"Why is my house a fuckin' mess? You've only been here for a few hours!", Jayce shouted angrily.

"Relax..", Ezreal replied nonchallantly. "Just bare with me for a few more hours will ya?", the blonde boy chuckled.

"You'd better clean this mess before you leave this place!", Jayce said as he was kicking clothes and shoes out of his way.

"I will! If you do me a teeny tiny favour president", he proposed mischievously.

"What do you want now Ezreal? I'm already at risk for hiding you here", the dark haired boy rolled his eyes.

"Pass this to Katarina. Today", Ezreal was holding a small piece of paper in his hand. "Tell her to give it to Lux. That's all".

"If that means you'll clean this shit up then I'd be glad to", Jayce replied sarcastically but took the note off of Ezreal's hand.

Lux was sitting on a leather armchair in her living room. She couldn't shake that bad feeling that nesting within her heart.

Her mother wanted to speak with her. That was what Sebastian had said when he came into her room that morning. The clock on the wall was ticking ominously as she was waiting for her mother to show up. She was biting her fingernails nervously until a woman, nearly identical to her showed up.

Her blue eyes seemed cold. Her brother was following suit. The girl stood up. Confused.

"Take a seat Luxanna", her mother gestured. Lux turned to look at Garen who averted his gaze as soon as their eyes met but she obliged with her mother's wishes.

The older woman sat on the couch next to her son across Luxanna and crossed her legs.

"That boy was here last night, wasn't he?", she inquired in a serious tone.

"What boy? What are you talk-"

"Don't try to lie to me Luxanna. You're not good with lies", she raised her voice.

Luxanna knew she wasn't good at lying. After all.. That was something that everyone in her life seemed to know.

"I forbid you to see that young man again. You are the king's bride Luxanna. This could turn into a huge scandal! Both for our family and the crown".

Lux scratched her knee nervously.

"It's- It's not like that mom.. Ezreal..", she sighed, "he just came here to say goodbye", she managed to stammer.

"I've tolerated a lot of things from you but enough is enough. From now on, your brother will be standing outside your room at all times. You're putting our family's name at risk here. The guards saw him leaving using.. magic", she said that last word as if it was filthy.

"What's wrong with magic?", she replied audaciously. "Are you forgetting that your own daughter is a mage mom?", she raised an eyebrow cockily.

The older woman shook her head.

"That's not the point..", she tried to play it off as if it was nothing. Her blonde hair were reaching her shoulders. "Garen could you leave us alone for a moment?", she asked without sparing a look at her son. As soon as the boy left, her mother invited her to sit next to her on the big couch. Lux nodded affirmatively.

"I know that this is hard for you", her serious facade had seemingly evaporated as she capped her daughter's face lovingly. "I don't like treating you that way sweety, but you must understand that you are not a child anymore. There are consequences to your actions", she sighed as she took her only daughter into a warm embrace. "You love that boy, don't you?", she asked in a motherly tone.

"I do", she said as her mother stroked her hair. She hadn't realized that tears were streaming rapidly down her soft cheeks.

Her mother broke the hug slowly.

"Love doesn't always come to us like electricity. Like butterflies in the stomach and your heart beating like crazy", she smiled as Lux was staring at her. Frozen. "I didn't fall in love with your father either when I was promised to him", she admitted. "But as time goes on and you allow yourself to open up you do..", she stared into nothingness as if she was reminiscing. "Jarvan is a good person honey. If you let yourself.. you could love him too".

She knew what her mother was trying to do. She was simply trying to make her think that things weren't as bad as she thought. That life would go on. She knew she was only trying to be encouraging but it wasn't working.

Lux wiped her tears with the back of her hand but didn't say anything.

"Next year you will become the queen of Demacia", she tried to hype her up. "My daughter.. Queen", she gave her an infectious smile.

Lux couldn't help but mirror her behaviour even though it wasn't genuine at all.

"Just so you know.. I haven't told your father about the boy being here last night", she smirked connivingly. "He'd be furious", she chuckled but Lux could sense a threat behind her words.

There was a knock on the door. A few seconds later, Garen's head popped up through the crack.

"Luxanna, Katarina is here", he announced.

"Tell her to go up to my room. I'll be there in a sec", Lux said putting her fake smile back on.

It's so good to see you Kat", Lux hugged her friend.

Katarina rolled her eyes and patted her on the back awkwardly. She was never good with hugs.

"How is your father doing"?

"He's getting better. Slowly but steadily. At least now he knows how many children he has", she said casually as she sat on an office chair.

"I'm really sorry"..

"Don't be. Just like I said. He's getting better", Katarina forced a small smile. "So how's life? Are you having fun in your golden cage?", she pouted her lips mockingly.

Lux folded her arms defensively.

"What are you trying to say"?

"I'm trying to say that you should get the fuck out of here", the pink haired girl said fumbling with a small dagger.

"You know I can't do that", Lux's voice sounded like a big whisper.

"Then why are you whispering? Oh. I forgot you're a prisoner in your own house. My bad", she pretended to yawn.

"If that's what you came here for then I think that it's better for you to leave", Lux said pointing towards the door.

Katarina reluctantly stood up.

"I came here because I have a message for you", Katarina's face was inches apart from the blonde's. Lux could see her reaching in her back pocket. A small piece of paper was placed between her slim fingers. "It's from Ezreal".

Lux took it from her friend's hand in a swift movement.

"Do you know what this says?", she asked taking a step back.

"Nope. But I can imagine", Katarina furrowed her eyebrows. "Probably an invitation to ride off into the sunset", she chuckled. "And in my humble opinion, you'd be stupid if you refused. That's your way out ticket", she tapped the white piece of paper with her polished fingernail.

"Way out of what?", Lux asked.

"Don't pretend to be dumb. I know you're a natural blonde but you aren't that stupid. I know you want to leave this life behind", she sounded angry now.

"Why do you care so much about what happens to me?", Lux replied in the same aggressive tone.

"Because I want you to be happy!", Katarina lashed out.

Luxanna was looking at her wide eyed.

"I know..", she chuckled at her reaction. "But you're my friend. My only friend", she carried on in a small voice. "And as much as I'd like to have a queen for bestie, I'd like more to have a friend who is free".

She touched her on the shoulder as she stepped closer to the bedroom door.

"Take care of yourself. And Luxanna. Tell loverboy I did my part".

The message was clear. Ezreal was going to leave the country for good. And he wanted Lux to leave with him. At midnight.

The girl picked up a few things and shoved them into a backpack along with her staff. She was going to do it. She was going to be free. She hesitantly turned the handle on her bedroom door and pushed it open.

"What the hell are you doing?", Garen pushed her back into her bedroom and closed the door behind him as silently as he could.

"I can't believe she really made you my personal bodyguard", Lux couldn't hide her surprise.

"Well, ofcourse she did what did you expect? She even warned you Luxanna!", Garen let out a big sigh as Lux was biting her lip ashamed. "You're going to him.. aren't you"?

"Y-Yes", she stuttered looking at the floor as her backpack was hanging from one of her shoulders. Her face spelled sadness. It was all over. Before it even began.

"Then go".

Luxanna looked up at her brother. He can't have said that. She must have been mistaken.

Garen took a deep breath.

"Go to him. I may not like him but the guy has nearly died for you a loooot", he laughed. "At least, I'm sure that he'll do anything in his power to protect you if things go sideways".

Luxanna jumped and hugged her brother by the neck.

"Woah go easy now little sister", the boy grinned.

"Thank you Garen", she said looking straight into his brown eyes as her feet touched the ground again. She could feel the tears welling up in her eyes.

"Just go", he patted her on the head. "And tell him if something ever happens to you.. I'll hunt him down and kill him", he winked mischievously.

She had finally made it to the meeting point that was written on the note.

"What are you waiting for? Hop on!", the boy asked as he pressed a button on his black helmet. His goggles were hanging around his slim neck over a crimson scarf. The black glass covering his eyes disappeared.

Fiery blue eyes locked onto fiery blue eyes. Ezreal sat atop a motorcycle with exceptionally thick tires.

"Hop on!", he urged the girl with a playful wink. The crystal on his gauntlet lit up with a blinding blueish shine.

"Where did you get this?", she asked suspiciously.

"You mean the bike?", he said innocently and Lux proceeded to nod.

Ezreal chuckled.

"Let's just say it's been confiscated", he smirked in a charming way.

Luxanna bit her bottom lip as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other. She took a quick glance at the building behind her, feeling an unpleasant knot in her stomach.

"I didn't think it would be like this", she managed to say.

"What did you think it would be like then?", Ezreal raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know", she started bashfully. "I thought that.. maybe.. it would be a little more romantic..?", she pouted her lips like a little girl.

"Well, if you wanted flowers you should have chosen Sylas", Ezreal chuckled softly.

Luxanna shook her head with a smirk.

Without realizing, her feet were already moving towards the purple motorcycle.

She touched Ezreal's arm lightly. His face lit up as a genuine smile settled on his lips.

She couldn't see it but his look gave away everything he couldn't say.

"Okay", she said decisively as she picked up the pink helmet that was dangling on his wrist. She hopped on the bike spreading her legs.

"Grab on tight", Ezreal said as she wrapped her arms tightly around his waist.

Luxanna rested her chin on his left shoulder as they took off. The wind was blowing furiously chilling her face as she breathed in the smell of fumes and gas mixed with something entirely new to her. Freedom. Her hair was wavering against the irregular currents of cold air as the two of them merged with the rest of the traffic. She could feel her eyes getting wet with unconscious tears.

"Where are we going?", she yelled.

"What?", Ezreal asked. The motorcucle was a bit too loud.

What on earth am I doing?, Luxanna asked herself as the initial wave of excitement suddenly began to fade away but she never got an answer.

"Ezreal stop! Stop! I want to get off!", she demanded gripping the boy by his black, leather jacket. His unique scent was hypnotizing but she decided she wouldn't let it influence her decision.

"Why? What happened?", he asked without decelerating.

"Where are we going?", she asked. Her voice unsteady.

"To an adventure!", the boy boasted hoping his answer would be enough for Lux to take it easy for once. It wasn't.

"I can't just go explore uncharted waters with you!", she yelled.

A hint of sarcasm crept into her tone. Ezreal remained silent as Lux awaited his response in vain.

He just expects me to abandon my entire life for him.. Her throat felt sore. She didn't want to speak. She could tell her voice would crack and she would burst into tears if she did. Her eyes were already welling up as the feeling of uncertainty inside of her grew bigger with every second.

She saw a blurred red traffic light as the boy hit the breaks gently.

"Why can't you?", Ezreal asked in a small voice.

Her ears were ringing but she'd still felt the twinge of his disappointment deep in her gut. The words were stuck in her throat and her mind was numb. She loved him. That much she knew. But was she prepared to leave everything behind just to be with this person? A person who had never even said that he loved her back.


The wind was whipping her entire body. It no longer felt like freedom. It was asphyxiating. Luxanna felt her lungs swell.

"I can't just go with you to nowhere!", she finally said. Only then did she realize she was actually holding her breath all this time. "How can I see a future with you when y-you haven't even told me that you love me!", Luxanna stammered loudly.

She felt Ezreal sigh as her arms were knitted against his stomach.

"Shut up", he snapped at her.

Lux couldn't believe her ears. That's his answer?! Seriously? That's the guy she chose over her parents, her brother, her duty? Her jaw dropped and her mouth quickly became dry from the air pressure.

"That's all you gotta say?!", she lashed out in anger. "I'm leaving everything behind for you and that's all you gotta say?! That's it! Let me off! LET ME OFF NOW!", the girl ordered him.

Her eyebrows knitted together as the pressure on her temples became unbearable. Ezreal completely ignored her as she began to hit him on his back with one hand.

"I can't believe my parents were right about you! You-"

"Just shut up and look out in front of you!", Ezreal said in a surprisingly deep and commanding voice.

"Now listen here boy! You don't get to boss me aroun-" Lux's lips froze.

Her tongue felt tangled as a glowing blue light flickered a few meters ahead of their motorcycle. She hadn't even noticed that Ezreal had fired his gauntlet a few seconds before. The light repeatedly blinked with a message.


Ezreal's heart tumbled when he felt Lux's arms wrapping firmly around his waist as a gentle, innocent kiss was carefully planted on his left cheek.

The End.

So this is it guys! It's been almost an entire year since I started writing this fic.. And wow.. Time really flies. I just want to thank everyone who took the time to read this long ass story and I hope you had a good time with it. That's all I wanted.

As I'm posting the final chapter the story has over 45k views. A response that I never expected. Special thanks to the people in the comments! You guys are the real ones. Without you the story wouldn't have been what it is.

I really wish you guys the best.