so this was originally going to be called back to December (based on taylor swifts song of the same name( I know I use a lot of songs as titles :D)) with bomber coming back but couldn't think of a reason to bring bomber back to cairns. I thought of swains dedication and getting the CV. then I thought there were several others that would want to say goodbye to Swain. anyway on with the show and I hope you like this. please let me know what you think :D duckmadgirl xx

Rebecca Brown stepped out of the plane, blinking as the glare of the bright sun caught her unawares. Pulling her sunglasses over her eyes she forgot how bright the sun was up in the tropics. She hadn't been this far north in over a year. After leaving the navy she had moved back south to be closer to family and try and rebuild her relationship with her mother. She had opened her own dinner and it was rather popular, a mix of traditional foods and Asian fusion.

This trip was tinged with sadness however. She had only come back to pay her respects and say goodbye to her friend and mentor, Swain. He had been killed in a attempted terror attack on cairns, he had been helping the SAS defuse a bomb attached to caesium. A dirty bomb. The SAS captain who she also knew as he served with Hammersley in the Samaru islands was also killed. They had managed get the caesium detached and off the boat but the bomb exploded before they could disarm it or get off the boat. Swain had helped her become who she was and she would miss him. She was also apprehensive about seeing the crew again as she hadn't spoken to them much in the last 12 months.

Rebecca collected her bags and pushed her way in to the main terminal building. It was full of people waiting at the gate, waiting for loved ones to walk through waiting for long lost friends to greet. She had no one meeting her. She made her way to the car hire desk and after collecting her keys she headed didn't take long after leaving the airport to arrive at the hotel she had booked. Her room was bright and airy had views over the river admiralty island and the wide seas beyond. Walking out on to the balcony she could just make out the silhouette of one of the patrol boats heading out on patrol.

Changing out of the clothes she had travelled up in she put on a sleek sundress before heading down to the bar. This week was going to be hard as she would also have to come face to face with her Ex. Leo. Who she hadn't spoken to since sending him the dear john email almost 10 months ago. If she was going to get through then she would need some Dutch courage. Looking at the ring that sat on her left hand. She pulled it off and dropped it in to her case. She didn't want to be that girl tonight. Walking down the steps she spotted a familiar face standing at the bar. Smiling as she took the last few steps she walked up behind him.

"of all the bars in Cairns" she grinned as the man turned round...

Nicole Caetano pulled in to the layby. She was heading to Cairns. She had not been back since transferring to Darwin 3 years ago because of the pain of loosing ET. There were too many memories Picking her phone up off the seat next to her she pressed to answer.

"hello?" she called there was nothing no answer nothing. "hello?" she sighed repeating her self. "hello!" she shouted before throwing her phone back on the seat next to her. She felt a twinge in her shoulder. Shrugging out the knots she realised she had been driving for 10 hours and still had another 3 and a half to go before she reached Cairns. she felt It was stupid of her really but she didn't have the time to stop she wanted to be in cairns at least a day before she was needed so she could gather herself together and re acclimatise to being in the city where she lost her one true love. she did drive almost none stop from Darwin but no navigator brew would help her through the 18 hour drive and she had to stop in Mount Isa. Even leaving as early as humanly possible she would still not reach her final destination until at least 7 o'clock. Stretching out the last of the knots in her neck and back she climbed back in to the car. Indicating she put the car in to gear and pulled back on to the highway she carried on her way to cairns. It was several hours later when she was just able to make out the skyline of the mountains and hills of the national park that surrounded cairns. With the sun setting behind them it made quite a sight and she smiled. It was one of the sights of Queensland she missed most. Darwin was great but the skyline wasnt as spectacular.