"Marco…" Star half-snored into her pillow as her mind wondered the thin line between dreams and waking. She was half flying through a rainbow filled sky eating nachos, half struggling against the blanket cocoon she'd waddled herself into. She rolled over on the sofa, her wild bed-hair tickling her nose as she somehow managed to free a hand from her blankets.

"Marco…" she mumbled again, her eyes still closed, as she raised her hand slightly and allowed it to slam into something soft.

"Gah! Five more minutes, Star." Marco rolled over, allowing the hand that had just hit him in the face to swing harmlessly between the two of them, his sleeping bag rustling with the movement.

"The alarm... " Star mumbled.

"There's no alarm." Marco brought his sleeping bag up to his nose. "It's sunday."

Star stopped in her dream, midway through her nachos and paused to listen, the strange irritating drone she had assumed was coming from Marco's alarm, was that just coming from her own imagination?

She almost shrugged it off when there was a sudden yelp, followed by the shattering of glass and something hard crashing to the ground.

Both teens shot up, or tried to anyway. In her blanket burrito Star fell back onto the sofa while Marco struggled with the sleeping bag at his feet.

"What was that?!" yelled Marco, instantly alert, his eyes adjusted to the morning light that filled the living room. To his bafflement, shards of glass were spread across the living room floor, some had even landed on his sleeping bag. A rock the size of his fist sat amongst the chaos, with a clear message written in red- Go home.

Star tried to blink away the sleep as her eyes focused on her surroundings, her ears picking up the sound she had initially thought was the alarm. With the gaping hole in the window, the sound was a lot clearer.

"Send them back! Send them back! Send them back!" Those three words chorised into the building with a force that finally woke everyone.

"Star! Marco!" There was the pounding of feet from above as Rafael and River began to run down the stairs.

"Dad!" both Marco and Star yelled.

"Get the babies away from the windows!" Marco ordered, quickly understanding what was going on.

Cautiously, Star took a step towards the rock. Marco put a hand in front of her, as if to stop her. But, trance-like and perplexed, she walked passed him, only slowing when she reached the glass, threading carefully over it in her socks. She knelt down and picked up the rock.

"Go home." it said and her eyes rose to the scene that stained the window and darkened that sunny morning. A crowd of people filled the street in front of the Diaz's home. People Star had never seen before, shouting the words 'send them back' with boards in their hands that said similar things. Their rage and fury was almost palpable.

"Star!" Get back here!" Marco begged, also crossing the glass and pulling Star to safety away from window.

"Protesters?' Angie was was standing at the top of the staircase, a crying Mariposa in her hands, Eclipsa looked just as miffed beside her with Meteora. Thank goodness it seemed that the nursery had not been targeted.

"What is the meaning of this?" called Moon, running down the stairs as she tied her dressing gown around her waist.

"Anti-Mewman protestors? Glabgor had also run down the stairs to join River and Rafael. "How did they find out we were here?'

"Anti-Mewman protestors?" Star repeated, looking up at the monster.

"Yes well… us being here hasn't been liked by all that many people." Started Moon.

"But Echoe Creek? This is a safe place, I can't imagine anyone from here joining that cause." Rafael looked solemnly at the group that had gathered before him, all in their pajamas, woken in the worst horrible manner.

"Where are the police?" Marco began, trying to peek through peephole of the front door, only to see that the protestors had made it all way to their yard, they would barely be able to open a the door without hitting someone.

"They are trying to reach us!" Called Angie from the staircase, in her one free hand she held the phone to her ear. "The crowds are too big! The cop cars can't get through and the crowd won't budge!"

"This is insane!" yelled Marco, pulling at his hair. "Anti-mewman protestors?! I didn't even know that was a thing!"

"Son, people have always been afraid of people who come from the outside." Rafael said solemnly, his accent sounding all the heavier as he said this.

The group shrieked as another rock broke though the next window, the words 'return to sender' on this one. Mariposa's cries became even louder, Meteora joining the other infant's shrieks as their mothers tried to soothe their equally frightened children.

"That's enough!" Glabgor growled, "I can understand hating me and the rest of us Mewman's and monsters but no one scares my family and gets away with it!"

"Too true!" agreed River, as he pushed his sleeves up, "I'm ready to show them not to mess with us Mewmans."

"Or my family." Agreed Rafael, pulling off his sleeping cap.

"Now hold it! I think we should hold tight and wait for the appropriate authorities…" Began Moon, trying to calm the men.

"No mum…" Her daughter's voice shocked Moon into silence. Star was looking down at the rock that had woken Marco and her that morning, her fingers running over its rugged surface.

"Star you can't mean to let them fight all those …" but Marco's voice died as Star looked up at him. She seemed extremely tired, not physically but her usually bright blue eyes looked dull and behind them another thing only he'd understand- guilt.

"Star I already told you it's not your fault." He whispered, cradling her hands, that still clasped the rock, between his own.

"We can't keeping lying to ourselves." She sighed, "I don't regret what happened but I can't keep hiding. This is our fault." Then in a louder voice so the adults could hear she added. "I'll go talk to them."

The chorus of protests almost rivaled those of the outside.

"It's the only way." She explained, "if Dad and Glabgor go out, they'll just take it as the Mewmans looking for a fight. But if they see me, they'll know I'll mean no harm.

"That doesn't mean they won't hurt you!" exclaimed Eclipsa. "You'd be in danger!"

"And yet it's the only way, right mum?" Said Star, looking at her mother's distraught face as she recognised the reasoning behind her daughter's words.

"I trust you." She finally said, earning her shocked looks from almost everyone in the room

Star tried to release her hands from Marco's but he held them in an even tighter grip then before.

"Marco, you know it's only option. If we don't do anything they'll tear down the house, we've got Meteora and Mariposa to think about!"

"And you." He whispered, tightening his grip on her hands further "I know I can't stop you." He began, as he raised his eyes, a small, knowing smile on his face. "But that doesn't mean you have to go out there alone."

Star gave him an equally as small but appreciative smile.

"Mum, keep Mariposa safe." He added releasing one of Star's hands as he turned to unlock the door.

"Right…" whispered his mother as she silently wondered, when had her little boy grown up so much?

The crowd must not have expected the Diaz's to open their front door with so many ruckusy people, they especially hadn't expected them to send out two teenagers, with messy hair and still in the pjs. Their shock was very brief however.

"She's the Mewman girl!" someone called as they resumed their chant, leaving only a hands distance between the nearest protesters and the two teens, star could almost feel their spital hit her face as they chanted.

"Guys!" began Star, but her voice was drowned by the angered cries.

She took a deep breath, as Marco squeezed her hand to give her more courage.

"Guys!" she yelled again, this time her voice resounding over the crowd and, although there cries continued, they seemed less overpowering, some had stopped to listen.

"We get it." She began, her voice getting stronger and louder with each word she managed to say, although her heart was pounding with fear and anxiety. "Humans, we truly understand your anger. A whole dimension of people, some looking pretty weird have landed on your planet, univinted. We understand, we really do, the feeling of having your home invaded, to feel that your home is in danger, for it to no longer feel safe. We lost our home but we had no right to take yours away from you.

"Trust me, I understand how angry and scared you all must be and you all have a right to hate us but, listen! Listen!" She called, and with that one word, finally, the whole crowd fell silent. Marco could even see his neighbours, who had smartly barrakaded their windows and doors because of the crowd, also spare a peak to listen to Star's speech.

Her voice faded from the air and a single sound escaped the silence that followed, the screams and shrieks of the frightened Mariposa and Meteora from inside the Diaz's house.

"Both a Mewman and an human baby are staying in this house. Not just dignitaries from a world you despise but innocent babies. Hate us all you want, but does scaring two little girls make you any less terrifying than any of us mewmans?"

From behind the door the Butterflies and Diazes were silent, having heard every word Star uttered even over the shrieking babies.

Moon had a hand over her mouth, as she listened, her chest swelling with pride.

"She would have made a find queen." Commended Eclipsa, walking up behind Moon as she cradled the finally quieting Meteora.

Outside there was an uncomfortable shuffling and in the distance, at long last, the welcome siren of the police could be heard. The crowd, obviously dazed by Star's speech showed the barest reaction as the cops drove past.

"I can't believe that worked." She mumbled, releasing a breath she didn't even know she had been holding.

"That was awesome!"cheered Marco, watching the crowd move a little further up their lawn as the police car parked in front of them. He would have kissed her there and then if it weren't for all the anti-mewman spectators.

And that's number 5 :D thank so much for reading and feel free to drop a review :)- LunaPedragon