Disclaimer: All Characters belong to their original owners.

Author's Note: I am Handicapped with Aspergers, Dyslexia, OCD, ADHD and a whole lot more so please bare that in mind if my spelling is off. I use spell checker. I also have a slight mental disability so please excuse any mistakes. I do the best I can with writing these stories and trying to post chapters. Also I am a very sick person so their will be periods where I don't update. But ALL my stories will be updated eventually.

Also when I come up with a story idea I can't stop myself from writing it down and posting it. I literally can't sleep to I have written it down. So that is why there are so many stories.

Warning Tony has a big family of biological and adopted children. If you don't like a large family don't read



Before Afghanistan Tony was in a relationship with Stephen Strange. But Stephen dumps him after he finds out the Tony is putting himself in damage. And Rhodey steals the suit. But now the Avengers are called including Strange and Rhodes. What will happen when they Reunite? Especially finding out Tony's secrets...Including Tony having LOTS of children and two adopted sisters and one brother?

Chapter .1.

Tony had been through the ringer the last few years. He had, had his heart broken over and over again only to be mended by seeing his children. He hadn't told anyone about his children and that was a good thing after two of the people closet too him betray him.

It started with his long term boyfriend Stephen Strange the Supreme Sorcerer of Earth. They had been going out before he was kidnapped. But when he got back yes Stephen was there but he left after finding him getting out of bullet ridden armour…


Tony winces as the armour comes off. He was going to have to work on the dissembler. Suddenly he hears someone approaching.
"What the FUCK Tony?" a voice says

Tony turns around and see his boyfriend looking at his with wide eyes.

"Are those bullet holes?" Stephen asks

"Umm yes", Tony says sheepishly

"What the hell is this?" Stephen asks

"This is my armour. I am eliminating all of the black market Stark products. I am thinking about calling myself Ironman", Tony says

"This will get you killed", Stephen exclaims

"I am fine. I swear Steph", Tony replies cheekily

"I can't stick around to watch this", Stephen growls storming up the stairs

Tony quickly follows him.

"What do you mean by that?" Tony asks

"I am not watching you kill yourself. Chose the armour or me", Stephen says

Tony couldn't believe Stephen was giving him an ultimatum. He thought Stephen knew how much he needed to get rid of the Stark weapons and help people.

"I can't do that it is apart of me. Stephen you know how much this means to me", Tony replies

"I am not staying around to watch you kill yourself. Don't contact me. We are over. Goodbye Stark", Stephen says opening a portal and disappearing

"STEPHEN!" Tony yells

End Flashback

Tony winces at the memory that had followed him drinking heavily and he admits guilty he did try to kill himself. But Pepper had got to him and he made her promise not to tell anyone. He was no means free of his depression but a couple of sessions in therapy helped.

Then he went through the poisoning and him actually dying from the Arc Reactor that was keeping him alive. He found that the poisoning had caused his hearing to fail even farther then what it was already. So while he was looking for a cure for the poisoning he made an hearing aid.

But then a heavy blow happened. Rhodey stole his suit. It was like the dagger to his heart. His own best friend stealing his suit he had tried so hard to keep out of enemy hands. He may have helping save Rhodey from Vanko and Hammer. But he would not do anything else. He told Rhodes as much.


Tony lands on the roof with Pepper safe in his arms the one person that had helped him with everything. He hears a throat clear from behind them. Tony turns to see Rhodes sitting on the roof.
"What do you want?" Tony growls
"Tony I am sorry", Rhodes says

"Sorry is not good enough. You stole my suit! You basically gave it to the army!" Tony exclaims

"Tony you were being irresponsible with it! You needed a reality check", Rhodes tells him

"Here is a reality check for you fuck off", Tony growls

"Tones I am sorry", Rhodes says

"No your not. And the question is would you give the suit back?" Tony asks

Rhodes doesn't answer and that was reason enough for Tony.

"There it is. The truth. You know what Rhodes take the fucking suit. But I will never help you with it. I will never call you a friend again after betraying me. So stay the HELL out of my life. Come near any of my homes and I will tell JARVIS to use force to get you to leave", Tony growls

"Tony you don't mean that!" Rhodes states shocked

"But I do. If you want to try then do it. But on. Your. Own. Head. Be. It. Stay the HELL away from me and anything to do with me", Tony replies

End Flashback

That day another part of Tony died having to tell his once best friend to leave him be. He did cut but he did decide to get more help from a therapist for his issues. And he was in the process of moving his kids to the tower in New York so he could spend more of his time there with them.

It had been four years since he had seen Stephen. And two years since he talked to Rhodes. He always had JARVIS or Pepper deal with Rhodes. And Stephen never contacted him after the last he saw him.

Tony didn't have partner as one he didn't trust anyone and two he still loved Stephen not that he would ever except him back after he hurt him so badly.

There was only five people he trusted besides his children and they were his adopted sisters Melinda May and Maria Hill, and his adopted brother Clint Barton, his adopted cousin Sharon Carter and his adopted cousin/son Antoine Triplett who all lied or not told their bosses about their connection too him. And Pepper and Happy. They had proven that they could be trusted. Happy had known for years about his children and never told a soul. When Pepper found out about them she fell in love with them and all 41 of his biological children and his 133 adopted powered or disabled children loved her and called her Aunt Pepper. Tony had so many children because he was so reckless.

All of them but the twins and so on had different mothers. But them all loved each other like siblings should.

He adopted children with powers because he knew what it was like to have powers and nobody caring. And he adopted disabled children because he knew what it felt like too. As he was partial deaf as a child and now more so. And he was dyslexic but had taught himself around that. But he wanted children to know there was help out there.

He had technically made a fancy orphanage for orphans but they all called him Daddy. And he wouldn't give these kids away for all the money in the world

He was a technopath and technomage himself. and sometimes he could feel strong magic.

Now that the tower was nearly fully ready the kids would move permeantly in here soon. But they were actually being babysat with Pepper's parents. He gave Pepper a bonus for suggesting and offering it.

Now that Pepper and him were getting the Arc Reactor hooked up to the Tower and as Tony flow back to the tower it looked amazing.

Tony lands on the lading pad as his armour starts to come off.

"Sir, Agent Coulson of S.H.I.E.L.D is on the line", JARVIS says in his hear aid

"I'm not in. I'm actually out", Tony says casually

"Sir, I'm afraid he's insisting", JARVIS says

"Grow a spine JARVIS", Tony says annoyed

Tony walks inside to see Pepper looking at the monitors.

"Levels are holding steady, I think", Pepper says to him

"Of Course they are. I was directly involved", Tony says smirking, "Which brings me to my next question. How does it feel to be a genius?"

"Well, I really wouldn't know, now would I?" Pepper asks smiling

"What do you mean? All this came from you", Tony says

"No all of this came from that", Pepper says nodding at the Arc Reactor

"Give yourself some credit. Please", Tony says, "Stark Tower is your baby. Give yourself 12% of the credit"

"12%?" Pepper asks arching an eyebrow

"An argument can be made for 15", Tony replies

"12%? My baby?" Pepper asks

"Well I did all the heavy lifting", Tony explains, "Literally, I lifted the heavy things. And, sorry, but the security snafu? That was on you. My private elevator…"

"You mean our elevator?" Pepper asks pouring champagne

"…it was teeming with sweaty workmen", Tony finishes, "I'm going to pay for that comment about percentage's in some subtle way later, aren't I?"

"It's not going to be that subtle", Pepper comments

"I'll tell you. The next building is gonna say 'Potts' on the tower", Tony offers

"On the lease", Pepper says

"Sir, the telephone", JARVIS says, "I'm afraid my protocols are being overridden"

"Mr Stark, we need to talk", Coulson's voice from the phone says

"You have reached the life model decoy of Tony Stark. Please leave a message…", Tony starts

"This is urgent", Coulson says

Tony's hearing aid picks up the elevator going up. And Tony hopes it wasn't Coulson he wasn't in the mood.

"Then leave it urgently", Tony says as the elevator doors open

Coulson steps out of the elevator.

"Security breach. It's on you", Tony says

"Mr Stark", Coulson says with a nod

"Phil! Come in", Pepper says

"Phil?" Tony asks

"I can't stay", Coulson replies

"His first name is 'Agent'", Tony says standing up

"Come on in we're celebrating", Pepper says

"Which is why he can't stay", Tony says

"We need you to look this over as soon as possible", Coulson says trying to hand Tony the computer files

"I don't like being handed things", Tony says stepping back

"That's fine I like being handed things. So let's trade", Pepper says handing him her drink and taking the files

She then takes Tony's drink and hands him the files.

"Thank you"

"Official consulting hours are between 8 and 5 every other Thursday", Tony says casually

"This isn't a consultation", Coulson says

"Is this about the Avengers?" Pepper asks, "Which I know nothing about"

"The Avengers Initiative was scrapped, I thought. And I didn't even qualify", Tony says walking towards his desk

"I didn't know that either", Pepper says smiling slightly

"Apparently I'm volatile, self-obsessed, don't play well with others", Tony says casually

Only Pepper knew how much those words would hurt Tony.

"That I did know", Pepper replies

"This isn't about personality profiles anymore", Coulson says

"Ms Potts, got a second?" Tony calls

"Half a mo", Pepper says to Coulson and goes over to Tony

Pepper walks over to Tony who was connecting the files to his system.

"You know, I though we were having a moment", Tony says jokingly

"I was having 12% of a moment", Pepper smirks

Pepper looks at Coulson then turns back to Tony.

"This seems serious. Phil's pretty shaken", Pepper comments

"How would you know if it's…Why is he Phil?" Tony asks

"What is all this?" Pepper asks

"This is…", Tony pulls up all the files on the screen

He nearly faints at two of the screens the people were familiar. Pepper suppresses a gasp at the two figures. She knew she had to get Phil out of here.

"Phil can you meet me in the lobby I need a lift", Pepper says casually

"Where are you going?" Coulson asks
"LaGuardia. I will be down in just a moment", Pepper replies

"Very well", Coulson says leaving after he puts the glass down

As soon as he was gone Pepper puts her arms around Tony.
"Why are they there?" Pepper asks

"It says both Rhodes…and…Strange are part of the Avengers Initiative", Tony chokes out

"Will you be able to do whatever they need you too with them there?" Pepper asks

"I will have to be. SHIELD normally doesn't ask me for help", Tony replies

"What will you do?" Pepper asks

"I am going to find out what SHIELD is really planning", Tony replies

"If you need to talk AT ALL you call me. If you feel the need to cut CALL ME", Pepper demands

"I will. Safe flight Miss Potts", Tony says smiling slightly

"You be safe too Mr Stark", Pepper replies

"I will try"

Author's Note: What do you think? Please review:)