Every night was quiet for him. He had gotten used to the calmness that the darkness allowed. Not at first, but eventually he had made his peace with it.

He liked to have his desk tidy, his hands clean. It was mostly an impulsive thing if he was honest with himself, but he couldn't stop the urge to keep his hands clean all the time.

The thin light from his flashlight was the only thing that seemed to pour some light in these empty vast rooms. All he could hear was the sound of his footsteps and the beat of his heart. Every night. But not tonight.

A loud thump reached his ears. He was already alert. His blood was pumping. Instinctively, his right hand moved towards his gun that was placed in his belt. Maybe it was just the wind, he thought. Perhaps it knocked over a book or something. Mostly to calm himself. Nothing ever happens here anyway.

Except for the missing books. But that was none of his problems. Probably Miss Fortune, the librarian had messed up again. The young girl was still new to this job and probably in this line of work entirely.. He allowed himself to muse.

But if there was an intruder, he would have had a million places to hide in here. The large room was full of shelves and bookcases. Big desks were placed in the middle of the library. Peculiar artefacts behind glass. Masks, swords, mantles, wands. Anything you could imagine.

He walked slowly to the place where he assumed the sound had come from. He quickly noticed a fallen book. From where he stood, he could clearly spot some muddy footprints right next to it. Cold sweat started to drip from his forehead as he pulled the safety from his gun.

With steady movements, he followed the footprints until they suddenly came to a halt. How? Where could the intruder have possibly gone? Did he fly or something? His thoughts were still mixed up, when he heard a loud bang from the opposite direction.

He was quick to turn his head and run there. He could see the yellow circle from his flashlight jumping up and down as he ran as fast as he could.

Now the muddy footprints led him once again straight to his perp. There was no way out of this for him. He just didn't know it yet. He smiled as he sprinted across the room. He knew this place better than anyone and he chuckled at the thought of his perp being dumb enough to walk right into a dead end. He stopped. "There is no reason for this to turn into a violent night", he said raising his gun to point to the intruder's back.

He could see his blond hair, almost falling to his shoulders. The perp slowly lifted his hands up in the air. He was holding a large book in his right one. And on his other one, it seemed to him that he was wearing an exceptionally strange glove. It looked oddly familiar. The guard's attention quickly shifted to his worn out coat.

"Turn around. Slowly", the guard ordered the wannabe thief. And so he did. He squinted his blue eyes at the light of the flashlight blinding him. This is just a kid.. The man thought.

"Alright.. You got me.", the intruder said. He sounded way more cocky than the situation he was in, allowed him to be.

The guard came from behind to cuff him. THe sound of the cuffs wrapping around his wrists echoed in the giant room. He could feel the filth in the boy's hands. He even seemed malnurished. The guard couldn't help but wonder how the hell he managed to pull off this stunt. Having to bear with this filth against his skin made him wanna vomit. He preferred the cold metal of the handcuffs. Until that was all he was left with.

"Over here!", the boy said smiling while he sat on top of a book case. The guard looked at the handcuffs in his palms before he stumbled towards him.

"Not even close", said the blonde switching to the bookcase at the other end of the narrow corridor. The guard kept running around like a cat trying to capture a laser.

Every time he thought he would finally reach him, the boy would just switch places. At this point, the thief was running on top of the book cases, while the guard was following suit from the floor. It was like blinking. He was just appearing and disappearing on a whim, all the while he was laughing and making fun of the man. All of a sudden, the guard stopped on his tracks and shot him.

For a split second, the boy thought the guy missed. Then waves of electric shock went through his entire body and he could tell his limbs where twitching.

"I can't believe you just tazed me", the boy said feeling his eyes heavy and his body limp as he fell from the bookshelf.

His vision was still blurry. That much was certain. What wasn't certain was whether the fall had caused him any permanent brain damage. Because he could clearly see a gray cat wearing glasses as she floated on a flying book. He looked at it suspiciously and oddly enough, IT seemed to do the same. The blonde boy tilted his head to the side and the cat repeated his actions. He pulled out his hand in an attempt to pet the cat, but panic ensued.

"Where's the gauntlet?!", he exclaimed furiously.

"Ah yes.. Nice gauntlet you have there", said a woman's voice in a posh accent.

"Who said that?", asked the boy. The woman cleared her throat. The blonde looked at the cat in disbelief. He even squinted his eyes at it. "Hello", she said.

A childlike scream escaped his mouth and he tried to make an escape, jumping out of his bed. But the cat was faster. She came and jumped on his left shoulder making the boy relax in an instant. Now he was feeling much more calm.

"Who are you? I mean.. ehm.. what are you?", he asked confused.

"So that's how it is?", the cat said circling around him. "You just barge into my school and you have no idea who I am"?

"Uhm.. about that.. I'm.. sorry?", he said giving the cat a cheeky smile and hoping he sounded somewhat believable in his apology. Wait.. Did a cat just say that she owns a school?

"You're not fooling anyone Ezreal", she said, "so don't even bother".

"How do you know my name"?
"I know a lot of things", she said mysteriously. "I know your name, as well as that the gauntlet you're wearing is an ancient treasure. Namely, the gauntlet of Ne'Zul."
Isn't that a Shuriman legend?, Ezreal pondered.

"So tell me, Ezreal, why did you take it from the library"?

"I just found it", he whispered. His eyes focused on his now bare hand.

"Do you know what that gauntlet actually does"?

"Well duh, I've used it!", he said sarcastically.

"Do you know that my best students couldn't make it work? They couldn't make it work like you do?", she asked. Her voice was now serious, leaving no room for silly jokes.

Ezreal frowned.

"I'm sorry I didn't catch your name", he said.

"I'm principal Yuumi. The director of this establishment. And I'll have you know that the whole purpose of this academy, is to teach talented people how to use their very special gifts".

Ezreal seemed starstruck for a second.

"I don't want to hear any excuses, so I won't ask why you did what you did. But know this. The next time you come into my school, I want you to do that using the front door. As a student", Principal Yuumi's tone showed such determination, that Ezreal couldn't refuse the offer.

He thought he looked ridiculous. For him it was probably the first time in a while that he was seeing himself wearing something different from his brown, leather jacket and his blue scarf.

His reflection was staring at him, tauntingly in his mind. The school uniform seemed like the standard rich-kids-in-high-school dress code to him. But he appreciated the simplicity.

He was wearing an all black outfit. Jacket, pants and tie. Appart from the white shirt everything screams funeral, he laughed as he was checking out the academy's crest on his jacket. It was a golden sword above a shield with two golden stars on its sides.

He couldn't complain. Principal Yuumi made sure everything was perfect and reassured him that he would fit in. After all, he was as gifted as all the other students if not more. Yuumi had given him more than he could ask for. New clothes, food and most importantly. A place he could call home. Not that he really felt that the dorm was his home yet, but he had to admit that it was growing on him.

"I'm leaving this to your hands. For now", principal Yuumi had decided and allowed Ezreal to have the gauntlet. He couldn't be grateful enough, for the principal's kindness. All he had to do now was to repay this. Somehow.

His signature goggles crowned the top of his head ever since forever. But somehow, they felt somewhat off when he was wearing this outfit.

Eventually he took them off, revealing a huge mess underneath. His hair was so messy. Going like this was not a viable option. After all, who knows? Girls might be watching... He smirked at his reflection and tied some of his hair up. When he made sure he looked decent enough he was good to go.