It's been a month since Giovanni returned back to Firenze and in that time, I still haven't convinced Mario to let me gather information. Instead he's sent me to do drills with his soldiers and patrols around Monteriggioni when I'm not doing Assassin training with him.

"Focus Michele," Mario shouted from the ring side as I circled my sparring partner.

I haven't been able to find any opening yet. The man is quite older and much more experienced than myself in a fight. Height and strength weren't on my side either, but this just meant I had to be quicker and smarter about how I fought him.

"Come on, boy," one of the men shouted impatiently.

"Patience is a virtue," I mutter annoyed under my breath, for Mario had drilled that into my head every time I would ask about doing an assignment.

I blocked the oncoming sword with my own and gritted my teeth as the force of my partner pushed against me. My muscles screamed in protest as I put everything into keeping him from breaking my defense.

"Already losing strength," Angelo taunted with a grin as he put more force into his sword, but I was able to maneuver out before my arms lost strength from continuing to hold him back.

The sound of our swords clashing again resonated through the arena as I met each strike of his sword with my parry. If this continues, I will lose my strength. I needed an opening or at least to think of a way to defeat him.

"Assassins use everything they have at their disposal to either win a fight or to run from it when the odds are against him."

I smirked at Angelo as he swung his sword at me, but I dodged quick enough to his left and took out my dagger. I made sure he was aware of it by grazing his side with the point.

"Cazzo!" Angelo dropped his sword to the ground in defeat for if I had added the right amount of pressure, he would be bleeding out from his side.

"Molto bene!" Mario praised me as he got in the ring with a pleased smile. "Smart tactic to use more than one weapon at a time."


"Angelo is one of the best sword fighters here, Michele," Mario continued with a nod to Angelo as he picked up his sword. "If you had only your sword, it would be a different end to this fight."

"He's still learning how to use his sword with time, he won't be depending too much on his dagger," Angelo commented smiling.

"I didn't even think he'd have it on him! Had I known I'd have told him to use the sword only." Mario shook his head at me. "It is a smart thing to have it and to use what you have at your disposal, but from now on until you've mastered the sword, no more daggers or knives."

"It is a known fact, you exceed in using them," Angelo said to me with a smile. "But your skills with the sword are barely enough to defend yourself."

"I'll have you train the boy in the sword, Angelo," Mario decided as he clasped my shoulders. "Starting tomorrow, for today I have some things I must discuss with him."

"Bene," Angelo gave a slight nod to us before Mario led me out toward the villa.

"Be honest, Mario. Is it because I'm a girl that you refuse to let me gather information," I ask once we were inside the villa.

Mario snorted at my words. "If that were the cause, Michele, you would not be training at all."

"Then why are you and Giovanni so against me gathering information," I demanded as we got to the library.

I was getting increasingly frustrated when Mario would only say to have patience. I may not have had any more visions, but I feared that I would get another again involving me having to tell Mario about it. If I had no excuse to hide how I came by this information, I would be forced to tell him about the visions.

"You are still too young, Michele," Mario sighed as he continued walking into his office and motioned for me to follow him.

This would be the first time he ever lets me step into his office. We would always have discussions in the library. His office was an unspoken forbidden room to enter and even though I've been tempted to go in, I didn't want to risk the trust he has with me so far.

"Giovanni's eldest has yet to take even his first assignment," Mario argued with a raised brow. "What makes you, we'd let you go?"

Before I answered, I glanced around his office. It was more spacious and tidier than I had imagined it to be. There was a wall decorated with a few pages, but many seemed to be missing while in the middle of the room was a desk w/ seats. It was the only thing messy with paperwork because the bookcases behind it were tidy, but I wasn't sure if it was dusty.

"Is he my age," I curiously asked as I finished looking around the room as Mario had us sit down.

The vision I had of Giovanni's children had not been very clear in how far in the future it was. None of my visions so far gave me a good indicator of how soon or how far into the future it is. I don't know if what I have seen would occur soon or if it will take a while. I could only hope I was getting them with time to do something about them if action needed to be taken or else these visions are useless to me.

"He's a few years older than you." Mario's expression became thoughtful as he looked at me closely. "I'm not too sure how much older, but Giovanni mentioned you being a year younger than Ezio, his second eldest."

I frowned in displeasure that finding out that Federico would be the one I'd be compared to in order to see if I am ready for assignments.

"I haven't seen the boy's skills in person, but I do know you are advanced in some areas," Mario chuckled as he took in my displeasure. "He didn't grow up knowing about the Assassins as you did, Michele. Giovanni was training him discreetly in the ways of the Assassins."

"Why would he do that?"

I couldn't really understand why Giovanni would be such a thing. He didn't seem like the type to hide it from his family.

Mario sighed a bit as he settled into his seat. "Giovanni preferred to have his children grow up without a worry in their childhood. I do not agree with him, but I understand why he preferred it this way."

"I don't understand."

He chuckled at my words and expression as I crossed my arms.

"You may understand one day when you have children of your own, Michele."

I could only shrug it off as I felt a shiver go down my spine. Unease seemed to fill me at the thought of having children.

"You are a long way having any," Mario laughed as he noticed my unease. "For now, you worry only about completing your training."

"So when will Federico complete his training?" I inwarded shook off the unease inside me and focused on what I needed to.

"Giovanni sent me a letter requesting we meet him in San Gimignano in two weeks time. I've kept him up to date with your training and he wishes to test you by having you going against his son."

I raised a brow at this with interest. "A duel?"

"No," he chuckled, "It is a test to see how your skills in stealth and losing a tail have improved. You will be going up against his son, who is also being tested in making sure he isn't so easily targeted and to capture his target."

"Like a game of cat and mouse?"

"Si, but you must lose the cat with the cheese in hand and without injury caused by his blade."

I smiled at the thought of outwitting Giovanni's son. This should be enough to get them to agree to me doing small assignments. I just have to pass this test.

"Bene, but if I pass this test, I want to be allowed the small assignments of information gathering."

Mario roared in laughter. His eyes were lit up with amusement as he shook his head. "You are determined to get your way, Bambina."

"If I am able to surpass Giovanni's son, who is older than myself, I think I am capable of at least that much if not more," I argue my point as I crossed my arms. "I am still learning my sword skills, but I should be good enough with my daggers and knives. If I had the hidden blade, I'd have it mastered too."

Mario only snorted in amusement as he grinned. "I have no doubt you will be a great Assassin, Michele, but the hidden blade is earned with time as well as the title."

"I know. I only ask to be given the chance to prove myself," I reply.

"We will decide after the test. Bene?"


I will have to train hard in the next two weeks to beat Giovanni's son. Anything that I could use to my advantage, I will use against him.

"Federico," Giovanni greeted his eldest son smiling as Federico entered his study. "Take a seat, we have a few things we must discuss."

Federico sat down across from his father and sensed that the talk may be about the Assassin Order. It had been a bit of a shock when his father revealed why he was being taught certain skills that no ordinary banker would actually need or should need to learn. He understood the need to know how to defend himself, but learning how to run over rooftops, hiding in the shadows, using more than a sword as a weapon and gathering information. That was a bit too much in his opinion, but he had not questioned his father. He enjoyed learning these skills since he did use them to his advantage when he was out on the town having some fun. But now, he knew they were all skills leading to being an Assassin.

He still was trying to wrap his head around the whole thing, but he was beginning to understand as he studied more about the Assassins and Templars. His father had explained everything and continued to teach him more when they would go off to do 'banking business' or go train at night for learning how to use the hidden blade. He was still a long way from earning it, but his father seemed certain he would master the master blade with time as well as some of the other skills needed.

"Does this have to do with what we spoke of before," Federico asked curiously as he studied his father's expressions.

Giovanni had been relieved when Federico took well to the news of his true heritage. Becoming an Assassin wasn't going to be easy, but Federico shows promise and he has a good head on his shoulders to take on the mantle.

"In part, you know you are not the only one training to become an Assassin," Giovanni began quietly as he thought of Michele.

Mario's letter detailed the improvement the child had made since he had last seen her. She was progressing quite well although she lacked training in the sword, but her stealth skills and skill with daggers were excellent. Still a bit clumsy, but overcoming it with practice as she went through her drills and exercises.

"I realized that Ezio was being trained as well, father," Federico smiled uneasily. "I have noticed the discreet ways you have been training him and myself."

Giovanni couldn't help smiling at the way Federico seemed unwilling to have Ezio be involved. "Ezio is still too young to be told of our true heritage, Federico. He will be training just as you were until he is about your age."

Federico was relieved to hear this. "There are other Assassins in Italia?"

"There are a few, but not in the way you may think," Giovanni began as he sighed. "The Italian Order has not grown as of late… The Templars have more influence here at the moment. It has been difficult to remove their influence and power, but I am certain that we will free Italia with time."

"Then how many are we," Federico wondered as he thought of who else could be involved.

"We are spread out throughout the country. At the moment, we are, but a handful. I'll teach you more about it at a later time, but for now, we must focus on you completing your training."

Giovanni stood as he went to the window of his study and looked to the moon. "The Assassin in training I mentioned earlier is currently with my brother, Mario."

"Uncle Mario," Federico arched a brow in surprise. "He's still in Monteriggioni?"

"Si, he's been busy training this future Assassin. I cannot tell you too much about his pupil since you will be tested against him."

Federico grinned in anticipation. "Will it be like a duel of swords? Or a rooftop race?"

"No, in two weeks time, we will be going to San Gimignano." Giovanni turned to his son with a serious expression. "You will be given an important document, you must not lose at any cost. You will also have to capture your opponent. If your opponent takes the document, you must get it back and capture them by the appointed time. If you fail, you will not advance into the next part of your training, Federico."

Giovanni observed his son become sober at his words. He could see the determination in his son's eyes, but they were not as bright as Michele's had been. He could only hope his son would be able to hold his own against Michele. The advantage being that Federico is older and stronger, but Michele had more skill in some areas.

"What else can I know of this pupil of Uncle Mario," Federico asked as he thought of how much hard work he will have to do to prepare.

"The boy is skilled because he has been learning from quite a young age," Giovanni frowned as he thought of Michele's age. "Do not underestimate him, Federico. That is all I can and will say. For the next two weeks, you are to prepare."

"I will be sure to keep your words in mind, father."

Federico couldn't help feeling a rush of excitement for knowing he wasn't the only one training, but he was also a bit anxious. He could only hope that in the end they both got along and ended up training together. It would help to have someone else.

A/N: 2,509 words! I apologize if mistakes are found hehe... I just wanted to post this ASAP since I know you guys, wait for it patiently! I hope you all enjoy this chapter. It's starting to pick up the pace as I continue writing these scenes and setting up what is to come next. Remember this is set 2 years before the official story begins, so please be patience with me!

Special Thanks to Concerned Citize and Macroeldepresivo for their reviews :D

Also Special Thanks to the Faves and Follows!

You guys are awesome! xD

R&R are appreciated!