By morning Jellal's fever had broken and he remembered the entire events that had led up to him being in this situation. When Erza came into the room she found him all in a panic.

"Jellal what's wrong?" She asked him.

"Juvia! I have to get to Juvia!"

"Calm down who's Juvia?"

"She's a girl that I knew! They were going to hang her for witchcraft! I tried to stop them and that's when they shot me!"

"You mean that poor gypsy girl they tried to hang?"

"Tried? As in they failed?!"

"It seems so. I wasn't there when it happened. I only know what I've heard from other people."

"And what did you hear?"

"I heard that someone interrupted the execution and took her into the church. They claimed sanctuary for her so no one can go in to hurt her. I don't know if that's a fact but I didn't see the dead body of a young woman anywhere."

"So she's still alive?"

"Looks like it."

"Oh I hope so. You have no idea how much I hope she's alright."

Erza could tell that Jellal cared a lot about this gypsy girl. We're they in a relationship? Was he in love with her? But last night he had told her that he still loved her. That he had never stopped loving her. Then again he seemed to be very delirious. Maybe he was just talking out of his head.

"This Juvia seems to be very important to you." Erza observed.

"She's very important. I couldn't bear it if something ever happened to her."

Erza felt a twist of sadness in her heart. He had moved on. He had found someone else. Of course she couldn't blame him, after all she didn't exactly go running into his arms when she saw him again for the first time in so many years. And she had seen this gypsy girl, she was very pretty but so young. Much younger than Jellal.

Her sadness briefly turned to disgust and envy when she realized that Jellal was one of those men who were into younger women. She never took him for that type of men.

"Well I don't know her personally but I'm sure if you're interested in her she must be something special."


"Of course I don't mean to criticize but she seems a little too young for you."

"Wait a minute you think that I'm in a relationship with her?"

"Well yes... Aren't you?"

"No! No she's just a kid I took into my care after her parents died."

"Oh..." Erza said feeling sheepish. "So you're not romantically involved?"

"Of course not! Eww... That's disgusting! I basically raised her. That would be like being romantically involved with my daughter or little sister."

"I see. If I may ask, why do they think she's a witch?"

"Because she's a gypsy and because they think she stabbed a soldier."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm telling you she's not a witch!"

"Not that. There's no such thing as witches. But are you sure that she didn't stab the soldier?"

"Yes. I know for a fact she could never be capable of such a thing. She's too kind to hurt anybody. Someone is setting her up."

"Do you know anyone who would do that?"

"No. The whole thing is just insane and the trial was completely unfair. She didn't have a proper attorney. I don't even think she had an attorney. But I need to prove her innocence somehow."

"What she needs is a lawyer, a good one and I think I know someone good enough for the challenge."

"You can afford a decent lawyer? I thought they were terribly expensive."

"Well I can't exactly afford a good lawyer but I raised a damn good one."

"Raised? You mean you have a kid?"

"Sort of. I didn't give birth to him, trust me I would never allow myself to get pregnant by one of these pigs. I rescued him from the orphanage after the guy running the place tried to kill him. He's been with me and the girls ever since."

"Well what do you know, we're both single parents."

"I guess you could say that. Except I didn't raise him alone, the girls helped out too. Believe it or not, prostitutes can be quite nurturing."

"So this boy of yours, is he a really good lawyer?"

"One of the best."

"Good enough to prove Juvia innocent."

"I believe so."

"How much does he charge? I can't pay him much. I can hardly pay him at all."

"Just pay what you have. He doesn't care about money, he only wants to do justice."

"Great. When can I talk to him?"

"Well right now I think that you need to rest for a little while longer. I'll talk to him about the case as soon as he comes back."

"I can't rest! Not when her life is at stake."

"I'm sure she's safe in the church."

"There's nothing safe in that church I assure you."

"I believe she has sanctuary but I'll go down to the church and ask about her. If she has sanctuary and I'm sure she does, then she's in no danger. At least for awhile."

"Are you sure?"


"Okay. I'll trust you. I don't know if I could live with myself if those devils out there had killed her."

"I think it'll sweet that you care so much for that girl. I must admit I never pictured you bringing up a child."

"I never thought I would do it either. But she ended up in a special place in my heart. She's one of the two most important people in my life."

"Who's the other?"

"Who do you think? You of course."

Erza blushed, Jellal chuckled. He always thought that she looked adorable whenever she got flustered or embarrassed.

"I think it's time for you to take your medicine again." She said trying so hard to hide her burning red cheeks. "I'll go get it now."

He smiled as he watched her leave. God he had missed her so much.