Hello, new people! I have been a fan of the Thunderbirds for a long time now, but I've just decided to post something. I didn't grow up with the original series but still became a fan after watching it. I watched the movie, read tons of fics, and am currently watching the new series. I picked up traits and stuff from each series so this is AU? I guess I kept what I liked from each one. Lol Gordon will forever be a redhead to me.

Warnings: I don't want to say major character death but...yeah?

Might be riddled with mistakes, please be gentle. I'm trying out these amazingly beautiful characters. Thank you for letting me play in this world.

I do not own anyone you recognize. I am not a medical professional so don't quote me on any medical jargon here. Enjoy!




"I think the fire is about half-way contained, Annabelle. From what the fire chief is telling us, there are still some people inside the building, but it should be a matter of time before they're rescued. As anyone can see, International Rescue is once again providing miracle after miracle."

"I can say without a doubt we are all thankful to have them around. Please keep us updated, Ben."

Alan Tracy watched the news report from an uncomfortable chair, his cup of coffee now having gone cold. Since he can remember, he's always watched his family on the news with excitement as well as anxiousness. He was proud of them for having the courage and heart to make their father's dream come true; working in an organization to help people. Sure, he's joined in quite a few missions himself but nothing close to the number of rescues his brothers have achieved.

After their dad went missing, they could have easily given up on their operation; dedicate their lives to the Tracy business while continuing to search for their father but saving people was in their blood. There was no stopping them. They didn't do it for the glory or fame, the world didn't even have a clue as to who the Thunderbirds were outside their uniform. No, they did it because they could and because they wanted to.

At the present time, Alan's brothers were currently across the globe - putting out a fire while evacuating people the local rescue team could not reach. If it wasn't for them, more than a thousand lives could have easily been lost.

He'd be there with them, helping however he could, but unfortunately his grandmother had needed to go to the mainland to purchase some items and he had volunteered to go with her. Not necessarily as a good deed. Alan had received his driver's license a few weeks prior and he could not get enough of driving around or playing chauffeur. His brothers were yet to let him drive alone when they were together in the mainland, so Alan took this chance to enjoy.

Being the youngest member of the family came with its disadvantages - especially with four overprotective older brothers keeping a constant watch over him. Even at age sixteen, they treated him like a baby; always checking up on him, making sure he ate, that he was healthy, and boy did they try to keep him away from danger. They'd lightened up a bit after he'd spoken with them which is why he was now allowed to go on missions, but it was a still a work in progress.

Of course, being the youngest also came with its perks which Alan loved taking advantage of. He was spoiled, but not rotten. He could get away with more than any of his brothers ever did at his age - always had a tutor for each and every subject in school, and he would get extra dessert after meals. He really didn't need anything else. He had his grandma, his brothers, Kayo, and Brains. Really, that was the most important thing. Family.

Jeff Tracy, his father, may be missing at the moment but Alan had no doubt the man was still alive. He couldn't and wouldn't lose hope. One day soon, he'd have most of his family together again.

He had lost his mom at a very young age; he couldn't even remember what she looked like. If it wasn't for the pictures and his family saying that was mom, Alan would just assume her to be a stranger. He would feel a little guilty at times for not missing her as his brothers did, but how can you miss someone you never knew? Thanks to his grandma, he never even missed out on having a mother. Aside from Scott, their grandma practically raised him when his dad distanced himself after his mom's death.

He can remember Scott teaching a young Alan how to ride a bike, then his grandma bandaging his knees when that ended up in disaster. Alan remembers his grandma singing him to sleep after reading a bedtime story - she would also help him with school work as much as she could when his brothers weren't available. He would never make things easy on her but she made sure he finished all of his assignments.

Grandma was never the best cook and she knew it but that never stopped her from trying to cook a decent meal for her family. A lot of the times, Alan would be her unwilling guinea pig - telling her the food was great. Then she'd pretend not to see him throwing away the burnt food. She took care of him when Alan was sick. Well, she'd push Scott and Virgil away when they tried too hard to miraculously heal him from a cold. Her care was always more gentle, more comforting. She was just like any other great mom. Maybe even a little better.


Alan stands up in a rush, almost spilling the cold beverage still in his hands but manages to keep a hold on it. "I'm Alan Tracy, how's my grandma?" He asks shaking the doctor's offered hand.

Alan's shopping trip with Grandma had been put on hold when she'd insisted on visiting some old friends back in Kansas instead. Being a Tracy meant they could change their plans without a worry; taking a plane to their old town was nothing. He hadn't minded, of course, that simply meant more driving. He'd driven her around; had kept her company for the day until she was ready to rest in his childhood home.

A few minutes before reaching their home, however, his grandma had started to complain about shortness of breath as well as chest pains. Alan hadn't needed any more information. He'd quickly driven her to the nearest hospital where she was immediately attended to. Just as she was being transferred to a bed, she'd made him promise not to call his brothers. She didn't want them distracted at work and cause an accident. He'd understood but hadn't liked it.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Dr. Johnson. I'm sorry, I was expecting an adult to be here by now. Is there anyone I can call?"

Alan was used to being treated like a child by his family. He normally argued back and demanded he be treated like an adult but this was different. There wouldn't be any tantrums today.

"Dr. Johnson, my brothers are away on work. I haven't been able to reach them yet but I will keep trying until I get them all here. In the meantime, I ask you to please not leave me wondering what's going on with my grandma."

He made sure to look extra pitiful which wasn't that hard considering he felt terrible. The doctor took a second to ponder his decision before nodding his head with a sigh.

"Your grandma suffered a heart attack."

Alan had figured as much but had tried to remain positive. People suffered from heart attacks and survived all the time. His grandma was the strongest person he knew; she'd be fine.

"But she's going to be ok, right? I mean, I got her here within five minutes."

The youngest Tracy doesn't like the look the doctor is giving him. It's the same look he's given people he'd rescued on missions before. That look full of sympathy when giving bad news. He really didn't like it directed towards himself.

"Normally I'd say yes, but that's not the case today. Unfortunately, with her damaged heart, there isn't much else we can do except make her as comfortable as possible. I'm terribly sorry."

"What do you mean damaged heart? She's never had any issues with her health."

The doctor is now starting to look uncomfortable like he has said too much. "I'm sorry, you'll have to speak with her. I'm not able to give any more information than that."

Alan feels his hands shake, he crushes the styrofoam cup on his right hand without meaning to or even noticing the liquid spill.

"What is wrong with my grandma, doctor?"

"Mr. Tracy, I am not able to give you more information. Go and see her while you still can. Nurse Mattie will take you to her room. Again, I really am sorry."

Alan isn't sure what to make of those words. There is no way they can mean what his mind is telling him. He's lost his mom, his dad, he can't lose his grandma as well. He allows the nurse to take the crushed cup from his hand and accepts the paper towels offered to clean himself. He follows her down the brightly lit hall, ignoring the familiar hospital beeps and sounds - soft voices coming from the open rooms and he wonders how many feel as numb as he does.

"This is her room. She's awake but the medicine she's on is making her drowsy. I understand this is incredibly difficult for you but she's not in any pain."

"Does she know?"

Nurse Mattie nods, "She's aware. I should tell you she has a DNR. That means she would like to go in peace without anybody disturbing her. Those were her words."

"She would say that. She never liked being bothered while she slept. My brother Virgil is the same way."

"She doesn't have a heart monitor, she didn't want the noise keeping her up. I'll be checking in on you guys every so often, ok?"

Alan nods understanding what that means. She'll go and no machine will alert him. He isn't sure what else to say after that. Is there anything else he can say? The nurse seems to know what's going on through his head and offers a gentle pat on his arm.

"If there's anything I can help with, please don't hesitate to let me know."

Again, Alan nods. The nurse walks away leaving him outside the room. He wants to walk inside but his body doesn't seem to be working. Why can't he take those several steps needed to reach his grandma's side?

"Alan, don't be afraid to come in. It's just me in here,"

The teen wants to laugh at his grandma's voice. She sounds like herself. Alan walks inside and tries to smile. He fails.

"Oh, stop. You've seen me sick plenty of times." Sally Tracy chastises her grandson. "You look as if I'm making you eat my cooking."

Alan can't help it this time, he laughs. "I'm sorry, grandma. You're right. You've been sick enough times to know this is just one more. You'll be fine in no time."

He takes a seat in the chair next to her bed which is slightly risen. The reason why is obvious when Alan looks at what she's watching on the tv.

"International rescue has their hands full with this one. They said one of the machines suffered a lot of damage but thankfully the boys are fine."

The sixteen-year-old fidgets with his hands as he watches the news report, not sure what to say. His mind is going a million miles per second; different thoughts playing nonstop. His brothers look ok even though he can't see their faces through their special helmets. His grandma is sick. Thunderbird 2 seems to be the machine suffering from damage. His grandma is sick. It's going to take time to fix but Virgil can handle it. His grandma is dying.

"Grandma, why didn't you tell us you were sick?"

Sally closes her eyes for a second, takes a deep breath before opening them again and looks towards her youngest grandson.

"I might as well tell you now. I never wanted you or anybody else to worry about me which is why I didn't tell you. I found out a few months ago I was suffering from coronary heart disease. There isn't a cure but I knew you boys wouldn't stop trying to find one and there was no way I'd be a distraction from your duties."

"But Grandma-"

"No buts. Now, let me finish. I never planned on telling anybody so I tried to hide it from you. Unfortunately, your brothers know better than anyone how to detect a secret and I was found out. Virgil, being the trained medical professional he is, was the first to find out. John followed, then Scott, and finally Gordon. I made each of them swear on your mother's grave not to tell you once I realized Brains and Kayo knew as well."

Alan is furious. His brothers all knew what was happening with their grandma but none had bothered to let him know.

"Don't be mad, Alan. It wasn't their fault. You were away at school, I didn't want you to worry over something you had no control over."

The blond wants to argue he had every right to know, he could have done, well, something! He would have helped her with her chores, or taken care of whatever else needed to be done. Which is exactly why she didn't tell him. His grandma wouldn't want him to abandon school.

"I understand Grandma, I do. It just...sucks. I love you, Grandma, I love you so much."

"I know sweetheart. I'm sorry you had to find out this way." She sounds so weak and Alan is terrified when she leans back then closes her eyes.

"Grandma? Hey,"

"I'm fine, Alan. The medicine is making me sleepy."

"Should I call the doctor? Maybe he can give you something else."

She waves her hand in a dismissive manner. "Don't bother them, they have other patients, you know. Do me a favor and lower the bed, will you please? I think I'd like to catch up on some sleep."

Alan does as requested, feeling a painful tightness in his chest. Maybe he's having a heart attack as well.

"Tell me, what's been going on with you? You didn't finish telling me about that girl you met."

"Celia? She's just a friend I met at my friend's birthday party. Are you sure you don't want me to get the doctor?" He begins to stand but his grandma grabs him by the wrist and shows no sign of letting go. Alan sighs then sits back down.

"Celia, that's a pretty name. I always worry you boys will never find a good girl to settle down with. Especially, Scott, he's not getting any younger, you know?"

Alan lets out a laugh, "I think I can see gray hair on his head too."

"That gray hair is you and your brothers doing. Take care of each other, never forget the Tracy's are more than machines. You're about love and family."

Alan notices how difficult it is getting for her to speak and stands up to go get the nurse but his grandma's hand stops him.

"Alan, I love you and your brothers more than you'll ever know. I should have told you more often. I'm so proud of you."

"Grandma, please let me get the doctor."

"It's ok to cry but remember life goes on. Don't stay hiding in grief as your father did. Promise me that, Alan?"

"I promise,"

"Tell your brothers to do the same. I'll be watching you so don't test me."

Alan laughs but it's broken. He wants to cry but he can't fall apart now. Not when his grandma needs him. She tells him to sit down and tell her stories about International Rescue. He does as he's told. He never could deny his grandma anything.

"Yes, mom," He replies. She smiles and he begins to talk. He tells her about a time when the bossy leader of International Rescue made his team work extra hard to clean the machines after a long mission just because the prankster of the group had left a chocolate bar in Thunderbird 1. It had melted, covering the passenger seat in brown liquidy goodness. The prankster had insisted it was an accident but their Field Commander had not been happy.

He tells her a few other stories while watching his brothers finish their latest mission. He sees Thunderbird 2 take to the skies, a little shaky but thankfully it doesn't crash and burn like an interviewed person mentioned was possible. Following behind it goes Thunderbird 1. Alan notices it stays close by to its sister just in case he's needed and he smiles. Scott and his protective nature.

"Another job well done, huh Grandma?" He says through clenched teeth. His hands trembling in anguish. He'd noticed her hand losing its warmth a few minutes ago but he refused to look at her.

Nurse Mattie had come in, checked her over and offered her condolences before walking out again. Take your time, she'd said before closing the door behind her.

He knows he needs to call his brothers but the frustrated side of him doesn't want to. They had kept him in the dark about her health. He could keep them in the dark too. He doesn't need them.

Alan takes a deep breath before gently pulling his hand away. He will not cry. He will not cry. He finally looks at his grandma, her eyes are closed and she almost looks to be smiling. Almost. Maybe his grandpa and mom met her up there. She looks to be sleeping, he doesn't want to bother her otherwise she'll let him have it.

He walks towards the window because there is no way he's leaving her alone. It's already dark, the stars shining brightly in the night sky. He wonders if Grandma stopped by to say goodbye to John.

He pushes a button on his watch and waits for his brother to answer. "Hey Alan, how's your trip going?"

Alan doesn't say anything for a second. How does he tell his brother their grandma is gone?

"John," He manages in a soft voice, his throat threatening to close, "I need you guys,"




Um, I'm sorry? Mother's day has a way of making me feel all sorts of ways. I want to tell everyone how thankful I am to have my mom but I know there are so many people wishing their moms in heaven a happy mother's day so I don't. I see all the posts online and I feel for them. I can't imagine my life without my mom but I know we don't control that. Sometimes we lose people without notice and that really sucks. So let's make the best of the time we do have together.

I don't want to say I enjoy angst because I kind of don't? but I LOVE the comfort from family afterward so I kind of need it. Please let me know what you think and if I should post the second chapter. It's just about done but I don't know how well received this will be and I tend to be insecure with my work so that's why it's labeled as complete. Thank you in advance!

Beam me up, Johnny!