Jack in Miracle City

Chapter 1 New City

By: Major144

Disclaimer: I don't own anything. This is just a story for fun.

Samurai Jack walked through the desert plans on his travels. The sun was high and beating down on Jack, who was wearing a straw hat to protect his face from the sun. Jack reached to his side and pulled out a canteen. He took a sip and realized he was running low on water. Jack looked around for some cactuses to use to refill his canteen, when he spotted a sign that read Miracle City four miles away. Jack peered into the distance and saw what appeared to be a large city with a large volcano in it's center. The Samurai decided to go investigate the city and see about getting some supplies, so he headed towards it.

Unbeknownst to Jack, Aku was watching him on a monitor from his lair. The Shapeshifting Master of Darkness saw where Jack was going and let out an evil laugh.

"Ah Miracle City! I'm sure the locals will give the Samurai a warm welcome! Maybe they'll destroy the fool for me!" Laughed Aku.

One way or another Jack was going to be in for quit a ride in Miracle City.

To be continued.