This is a rewrite of my previous story Phoenix. The laptop I previously worked on deleted Phoenix as well as hundreds(not kidding) of stories I was working on. However, I decided to pick this story back up from scratch, please do leave me feedback on what you think. I do plane on actually finishing this story and most likely will even ask for ideas of how I should go about the story.

I do not own nor will ever own Ghost Hunt or it's characters, nor do I or will I ever own any songs used in this story. Any resemblance in reference to plot, people, location, names, etc. Is all coincidental and not intentional unless otherwise stated.

I picked this title as, from knowledge I learned 'Mai' in Japanese means 'Dance' so I used the title in meaning of "Dance in the Stars"


Phoenix is an all-male group featuring Eugene and oliver davis, twins. Yasuhara Osamu, and John brown. All attractive men. I've seen girls literally drop their panties and throw them in hope of getting one of their attention. Of course, like any boy group, you have the one or two who respond. Johns the most innocent, he's a cinnabon, then there's oliver, he's that mysterious, silent, lowkey a jerk, blunt and doesn't sugar coat. Yasus the joker and flirt of the group, Gene is similar to yasu however he can be serious as his twin at times. At least this is what I know and observed from seeing them on youtube, tv, magazines and just now at the concert.

"BUT WASN'T THE CONCERT AWESOME MAI!?' Kagome squealed as we walked out of the noise packed stadium. Even as we made our way down the wide staircase to the ground floor I could still hear the crowd screaming. As Kagome informed me we'd have to do, we left a few minutes early to avoid the crowd.

"I swear they don't joke about the food here though; we get your moneys worth, that drink was about the size of my head while my gladder the size of my fist, I have to GO" she announced, zooming past me leaving only a trail of rose and honey perfume in her wake. With a small laughed I followed her into the restroom. Not having to take care of any business myself, because I refuse to use public restrooms. I settled for removing the little makeup I did wear.

"so, what did you think of your first Phoenix concert?' she squealed, taking my makeup wipe I folded it, careful not to poke my eye with the corner piece as I responded.

"I saw someone throw their bra on the stage and gene caught it faster than I could track it, first off, was he always that tall or is his arm abnormally long!? Secondly, am I supposed to be throwing my bra on stage?! Cause you know bras are expensive as hell. I actually checked one day, my bra set was worth more than my ticket, I have three bras and the ticket was 500 dollars!" okay sure, I'm over-exaggerating a little.

"But as for the concert itself, Although I wasn't ready to throw myself on stage like you, I have to admit I did enjoy the concert. It was nice to be able to hear their songs live, it gave a deeper range to their voices. It was also…" I paused, trailing off for a moment as I dug into my purse, searching for my wallet.

"also…?" Kagome picked back up.

"right it was also, uhh…refreshing? To see their choreography in person" at this point, I have my phones flashlight pointed into my bag as I frantically searched every nook and cranny for the damned item of leather.

"Range? Choreography? ughh I swear, there's me then you" Kagome said but she's not wrong so I couldn't take offense to it. That's the difference between us, she's the fan who cares for the appearance, the fame and music. Meanwhile, I could care less about their looks, I like them for their chorography, personality and music. Plus they all seem like nice boys…well some more than others.

"okay what's up? You're searching through that bag like I search for my Kpop Photocards"

"I forgot my wallet; it must've fallen out my pocket!" I said, I'm really considering just going home and canceling all my cards, I only had about a hundred in there, plus some cards and my I.D. My feet are worn out, my throat is sore from cheering and singing along, then my head hurts as if someone just hit me upside the head with a book-a chemistry book.

"come on mai" Kagome sighed seemingly getting the same idea as myself.

"let's go" she groaned pulling me out the bathroom after I just threw everything back into my bag.

"Don't worry about it, go ahead"

"I'm your ride" she said raising her recently done up eyebrow. She dresses as if she'd meet the band themselves, only a miracle would make that happen.(a/n foreshadowing at its finest)

"I'll catch an uber, you have work and school tomorrow" I said

"yeah but so you!"

"true but I'm also and online student, I can be lenient, you can't" she seemed to hesitate, looking at me then the door before giving me a careful look. Ya know, the one you give someone when you're doubtful.

"are you sure?' and I nodded as I pushed her to the door.

"let me know when you get home!" She called out as she walked away with a wave. I nodded once more waving goodbye a final time, before walking back into the stadium, now completely empty