Title: The Cabin

Summary: Four years ago Five walked home and found out Luther locked Vanya up because of her powers. Of course he ran away with her. Five and Vanya

When Vanya was younger very young maybe four of five years old, she used to have a set of bells right above her old window. They would rang with the speed of wind whether it was too strong they would create an almost unbearable sound of tunes not following in the right order, and when it was slow they were create this little back ground ticks in the distance ringing only every once in a while.

She couldn't remember what happened to the bells afterwards, perhaps father put them down after he forced pills down her throat and Allison's rumour down her ear, but she often felt especially during quiet times like these that she heard them somewhere behind her in the background. It must have been just a memory which was trying to find her way out on the surface from her sub-consciousness, but even now she could hear the bells loud and clearly storming in wild movements to the speed of the strong wind.

Vanya took a deep breath and focused on her breathing again. The wind started to settle down with every new breath she took. She could feel that the power was buzzing underneath her skin, always there as a reminder that she was no longer ordinary or never was for that matter.

When she finally opened her eyes she was pleased to find the forest around her in composed peace just as she felt with herself.

She couldn't help a small proud smile tug her lips. It had been months since her last incident and she felt the bubbling joy inside her impossible to keep at bay. Unlike her powers, the joy wouldn't hurt anyone so she allowed herself to smile at her success before she stood up from her blanket and put on her shoes. It was still morning and she wondered if Five would be up already although based on his odd sleeping habits it was always a flip of a coin.

The walk back to the cabin was short as Vanya never liked meditating too far from it. It was the only activity she allowed herself to do without Five outside of the cabin. Anything from going for supplies or a walk was always with the knowledge that he was close by if she needed him to help her find her balance.

She momentarily stopped and went a bit to look at the lake. It was too big for her to see, but she assumed she spotted him swimming for a moment. She closed her eyes and tried to carefully listen catching the sound of his breathing and water splashing around him with each new movement as he swam.

Opening her eyes she smiled a bit.

Looks like he woke up early today

It started about a month ago that she focused on sounds which were far away and eliminated them from the others to only hear them. It was an improvement which Five took great pleasure into testing out walking and jumping through miles away to see just how far would she be able to hear him.

Her father was right. Her powers were almost limitless. Even after four years it still felt like she was learning new and new possibilities she possessed. It was bittersweet to know that maybe if her father tried a bit harder with her when started to show them, she could have a completely different life. It still stung a bit even with all the meditation, clear mind a positive thinking she put into training herself to be in control, she still couldn't help doubts and regrets to crawl into her mind like this.

The wind once again started to speed up, but she easily settled it down as if she could direct its sound with her hand just tune it down.

Once she was back in the cabin, she started to slowly prepare breakfast since it was clear he went right into the water. It was funny in a way since Vanya could clearly remember how much nanny Susanna had trouble with getting Five to bath as they were little. Who knew he would be so much into swimming. When they first came he eyed the water with distrust.

She heard the front door open, and he walked inside.

'Good morning,' she said without turning around, she knew it was only Five. They were the only ones around for miles.

'Good morning,' he said and stepped behind her startling her momentarily as he went to grab the juice which was in next of her on the counter.

'Hey,' she made an unpleased noise as the wet drops from the lake fell somewhere under her shirt through the collar startling her a bit.

'Sorry,' he said, but there was little meaning to it as he pressed himself fully against her and nuzzled the back of her head literally drying himself in her clothes and hair.


She shoved him off of her pointing a finger at him like a demanding mom, but with a smile on her face she doubted she looked intimidating at all.

Five rolled his eyes at her in good nature and took the juice before he took a glass of it.

'We're almost out.'

'We're also almost out of eggs, butter, milk, and pretty much everything else,' said Vanya as she turned off the eggs and bacon and put it on the plates before they started to eat. She would have scolded Five that he was making the kitchen chair wet, but she also didn't really feel like it.

She took a moment to look over at him. In the last four years he turned into a very handsome young man. Despite the fact that he was already almost sixty-two he was cursed to live in his now teenage body aging all over again. Vanya couldn't help, but envy the boy a bit. Unlike herself who was slowly starting to see new wrinkles and occasional grey hair which weren't there before, she wished she could be young like him, have a second chance at firsts like him.

'What?' asked Five not looking up from the window. He had a very handsome profile in Vanya's opinion. She knew Five was always a very cute looking boy, so it would made sense that he would stay that way or even grown more handsome as his face lost all the baby fat and he got leaner and shaper around the edges.

Vanya smiled a bit. Lately she always smiled as everything made her feel good and content. It was like she was inside a never ending dream. At first it felt impossible really to imagine she could be this in control and in ease about her powers, her feeling or herself, but now she was starting to forget the terribleness of her old life. It was almost as if it was all a bad dream not worth dwelling at.

'Nothing,' she said lightly, 'Will we go to the town today?'

'I guess. We need to desperately update on our reading,' he said shooting a glare at their little library which was mostly three long shelves and several piles of books lying all around the living room area. All read almost twice by this point.

She hummed in agreement as Five stood up and went to take his coffee mug which she left him on the counter to cool down a bit. The first time she made him coffee on the second day they arrive, he looked at her like she was a miracle or something before he closed his eyes and muttered something along the lines that he would keep her forever if she made coffee like this. She carefully memorized it and stored it into her mind as one of the little things which made life better.

'How was today?' he asked casually and her smile fell a bit. She knew it was coming since it was their every day routine that he asked, so she shrugged her shoulder shaking the small feeling of disappointment that he asked again away, 'Good. I meditated and I feel in control.'

'No negative or violent thoughts?' he asked after a moment probably wondering if he should trust her or not.

'Some things, but nothing violent. Not even about that mean squirrel, I guess, it found a new victim to torment,' she joked lightly about the animal which had threw nuts at her during her last's week meditation and even though Five looked amused and not believing her one bit she would have sworn that little bastard was doing it on purpose. The squirrel, not Five. It seemed false to call Five little as he was now taller than her. It was so annoying. She blamed the pills for her lack of height as she blamed them for everything else.

She heard him chuckle, 'Glad to hear that. Can I shower first though?'

Vanya hummed in agreement and looked out of the window as well. The summer was ending it would be fall soon as she watched the leaves and grass tremble in the light breeze she remembered the first time they finally arrived here.

Four years ago

She couldn't focus. It felt like everything was too loud as Five drove the car through the city.

'I-I-I don't think I can do this,' she stuttered her eyes painfully closed as she tried to block all of the sounds around her knowing she was probably causing the hellish rain outside.

'You'll be fine,' said Five but she could hear the worry in his voice as it must have been hard trying to see in such a terrible weather.

'F-five,' she breathed out and looked over at him, 'I...I can't I need it.'

'No!' said Five firmly his hands clinching the steering wheel harder, 'We talked about this. You said you didn't want to take another pill.'

'I don't want you to crash the car either!' she half whispered just as they heard a glass in the backseat crack.

Five hit the brakes sending them a bit to the front before he looked at it, and sure enough it was cracked.

'I know what I said, but I don't want to get us hurt. Please, Five,' she pleased and watched the conflict behind his eyes. She begged him not to force her take the pills and he told her he would do whatever she wanted, but now she wanted to take them to protect them knowing she wasn't in control.

Five started the car again and drove for about five minutes before he stopped the car, 'Stay here.'

He was gone in a second and Vanya shook her head thinking that this was a terrible idea. How on earth did he want to survive this with her? How could she possibly learn to control her powers now when she was such a mess?

She felt tears rolling down her face feeling in her heart that this would not end well. She looked outside at the rain. Maybe this was a mistake. Five said he would go with her, help her, teach her until she was ready, but maybe this was all a mistake and they were only going to make it worse, her doing something worse than she already did and losing the last person she had left in her family.

'Here,' she heard by her side and flinched realizing Five came back without her noticing.

'What are those?' she eyes the pills in a bottle.

'Sleeping pills,' he told her and she blinked, 'What?'

'You won't get numb, you will just sleep. Something tells me you haven't had a good night sleep since Allison,' he said referring to the incident when she cut their sister's throat.

Vanya looked at the pills and then back at him before she nodded, 'Alright.'

She trusted Five enough to save and help her. She knew she could allow herself to fall asleep, and he would make sure she was alright. It was the only thing she trusted anyway, right now.

She took two pills and pushed her head against the glass window. She still heard noises, and it was raining cat and dogs, but they were becoming a bit more tuned down.

'Five, I'm still scared,' she whispered as she felt herself dozing off finally after what felt like days of battle with exhaustion and stress and all the terrible things which happened to her.


'Do you want to go outside later?' She heard him ask breaking her thoughts from their road down the memory lane.

He was looking at her while brushing his teeth with only a towel on, 'Get tan?'

Vanya chuckled knowing he was mocking her and looked away feeling a bit uneasy about him being shirtless now that he was getting older. It felt weird to see him like this from time to time. But it probably came with the fact that powers or not she was still and awkward and shy person.

'Please, I only get sunburn. You're the only one with tan around here.'

'Who knows you might get a few more freckles out of it too,' he tossed at her and she bit the inside of her mouth, 'Plus vitamin D makes people happy.'

'And sleepy,' she said back before she turned to look at him again keeping her gaze on his face, 'Okay, if we have time after shopping, why not?'

He shot her one of his brilliant smirks and nodded before he returned to the bathroom.

She shook her head a bit and looked out of the window trying to change the course of her thoughts again.

The old pickup truck Five drove them into the town was starting to let out strange noises. She noticed Five was tapping his fingers against the steering wheel timing them. He might bring the car to the mechanist to check it out which was something he wasn't looking forward to base on his expression, which made Vanya want to laugh at him, but she didn't, pushing the smile away and looking out of the window instead.

The town was one of those small quiet ones where most of the people knew each other or about each other. It was almost an hour drive from their cabin, but both preferred it that way.

Vanya and Five only drove down here if they were short on supplies which usually meant once a month.

Vanya spotted the girl at the counter of the small grocery shop and chuckled, 'Looks like you're fangirl is working today.'

The girl she was referring to was a tall skinny one with purple in her hair.

Five groaned, 'Maybe we could wait a day.'

'It's an hour drive and we're already here,' she said and shot him a bright smile knowing it annoyed him even more. He shot her a look before he got out of the car and she quickly followed.

Vanya found it almost evil how amusing it was to watch the girl fix her top revealing as much cleavage as possible once they stepped inside and how Five brutally ignored the girl even more because of it. Once she looked pass the fact that it made her want to laugh, Vanya felt a bit sorry for the girl knowing what it was like when she herself tried to get attention, but constantly ended up forgotten or ignored even if she never tried such methods as this girl and she craved belonging and connection more than desire and whatever the hell this girl thought Five could give her.

Five pushed the shopping cart shooting her a look telling her to zip it and do not dare to speak of the girl.

She looked away trying to act as if she was interested in the new flavour of cereal which earned her a heavy sigh and Five reaching over her grabbing and passive aggressively throwing it into the cart which caused the box to open and some of the content to spill on the floor under the cart.

Vanya felt her face going hot and bit down at her lip before she looked over at Five, 'Should I call her over to clean-'

'Don't. You. Dare,' he said slowly before he took the box placed it back and took another unopened one. She had half the mind to tease him about how immoral it was to leave an open one like that, but decided not to this time knowing she already pushed his buttons enough. They spread through the grocery store, Vanya thought about what it meant to live with Five. The main goal in their little roommate arrangements they found themselves in was the help her tame her powers so she wouldn't cause global destruction, but what didn't even cross her mind was that she would actually be living with another person. Something she hasn't done in years since she left the academy.

It was ridiculous how she was so worried about controlling her powers that she came to a shocking realization that she was as living with someone and what that brought into her life.

Five was no better at getting used to another person in close premises to his inside their cabin. It was clear from the tenseness of his shoulders to the ridiculous yet horrifying habits of his which made her realize how terrible life he had lived the first time around.

He was ridiculous about food always hiding some in his room or in other parts of the cabin, and not just any food but food with long date of expiration. She once found a can of beans inside the small cabin under the sink.

He refused to talk about to the point of having an argument, but his odd sleeping habits were directly linked to nightmares which would come and haunt him from time to time.

There were also the passive aggressive explosions of pure rage whenever they came to an argument. He might have looked like he was a composed and cold-hearted jerk, but since his time spent in the wasteland with only Dolores as a companion it was obvious he grew very feral in many aspects and wasn't use to handling people. Not that she was any better but as she liked to just stay clear or try not to come off as rude or awkward getting embarrassed each time she did, Five show hostility to the point it looked like he wanted to punch them.

She liked to think it had gotten better now than it did at first. Both of them healing each other in a way, but there were still times she had to pause at his behavior.

As Vanya walked around the large freezer she looked over at him. Her mind drifted to early days of them living together.

Four years ago

It must have been about a week or so after they came here. She was unsure about everything, feeling that any little sound any little change of behavior would make her tick. It was like the air around her was in gunpowder and all it took was the smallest of the sparks to light it up and blow everything around them to kingdom come.

She woke up confused and startled as she heard noises behind her door.

She half expected that their siblings had found them, or that Luther had found them, or that the Commission had found them imagining the worst case scenarios while feeling the energy around her demand to be let out and fight.

She rushed out of the bed.

There was food all over the kitchen area. Half eaten, half torn open, and half ruined. Her half asleep mind now found a new solution. An wild forest animal must have came to feast on their food.

She heard noises coming from the bathroom, and she slowly walked over there wondering if she should have gone to wake up Five. The door was opened and even if it was dark inside, she clearly could see Five kneeling in front of the toilet.

She kneeled next to him hesitated but with the need to know what was wrong. Despite everything she wasn't comfortable with sudden touches since she was lacking them all her life and the only recent person she allowed to touch her turned out to be a killer and monster who wanted to manipulate her. Anyway, she knew what it was like not to be comfortable with touches. Even more when you were a fifty-eight year old stuck in a child's body who was quite strict about them even when they were kids.

Her hand shook as she lifted it and put it against his shoulder applying as little pressure as possible while still making sure he knew she was there for him, for comfort, not for judgment or pity.

Once he was done throwing up, he brushed his mouth into his sleeve carelessly before he looked over at her. Even in the dark of the night she could still see his eyes looking at her even if it was hard to read what they were silently saying.

He kept looking at her probably debating what to do now and she could only hope it wasn't making it even more awkward or uncomfortable for him. In the end they remained like that with her hand on his shoulder through the rest of the night. At some point he let go of the toiled and pressed himself against the bathtub next to it, his eyes drifting into the empty space probably reliving the moments in the future which she created. The wasteland she doomed him to live for decades.

She took her hand away worried it wasn't any help at all before she felt him jerk and took her wrist. The move was so quick is startled her as well. The physical contact surprising her and clearly him as well as he eased his grip a bit, 'Stay.'

The desperation and plea in his voice was almost possible to touch.

She wasn't planning to leave him either way, but she pushed herself against the floor to the bathtub next to him, their shoulders pressed together. He didn't let go of her wrist though. It felt like hours before he spoke and she realized she even fell a bit asleep to the rhythmical sound of his breathing.


'I woke up,' his voice was so small, not confident at all, almost like he wasn't Five anymore, 'and I thought…I would starve again. I don't know why, but I felt that I needed to eat because I would…starve again.'

Vanya's heart broke for him in that moment. How? How could he have suffered through all those horrors caused by her? How could he come back and still look at her the same even if he knew she was the devil who created his personal hell where he rotted for decades? How could he not hate her?

She pushed down a sob telling herself this was not about her. She couldn't be selfishly taking up all the attention with her problems all the time. He was already pushing himself and his problems and PTSDs away for her insecurities and problems, to help her learn, and help all of them to survive.

She didn't think she trusted her words, but she took his hand into hers and pressed it against her chest so he could feel her beating heart under his palm, 'We're here. Both of us, and there is no apocalypse and no starvation or lack of food, or cold or too hot weather, just..everything is fine, alright? Next time you feel like you have to eat or you won't have a chance just come find me. I will be in the bed sleeping and I will be alive and not damaging the universe.'

She told him hoping he understood what she meant. It felt like ages had passed before she sensed him nodded. She let go of his hand, and he pulled it away, but he kept close to her, possibly even closer than before and after a moment she heard his finger started to tap against his knee.

Vanya was close to dozing off when she realized that the tapping was in perfect synch to her heartbeat drumming in the dark.


She watched as the girl smiled at Five who suddenly found the counter in front of him the most interested thing in the world as he wouldn't look up at the girl, before he started to pack the bags with the ones which were already checked in.

Once the girl was done and so was he, Five simply walked away without a second glance the girl's way.

Vanya shot the girl an apologizing look as she handed her the cash.

'Your son doesn't seem to like me very much,' mumbled the girl, 'You should teach him so manners.'

Just like that Vanya felt the needed to apologize to her fade a bit, 'Brother. He's very strict about who likes and who not. He doesn't see point in spending his time with people he doesn't.'

The girl shot her a look, but Vanya just took the remaining back and walked to the truck putting the bag along with the rest between her and Five on the seat.

'What did she say?' he asked and Vanya looked over him.

He was frowning and Vanya didn't understand why he did not like the girl so much.

'Nothing worth repeating actually,' she shrugged her shoulder noting that some of Five's anger was melting away before he looked over at her and smirked.

He started the car and drove to the town's library to exchange the old books for new ones.

On the way back home she asked, 'Does it bother you that she's crushing on you? You know that's not something people can control.'

It must have been her imagination, but she watched his hands jerk a bit. It was a moment before he answered, 'It bothers me that she's throwing mushy eyes at me when she could be my grand-kid.'

Vanya grimaced, 'Here we go again. You know a person is only as old as he feels like.'

'Then I'm a hundred and three,' he said and she rolled her eyes a bit before she looked out of the window. It was so hot outside and sunny. They really should stay out today.

'You think everyone is too young compare to you, Five,' she said closing her eyes and enjoying the wind.

'I think it's safe to say, I outlived many people when it comes to experience, so yes, Vanya, everyone does feel too young compare to me.'

'Even me?' she asked before took a piece of her hair. She should have put it into a bun it was left lying all sticky on her back and shoulders now.

'You included,' he said, and she smiled a bit, 'Sounds good since I found a new grey hair on my head.'

'That's nothing. I had grey hair when I was twenty,' he said and took in his profile making sure he was in a good place while talking about his life in the apocalypse. She always made sure he was in a good place before discussing it further, if she saw that he was getting into the red areas she quickly changed the topic or stayed quiet and let him compose himself.

'Well, you lived in a very bad environment with a lot of reasons to get grey hair over. Maybe this time you will keep your colour until you're my age,' she said and let go of the piece of hair letting it fall to the rest.

'You're thirty-three that's hardly old, Vanya,' he said and smirked, 'And you don't look like it. Short people never look their age.'

She shot him a look, but didn't really get all that annoyed since she saw he was in a good mood now. It was enough.

After they made dinner together they pulled out their blanket outside. She got herself one of the new books they brought. She had a top over her swimsuit as usual, she never liked to show off too much skin.

'Do my back?' asked Five handing her to sun cream. She blinked but took it without protest. It was strange that he asked her that though. Even with four years had passed Vanya still felt like she needed permission if she wanted to physically touch him. Whether it was taking his hand or patting him on the shoulder, she only ever dared herself to do such things in crisis when he got consumed by the horrors of his past and needed an anchor to hold him from slipping into the madness of it all. Apart from those moments, however, Vanya never touched him without consent. This naturally led to her almost never touching him since Five grew up without touches which mean all touches felt strange to him. Even when he asked her to hand something to him, if their fingers lingered a bit longer she spotted his eyebrows knitted together with an odd expression on his face he wouldn't elaborate on if she asked what was wrong.

She secretly had a theory that perhaps Five did like the touches and wanted to be touched more but didn't know how or was too stubborn to ask. If that was the case then it was truly sad because Vanya didn't always know how to reach out for him caring her own scares about physical touches since Harold Jenkins. She never referred to him as Leonard anymore. Leonard was someone who was close to her, who made her feel good about herself for the first time in ages, but broke her heart. Jenkins was the monster who got her to hurt Allison and almost unleash all hell on the world because of his revenge. When she thought about Jenkins he was like the villain of her story just as much as she was her own.

'Are you alright?' asked Five suddenly and Vanya blinked realizing she took the bottle, but didn't even move just stayed still behind him holding it.

'Oh, sorry, just lost myself in thoughts for a moment,' she said before she poured the content on her hand. She was about to press it against his back when she got a better idea. She rarely was allowed to touch Five when they were both in a good mood like this.

She put her index finger into the cream and started to make little dots all over Five's back. At first it was like he didn't even notice until he asked, 'What are you doing back there?'

'Art,' she said as she could hear that he wasn't upset at all.

She finished the cream dots using most of the cream and realizing just now how tall Five got over the years. His body was growing up nicely, she really didn't blame the casher girl to be interested in him. She imagined many teenage girls would.

She put the rest of the cream on her other palm as well before she started to methodically process to spread the cream all over his shoulders and back in massaging movements.

She felt how he was a bit tenser now especially on the shoulders where she felt something similar to a knot. She very carefully started to actually try to break the knot for a couple of minutes before she finally felt the muscle go soft and smiled victoriously before she froze by the semi-moan which left Five's mouth.

She stopped her movements surprised by the sound momentarily before she continued to spread the cream not wanting to make it more awkward than the moan already did. Five didn't say anything and from his back it was hard to tell what he was thinking. Hell, even from face to face was sometimes hard to tell what Five was thinking.

'All done,' she called after a while and moved to her side of the blanket refusing to look at him.

'I'll go for a swim,' he said and stood up which puzzled her. She still didn't see his face.

'But I just put sunblock on you,' she muttered trying to catch the expression on his face, but he already started to walk toward the lake.

She opened her book trying to lose herself in the plot, and not wonder more about the strange situation. It was...strange to say the least. In many ways Vanya learned that living with Five now was nothing like living with Five when they were younger. Apart from the whole learning about powers, to PTSD from living in a wasteland and killing people, to her guilt trips about hurting Allison there was also the whole living together. There was a very certain intimacy about it all to live with just one person sharing everything with them. It never occurred to her before because well Vanya never lived with anyone, not a boyfriend or a roommate before. All her disastrous relationships never got to the point of actually living together. The closes she got was the two days in a different cabin she would rather erase from her mind completely.

She felt the wind growing again and the powers inside her coming to life again. She concentrated a bit on her breathing before it all calmed down.

The point was that Five and her had to live in a very small space with each other, and there was bound to be some weirdness such as opened door while changing or running out of the shower to get the clothes she forgot in her room. All the things which would make the situations weird even for normal sibling/roommates.

She heard Five coming out of the water before she saw his shadow blocking the sun. Looking up she could see he was in a better mood, 'How's the water?'

'Come on, try it yourself,' he told her and nodded over to the direction of the lake.

Vanya sighed, 'Not all of us turned into amphibians here, Five.'

'Don't even bother pretending you can't swim like you tried last time,' he told her with his not in the mood for bullshit voice and shot her a look.

She marked the page in her book before she got up putting the hat and sunglasses she had on to the side.

She felt a momentary shyness as she pulled down her top revealing her one piece suit, but she pushed it down and neatly put it on the blanket. She probably never ran faster as she did to the lake just to create some distance between them before she stopped. She remembered how the water always felt so cold on the first try.

'Oh no, I'm not doing this with you again,' said Five as he finally reached her and crossed his arms over his chest.

She grinned a bit knowing he meant the last time it took her about twenty minutes before she finally went into the water. It also served as a reminded that this wasn't new to her. She swam with him before. All of this happened before, so why was she today so jittery? It was just her and Five like every day for the last four years or so.

Before she could convince herself she suddenly found Five's right arm around her back while the left one moved under the back of her knees and lifted her up.

She screamed startled before she threw her arms around his neck afraid he would drop her otherwise.

'Not this time,' he said before he jumped.

That. Fucking. Asshole. Jumped.

They landed in the lake in an instant, so of course Vanya didn't have time to break free or even close her eyes before they were under and then back up with Five still holding her while keeping them up.

She finally got a hold of the situation and pushed at him, 'You're a jerk!'

He grinned at her and even though she was furious she couldn't help, but feel a tiny bit pleased from how happy he looked in that moment.

'And you're a scarycat. There now you're in the big bad lake and nothing happened,' he said and started to swim a bit away from her.

Vanya was about to swear some more before she smirked thinking a better idea, 'You're gonna be so sorry about that.'

She swam a bit closer to him already focusing her mind on the sounds around her.

Just as Five turned around he got hit by a monstrous wave sending him under water.

She chuckled pushing away her wet hair and trying to swim a bit to the stop where he disappeared under water.

A while ago...

Vanya blinked and looked around, 'Five?'

She frowned. This was not funny and so like him to try and catch her like this.

She took a deep breath and dived in. Despite the fact that it was a clean lake, it was still hard to see properly and even if Vanya could swim she wasn't as good as Five in it.

She got back up when she felt she couldn't hold her breath any longer before she brushed her hair.

'Five! Knock it off!' she called before she realized if he was hiding under water he wouldn't hear her.

She went under again now feeling a bit more panicked then before, but luckily even Five decided the game was too silly to be played and grabbed her by the waist quickly swimming with the both of them to the surface.

She coughed a bit as they got up, 'No funny.'

'Sorry,' he mumbled but something in his voice made her pause.

'Did it really knock you off? The wave?' she asked in horror and immediate guilt.

Five shook his head, 'No. I was just playing around.'

She put her hand on his shoulder not even realizing it, 'Look at me. Did I...oh, Five, I'm so sorry I didn't mean it.'

'It wasn't your fault-'

'But it was!' she snapped a bit feeling the wind around now speeding up, 'I should go meditate.'

He didn't let her go, 'You already went today.'

'Well, obviously I need to go some more,' she said bitterly trying to leave, but Five pulled her closer causing her to knock herself against his chest. So much for her last incident being several months ago.

He kept his hands on her waist his head a bit lower. She could almost feel his nose pressing against the top of her head.

'Look at me.'

She didn't. Her eyes remained on the small beauty mark he had on his shoulder.

'Vanya. My eyes are up here,' he said sounding a bit annoyed, and she forced her eyes up.

'We were goofing around. Nothing happened,' he said, and she knew he was trying to ease the situation, and she was eternally grateful for it, but still...

'It could have. I could have lost control like always,' she told him firmly, but his gaze didn't budge. It never did.

'You would get it back, like always,' he said just as firmly.

She sighed for a moment pressing her head against his chest. They were wet from the water which was dripping down their bodies, and it was hot. It wasn't completely unpleasant.

She suddenly felt one of Five's hand move from her waist to her lower back probably to secure her a bit.

It wasn't unpleasant at all.

She moved her hands to his shoulders and looked up with a small grateful smile. Grateful that he was still here with her trying to help her. Always looking out for her and keeping her safe from the world and herself.

The intensity in his green eyes caught her of guard for a second, and she couldn't move. His gaze was entirely on her, and it caused her stomach to flip in an odd way.

For a second, she didn't understand why, before she got a horrible realization about when was the last time it did something like that and what it meant.

She needed to leave. She needed to make some distance between them as fast as possible.

'Fi-,' just as she was about say his name, just as she pressed her hands against his chest ready to push him away, he leaned down and pressed his lips against hers freezing time and space and everything else in her mind.

A.N: Yaay, finally got over the writer's block, and finished this chapter. Don't worry I am not planning another long story. This will just like Your Wife is Here will have like three or four chapters max. Maybe even less :D I hope you all are well :) Thank you for reading. I hope you liked it. If you want leave some feedback.