Disclaimer: I don't own anything

Hi everyone. Onto the story.

Last Time:

As we were talking about this, a jet black vortex formed in the middle of the room and we all felt a huge power spike coming from it.

As we kept looking at it thinking about who it might be, a person dressed in black stepped out.


Percy POV

It was a man that was about 6 foot 4 with dark black hair stepped out. I had no idea who it was and had a confused look on my face, but when I looked at the other people in the room, I saw shocked looks on the faces of Jupiter, Neptune, Juno, Vesta(sitting next to the hearth) and Ceres while all the others were just as confused as I was.

The man suddenly grew to the height of twenty feet as well, conjuring a pure black throne with nothing on it. He walked over to it and sat down facing all of the Olympians.

"Chaos!" I heard my dad say very quietly. The only reason I heard that was because my dad's throne was right next to mine.

"Isn't Chaos one of the primordials?" I asked my dad.

"Chaos is not just a primordial, he is the creator of the whole universe and the first being in existence! He is also the father or grandfather of all the primordials." My father told me.

Subconsciously, all of us shifted back into our Greek forms though we were dressed in more casual clothes as opposed to the togas and armours of our Roman counterparts.

"Lord Chaos, not to be disrespectful, but why are you here?" Zeus asked bowing which started a chain reaction leading to all the Olympians bowing down to the deity in front of us one by one

"First of all, none of you will bow to me from now on. I hate it when people do that and stop calling me Lord, just Chaos."

I feel like I heard that voice before somewhere but I can't figure out where

"Second point, I came to see the newest Olympian just like I did when all of you became Olympians. Along with that, I decided that this would be the right time to tell you all, especially Poseidon and Perseus, a secret which has the potential to change the lives of everyone in the godly world."

"What is it Chaos?" I asked respectfully.

"I'll tell you. But first, I know you have all heard of the new Great Prophecy."

"Yes Chaos, except it is an old prophecy from over a thousand years ago given to the Romans. Only the last two lines are new" Apollo said sounding confused.

"That is true but I am here to talk about the last two lines. In the second to last line, it says "Chaos' Heir shall be Seen". That means my one and only heir shall be discovered. The reason I came is to tell you all who my heir is."

"Who is it?" Athena asked.

"He is currently in this room right now"

All of were waiting with bated breath. The heir of the creator would be one of the most powerful beings in existence.

"It is none other than Perseus, Olympian God of Time, Tides, and Swordsmanship."

Everyone just sat there shellshocked.

Especially me and my dad who were completely confused as to how I would be the heir of Chaos if I was a son of Poseidon.

"Chaos, how is Percy your heir?" Uncle Zeus asked confused.

"Poseidon, don't worry. Perseus is still your son, not mine." Chaos said understanding the worry on my dad's face.

"Chaos, if I'm Poseidon's son, then how can I be your heir?" I asked curiously.

"You are my heir because your mother is actually my own blood daughter making you my grandson."

"Wait, Sally is your daughter? I thought she was just a clear-sighted mortal."

"No, she is my daughter, my first demigod child actually and the first child born out of love. All the primordials were created by me and not true children born out of love."

"H.. Ho.. How did this happen?" I asked stammering in shock.

"A little over Forty-four years ago, I fell in love with a twenty year old mortal women named Andromeda Jackson. She was the first being, mortal or immortal, that I had ever loved. About a year later, Sally was born. Andromeda, being a clear-sighted mortal, knew that I was a god and later found out that I was Chaos. We both knew that as the first true child of Chaos, Sally's powers would be unimaginable. So, to stop all the monsters from attacking her, I locked away most of her powers. But even then, she could see through the Mist like it's not even there and recognise gods for who they are and has eidetic memory."

"If you loved them that much, why did my mom have to grow up the way she did and why did she have to suffer with Gabe until I could take care of him?" I asked angrily.

"I was about to tell you Percy. I used to live with them in New York in a pretty nice apartment. Unfortunately, when she was five, me and Andromeda were in a plane which crashed because the pilot got drunk too much. Because I was sleeping at that time, I didn't realise what was happening until it was too late. I managed to wake up and save Sally and sent her to her uncle's house. I knew that he was a good man and would take care of Sally to the best of his abilities. As I did this, I wiped away her memories of me using my powers which later made her think that I died in the crash along with Andromeda. But by the time I finished that, the plane crashed, killing Andromeda instantly. Even though I didn't get hurt, I was really depressed at the loss of my first and only love to date and went to my palace. I couldn't bear to bring Sally into the world of gods and monsters because I couldn't bear to see anything happen to her. So, I decided to leave her alone forever."

"But a little over sixteen years ago, I sensed a major power surge rising in New York. It was more than when Sally had been born. It was you Percy. You are the grandson of Chaos and the son of one of the most powerful Olympians, Poseidon. You are what can be called a tri-blood. If you had not become a god, you would have become one when you turn eighteen anyways."

"Then how come more monsters didn't find me and also no one knew about this till now?" I asked.

I knew that with your power, you would be a beacon of sorts to monsters and gods would find something wrong about you. So, I locked away most of your powers leaving the ones from Poseidon and some natural swordsmanship and leadership skills from me because I didn't want anyone to find out. But, I have been watching over you ever since your first quest. I was never so proud of anyone in my life as I was about you when you beat Kronos. When you were offered godship and were having doubts about it, I was the one who spoke in your head causing you to accept it."

"That was you? I knew I heard that voice somewhere before."

"Yes, I made you accept because you were worried about what would happen to your mother. Anyways, now that you are already a god, I also need to give you your birthright. You shall become the Primordial god of Time, Water, Oceans and Swordsmanship and also Creation."

"Wait, how I can become the Primordial of those domains. Isn't Chronos the Primordial of Time and Pontus the Primordial of the sea and Hydros the primordial of Water?" I asked

"They were but a lot of the primordials, including them, have faded away over the centuries. Someone is required to fill those positions, especially now."

"Oh, Ok."

"As it is said in the prophecy, Chaos' Heir, Perseus was discovered at the start of the idea/plan started by the Meddling Queen who was Hera." Chaos said.

"Please call me Percy, Chaos."

"Chaos, how will Percy become a Primordial of Creation while you are still alive?" my dad asked.

"He will not become a major Primordial of that. He will become the Minor Primordial of Creation. It is a position which was just created by me. I will also be unlocking my daughter's powers and making her and her husband, Paul Blofis immortals. This will turn Sally into a Primordial with Domains not known as of now but her husband will be an immortal with a blessing of the God of Swordsmanship." Chaos answered.

"You shall give the blessing Percy while I make him immortal with the same type of immortality as the gods."

"Yes Chaos." I said.

"Don't call me Chaos, call me grandpa. It feels weird when my one and only grandson calls me by my name. Also, can you down to your mom's house and bring them here. I need to speak to my daughter. After all, it has been almost forty years."

"Ok Grandpa, I will go get them up here at once." I said smiling at the fact that I have a grandfather now. It had always been only me and my mom.

I vanished from the Throne Room and appeared in my mom's house(normal sized) where her and Paul were talking.

"Hey Mom"

"Hey Percy, how are you doing?" they both asked.

"I'm doing great. but first, the gods have something to tell to both of you and wanted me to come and get you guys."

"Ok, well we can't ignore summons from the gods." my mom said.

They both stood and walked over to me. I snapped my fingers locking all the doors leaving the place secure. Normally I would take my car but it was a lot more urgent now. Can't keep the creator of the Universe waiting because I felt like having a drive.

"Both of you hold my hands. I locked all the doors already. I will transport you to Olympus" I said flashing them to the doors outside the throne room. I opened the doors and told them to be ready to be surprised. As soon as we walked in, all the heads turned to us. Chaos shrunk down to human size and walked in front of mom.

My mom's face went from awe at looking at the Throne Room of Olympus to complete shock after looking at Chaos.

"Dad, how are you here? How are you even alive? I thought you had died in the airplane crash."

"No, Sally I didn't. I just wiped some of your memories of me. Now, I will give them back to you."

"You saved me before I died, You're a god and I'm a demigod." she said coming to tears.

"Not just any Sally, you're the first true child of Chaos, the creator of the Universe."

"You're C-C-Chaos?" she said stammering.

"Yes honey, I am" Chaos said his eyes tearing up.

My mom ran to him and hugged him hard while she started to cry.

"Do you know how much I missed you? Where have you been all this time?"

"I was too depressed after your mom died and went to my palace."

"Now I'm going to give you and your husband a little present!" Chaos said.

As he was saying this, he looked at me signalling that we should bless them now.

Suddenly, two black and silver orbs went out of his hands and into my mom and Paul and I shot a reddish orb of power into Paul.

"What did you do?" my mom asked.

"Congrats Sally, I gave you your powers back and Paul, you're a immortal now and have a talent for swordsmanship because Percy here just blessed you."

"Also, Paul, I know you're an immortal now but hurt my daughter and you won't find place in this world or the next to hide from my wrath!" Chaos said dramatically as Paul got scared.

"Relax, I won't hurt you. I was just trying out the intimidating father-in-law trope from your movies" he said again grinning.

"Percy and Sally, you have one week before being turned into Primordials. Also, Percy, you will still be the thirteenth Olympian unless you want another wish in exchange from the Olympian Council."

"Yes dad; Yes Gramps" me and my mom said causing him to start laughing.

"I will be leaving now, I have to head back to my palace. Remember, exactly one week Percy. Sally, try to unlock your powers over creation over this week and take help from Percy. Bye guys, see you both in a week."

Saying this, he created the Black Vortex again while waving at us and left leaving me there to wonder how much my life changed in the last month and a half. I went from a being just a demigod to a Primordial god that's the full-blooded grandson of Chaos himself.

It has been a week since Chaos appeared in the throne room and gave the grand revelation that I was his grandson. Today is the day that I will be turned into a Primordial god. I am so excited about it. Right now, I am driving my Lamborghini Aventador J down to my mother's house. You guys might be wondering why I was driving a car if I could just teleport everywhere. It's because I always liked cars and just teleporting everywhere gets boring.

Anyways my dad, Poseidon, was sitting next to me because he just wanted to have a ride with me for a while as I drive. When on Olympus, we are generally busy and don't have much time to just joke around or talk about our interests. I also keep telling how much I love the car which he bought for me. I just arrived at my mom's front door and walked in using the spare keys that I always have with me.

"Mom, it's time to go." I called out.

"Coming Percy" she yelled back.

She walked down the stairs with Paul right behind her. Both me and mom were just wearing jeans and a t-shirt in complete casual style. After all, it is my Grandfather's house.

"Can't I come too?" Paul asked hopefully.

"Sorry Paul, only Primordials or gods can enter the area that we are going to without being killed by the amount of power surrounding it. My mom can come because she was a primordial by birth only her powers have been locked away."

"It's ok Paul, I'll tell you what happened after we come back." my mom said as we all walked back toward the door.

"Ok Sally, see you later." he said closing the door though still sounding a little sad.

As I turned around, I pressed the lock button on my car keys making my car transport back to the garage of my palace. After it disappeared, I pressed a button on my shirt that lets Chaos know that we are ready to be teleported to his realm. He opened up this huge black Vortex in front of the three of us.

"Ok Percy, Sally, I'll be going now. Good luck. Percy, tell me everything that happens" Dad said before he turned into vapour going back to his palace.

Me and my mom slowly walked into it and walked out on the other side. But it wasn't New York anymore. It was the Void, the Home of Chaos. It was a huge palace double the size of the Empire State building and 20 times as wide. It was mostly black and white with a pure gold statue of Chaos that was 15 feet tall on the top of the palace.

"No!" my mom exclaimed in shock as she looked at the palace.

Suddenly Chaos appeared in front of us and touched both of us once teleporting us to a completely white room like the one where I received my Domains.

"Yes Percy, this is actually the room where primordials receive their domains. It's a part of my own castle." Chaos said reading my mind.

"That's cool"

"Now are you both completely ready? Have you been practicing your powers?" he asked.

We both nodded signalling that we have been practicing

"Good and now the two of you shall receive your domains as Primordials!" Chaos said shooting silver blasts of power into me and my mom as I fell unconscious.

Line Break

I slowly sat up and stretched as I remembered where I was. I looked to the side to see my mom still on the floor and knocked out but she looked different for some reason. Younger, stronger and she even looked better than she normally did. I stood up and noticed that I was taller than before now standing at about 6' 5''. But one thing wrong was I noticed with my power of time that I'd been knocked out for an hour.

"What happened Gramps, why did we get knocked out for so long?" I asked

"That was because becoming a Primordial means that you get a lot of power. Normally, for the other Primordials, they were born with it and it grew along with them. But, for you two, all of the power entered your bodies at once sending it into shock and caused it to shutdown."

"Why is my mom still knocked out while I feel perfectly fine then?"

"You were already a god easily at the level of the Big Three just out of your own power while your mother was a demigod or more accurately, a demi-primordial. You had a lot more power than her. Now, between you guys the power level is Percy, you are the strongest and most powerful, then Sally. Sally's power level is on with strongest Primordials like Tartarus. You are a different case, since you had so much power latent in you, unlocking everything caused to become more stronger than anyone before. The only one at your power right now Percy, is me. But over a century or two, you will be able to cross me in power."

As he was saying my mom woke up to see me with a shocked look on my face.

"Why are you looking so shocked?" she asked. "You told me you were unconscious for a couple of minutes even when you originally became a god"

After we explained how long she was out for and why I was shocked, she had the same look on her face as well.

"Ok, since you guys are awake now, you shall know your Domains."

Suddenly the Fates flashed in and got on their knees. I got more shocked that the mighty fates were bowing to someone.

"We present Lord Perseus, Primordial god of Time, Water, Seas, Swordsmanship, Technology, the Sky, and Minor Primordial of Creation."

"We present Lady Selena, Primordial goddess of Light, Motherhood, Darkness, Mountains, Terrains and Fire."

Saying this they fates bowed down to us three again and flashed out.

"How come we have so many more domains than I thought before?" I asked through my shock.

"I know I added goddess of mountains and terrains to Sally while I added sky and Technology to Perseus but someone has to be the Primordial of the Mountains and Terrains after Ourea faded and same with the sky after Ouranus faded. As for Percy's domain of technology I thought there should be a god of it considering how many people are relying on it. I chose Percy because he is always better at technology than you."

We sat down completely shocked at the domains we got. If I didn't have Time, my mom would be the most powerful being alive after Chaos on par with Tartarus and Nyx. if she was still alive. I looked at her and instantly knew that she had the same thing going through her head. At least my transformation was a little less shocking as I went from god to Primordial. My mom just went from thinking she was a normal human to being all this.

We all got together and started talking about what happened over the years, Gramps started telling me about my mom's embarrassing stories making her blush as both of us laughed at her. She retaliated by telling him stories about me. Couple minutes later, all of us were in the main living room of his palace rolling on the floor with laughter. If anyone saw us, they would think we were just a normal happy family, not gods.

"Ok, Chaos since you said I have the choice to either be an Olympian or get a wish, I would like to ask something. It is a wish from all the other gods." I said once we calmed down a little.

"Sure, I will transport you guys to the the throne room." He opened up a portal leading into the Throne room shocking my dad who was the only one there and looked to be in deep thinking.

Understanding what it was for, Poseidon called a council meeting by smashing his trident into the dent in the middle of the floor. One by one, all the gods appeared and took their seats as I started to speak.

"Chaos gave me an option saying I could either stay as the 13th Olympian or get any wish I want. I choose to ask you guys about the wish. But first you must swear on the name of Chaos to grant me my wish. If you go back on this, you will fade from existence."

All the gods looked a little worried but they still did it

"I swear by the name of Chaos to grant Perseus' wish if it is within our power to do so." they all said in unison.

"My wish is that all of the gods should claim their children by the time they are 11. If they are not in camp-half blood or Camp Jupiter by the age of 11, you should personally send a satyr to pick them up. For the Romans, lead them to Lupa. All minor and major gods should have a cabin in Camp-Half Blood. The reason so many demigods were involved in war against Kronos was that we didn't give them any attention or most of them were stuffed into the Hermes cabin. That shouldn't happen anymore. Can't do anything about it, you swore by Chaos' name." I finished with a warning.

"Also, in addition to that, you can speak and interact with your children as you please. I am removing that ancient law." said Chaos

"Thanks Chaos" all the gods yelled out in happiness. I found out once I became a god that most gods actually liked their kids and cared for them. They couldn't due to the laws preventing them.

"We shall get started on these wishes as soon as we can Percy." Zeus said.

"Zeus, the threat which is mentioned in the Great Prophecy is really dangerous. The Olympian council loosing someone like Percy can weaken you again. It is time that the two oldest Olympians actually had their thrones back on Olympus again"

"That is a great solution Chaos, thanks for the idea." Zeus said calling Hades and Hestia into the throne room.

"Hades and Hestia, by the idea of Chaos, you two are officially Olympians now while Perseus is not part of the council anymore as he is a primordial god." he said as my throne disappeared being replaced with a large obsidian black throne with skulls at the edge of the hand rest while the hand rests were actual hand bones. Another new throne rose up next to Hera which was in a a normal conformable recliner but in a fiery red colour with actual fire licking around the edges. Hestia and Hades walked over to and sat in their thrones overflowing with happiness.

Chaos spoke up again, "Finally, I need to tell all of you who the threat mentioned in the great prophecy. They are Gaea and Tartarus."

A/N: First of All, thanks to Anaklusmos14 for the idea about the tri-blood He is one on of my favorite authors on FanFiction. The idea is from the story "Timeless Warrior". It's a great story that i'd recommend. Also this is definitely my longest chapter so far. Review and tell me how it is. I got a lot of reviews for the previous chapter so this came out really fast. Review a lot for this chapter as well and the next chapter will be out within 3 days.