Summary: Jamie has always been the poster boy for doing the right thing. It's never been hard for him to choose right over wrong. But when he helps a fellow student and ends up in danger, the lines start to blur. He learns the world isn't always so black and white. Everything spirals out of control when Frank's past comes back to haunt him revealing disturbing secrets.

This story is a tad AU; I moved up the timeline a bit so that I could use more advanced technology. Instead of taking place in 1995, (which is when Will Estes was 17) it is based in 2014.

Joe is alive in this story, but Betty, (Henry's wife) and Mary (Frank's wife) are not. I also decided that Jack (Erin's ex-husband) and Linda (Danny's wife) are not going to be in this story. There are also several POVs, first-person, and third-person. I tried to make a clear break between every switch.

Here are the ages: Jamie is 17, Joe is 19, Erin is 22, Danny is 24, Frank is 46 and Henry is 64.

This story is under editing. I've learned a lot since I wrote this. I'm not sure how often I'll update the chapters. In the first few chapters, it will probably just be minor edits. There will probably be bigger differences in later chapters when I try to fix some plot holes.

Warnings for violence, torture, sexual assault, mentions of rape and a tiny bit of language. I feel like I have given ample notice, so please don't read if you don't like that kind of stuff. I hope you enjoy!

The first chapter is in Jamie's POV.

Warning for sexual assault and violence in this chapter.


"You're grounded."

I knew this was coming, but I still dreaded it. "How long?"

"Two weeks."

"What! Dad, come on, that's not fair!" Two weeks?! Is he crazy?

"Don't argue with me. I'm your father, I'll decide what's fair. You came home with a black eye and your only explanation is 'I got into a fight'. I would have never expected this from you. Danny maybe, but not you!"

I couldn't look him in the eyes anymore. I could feel how disappointed he was. I didn't even do anything wrong, but I couldn't tell him the truth. I had made a promise. He still made me feel guilty, but I couldn't change the past. Even if I could, I wouldn't have.

"And you aren't going to the Daniel's BBQ tomorrow either."

"Wait, dad, I'm sorry. Please, I've been looking forward to it for weeks! I'll do anything you want without complaint, just please let me go." Ben Daniels was my best friend, and his family had invited us over to a BBQ this weekend for John and Kelly's 23 anniversary.

"Then tell me exactly what happened and who was involved."

"Jamie, come on, I want to shower before my next class!"

"Just a minute, Ben! I have to go grab my jacket!"

"I'm not waiting for you. I'll see you in class!"

"Whatever!" I yelled back. He couldn't even wait 10 seconds. I rolled my eyes before walking over and picking up my jacket. I was just about to head to the showers when I heard a muffled noise. I looked around, but I only saw the shed the school used to store the outdoor PE supplies. I heard it again and knew something was up. I walked around to the back of the shed, gasping and dropping my jacket.

Samuel Jones had Sarah Kennedy pinned against the wall with his body. He had one hand covering her mouth while the other was trying to pull up her shirt. Samuel heard me and turned to determine the source of the noise. He looked slightly panicked until his eyes landed on me.

"You can have a turn when I'm done," he said with a smirk.

I was shocked. I looked at Sarah and saw the terror written across her face. She was crying, pleading for help with her eyes. I couldn't let this happen, I had to do something.

"Get away from her."

He laughed. " What are you going to do? Go tell a teacher? Go ahead I'll be done by the time you get back."

"I said get away from her!"

He laughed again. I growled and charged him, ramming my shoulder into his side hard enough to knock us both to the ground.

It wasn't the brightest idea considering he was probably twice my size.

We had barely hit the ground before he threw me off and punched me in the face. Stars exploded in my vision, and I collapsed back to the ground with a grunt. He stood over me and brought his foot back to kick me. Before he could land a blow, Sarah grabbed his shoulder, spun him around and kicked him in the crotch. He gasped, collapsed and started moaning.

She walked over and helped me up.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"Yeah… I'm-I'm fine. Are you okay?"

"I don't know… Can you please not tell anyone?"

"We should tell someone. What if he tries to hurt you again?"

"I… Please, just promise you won't say anything." She was crying again.

"Okay...I promise," I answered.

"Thank you," she whispered before she turned and ran away.

"I…Can't," I answered pitifully.

"That's why you can't go. Not because you got into a fight, but because you are lying to me. Now go to your room. I don't want to speak to you until you're ready to tell me the truth."

"Yes, sir." I repressed the urge to cry and slowly made my way to my room.