Battleship Chains

By TimeAndLife21


That's what it felt like when I died.

I can remember driving on my way home. Finishing a twelve hour shift as a paramedic and not eating much during that shift took a lot out of me. I didn't even live that far from the hospital where I worked from.

I was passing a green light when I was t-boned from my driver's side. It all happened too fast. I think I blacked out at first. I could hear sirens...but only barely. My sight was blurred and I tried to move. I could see my coworkers who took on the next shift talking to me. I couldn't hear her.

I knew I was dying, I knew that I was leaving this world behind and all I could think was that I can't die. I didn't want to die. I wanted to live. I didn't want to leave behind my family and friends. I had so much to live for...and it was taken away.

I closed my eyes for the last time, and I fell into darkness.

I was expecting to find myself in Heaven. I considered my religion really important to me. I was hoping to meet God and Jesus. But from the looks of things, I must be terribly wrong.

I can remember being in a dark place. It was warm, it was nice, it was wet, but it was still dark. I could hear a heartbeat, probably mine, and I could feel something else. Like an itching under my skin that I couldn't scratch. It felt really uncomfortable. I got used to it eventually. I could hear voices outside the dark. I couldn't discern what they were and what was going on, but I could tell you from there on, I knew.

I had been reincarnated.

I can't tell you how pissed off I was. Figuring out that I was in the womb of an unknown woman who was my new mother, I felt rage run hot through my veins. In the cramped space, I kicked, I punched, I stretched, I was furious. I wanted to scream, but sound doesn't translate in the womb. I could feel something on the outside of my new mother rubbing circles where I was throwing my tantrum. It was soothing and I calmed down. I probably made her throw up a few times as I was rolling around. I'm surprised that I didn't wrap my umbilical cord around my neck.

I will spare you the details of my birth. It was long, it was rough, and t being squeezed through a keyhole sized exit was not fun. After being born into a new world, it was freezing cold. I was coughing and crying as I was wrapped in warm blankets and was passed to my new mother. My eyesight was blurry, and knowing my medical knowledge from the past it'll be a couple of months before my eyesight could work better. I could hear okay. I was a bit distracted with trying to stay warm. I could hear my new mother's voice. It was soft and soothing. Maybe...being reborn isn't so bad.

I felt like a horrible infant. That itching that was beneath my skin was unbearable. I would cry whenever something flare up inside of me, and it wasn't just inside of me as well. I was a very sensitive child apparently. There was something around me that just was uncomfortable. At least I took comfort in the fact that I got used to these strange feelings in my body by the time I was 4 months old.

I don't really remember much of my first four months of being in a new world. I know I got changed, was fed, and slept when I didn't cry. The itchings faded away. I recall hearing my new mother's voice talking to me, and my eyesight had cleared up. Let me tell you, I was shook to the core when I found what she looked like.

She had dark hair. Black as night and silky smooth when it brushed on my skin. She had pale skin. So pale that I could see the blue and red veins clearly on her face. Her face was a bit sharp, but it held a beauty that struck me dumb. She was beautiful. She reminded me of those black and white movie star actresses. She had grace and her smile was painfully kind.

Her eyes...well her eyes was very very unnatural. I took anatomy and physiology, and I studied it religiously to learn about the human body. Her eyes were normal shaped, if a bit more almond sized, but it was the color of her iris that threw me for a loop.

The eyes she had, that were looking down at me with such kindness and also a fierce love that she must have for me, were red as the blood in our veins.

"Ne, Himiko-chan…" She spoke with a soft smile.

She was talking in japanese. Well damn, this was awkward. I took Japanese when I was in high school, shame that I didn't continue down that road in my past life. She was talking to me with a smile on her face, and she curled her hand on my face. She was warm. Very warm.

I blinked and blinked. Wondering if this was truly a dream, but it wasn't. With my tiny infant hand, I reached out rather clumsily, to her face and touched her back. She wasn't my previous mother. My previous mother was a strong opinionated woman, who worked very hard support her family along with my Father who owned his own business.

I suddenly had flashes to my past. My family, my brothers, my sister in laws, my best friend and her family and my nieces and nephews… all flashed across my vision and I burst into tears.

"Oh Himiko-chan…" My new mother picked me up and rocked me.

I had almost forgotten my previous life. I can remember their faces, I can remember their personalities, I can remember who they are and what bonds we have. But their names…

Their names I cannot remember. It is as if it was sand slipping through my fingers, and it hurt my heart so much that I bawled. I cried for my family. I cried for moments that I would never have again with them. All the things I wanted to do, all the relationships I had with them, the closeness and happiness I had with them, the good times and the bad times… they were now in the past. I could never see them again. I would never hear my dad speak to me telling me how to maintenance my car. I would never again spend time with my mother, laughing at the funny things in life that made us happy. I would never see my brothers again as they would come with their wives and kids to spend time with them, even if we don't get along that well. I would never see my best friend and her husband again, who I have spent time with because we became family through similar hardships. My nephews who were smarter than they looked, I would never see them again. My nieces whom would ask me to tell stories of battle princesses and Disney movies were gone.

All of those whom I have loved are gone.

Most of all… I forgot my original name. The name that defined me, that I could speak with pride and hard work and respect… forgotten in the abyss of death.

In the rocking arms of my new mother, I made a promise that I would never forget my past. It would take heaven and hell for Death to pry those memories from my dead body.

TAL21: ...this is what happens when I jump from fandom to fandom. It's a never ending struggle to freaking stay on one subject for long. Eventually I'll be getting back to Harry Potter, but right now, Naruto has taken me by the throat and chucked me off the cliff and I fell into the fanfiction world. So, this will be fun. Dropping the Batman Fanfiction like a hot potato and getting here was fun. T_T SO! This is a SI-OC fan fiction. Mostly because I read Dreaming of Sunshineby SilverQueen, and Yet Again With a Little Extra Help by ThirdFang, and I became pretty damn inspired by them, not to mention a whole bunch of time-travel jutsu and the like. So... It'll be interesting on what I'm planning here. Now, I'm not planning on breaking canon here, but the SI-oc will not be omnipotent of everything. She is so not the second coming of whatever god there is out there. She will have her strengths and weaknesses, and trsut me when i say that I placed her in a place other than Konaha. Think you can guess? Also, I have just restarted watching Naruto, Naruto: Shippuden, and Boruto. So Yeah, I'll be obessed with this for a while. See you guys in the next chapter and Leave awesome reviews. :)

Question Time: Who is your favorite family in the Naruto/Boruto series? The Nara family has me by the feels and I really wished that there was more focus on them. :)

See you guys in the next chapter!