Chapter 01: After-School Sessions and Jelly Beans

It should be one of the many sessions that they used to have.
Just like before.
She would ask him questions about his daily activities in school.
Like how to deal with classmates in a more proper and civil way and how to respond to their school children tricks.

Children have these different kinds of playground.
At different ages, at different stages.
It is only a matter of how you teach them to deal with it as long as there has been no physical contact or abuse of that kind.

She knows, aside from having her own experiences with her son, she knows as it is part of her profession.

However, it can't be helped, that this session of theirs seems to be different.

Yes, he answers, as he always does.
Asks questions in response, to inquire if the actions that he will take will be proper and right. All the while, reminding him of reeling in his emotions and be smart about in such situations.

He is a smart boy, indeed. A good thing he does not, not even once, misinterprets her advice during their sessions. He is growing.

"Can I ask you a different question?" He politely inquires. This raises an eyebrow in her inner thoughts. Indeed, he has asked questions before but this one pertains to something not somehow related to their current discussions. She can feel it.

"Yes, you may." Placing the journal and pen beside her at the table, she continues. "What is it about?"

The boy looks in the floor, staring at the carpet work between his shoes. It has been a very long time since they have surpassed that part during his sessions. During his 9th year, about two years now since they have started after the incident happened.

She can see that he was hesitant at first and was about to ask him-

"Why... wh – ..." He falters yet gathers his courage to ask after a big lungful of breath.
"Why is he gone? Where-?" He stops. Remembering that he promised his mother not to ask.

Though his 10th birthday is only a couple of weeks from now, he is still a child. Same as her own, though hers was a year older. Her son used to ask him those same questions too and she can answer him to the best that she can. But his was a lot different. He does not know it yet.

"Remember that when we started these sessions," she paused while looking him in his eyes and very carefully, "we both agreed that we should not talk about that yet?" Aside from the part that his mother had asked it first.

The boy nods. His beating heart slowly calms down. Linda can feel the mixture of anger and confusion forming in him.

"It was because you are not ready yet." The same way his son has been. They need to slowly have them both mentally ready. They are children after all.

"Your mother and I have agreed not to tell you until you are old enough to understand." She waits until the boy leans back on the sofa as if he had already heard these lines before.

"Know this, for I am sure that it is true. Your father loves you." The boy looks at her despite his sad and frustrated eyes.

"But why is he not here? With us and my mother?" Anger slowly boils down in his stomach. He wants to glare, she could tell, but he could only convey sadness in his eyes. She remembers the same feeling coming around from a particular patient that she has, albeit, a different kind of anger.

"I know, and I cannot give you the answer to that." She continues. "But I know for certain, that he is trying, in his very best, to find a way to be back home to you and your mother. And if he can, he would always have wanted to be with you both."

She continues to study the face of the child. Though he has the colour of his mother's hair, his face is starting to resemble his father's which will be more observable come his 15th year or so.

"He would have wanted to stay with you, you know. Since the day you were born."

At that, the boy proceeds to look at the potted plants by the windowsill. He notices a white feather rested in there but dismisses it.

"Don't worry Sam," he calls the boy's attention back to her, "just be patient and wait until your mother can tell you, okay? Everything will be fine." She assures him, yet she is unsure herself until when he should be kept in the dark.

"Do you believe it?" He asks again.

"Believe what?" She feigns.

"That he loves us and is trying his best to come back?" He answers, trying not to let a tear fall down his cheek.

"Yes, I do, for I know him and his love for your mother. He promised to come back and I believe in him that he will. We all are, and we are also still waiting for him." His face starts to ease a bit. She wonders now if his mother tells him about his father's love for them.

"My mother keeps telling me that too, I just am..."

"Samael," breaking his thoughts, she continues, "Try sending a prayer to the angel of your namesake. Maybe your thoughts can be conveyed?" She tries, hoping not to give away too much.

Hearing his real name used always surprised him a lot. Even from those people close to him. He was always introduced as "Sam" since the day he can remember. He only actually learned that his real name was not actually "Sam" when he started school and has been the receiving end of confused looks from his teachers and other adults since then. His mother occasionally uses them, always with this inexplicable emotion in her eyes. But she tries to smile. Always.

"But Auntie Linda! That was the Devil's name!" He exclaims, forgetting his composure. Apart from hearing the first time a suggestion of sending a prayer for his father, to which was very, very, surprising for him coming from someone of her profession, it was also kind of annoying and confusing for him as he was not a religious person. Not even in his family (though the paternal grandparents of his older sister are one, but not really them in the family!). Which also reminds him of his earlier reactions upon learning where his name has come from.

"Yes, but he was an Angel too, before – well, he did what he did." She continued cautiously. "He was the Angel who gave light in the darkness when the universe was being created, hence the name "Lightbringer". Creating the suns and the stars and constellations that are in our galaxy and the others." She said with a smile, trying not to give too much while also paving the way for him to not pay attention regarding the other details of his namesake.

"Aren't you thankful for that? Don't you like watching the millions of stars in the night skies?" She knew she sounded a bit off now, intermingling theology and astronomy. Hoping the boy won't be too smart enough and diss off her efforts. Oh, if he only knew.

"I love watching them, especially with mom. Sometimes she watches them happily with us, and sometimes, I hear her talking to them too." Strangely enough, the boy realizes it too.

"There is nothing wrong in trying." She says as she reaches for his arm. Hoping that he will understand somehow.

"Okay, Dr. Linda. I will try." He smiles and his attention was caught again by the moving curtain by the window. His thoughts were disrupted when a phone alarm went off. Their session is done.

"Okay, I guess that's for this one. Will your mom be over to pick you up?" She asks as she starts to put some final words on his notes.

"Um, she can't come today. She says, she had to do some lots of work before my birthday." The boy says while pulling the sleeves of his jacket.

"How about your sister, Trixie?"

"She's not here yet, but she will be on my birthday though. Will you and Charlie be there?" He continues, rummaging for something in his backpack.

"Of course, we will, Sam. Charlie would really love to. He is actually delighted because his father will be home by then too." She pauses, hoping she did not hurt the boy.

"Really! I want to see Uncle Amenadiel too!" To her surprise, he bursts out.

"Do you want me to call you a – " She stops as a knock on the door was heard followed by Maze opening it.

"Hey there Champ! Ready to go home and do some lessons?" She beams at the child ruffling his wavy hair and smiles at Linda. Both knowing what the lessons were as it was also given to his son. Yes, there were things that he was not ready for, but it seems fit that he should be at for this. Though there is no knowledge of such lessons to his mother.

"Yep! But can we please drop by to the candy store? I want to get some jelly beans." He beams happily. Maze looks at Linda and gives a knowing smile. She acknowledges.

Dr. Linda Martin's patient note:

Case File 290219

Patient Name: Samael Morningstar-Decker

Age: 9 years old (currently)

Gender: Male

Final Notes:

Ready for Identity reveal. Must see his father first before that. Sessions must continue to control his growing powers and avoid another school incident.

Wings are yet to be visible.