If this were some fairy tale, it would be said that Star Butterfly and Marco Diaz lived happily ever after, that the cleaving of Mewni and Earth had happened almost seamlessly and the inhabitants of both learned to coexist without difficulty.

But unfortunately, as Star had learned many a time, that is not how life works, people find it difficult accepting their own kind, one can only imagine how hard it would be, to even ponder the idea, of tolerating a whole different world, whose customs and ways threatened their own. The Earth and Mewni both still had hard times ahead.

But for Marco Diaz and Star Butterfly such thoughts were the farthest possible from their minds. At that moment all they could think about was the youth standing before them, battered and beaten and bruised. Their faces covered in grime and the remnants of tears.

They had no idea what had just happened, not to themselves or those of their worlds, they had run to the portal, barely allowing themselves to hope that they might see each other again, that loss would be too great to live through a second time. However, as the light of the explosion faded and Marco forced himself onto his feet, rubbing at the tears that spilled and ignoring the pain that had suddenly began to radiate from his stomach, he saw her.

He saw Star, breathing heavily as if she too had made the impossible sprint to the portal. Her dress was ripped and mud and twigs were caught in her buttercup hair and the horns on her head were uncharacteristically crooked. Marco felt the urge to reach out and arrange them but his body wouldn't move, it refused to, all he could think about was the girl standing before him.

"H-hey." He half stammered, taking a few painful steps towards her, he couldn't hold back the smile that creeped across his face as Marco heard the residents of Echo Creek screaming.

Tears swelled up in Stars eyes as she saw Marco stagger towards her, his one word drowning out the chaos that had conquered her life for so long. She heard the revving of dragon-cycles above her and saw a school bus sveer as it tried to avoid hitting a small group of pig-goats that had wandered onto the road.

"Hi." She said cooly, taking a few steps towards him. Seeing him before her, for the briefest of moments, Star allowed herself to believe that, no matter how much she may have messed up, Marco would be their beside her helping and supporting her as he had been doing all this time. For the first time in a while, although their future seems uncertain, Star could finally see the light at the end of their journey.

But their journey was far from over.

Marco clutched at his stomach, the pain had now become almost numbing, his hand felt warm and sticky were he grabbed at his clothes, but his eyes were only on the girl that was now running towards him, his vision blaring until all he could see was black.

"Marco!" screamed Star, running towards the collapsing boy, grabbing him and holding his head against her chest before he could hit the ground. His face felt feverishly hot against her palms and his hand was covered in blood.

What had happened?

What was going on?

Where was all this blood coming from?

It had begun to seep into her dress as she carefully tried to lay him on the ground.

"Someone!" she shrieked, fresh tears running down her cheeks, her voice croaking, "Someone! Please help him!"

But as she yelled for help and her mind asked questions she had no answers for Star's hands began to work, carefully trying to unzip Marco's hoodie to reveal the source of the blood. She cringed as she removed it to see the crimson disaster that was spreading across his grey t-shirt. Her hands too, were covered in blood, Marco's blood. Marco's life was being sapped away by this ever growing crimson flower. With shaking hands she lifted his t-shirt slightly to reveal the cause.

Star gasped, so surprised with what she saw that she almost raised her bloodied hands to cover her mouth. The wound was deep and bleeding unrelentlessly as if Marco had been stabbed by something long and sharp.

What had happened?

Star shook her head, she could hear faint footsteps behind her and people calling her name but all she could was think was;

When had this happened?

Strong hands grabbed her shoulders and tried to pull her to her feet.

"No!" she shrieked grabbing at the blood stained shirt , and covering the wounds with her hands, as if that alone would stop the bleeding. "Let me go!"

All she could see was Marco's face becoming paler and paler, the blood seeping through her fingers.

This time the hands on her shoulder gripped her more tightly and with a strength she would almost call demonic she was lifted off the ground and onto her feet.

"No!" she screamed, her eyes never leaving her collapsed best friend. "Let go of me!"

"Star!" At last one of the voices reached her, shaking her slightly out of her daze. She blinked back the tears and saw two figures now kneeling besides Marco's body. They were tearing at their dresses and carefully placing leaves over the wound.

"Mum? Eclipsa?" The words came out in barely a whisper as she felt the grip on her shoulders tighten. Star finally forced her eyes away from the ground and up to who had gotten her back on her feet. Three eye-liner smudged eyes looked down at her.

"Tom?" She whispered, the adrenaline draining from her system and the exhaustion of the last few days hitting her like a stampeding warnicorn. She pounded at his chest weakly leaving fist shape stains on his shirt, blood… Marco's blood...

"Let me go!" She cried but her voice was weak and all the strength had been lost, she couldn't escape Tom's grip. He pulled her into what, under normal circumstances, would have been a awkward embrace, but she buried her face into his chest and sobbed, too tired to struggle any further.

"He's going to be ok." Whispered Tom though, even as prince of the Underworld, he could make no promises.

And that's the first chapter! What do you guys think? feel free to drop a review, I always love to hear from you and I'll get back to you with a new chapter ASAP. Thank you so much for reading! until next time- Luna Pendragon