I want to thank everybody for their prayers, DMs and calls, it's been a rough time for me since the loss of my mom but knowing that I have people that care about me helps so so much, I've started writing again and I hope you enjoy this new story

The Heart Knows-Ch 1

Spencer Reid was sitting at his desk deep in thought about the last case the team had been on, the case where the woman of his dreams, JJ told him that she had always loved him. He sighed and sat back as the memory of his time with his oh so married coworker and their time together with the unsub came to his mind in vivid and very accurate detail.


Reid watches as the unsub pushes JJ down to her knees, their captor points his gun at her and says, "something you'd never say aloud , not even to your partner here", she swallowed hard and then he said, "your deepest, darkest secret". Reid looked up at the unsub as he said, "impress me or I'll kill him", JJ and Reid looked at each other and then he said, "come on" and shook the gun at her".

JJ said, "Spence" and he looked at her and she continued by saying, "ummmm I've always loved you", Reid felt his heart race, was this true or was she just saying that to buy him time to think up a way to catch the unsub off guard. She swallowed and said, "I was just to scared to say it before", she looked away from Reid and shook her head and said, "and now things are just really to complicated to say it now".

Reid continued to look at her in disbelief, she started crying and blew out a breath and looked at him and said, "I'm sorry, but you should know", Reid weakly smiled at the woman that had owned his heart for years. The smiling unsub said, "hot damn, that's what I'm talking about, those are some last words", he looked at JJ and aimed the gun at her and said, "but not good enough to save your life".

Reid knew it was now or never, the unsub was distracted by JJ's confession of love for him so he reached his now untaped hands and grabbed the gun that was hidden in his sock and aimed it and shot. The man fell between them on the floor, they looked at each other as they tried to catch their breath after their near fatal interlude with the unsub.

They got up from the floor and she turned her back to him as he gently removed her tape, she turned to face him and as she tried to work her courage up to talk to him several officers ran into the room. JJ said, "we need an ambulance, we've got 3 down 3 have been shot". Reid watched as JJ leaned over one of the victims and said, "hang in there, help is on the way" he then watched as she turned around and walked away.

Outside JJ watched as one of the medics bandaged Reids hand, Dave walked over to check on her and couldn't help but notice that JJ couldn't keep her eyes off of Reid, she then glanced again at the man she had been in love with for years.

End Of Flashback:

A few hours later everybody was dressed and at Dave and Frans wedding, Reid walks over to the bar and asks for a water, JJ walks over to the bar smiling and looks up at him and says, "hey". They looked at each other and she said, " so I didn't get a chance to say it back there but thank you for saving my life", he grinned and said, "you're welcome, are you okay"?, she said, "yeah but Luke was right, two guns, how long you been wearing an ankle holster"?, he sighed and said, "around the time I got out of prison", she nodded her head and said, "right".

JJ ran her finger across her nose and said, "about what I said back there, I needed to say something that would get his attention and I needed to say something that would get your attention, so I just needed to throw him off balance". Reid said, "Jennifer, truth or dare"?, she shifted her weight and said, "truth" and Reid said, "did you mean it"?, she stood there looking into his beautiful eyes unable to say anything and Emily walked over and said, "guys they're getting ready to cut the cake".

JJ smiled and said, "great, we'll be right there", Reid cleared his throat and started to walk away and she stopped him and tried to speak and he said, "it's okay, everything is okay", JJ looked up at him and said, "yeah"? and he said, "yeah" she grinned and said, "okay" and walked away leaving Spencer standing there watching as his dream walked over to her husband and wrapped her arm around his neck as the wedding celebration continued.

As Reid watched his dream dance song after song with everybody that wasn't him he knew that he'd have to something but what and by the end of the night he knew exactly what he had to do, leave.