find out that she was actually up to some shady shit. What if she was moonlighting as a villain? He knew there had been rumors at some point of a traitor in UA. What if it was this fucking bitch? He shook his head. He was letting his imagination getting the best of him. But then again, it would be the perfect cover. The over bubbly girl who everyone just fucking loved was taking information and leaking it. Fuck that bitch. He hurried from the couch slipping on his loafers as he walked and slipped out of the door.

He hung back. He was about a half a block, or so, behind her and she didn't notice him at all. Though, he could see her head moving from side to side checking out her surroundings, acting all around shady. He followed her for about ten minutes before he saw her disappear into a corner store. At that point, he really could have smacked himself. She was actually out fucking shopping! He should have turned around, should have just left to go home. He didn't. For some unknown reason, he found himself standing by the large window peering in as he continued to watch her as she went about the store. He kept his gaze trained as she stalked the aisles making her way towards to back of the store. She slowly meandered at the open refrigerator case in the back that held the pre-packed bentos. She moved at a snail's pace inspecting each one carefully. Once she was done she went into another aisle and slowly looked at the products. Her actions caught him off guard. She wasn't really shopping. More like loitering. Maybe he was right? Maybe this was where she went to meet up with whoever the hell it was that she was out to see. He forced himself to stand at the window and watch. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see more shady people entering.

A few large men walked to the back and gave the same attention to the bentos. They then looked over to where Uraraka stood. Everyone stilled for a moment as they glared at each other then slowly backed away into separate parts of the store. His brow raised at the silent altercation. There was no way that this was a normal shopping trip.

Next, he noticed a kid about his age with long silver hair, walk breezily through the automatic doors. He too went to the back of the store and perused the refrigerator. When he was done with his inspection he looked up and saw Uraraka, a carefree smile spread across the guys face as he walked up to her. She smiled her usual too big smile at him and it seemed they began to chat. He watched them carefully as they laughed and bumped shoulders. At one point they even fist bumped. Maybe this was a date? She did actually seem lame enough to meet up with a date at a corner store. He didn't think that could be right, not when there were multiple people that kept glaring in her direction. This made no sense.

All of a sudden it was like the whole store stilled. All the patrons turned as an old man walked back to the refrigerated area. All of them watching the man working with brows drawn and muscles tight. He looked to Uraraka as she slowly unzipped her hoodie and placed it on a shelf. She then reached into her pocket and pulled out mostly fingerless gloves. Never taking her eyes off the old man she pulled them on. All of her fingers free except for a clothed pinkie. Bakugou didn't know what the hell was going on again. Well, if he was honest with himself he never really knew what was going on, but the last thing that he would have expected to happen was for everyone to be so interested in that old fuck putting stickers on the bentos. The old man finished, walking slowly to the back room. Once the swinging door stopped moving. That was when all hell broke loose.

"What the flying fuck is going on?" Bakugou breathed as he watched the scene in front of him. This was honestly the last thing that he had expected to see. It was so out of the realm of ordinary that he felt like he should pinch or hit himself to make sure that he was actually awake.

It all started after the old guy left. There was a mad sudden rush to the back of the store. The big guys, the long-haired pretty boy, and Uraraka running to the refrigerator. The long-haired guy next to Uraraka suddenly raised his arm and elbowed her in the fucking face. She faltered for a moment before she rushed at him grabbing onto his arm and pushing him back. He raised his fist and went to hit her but she dodged the throw completely.

Behind him, he could hear the sounds of feet hitting the ground. A group of people ran past him and rushed into the store. Then it became complete chaos. Everyone was fighting. He saw Uraraka flip and then jum,p wrapping her thighs around one of the earlier big fuckers. She twisted her body slamming them both to the ground. After that, it was impossible to see her. There were punches thrown, kicks sent, and people flying all the fuck over the place from the brawl. Bakugou couldn't seem to move. All he could do was watch as this handful of people had a full-on battle royal in the corner store.

The numbers began to dwindle fast as the fight raged. The herd had thinned out to the point where he was able to see Uraraka again. She was fighting against one of the people that ran in after they began. She jumped... hold the fucking door... She just did the move he did on Icy Hot during the sports festival! What a fucking copy cat! She sprung into a no handed cartwheel, her hand landing on the big guys head she shoved him to the side as her legs came down on a guy behind the big guy planting a kick right into his chest. Once she landed she quickly looked around before rushing for... the refrigerator? She was quickly grabbing the contents inside. From her side, the pretty boy began to dash at her. She lifted a few bentos and raised them to her face. The dude stopped mid punch. She lowered the food and grinned at the guy who seemed to sigh then quickly reached in and grabbed one of the other trays.

No fucking way. He shook his head. There is no fucking way that this melee was over that?! It couldn't possibly be over fucking bentos. He watched as she walked over the bodies passed out in the aisles, smiling as she made her way to the register. Long hair guy walked right next to her with a shit eating grin. All Bakugou could do was blink.

He eyed them as they paid. They chatted the whole time and slowly meandered out the door.

"I'll see ya tomorrow, Paws?" Long haired guy asked as he bumped his shoulders into Uraraka. She smiled at him shaking her head.

"Not tomorrow, but I'll be back the night after," she lifted her bag of bentos.. "Will have to restock again."

"Ah, so every other night. I can get that. Well, you know we could meet up some other time besides at night in the corner store," he smiled down at her, his hand lifting up to adjust her beanie.

"Oi! Round face!" Bakugou yelled. He wasn't interested in watching her get a date with some loser. No, he wanted answers. The moment she heard his voice all of her muscles tightened as her head snapped in his direction. Her eyes bulged as her mouth fell open. She stared at him for a moment before blinking rapidly.

"Shit," he hears her cuss under her breath as she turned her body to face him. That almost had his mouth drop open. Almost. He had never heard her cuss before. Long hair placed a hand on her shoulder pulling her back slightly. The action made Bakugou scoff. What did he think she needed his protection? Did he forget about the fact that she had floored him not even a half an hour ago?

"You alright, Paws?" Dude dropped his head down so he spoke into her ears. Her eyes moved to look up at him then she shook herself out.

"Oh, I am fine," she smiled as a blush crept over her cheeks. "I know him from school. I should probably get going." Long hair looked at her, then at Bakugou with a raised brow.

"Okay, if you say so," he sighed as he let go of her shoulder. "But before you go, want to trade num..."

"Uraraka!" Bakugou growled. He didn't care about what was happening in between the two. He just didn't want to have his time wasted by listening to the guy try and get a date. She gave him a glare then looked back to Long Hair.

"I'm sorry, I really have to go. See ya in a few days," she said over her shoulder as she began to walk away with a small wave. Long hair just stood and watched her leave with pursed lips.

"What are you doing here?" she hissed at him as she got closer. He raised his brow at her. Was she seriously getting bitchy with him? She was the one that just took part in some type of fight club.

"What the hell was that?" He asked. She glared again at him and kept walking past. "Oi! Don't you walk away from me!" He yelled as he turned to catch up with her. She didn't even look over at him when he walked next to her. "You fucking ignoring me?" He asked through clenched teeth.

"No," she replied flatly. He looked over to her but she was still refusing to look at him.

"Then answer the damn question. What the hell were you doing there?" He nodded his head back in the direction of the store. She looked at him out of the corner of her eye.

"Shopping," she sighed as she turned her eyes forward. He quickened his step so that he was a few steps in front of her then turned and blocked her path.

"Don't fuck with me," He growled at her. She came to a stop and she narrowed her eyes.

"Why the hell do ya care what I am doing?" She sighed as she closed her eyes. She opened them slowly to see Bakugou staring intently at her. He remained silent. He didn't care what the hell she was doing. Well, it wasn't her that interested him at the moment. It was whatever the hell was going on in that store. "Fine, whatever. I go out and get discount bentos for lunch," she said as she raised her bag to show it to him. He couldn't stop himself. His hand raised and smacked himself in the forehead and roughly dragged it down his face.

"I don't care about the god damned fucking bentos," he huffed. "What the hell was that shit that happened before you bought your precious bento." She blinked at him for a moment before rolling her eyes.

"Well, it was a bento battle," she said with a shrug like as if that explained it. It didn't.

"What the fuck is a bento battle?" her brow twitched as he asked.

"At eleven all the leftover bentos go half price at the corner store. That's really cheap, and they make really really good bento too. So, ya know there are a lot of people that want em. Well, there usually isn't a ton left by that time of night. In order to get the discount there is... Well, a bento battle," she shrugged as if everything that just fell out of her mouth was completely normal. Who the fuck was this person? And how the hell would this be considered a normal event? He raised his brow at her and just stared. "What? What are you looking at? I just told ya what it was," she scowled at him.

"You fucking... fight over bento?" He said slowly. She gave him a "are you special" look as she slowly nodded. He... He was not the one that was fucked up here. "So you fight a bunch of people for... bento?"

"Oh my god! Yeah! That is what I said, Bakugou!" she snapped and he blinked. He stood and stared at her trying to wrap his brain around what she was saying. She let out a breath as she sidestepped him and began to walk back. He shook his head as he turned and jogged to catch up with her.

"How long have you been doing this?" He asked once he was side by side with her. She glanced at him and shrugged.

"Uh, a few months... maybe a month and a half, or two."

"So you sneak out every other day to go there?" She raised her brow and nodded. "And there is a fight every time?"


He then reached over to her and grabbed her arm halting her to a stop. She turned to face him as a smile pulled at his lips.
"I am so fucking in."

"You're in?" The words came out slowly as she looked at him.

"Did I fucking stutter, stupid? Yeah, I am in," he scowled. He knew she wasn't the top of the class, but he didn't expect her to act this dumb.

"Why?" she shook her head at the insult.

"You are basically in a fight club. I want in too," he said the words slowly so she could comprehend them. She frowned at him.

"Fine. Whatever," she rolled her eyes as she began to walk back.

The rest of the walk home was silent between them. Which suited Bakugou just fine. He was never a fan of small talk.

The next day at school he still couldn't help himself from glancing at her. Though, this time she didn't respond to him with the shit eating grin. No, when she caught him looking she would narrow her eyes at him. He snorted wondering what stick was up her ass. Sure, he had followed her to find out her secret but it wasn't like he was ratting her out. Hell, he even wanted to come with.

At lunch, he looked over to her taking out her bento. He actually had to fight a smile at the whole situation. Who in the school would assume that she had fought off a group of dudes for that fucking thing? He knew it was ridiculous but he couldn't help but be kind of excited about the whole thing.

The next day was Saturday. He spent the morning out rock climbing, but he was sure that he arrived early in the evening. He quickly took a shower then he marched over to Uraraka's room.

"Hello, Bakugou," she said as she peeked her head around the door. He didn't even wait for an invitation from her, or for her to open the door further before he began to push his way in. "Okay, I guess come on in," she said as she took a step back to avoid getting hit by the door. He walked in and stood in the middle of the room turning to look at her. His eyes quickly glanced around. While it wasn't dirty it wasn't what he would call clean. More like chaos all around. There were piles of papers on her tables, her clothing was hanging over the hamper and next to it instead of in it, and her bed wasn't made. He shook his head to clear his mind of the whirlwind of her room and looked at her. "Can I help you with something?" She asked as she slowly shut the door. He had to stop himself from rolling his eyes. Not only was she massively disorganized she may very well be stupid too.

"You fucking going tonight or not?" He asked as he sneered at her. She pursed her lips as she looked at him.

"I was planning on it," she said as she walked into her room and took a seat on her bed, knocking a pillow off as she did. He could feel the side of his face lift up into a smirk.

"Good. So when are we leaving?"

"You were serious about coming?" Her brows flew up.

"I said I was in," he said flatly.

"Okay," she sighed. " It's not as easy as just leaving the dorm. Everything is planned," she eyed him for a moment. He stopped a scoff that was about to leave his lips. This little chaos gremlin was really talking to him about something that was organized? Has she seen what her room looked like? "I usually leave between 10:30 and 10:45. It all depends on when people are not in the common room. It might be a little later tonight since it is the weekend and most people tend to stay up a bit later. That also depends on who is down there. For instance, if it is Jero, I can leave at any time. She will rarely be looking around. But if Iida is there it can be a bit more difficult. But we have to be out by 10:48 at the very latest. If we leave any later it can be a lot more difficult. The bots tend to cross paths in their patrol at 10:55 and the area that they scan has a wide girth that can make it difficult to make a good run for it," she messed with her hair as she rambled on with what her plan was. He just stared. Maybe she wasn't as stupid as she looked.

"Okay. Where do you want to meet up?"

"Uh... well how about the kitchen around 10:20 or so? That work?" she frowned. He nodded at her. Then there were a few minutes of silence as both of them stared at each other again. "Okay then. I'll see you in a few hours then,' she smiled but it was awkward and he knew that was his cue to leave.

Bakugou had never been a patient person. Especially when he knew he was going to do something like have a fight. He could barely stop himself from grabbing Uraraka and walking to the market and just waiting there. Though, he understood why that wasn't the wisest choice. People would worry and all the fucking jazz. So, instead he took to pacing his room for a while. Then he tried to study, then moved onto youtube to watch videos about stupid shit. When he glanced at the clock on his phone he frowned to see that only twenty-five minutes had passed. Then a distraction by the name of Kirishima entering his room. He normally hated when anyone would barge in, but at the moment he took it and ran.

At 10:05 he was in the kitchen. No, Uraraka. Then again she said 10:20 and he had to remind himself that when people say a specific time they usually don't mean fifteen minutes early. That was just a trait his mother had hammered into him. So he loitered in the kitchen. Looking through the cabinet and the fridge not looking for anything in particular. Just looking. He then moved to his phone and began to play one of those stupid cooking games. At 10:17 she finally made her appearance. She strolled casually in. She was wearing baggy cargo like pants a tank top and a hoodie. Her hair was once again pulled back. She came in and didn't even greet him. Which kinda fucking irked him. He had been waiting for her for over 10 minutes and the damn bitch wasn't even going to look at him?

She walked slowly over to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water. As she twisted off the top and began to drink she walked silently into the dining area and scoped out the area. Finally, after a few moments, she took the time to look out of the corner of her eye to look at him for a moment before nodding her head in the direction of the door. He didn't even try and hide the grin as he walked past her.

It was fucking on.