Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Highschool DxD, all rights go to the original owners.

True Demon


Naruto drifted through time and space, he couldn't remember how long it has been or how long it would be until he would finally die and experience sweet relieve from this torture. It has been an eternity since he and Sasuke used a sacrificial Jutsu to open a rift in space and time to defeat Kaguya Ootsutsuki.

Sasuke sacrificed his life to open the rift and Naruto gave his life to tackle Kaguya into the hole along with himself. The rabbit Goddess died screaming as the Dimensional Gap ripped her apart, but funnily enough Naruto was spared from the same fate as the wanna-be goddess, he was forced to endure this blank nothingness for what felt like millennia.

Even his friend Kurama was no longer with him, or if he was then he gave Naruto the cold shoulder as the big fox was against his and Sasuke's idea from the start. What a big pussy that furball truly was…

"I wouldn't say that…"A monotone voice resounded from all around Naruto.

"Huh?" The blonde muttered blankly, he lost his fire about a thousand years after he was trapped in this place between space and time, everyone would get tired after cursing for a millennium and seeing that it was absolutely useless.

"I said that I wouldn't call your partner a pussy if I were you, after all the demon in you is the only reason you could withstand the dimensional gap without being ripped apart. The demon within you merged with your body, thus turning you into a demon as well, making you capable of withstanding this environment…"

Naruto cracked an eye open and looked around only to nearly freak out as a giant red dragon hovered a few meters in front of him, looking amused?

"What? Who the hell are you? And how did you know what I thought about?" Naruto asked while freaking out slightly. "And what do you mean me and the furball became one? I don't have freaking rabbit ears, do I?"

The dragon seemed to chuckle slightly before he continued to talk in a rather soft feminine tone?

"The reason as to how I'm capable of knowing what you think is because I am the Dragon-God of Dreams, thoughts are similar to dreams as such I am capable of hearing them if I wish. What I meant by you becoming one with the demon? Simple, you and your partner merged and became one, turning you into a full-blooded demon, something far grander than the human you were previously."

"What!? But then why did that bitch Kaguya die? She too held the Biju within her?" Naruto asked.

"Hmm, I can only guess but I'd say it's because she might've been connected to the world you hail from. She couldn't take being ripped from a planet and universe to which she was fundamentally connected to." The giant red dragon spoke in a soft, soothing tone.

"Sooo, could you give me a ride back home? I always wanted to ride on one of you guys, but I always believed dragons to be a myth!" Naruto shouted in glee causing the dragon to sweat drop.

"I'm not a freaking taxi service, insolent child!"The dragon ranted.

"A taxi what?" Naruto asked confusedly.

"Idiotic demon… No, I cannot take you back, you drifted through several universes in the millennia that you floated through space and time. Trying to find your universe in the thousands that do exist would be like finding a needle in a haystack, it would take even someone like me thousands of years to find."

"I see…" Naruto muttered sadly, he thought that if he could go back to his world, he could separate himself from Kurama and become separate entities once more. "Then could you kill me and end my suffering in this place? Without my friends and family, I'm nothing and have no reason to exist."

"No, I will not kill you. I will send you to another world in this universe for I can sense your power and it intrigues me to no end. Your power is similar yet different to one that does already exist in this universe, but you have so much more potential than anyone else that I've ever laid eyes upon. You might be the only being that has the capabilities to rival me one day, I cannot let such chance escape simply because you want to die."The dragon-god spoke in a hard tone.

"What!? You refuse to let me experience relive after kami knows how long I was forced to live in absolute silence because you want a RIVAL!?" Naruto shouted, his eyes becoming red and a red-black power began to roll off his body. (Similar to the second Biju Transformation in color and density)

"Yes, I am among the supreme beings of this universe, I only have two beings that could rival me in power. I want someone I can fight with my all, that someone could be you."The dragon-god tapped Naruto's forehead with a claw. "My name is Great Red; I have just given you the knowledge off this universe. I will await the day you will come to challenge me."

That was all Naruto could make out before his vision faded to black


Naruto groaned as he awoke with a thumping headache, he groaned as he slowly opened his eyes. He could still see vivid images of Gods, Angels, Devils, Yokai, Valkyries and so much more flashing before his eyes.

He looked around and found himself lying in a comfortable bed, covered in rose colored bedsheets, the interior of the room he found himself in was stunningly beautiful, more beautiful than anything he could remember seeing in the elemental nations.

The elemental nations, his home that he would never see again. The only silver-lining was that he knew that with Kaguya gone, Kakashi and Sakura would lead the Elemental Nations into a golden era of peace and prosperity.

"Oh, good you're awake."

Naruto's head snapped to the side only for his jaw to unhinge. Standing next to his bed was possible the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen in his life. She was short, barely reaching 160cm in height, she had long, flaxen brown hair and calming violet eyes, almost the same shade as Naruto's mother.

"Uh, hello…?" Naruto muttered quietly.

"Oh, forgive my manners, my name is Vivian Bael. I'm the second daughter of Lord Zekram Bael and I found you lying unconscious in our territory." Vivian introduced herself with a small bow.

"I see, well my name is Naruto Uzumaki." Naruto introduced himself while being deep in thought. "So, I'm in the underworld… figures, where else could I land but in hell."

"Uzumaki…? I never heard of that clan." Vivian thought out loud. "Are you a member of the extra demons?"

"Ah… no, I just got lost on the road of life and ended up in your territory by accident. I do not belong to any clan, be they of the pillars or extra demons, I'm an independent devil and I'm just traveling to wherever I feel like going." Naruto explained, "I better keep my true identity hidden, from what Great Red showed me, devils were created after the ancient demons of this world, so they shouldn't be able to tell me apart from normal devils… hopefully."

Vivian's eyes lit up in wonder, "oh, a traveler. That must be a wonderful life, to be able to do what you wish, when you wish."

"Ah, yes, it is. But tell me, how long have I been here and where are we exactly?" Naruto asked.

"You have been unconscious for a week and we are in the Bael Clan's main castle, my fathers' home to be precise." Vivian replied. "My father stated that he would like to talk with you once you woke up, for what reason though I do not know."

Naruto nodded, the least he could do is talk to the man that allowed him to rest in his home.


It has been about a day since Naruto woke up in the Bael Clan's home and things have been going smoothly for the blond so far. He currently followed Vivian down the hallways to her father's office as the Lord of the Castle finally found the time to talk with Naruto.

"He's right behind this door, just go in, my father is awaiting you." Vivian told him and Naruto nodded before opening the door and walking into the office.

Like everything in this castle, the office of the Lord was magnificent. Sitting behind a wooden desk on a throne-like chair was a black-haired man with calming violet eyes. The man was dressed in extravagant robes and was smoking a pipe.

"Ah, good day my young Lord." Naruto raised an eyebrow at the formal introduction.

"Thank you, my Lord, a good day to you as well. Though please, there is no need to address me as a Lord, I am no such thing. I am but a traveler searching for something to call my own." Naruto wanted to vomit at the way he was forced to talk, he called upon every bit of knowledge Great Red gave him about noble society of this world in order to not look like an idiot in front of important figures.

At least until he found out what he would do, maybe there still existed hope for him to return to the elemental nations.

"Ah, surely you jest, for a traveler you speak like a noble born and noble bred." Lord Bael spoke with a small smile as he took a drag from his pipe.

"I assure you my Lord, I only picked up noble etiquette during my travels when I met others of noble birth." Naruto seriously wanted to die now, if Neji ever found out that he could talk like this the Hyūga would have a heart attack.

"Then you did a fine job in acquiring your skills young man. But I do have to ask, what were you doing in my territory in the first place?"

"I am afraid I cannot remember, the last thing I can recall is walking down a lonesome road then nothing until I woke up under the care of your daughter, with all my possessions missing as your daughter informed me."

"A robbery then?" Lord Bael asked.

"It would seem so my Lord. I did not have many valuables with me, but enough to warrant some low life stealing them I would guess." Naruto cried on the inside as the conversation continued.

"I see, well you are welcome to stay in my home until you decided what you want to do from here on out." Lord Bael smiled at Naruto.

"Thank you, that is very generous of you, my Lord." Naruto bowed slightly, "KILL ME!" He shouted in his mind.

"Think nothing of it lad, you company is a refreshing change to the monotony of ruling a Castle in the Underworld."

Naruto nodded and bowed again to the Lord before taking his leave.


It has been six years since Naruto first arrived in the Underworld and as much as Naruto hated himself for it, he highly enjoyed his time at Castle Bael.

Once he got over the whole awkwardness of talking like a stuck-up prick Naruto began to highly enjoy his conversations with Zekram Bael. The two veteran warriors often talked for hours upon hours, sharing tales of their battles and Naruto even came clean to the old man in a young body, to say Zekram was shocked to find a real Demon to be in his presence was an understatement.

Though Zekram didn't treat Naruto differently, no, he started to treat Naruto with even more respect and even some admiration. The true Demon's of old were like Gods amongst the devils and rightfully so, it is said that a single demon is stronger than one-hundred high-class devils if not more so.

Over the last six years Naruto also had the displeasure of meeting the Lord of all Devils, Lucifer, or in Naruto's words, stuck up asshole. Naruto only met the first fallen angel in passing but that was enough in order too highly dislike the pompous asshole.

But the greatest thing that happened in the last six years was his growing relationship with Vivian. She was such a sweet, caring yet incredibly strong woman that Naruto couldn't help but fall for her. Yes, Naruto loved Vivian, more than he could ever have loved Sakura or Hinata, she was perfect in the young Demon's eyes, absolutely perfect.

To Naruto's immense joy, the flaxen haired woman returned his affections with her own and Zekram was happy for them both and gave his blessings for them to be together.

Right now, Naruto was training his body in the gardens of the Castel, he was already more powerful than most devils, even Lucifer himself, yet Naruto still continued to train in order to one day challenge Great Red to the fight he, she, or it wanted from him.

Over the years Naruto realized that his merging with the old furball didn't change his body the way he thought it would. He didn't receive any animal trades at all, no rabbit-ears, no fur, no tails nothing. The only thing that still reminded him of Kurama were the whisker marks on his cheeks and the slitted red eyes when he channeled his power through his body. Naruto suspected the reason for that was because Kurama was a construct made from chakra and had no 'real' physical form or body, Kurama was no real Yokai like the ones this world had, Kurama was a construct of pure, unadulterated, demonic chakra.

Demonic Chakra that Naruto absorbed into his body, thus changing him into a real demon. Not a Yokai, not a Devil, not a God.

A real freaking Demon.

Which made Naruto quite similar to a devil, well as long as he didn't enter his true form that is. Naruto didn't have any features one would expect from a demon, no horns or tails or anything like that, he couldn't even call forth a pair of wings like the devils could. But considering that he could already fly using chakra, he didn't really have a need for wings.

Well luckily enough he kept the ability to use his chakra and the power of Kurama merged with his own to resemble something akin to supercharged demonic energy that the devils could use. To be more precise, Naruto and Kurama's combined energy highly resembled the Power of Destruction of the Bael House, only on steroids.

Like with Naruto's second Biju cloak, everything that comes into contact with his demonic energy is disintegrated down to the last Atom. It was like a combination of the Tsuchikage's dust release and the Bael's Power of Destruction.

It was absolute Annihilation down to the last Atom.

"My love…" Naruto smiled and turned around to face his beautiful wife.

"Vivian my love." Naruto went to his wife and embraced her tightly, kissing her full lips deeply.

Vivian moaned slightly into the kiss and wrapped her arms around Naruto's neck, pushing her body flush against his. She broke the kiss after a few moments and smiled at the man that stole her heart.

"Why did you leave our bed? I was cold without you in it." Vivian whined slightly, burying her head in the crook of her husbands' neck.

Naruto chuckled slightly, Vivian was a hugger and he was her pillow. "I'm sorry love, but I needed to train. You know of the challenge Great Red issued at me, that dragon was the one that lead me to you, so I want to thank him for it." Naruto explained while hugging his woman tightly to his body.

Vivian giggled slightly and shook her head in his arms, "You're as stubborn as a mule. I hope our baby won't inherit that trade from you."

"…our what?" Naruto looked at the woman in his arms with wide hopeful eyes.

"Our baby my love, I'm pregnant, you're going to be a father." Vivial smiled lovingly at her man, wiping away a tear that rolled down Naruto's whiskered cheek. "We are going to be parents…"


Naruto sat in the room he and his wife had shared for the last seven years, holding a wrapped bundle in his hands. Cozily wrapped up in a pink blanket was his new-born daughter, yet tears of anguish escaped the blond demons' eyes.

Lying in the bed he sat next too was his wife, looking pale and sick, the birth of their daughter took a toll on Vivian's body. During the birth she suffered from heavy inner bleedings and she suffered greatly, despite the doctors telling her to abort the pregnancy about three months in, due to her body being to weak to handle the strain, Vivian choose to carry her daughter. She knew that she wouldn't survive the birth, but she was a proud mother, there was nothing she wouldn't do for her baby girl.

"Naruto, my love… Can I hold her?" Vivian muttered with a weak smile.

Naruto nodded and smiled despite the tears that continued to roll down his cheeks. He handed there sleeping daughter to her mother who gently cradled the girl to her chest.

"Oh, how I wish that I could spend more time with you my baby girl…" Vivian whispered as tears leaked from her dull violet eyes that were once filled with all the love in the world.

Naruto chocked back a sob, for all the power he had, he was absolutely useless now. He couldn't stop the slow death of the one woman he loved with all of his heart.

Zekram Bael who stood off to the side, giving his daughter and the man he saw as a son some time alone, couldn't help the tears that spilled from his eyes as well. No parent should have to watch their children die before them…

Vivian looked at the love of her life, who was about to break down and smiled at him. "Naruto, you need to be strong for our daughter. I won't be there to keep her out of trouble and to soothe her when she needs it, so you cannot break down and let grieve overcome you. She will need a father, she will need you to be there for her, I will need you to be there for her. Raise her to be like me and help her find her way in life…" Vivian said while tears continued to fall from her eyes.

Naruto nodded and sobbed slightly, "her name? You wanted to name our daughter."

Vivian looked at the little brown-haired girl in her arms and smiled gently. "Venelana…" With that Vivian closed her eyes and took her last breath, a serene smile on her face.

Naruto looked at his beautiful wife blankly, he rose from his seat and gently took his baby girl from her mothers' arms. He cradled the girl securely and walked back to a weeping Zekram, "please, I need you to take care of Venelana for now." Naruto said and handed the girl to her grandfather.

Naruto opened a teleportation circle that was red-black in color before stepping into it. In a flash of light, he reappeared in a desolated part of the underworld where he fell to his knees and began to weep, scream and shout in anguish.


The entire Underworld shook as a true Demon let his power flow freely, all over the Underworld buildings collapsed, towns shook as if they were hit by an earthquake and devils far and wide pissed their pants in fear of imminent destruction.

Only castle Bael was spared the cataclysm as a Demon wept for his wife…


"Daddy, c'mon!" A little five-year-old girl with brown hair and striking violet eyes jumped in front of her father who chuckled at his daughter's enthusiasm.

"I'm coming, I'm coming princess." Naruto said as he walked out of his study and lifted little Venelana into his arms.

Naruto was dressed elegantly, he wore a silver-white dress shirt neatly tucked into a pair of black leather trousers. And to finish his appearance off he wore neatly polished black-leather shoes and a crimson red haori placed over his shoulders.

Venelana was dressed equally beautiful, she wore a cute black-white evening gown, back ballerinas and a beautiful necklace that belonged to her mother. The necklace had a silver band and an azure diamond shaped into an oval hanging by the chain.

Today they would go to a ball that was hosted by Lucifer himself, which Naruto was kind of forced to attend since Zekram made him the head of the Bael clan three years ago. Naruto would rather stay at home and spend some time with his beloved child but whenever the royal asshole called for a meeting all devils had to attend it.

Since no one but Zekram truly knew of Naruto being a demon he had to play along, it was far more unproblematic like this anyway. He really didn't want to deal with Lucifer and his three lapdogs even if he could defeat them rather easily.

"Why do we have to attend that ball daddy?" Venelana asked with a cute tilt of her head.

"Because darling, Lucifer thinks himself to be so important that when he talks everyone needs to listen, that's why." Naruto said as he kissed his daughter's forehead.

"But isn't he the most important devil?" She asked with a cute giggle as Naruto kissed her forehead again.

"Not in my book my baby girl, not in my book."

Naruto and Venelana used a simple teleportation circle to transport themselves to Lucifaad, the capital of the Underworld, where they calmly walked to Lucifer's Castle. As they walked through the city, with Naruto still holding Venelana in his arms, they ignored the stares, whispers and bowing from the normal devils with practiced ease.

Once they reached the castle, they were greeted by a silver haired maid of the Lucifuge clan that led them into the Atrium. Even though Naruto lived in the Underworld for a while now, he still wasn't used to being treated with so much respect by everyone. Not even during the forth Shinobi war did people admire him this much, nor did they go out of their way to give him anything that he might need.

"Here we are, please make yourselves at home, my Lordy and Lady." The maid bowed to them before going after her other duties.

Naruto sighed as he looked around the ballroom he was now forced into, he rolled his eyes as the Lords of the many different Pillars looked at him in awe and respect while some certain few looked at his daughter with clear want in their eyes. Naruto didn't need Kurama's negative emotion sensing to tell that those idiots wanted to arrange a marriage contract with his daughter to get a slice of the Bael fortune.

"Daddy, why are the Lords all staring at me?" Venelana asked as she buried herself closer into her fathers' arms.

"Ignore them baby girl, they are just jealous of our standing and want to find a way to get into our favor." Naruto spoke loud enough that most of the Lords could hear him, earning himself glares of varying degrees.

"My subjects!" Lucifer Morningstar spoke as he walked onto a podium overlooking the gathering of the pillars.

"That baby girl is what is known as a peacock, a species of bird that puffs out their feathers at every opportunity because they usually have rather low self-esteem." Naruto explained to his daughter while pointing at Lucifer.

Lucifer was a tall and handsome man, he had long black hair and electric blue eyes, he was dressed in a golden full body armor with large shoulder pauldrons.

Venelana giggled in her fathers' arms, her father was so powerful that he could say what he wanted, when he wanted, and no one could do a thing about it.

"Lords of the Pillars, I thank you for coming here on such short notice! I have glorious news! We devils will now start our conquest of heaven! We will crush god and his angels and then we will rebuild- Lord Bael! Where do you think you're going!?" Lucifer shouted at the retreating figure of one of the most important assets to his war efforts. He was ashamed to admit, but Lord Naruto Bael was currently the one devil with the largest standing army at his back, the Bael were an extremely powerful house, not because of the Power of Destruction but because of the many Legions of extra demons that they hand at their command.

"What does it look like? I'm leaving." Naruto casually said, not even turning his head back to Lucifer.

"No, you are not! This meeting is mandatory for every devil! If you refuse to partake you might as well get used to being called an extra demon!" Lucifer shouted in fury.

"Well, then go ahead, I'd like to see you try take my titles from me…" Naruto said while still walking towards the doors at a slow pace, inwardly taking pleasure in every single step. "Until then, see ya." With that both Naruto and Venelana vanished in a magic circle, leaving behind a furiously screaming peacock.


"You'll treat my daughter, right?" Naruto asked the cowering figure of a redhaired man looking to be in his late teens.

"Yes, I-I swear!" Zeoticus Gremory shouted in fear, the aura surrounding Lord Bael was awe-inspiring and oh so frightening.

Next to her boyfriend stood a snickering Venelana Bael, she grew into a beautiful woman, the mirror image of her mother and she was currently enjoying seeing her love writhe in front of her father. Two Hundred years have passed since Lucifer declared the Great War, or better yet, the Great Massacre.

The Bael Clan owned almost one fifth of the Underworlds army, with her father refusing to partake in the war the devils were severely outnumbered and the fact that Lucifer himself wasn't a good strategist didn't help either.

God and his Angels as well as Azazel and the Fallen Angels were pushing the Devils back on all fronts and if the war continued to go the way it did, the devils would soon lose.

"Well then Zeoticus… you may call me father if you wish." Naruto smirked, breaking his serious façade, he knew that his daughter loved the Gremory heir and he didn't want to stand in the way of her happiness.

Zeoticus took a deep breath, that single sentence was like a weight being lifted from his shoulders, he smiled brightly and deeply bowed in front of his future father in law.

Venelana was just about to jump at her father and thank him for allowing her to marry the man of her dreams when a bright flash of golden light shone throughout the throne room of the Bael castle. In a flash a figure of a tall handsome man appeared, he had long white hair and a white full beard, the man's eyes were an electric blue and he had a serene aura around himself.

Naruto quickly pushed both Venelana and Zeoticus behind himself and looked at the figure that choose to barge into his home unannounced. "So, how can a measly devil like me help the oh so great God of the Bible? Or do you prefer the title worst father of the year?"

Venelana and Zeoticus stiffened as they realized in just whose presence, they were in.

"As much as I would enjoy to engage in witty banter with you, I came here with dire news." God spoke, his voice sounding like many voices mixed into one.

"Then speak, as much as I hate Lucifer, I can't help but feel that you are just as much at fault for the billions of lives lost in this senseless war as your son is, so forgive me for wanting to get you out of my home as soon as possible." Naruto spoke coldly.

"Understandable, the reason why I'm here is to ask for your assistance. This war has been too long, it has been too bloody, it has brought such discord to the world that it began to draw the Beast of the Apocalypse out of it's resting place." Silence, there was absolute silence after God finished speaking. "I am capable of sealing Trihexia, but it will come at the cost of my own life, I have made many mistakes in the past, mistakes that led to this situation but if I die, Lucifer will win this war, and you know what he will do to the world if he isn't stopped."

Naruto sighed and took a deep calming breath, "so what? You want me to kill Lucifer?"

"No, I will kill Lucifer myself, I came here to ask for your assistance in subduing Trihexia, together we could possibly end the Beast once and for all and if that shouldn't be possible, I would at least have an easier time in sealing it." God spoke with a sigh.

Naruto raised an eyebrow at god, "you want my help in subduing The Beast of the Apocalypse? You do know that if your children in heaven would find out that we even had this meeting, they would lose faith in you and your teachings."

"I don't believe that to be true, I trust my children and I trust in Michael to take my place if I should fall." God spoke before his figure became serious, he stood a little straighter and looked right into Naruto's eyes. "But I will need an answer, will you help me fight Trihexia?"

Naruto sighed before he looked over his shoulder at the form of his frightened daughter and his future son-in-law, who stood protectively in front of Venelana. He knew they would be alright, Venelana was a grown woman and she had amazing control over the power she had received from her mother.

With that in mind he turned his head to face God, "alright, I will assist you in subduing Trihexia-"

"Father no! Please! This isn't your problem! This isn't your fight!" Venelana interrupted her father and hugged him from behind. "Please, don't leave me…"

"I won't." Naruto spoke strongly as he turned in his daughters arms to face her. "I will never leave you, besides I won't die at the hands of Trihexia. There's no way that you'll get rid of me that easy." He kissed Venelana's forehead, "but Trihexia is not something I want to have anywhere near you, so let me go and take care of that monster and before you know it, I'll be back."

Venelana looked her father worriedly, she knew that he always kept his promises, still she was worried. Her father had never left her, not once in all the years she had been alive had a day gone by in which she didn't see him.

"I promise that I will come back, alright?" Naruto said, cupping his daughters chin, making her look into his eyes, "and you know, I'll never break my promises."

"I know…" she whispered before hugging him once more.

Naruto smiled and turned to Zeoticus after Venelana had released him, "protect her alright?"

"Yes, sir." Zeoticus nodded, his eyes shining in determination.

Naruto nodded at his future son in law before he turned towards god. "Alright, let's go."

With that both Naruto and the God of the Bible vanished in a bright flash of light, Venelana smiled sadly while looking at her fathers back for what would be the last time in more than a millennia.


A/N:And here we are! Another little story of mine, I hope you enjoyed it!

Just like with my story Shinobi Dragon this story has been resting on my computer for a while now, and just like Shinobi Drago this story was not planned, and I only wrote what came to mind.

I always had the desire to write a story in which Naruto is the Demon the fanfic cliché in many stories made him out to be. While I'm sorry about dear 'ol Kurama, at least he isn't completely gone, he just merged with Naruto.

Now about Naruto's powers and their similarity to the Power of Destruction, that idea came to me as I thought about the Second Biju Cloak that Naruto and the other Jinchūriki are capable of accessing, tell me that cloak doesn't look eerily similar to the Power of Destruction? It also has the same properties in that it incinerates everything it touches.

Well, I hope you liked it, but I'm honestly not sure if I want to continue this story, as I said it was on my computer for months now, I've just cleaned it up a bit because my original writing style was abysmal…

Anyways tell me if you've liked it and if you would like to see more of it. I know that the idea is pretty outlandish, and I hope that it wasn't too unappealing.


Have a nice day and I wish you the best!
