Sorry for the long wait, people. School has been rough and I have had a horrible case of writer's block

In the morning we find Kevin working on his car and Gwen was with him.

Ben approached them holding Zeke's badge and Ship was with him as A) he needed him and B) Julie went away for a tennis match and wanted Ben to watch him.

The little galvanic mechamorph kept trying to get the badge as he thinks it's a toy for him.

"Hey Ben." Said Gwen.

"Ben? Ow!" Said Kevin as he went to look up as he was under his car and hit his head.

"Hey Kevin, you know a thing or two about Plumbers badges. This is my older brothers, he had a high place in the Plumbers so I was wondering if you could figure out what benefits came with it. And try to get it because Ship thinks it's a toy and wants it bad." Said Ben as Kevin rolled out from under his car as Ben tossed the badge to him.

"See Julie lent you Ship." Said Gwen as she drank her Mr. Smoothie.

"Yeah she has a tennis match out of state, she didn't want to leave him home alone." Said Ben.

"Would you get? This isn't a toy!" Said Kevin as Ship is really trying to jump and get the badge.

"Here Ship, want your ball?" Said Ben as he pulled a red ball from his pocket.

This instantly got Ship's attention as he looks at it and keeps his optic to it as Ben moves it before throwing it and chasing it.

"Thank you, now let's take a look at this." Said Kevin.

Ben was busy keeping Ship busy as he kept throwing the ball to give the little green and black blob dog something to do.

Ship had just brought the ball back as Ben picked it up,


Kevin's shout spooked Ship as the galvanic mechamorph dog yelped and leapt up onto the ceiling.

"Thanks for scaring the crap out of us, Kevin." Said Ben catching Ship.

"Did you find anything out?" Asked Gwen.

"Boy did I!" Said Kevin.

"To keep it short basically this practically a 'do whatever you want and getaway with it' badge. Unlimited access to normally restricted areas only certain individuals could have access, this grants permission to go anywhere even if it is in a place where a normal plumber cannot go to, it even has a built in scanner that can show what your target is, what they've done, and if they're guilty or not! It's like a courtroom you can carry in your pocket, among other things! It's like a free pass to do anything and go anywhere!" Said Kevin.

"Maybe because Zeke was the leader of the Plumbers suicide squad, he said it was second only to Magistrata." Said Gwen.

"Damn." Kevin said impressed

"Anyways, Ben what did you want?" Said Gwen

"That needed to send us 50 messages to us for." Said Kevin,

"I need you two for a mission, it's off world." Said Ben.

"I got tae kwan do practice tonight, Ben, sorry." Said Gwen.


"Yeah... no." Said Kevin.


"We don't mind helping, but we have lives you know." Said Gwen

"Well maybe you can say no to me, but you can't say no to this." Said Ben as he held a recording disk, a device that one would use to leave messages for people, the same that their grandfather used to leave for him in places.

He turns it on and a small child with short black hair and eyes with blue skin and a small almost ragged blue dress.

"It was teleported to my room this morning." Said Ben.

"Dear Mr. Ben 10, my name is Probity, my mom and dad told me all about how you saved the universe from the Highbreed." The girl said.

"So you get fan mail, what's the big..."

"Shh." Said Ben.

"I hate war. Do you hate war to? Because if you do, I wanted to know if you would come here and stop everybody from fighting. Anyway, even if you can't I...

The message began shaking as the image looked like it was being cut out and replaced.

"What's wrong?" Said Gwen.

"I don't know didn't happen this morning." Said Ben.

The image of the girl was replaced with Z!

"Bonjour, Ben Tennyson, I'm sending you this message to ask that you, don't come here. I am currently doing business on this planet and I cannot have you here ruining it. So, don't come here." Said Z as the hologram turned back into the little girl before turning off.

"Okay, now we really have a reason to go there now." Said Ben.

Next we see Ship in Ship form as Kevin Ben and Gwen rode in.

"Can't believe we're doing this, I mean everybody hates war but nobody does anything about it." Said Kevin.

"Well maybe because there's never been anybody like me before," said Ben.

"Oh right, the great Ben 10's going to solve everything in one weekend." Said Kevin.

"It's a three day weekend." Said Ben.

"I like that Ben cares enough to come out all this way to help," said Gwen

"You know, you could use a little bit of that yourself, Kevin." Said Gwen.

"War's like eating or sleeping Gwen. It's part of human nature." Said Kevin.

"That's where you're wrong." Said Ben

"Oh really? How many wars has Earth been through? I think I know more about human nature than you." Said Kevin,

"Uhh... but that's human nature these are aliens, so Nyah!" Said Ben as Kevin caught him off guard with that question so he just said that and stuck out his tongue,

"Really Ben? And he does have a point." Said Gwen.

"Oh just shut up." Said Ben as he crossed his arms.

"We're approaching the planet." Said Gwen.

"Uh... is that a big dotted line across that planet?" Said Ben.

"Yep." Said Kevin as the dotted line was being made across the planet

"Ship down." Said Ben.

"Ship... Ship... Ship",

Ship flew down to the planet and they saw a machine dropping the tower like objects

"Well now we know where the fence came from, but..." said Gwen before Ship began getting shot at by blue aliens using blue cannons

Ship dodged as blue explosions were around him.

"They must think we're the enemy, duh!" Said Ben as he hit his head.

"The fence is a borderline between them, and because we crossed it they think we're the enemy!"

"You're actually thinking?" Said Kevin as Gwen hit him.

"Ow, what?"

"Well lately knuckle sandwiches haven't exactly gotten me far." Said Ben


"No, ship, don't shoot back otherwise they'll really think we're the enemy!" Said Ben.

"You understood that?" Said Gwen,

"Hey, I've been around him for so long I think I'm starting to." Said Ben

"Well, I vote we go home, Gwen can still make karate practice and as a bonus I don't get shot at." Said Kevin.

"But we'd be throwing away a little girl's dream on bringing peace to her home." Said Ben.

"Life is filled with disappointments."

"Look, you may want to chicken out because you don't care but I do! We stay!" Said Ben

"Chicken out? Hey I don't chicken out of anything!" Said Kevin

Suddenly red explosions began going around them,

Ben unbuckled from his chair.

"What are you doing ?" Said Gwen, looking back

"Giving them something else to shoot at so you can land. Ship, door." Said Ben as Ship made a door for Ben who dialed in a alien and jumped out transforming into Jetray.


Jetray flew through the explosions and to the soldiers, who wore what looked like gas masks.

"Hold it, hold it! Have any of you ever heard of..." said Jetray landing on a tank and changing back to Ben.

"Ben 10?"

The soldiers look at each other and mumble.

"That's right, Ben 10, and I've come a long way to tell you that war is wrong."

The soldiers mumble again.

"See war accomplishes nothing, the only thing that comes from war is pain and sorrow and -"

Ben was interrupted as someone was walking through the soldiers.

Ben held in his laughter as the general looked something like a little red Napoleon.

"Get him!" The general said pointing at Ben

The soldiers look back at Ben and point their guns,

"Hey, uh, okay Omnitrix give me someone who's at least bulletproof!" Said Ben as he rushed picking an alien

Ben's selected alien was black and yellow with two toed feet and crab claws for hands and surrounding the floating metal, green eyed head that had a white aura around it was shoulders that looked similar to the hands. (I still suck at descriptions)

"Lodestar! Come on, Omnitrix, this isn't exactly the moment to bust out a new guy." Said Lodestar as he spoke but his mouth didn't move

The soldiers opened fire on Lodestar

"Ow, ow, ow ow ow, ow, quit it!"

Lodestar throws his arm forward as some kind of wave goes and the soldiers weapons began flying at him almost burying him.

"Ow, ow, ow! Hey I'm a magnet!" Said Lodestar as he raised a hand and sent the weapons flying off of him.

"Now. As I was saying..."

Outside the crowd of red soldiers Ship landed and let Kevin and Gwen out and changed back and climbed onto Gwen's shoulder.

"And you have to sit down and talk with them. They probably don't want this war anymore than you do, after all you are the same species, even if you're a different color... I am so sorry if that offended you." Said Lodestar thinking what he just said was racist.

"That a new one?" Said Gwen looking at Lodestar.

"Who keeps track?" Said Kevin

Gwen goes to Ben as does Kevin but he steps on something and picks it up, and whistles impressed.

"A regenerating power pack, nice."

He looks over and sees a crate filled with the weapons the red guys used and runs to it and grabs one but someone else does to.

It was Argit!

"Hey, finders keepers find your own - oh, hey Kevin, longtime no see, you look different, did you cut your hair?" Said Argit.


"I was just going to call you, I'll get that money I owe you soon, just as soon as I pay back another guy," said Argit

"Uh huh. What are you doing here Argit?" Said Kevin,

"Nothing." He squeaked

Kevin leans in his face.

"Argit, what's the scam?" Kevin said

"Oh alright, I was gonna cut you in, honest, just as long as the boss gave the okay! Look these guys leave their weapons just lying all over the place so I pick them up, paint them blue and sell them to the other guys. Low overhead, big profit but I do have a little help getting more though, that's the boss I was talking about." Said Argit,

Kevin smirks which Argit notices.


"Your overhead just went up, come on." Said Kevin as he and Argit walk away.

Towards the group,

Lodestar changes back as Ben sits.

"Of course I want to hear your side." Said Ben,

"Good, because you got us all wrong, they attacked us! We are just defending ourselves!" Said the red general.

Ben raised a eyebrow just as two blue missiles explode in the air.

The blues are firing through the divider.

"See!" Said the General as he took cover

Ben activated the Omnitrix again


The arachnichimp leapt onto the divider and jumped off shooting webs, webbing some of the blue soldiers faces and began jumping on them and running on them.

"It's one of those alien spider monkeys, you know what to do!" Said the blue General who looked just like the red one but well blue,

Spidermonkey leapt onto the pole as the soldiers ran away.

"Are you the one in charge?" Said Spidermonkey

"I am."

"Good, we need to talk."

"My boy, I am a man of action, not talk."

"And look where it's gotten you," said Spidermonkey as he dropped to the ground as the General backs up,


Suddenly a object was shot into the air landing in front of the Arachnichimp making green smoke as Spidermonkey walked out coughing before falling to his hands and knees looking up at the General, glaring,

"Look what it's gotten me." Said the General as he laughed

Meanwhile in the center divider we see Argit bringing Kevin inside,

"Alright, let's get to work," said Kevin,

"Uh... about that." Said Argit.

"Kevin, my old friend."

Kevin stiffened as from the shadows out came Z.

"He's the boss I was talking about," said Argit,

"You!" Said Kevin making a arm blade as Z held his up,

"Whoa there! I didn't come to fight, I'm just a guy looking to make some money from some blue people looking for a warrior, and help an old friend. Say, tell you what, join in the fun and I'll cut you a break. After all, you owe me some money as well, a big bunch compared to Argit here. But let's not talk about that, wanna join in a scam with some old friends and make some mullah?" Said Z.

Kevin pondered for a while before turning his arms back.

"Where do we start?" Said Kevin.

"Alright, this'll be just like the old days! Like at Zixxeron 3." Said Z.

"You and I remember that very differently." Said Kevin.

Later we see Argit with a apron on spray painting the red guns blue.

"Hurry up, Argit." Said Kevin as he watched,

"Hey, I'm going as fast as I can. Man, Z never tried rushing me." Said Argit as he finishes one and blew on it,

Then there was a knocking at a door as Argit grabbed some of the dry guns and went to the door opening it to see Blue soldiers

"Here you go, gentlemen! The finest blasters money can buy. Death to the reds." Said Argit as a soldier handed him shiny colored gems.

Then he walked over and put them in a chest,

"Would've thought you'd try sneaking some." Said Kevin,

"Hey have you met Z? The guy literally counts every cent to make sure he isn't cheated. Do you know what he would do to me?" Said Argit as he shivered

The other door is knocked on as Kevin hands him the red guns and Argit opens the door for the red soldiers,

"Here you go, my friends." Said Argit handing them the blasters and getting golden stones

"Much appreciated, death to the blues." Said Argit closing the door and adding the stones to the chest.

The door is knocked on again for the blue side.

"Z said he wasn't going to be back for a while. I ain't expecting anybody else." Said Argit,

Kevin walked to the door and changed his right arm into a hammer.

He opens the door to find Gwen.

Kevin groans as he changed his arm back,

"Nice little racket you got going on here." She said.

"Look I can explain." Said Kevin as he didn't want her to know about Z.

"You're making money off of others misery?"

"Okay I don't need to explain." Said Kevin

"I thought you were here to help Ben."

"Gwen, when has Ben ever gotten himself into trouble he can't get himself out of?" Said Kevin

With Ben

Spidermonkey was restrained and placed on a stand and his restraints were connected to hooks.

"Look, I am not your enemy! I believe in peace!"

The General approached with a rag,

"Let me tell you what your real enemy is, it's war -"

Spidermonkey was muffled as the blue General wrapped the rag around his mouth.

Then he stepped back.

The soldiers parted as Spidermonkey's eyes bulged as Z walks up with a smirk.

"Well, well, well, Ben Tennyson, small universe." Said Z


Z shrugs as he holds a golden mana sphere



"Thank god, I was about to cramp up." Said Z as he made the sphere disappear and roll his arm popping joints as the little girl from the message, Probity walked up,

"That's Ben 10, I'm sure of it!" She said.

The soldiers mumble as Spidermonkey nods his head

"She doesn't know what she's talking about, fire!" Said the General.

The soldiers raised their weapons just as a pink shield appeared before Spidermonkey

"Ah, Gwenny is here to." Said Z.

"Get yourself, free, I can't hold on much longer." Said Gwen.

Probity and her pet that seemed to look a lot like Stitch ran up to untie Spidermonkey's restraints until Z cut them off as Spidermonkey pressed the Omnitrix and changed back.

Ben's rag that was covering mouth dropped to his neck.

The soldiers mumble as they see him.

"Told you." Said Probity

"Yeah you did, shorty," said Z patting her head.

Ben blinked in confusion

"What? I got a soft spot for kids."

Ben takes off the rag.

"You really are him. So what do we do now?" Said the General,

Probity raised her arm.

"I know, let's eat." She said with a smile,

"I second that, kid." Said Z.

We see them now in a cafeteria with chandeliers over them,

Ben watches as Z shares his food with Probity and her pet, with a smile,

"How much are you paying him?" Said Ben.

"Who the golden one? Nothing, he's working for us for free," said the blue General.


"That's exactly what I said! Told us that right after he flipped some kind of coin."

"Man just when I think I figure him out." Said Ben.

He looks as a pink mechamorph like Ship slid onto Z's shoulder,

"He even has his own version of Ship?"

"You mean Rocket."'said the General.

Ben looked at Z who seemed to be glaring at the soldiers who ate glorious and big food showing they had sharp teeth

"Do you always eat like this?" Asked Ben.

"We have to keep our strength up," the General said,

"Bet she doesn't get to eat like this, everyday." Said Ben looking at Probity who gave a bone to her pet

"Unfortunately, our citizens must sacrifice for the war effort."

"But if there wasn't a war, she could eat better, maybe even go to school."

"Ben 10, I hate war to. But our neighbors keep attacking us so we must defend ourselves."

"That sounds familiar."

"What was that?" Said the General,

"Uh, I said if you both were just defending yourselves, there doesn't have to be a war." Said Ben.

The soldiers stopped eating and looked at him as did Probity.

Z looked as well, but the look on his face said a different story

Later we see the ships that made the dividers picking them back up,

Ben was walking down a corridor

"It's not going to work."

He turns and sees Z leaning against a wall

"Why not?"

"There's something up with those generals, I don't trust them."

Ben looks at him.

"Just watch, the moment you try to do something, they'll just have this war started up again." Said Z.

"Look, I appreciate that you're not evil enough to use this war to make a profit but if I don't do something, who will? My brother used to say that." Said Ben.

"I know, I met him remember?"

"One day you are going to tell me your connection with him." Said Ben,

"You'd have to beat it out of me first, but that's a fight for another day. Come find me when this all goes south." Said Z walking through a door

And Z was right, the talks didn't go right at all.

The generals did nothing but argue back and forth and then things got back to war when Ben tried to shake with his right hand when blues shake with the left, something that was conveniently not told to him.

Z looked at the tanks as they fire at each other as Ben and Gwen approached

"Told you." Said Z not even turning around.

"Yeah, alright so you were right. How was I supposed to know which arm they shake with?" Said Ben.

"Exactly don't you find that a bit suspicious that they didn't tell you that? I imagine the same response was going to happen if you used your left hand." Said Z.

"You think those generals set Ben up for a lose-lose situation?" Said Gwen.

"Wouldn't put it past them." Said Z.

"So what do we do now?" Said Gwen

"I say we force them together. Keep them until they make peace with each other." Said Ben.

"That's actually not a bad idea." Said Z.

"Well he agrees with it, so it's got that going against it." Said Gwen

With the red General we see him talking to some soldiers before his door is knocked down by Swampfire.

"Knock, knock. This war is ending now!" Said Swampfire.

He knocks aside two of the soldiers as one aims at him as he grabs the General.

"Are you feeling lucky?" Said Swampfire

The soldier shakes before fainting.

Swampfire walks away and later we see him enter a cave,

Then Z walked in but in the form of a Vulpimancer with golden yellow fur and had his Omnitrix around his neck like a collar.

"What took you so long?" He asked Swampfire who dropped the General in shock.

"Since when can Wildmutts talk?"

"I told you I trained my aliens, not just in strength but intelligence as well, I just changed one day and figured out I could talk. And it's not Wildmutt, it's Smellhound." Said the Vulpimancer

"Come on, stop making better alien names than me. Lodestar?" Said Swampfire,


"Dang it!" Said Swampfire

"What's going on here?!" Said the red General.

"No one is leaving this cave until you work out a peace treaty." Said Swampfire

"Impossible!" Said the red General as he crosses his arms.

"That's what I told him!" Said the blue General as he pointed at Smellhound.

Swampfire throws a fireball at their feet sending them running into the cave.

Z presses the Ultratrix and looks at the battle as he changes back.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Said Ben as he changed back.

"Probably not but I have my own backup plan just in case."

Z grunts as he watches the explosions,

"I guess you're not completely evil." Said Ben.

"Evil is a matter of perspective. Light, dark there's a little bit of it in all of us, the trick is to find the balance." Said Z.

"Why are you so fixated with me?"

"Well I might as well tell you a bit. It's because your brother told me to."


"He wanted me to help you reach your full potential but after a year I stopped caring and just forgot about it."

Ben growls at him,

"Hey hey." Said Z

"Did Vilgax hire you to kill him?!"

"So you found that secret video. No, I wasn't but I was there. You're not ready." Said Z.

"What do you mean? What am I not ready for?!"

"Inside you is a power greater than that watch can give you, the day you discover that power and truly understand it and the power of the Omnitrix will be the day you are ready." Said Z before walking off.

"God that guy is so confusing!"

The generals walk out of the cave.

"Oh what now?" Said Ben,

"Uh... we were just wondering, when is lunch?" Said the red General

The generals walk out of the cave.

"Oh what now?" Said Ben,

"Uh... we were just wondering, when is lunch?" Said the blue General

"Are you - There isn't going to be any lunch or dinner until you two come up with a peace treaty!" Said Ben.

"You can't do that!" Said the red.

"Wanna bet?" Said Ben with a hand over the Omnitrix

"N-n-now come now, Ben 10, violence never solves anything." Said the red.

The blue nods in agreement

"Did you even hear what you just said?!"

"He means random violence. War is orderly violence." Said the blue,

"WHAT!? Grr, what the hell is the difference?!" Said Ben

"We need war." Said blue.

"He's right, war gives the people something to blame their problems on." Said Red.

Ben's eyebrow twitches as he listens to them.

"If there was no war they'd have us to blame for everything. And we like eating like kings." Said Red.

"Have you been using this war to get all the good food for yourselves?" Said Ben in a low tone.

"W-w-well not exactly. We just don't want the people blaming us for all their problems. Can we go now?" Said blue.

"Get. Back. In. There. NOW!" Said Ben as the generals screamed and ran back into the cave

Later at night we see Z standing in a tree as Ben ran to him,

"They escaped, they took my flashlight and almost killed me by flashing my eyes." Said Ben.

"This nonsense ends, now." Said Z jumping down

In the morning we see the two generals by the Zanib statue, the person who once was the leader of the people of these people.

We hear them spewing more nonsense to their soldiers inside tanks.

"What a load of bull!"

From behind came Waybig.

"They're just using this war so you don't have to fix your real problems." Said Waybig

"Don't listen to him, charge!" Said blue.

Before the two factions could get forward a wall of fire appears between them.

A Pryonite that had a golden yellow body and silver flames flew down. Picture recolored omniverse version mixed with the Ben 10,000 version of Heatblast

"What do you call that one? I got Heatblast." Said Waybig.

"Supernova." Said the pyronite as he changed back into Z.

"Nice, but where did you go?" Said Waybig.

"Finding some people who can deal with these two." Said Z.

From behind the statue out came two females, one was red and the other was blue.

"Muriel?! I-I-I I mean who is this blue you brought?" Said the Red General.

"Karen?! Uh... I mean why's this red here?" Said the blue General.

"Oh shut up, Eustace! What's this nonsense about a war?!" Said the blue woman as she looked at the red General.

"What she said, Maurice! We leave for a vacation for 3 weeks and everything goes to hell!" Said the red woman looking at the blue General.

"They know each other?" Said Waybig.

"Know each - those are their wives." Said Z

"Wives?!" Said Waybig,

"He's married to a blue?" Said a red soldier,

"He's married to a red?" Said a blue soldier.

"Now what is going on here?" Said Muriel.

Z throws a disk to the ground as everyone sees the talk the generals had with Ben

"Now I'm sorry, but uh what did you say? You liked eating like kings?" Said Z.

"And that you didn't want them to blame you?" Said Waybig.

The two generals chuckle nervously as their wives grab their purses.

"Why you little - I'm gonna beat your - come here!" Said the wives as the generals began running away and screaming as not only was their wives chasing them but their own soldiers.

Later we see the generals still running from their wives as Z unrolls a picture

It was a picture of Zabin and he wasn't red or blue, he was purple!

"Now you see, that your leader wasn't blue or red but purple. Because only together can you all thrive and make your world better." Said Ben.

The people all cheered for them as they began making themselves purple.

Z has Probity on his shoulder as she laughs.

Kevin with a smirk walks up with the chest but Z takes it.

"Argit you're debt to me is paid. Ever need me, just call as I owe you a few favors. But don't think this even accounts for part of what you owe me, Levin." Said Z,

"Aw man," said Kevin.

"Alright, I'm out!" Said Argit walking away.

"What are you gonna do with all that?" Said Ben.

Z hums as he pulls out a coin and flips it and shows it landing on tails

"Alright, then. It's decided, here you go kid." Said Z as he put the chest and Probity down.

He kicks the chest to show all the jewels and other treasures inside.

"Thank you!" Said Probity as she hugged his leg and went to the treasure.

"All that to just give to a kid?" Said Kevin.

"Got a problem with it?"

"Uh... no."

"Didn't think so."

Z whistles as his mechamorph Rocket flies down. Picture Ship's spaceship form but slightly bigger.


"Till next time, Ben 10." Said Z as he jumped up into the mechamorph ship as it flew away.

"I didn't even get a cent." Said Kevin.

"Oh quit whining." Said Gwen.

"That guy is impossible to figure out, I can't even trust anything he says." Said Ben.

"Just who is this Z?" Said Gwen.

"Well let's go home," said Ben as Ship flies down and they walk into it.

Probity and the others waved as they went away

"Man, no matter what side Z is on he gives me the creeps." Said Kevin.

"Well I just hope the next time we see him he's on our side." Said Ben.

Well there's that chapter, later!