Chapter 1: A New Beginning

A/N: Ok ok ok I know what you guys must be thinking. Why the hell are you starting another story when you already have 5 going that you neglect? Right? Well hush this plot just started kicking me in the head and wouldn't leave me alone so I had to do something about it. I was looking the other day for a good Naruto and Fairy Tail crossover and couldn't find any that were either good or didn't have the worst pairings possible. So here I am saying fuck it once again and writing my own because if I don't then who will? So without anymore jabbering enjoy my new baby!


Naruto and Kiba stood together as they had many times before facing off against the most powerful enemy either of them had ever faced in their lives. So far Kaguya had taken out everyone they cared for. They were the only ones left standing to face this monster.

They both breathed heavy and with a last look of love shared between them and a gentle hand squeeze to let the other know that they've got their backs, they rushed Kaguya with a final pained battle cry.

Kaguya was impressed with the two warriors before her. They had withstood her most fatal attacks and with every other death she caused they just kept coming back for more. They grew stronger the longer they fought and she was even starting to get worried over her chances at victory. These two were the most ferocious beings she had ever faced in her very long existence.

As they approached ready to die to avenge their comrades she took pity on them and opened a portal, where it would not even she knew. Their momentum carried them through the open abyss and it sealed shut behind them. They lost consciousness and didn't see what was going on around them.

Just outside Magnolia

Naruto and Kiba came too in the air. They could both feel the weightlessness of their bodies as they free fell through the sky.

In a split second decision they both flipped themselves and encased themselves in their special tenants chakra. Inside their minds the fox and wolf were giving all they got to throw enough chakra to negate the impact.

They landed hard in a forest and skidded to a stop a few miles away. Once they recovered enough to stand they took stock of their bearings.

Naruto activated his sage mode and took in a deep breath. Strangely though he couldn't feel any chakra or people anywhere. As far as his sage mode could tell there was no life anywhere. He activated Kurama mode which told a different story. He sensed a large population not even 3 miles from where they stood. Strange.

"Well Kiba I can't feel any chakra signatures around besides ours. However Kurama mode reveals a large population not even three miles this way. Shall we go see what is going on?" Naruto informed him and asked.

"Yes let's go meet the neighbours," Kiba smiled. They took off in the direction that Naruto had indicated for them. It didn't take them long to get to the edge of Magnolia. Smoke was rising inside the place. This was unlike any village they had ever seen. They didn't even know what to call.

They both could hear screams though and the fires couldn't be good so they stepped inside the city limits and took off to help.

They found themselves a few minutes in what looked to be the center of town. Grouped there was what looked like the entire place surrounding some people. Naruto and Kiba hopped up on the nearest building to look inside the crowd.

Inside were people with weapons surrounding a small group of people that looked like they were barely holding on to life. Naruto and Kiba could read the lips of the leader and didn't like what they saw. The big man with weapons was shaking him down for money from the small group.

Their instincts screamed to intervene so that's what they did. They both leapt from their vantage point and landed easily in between the two groups.

Everyone gasped at their sudden presence and all the obvious fighters looked impressed and awed at the power that they could feel these two radiating. Naruto spoke first, "I don't know what is going on here, but I think I can spot bullies when I see em. And right now, every fiber of my being is screaming that you bunch of assholes are bullies. I hate bullies."

The leader stepped forward and sneered at him. "I am the master of this mighty guild Twilight Ogre. I am Banaboster and who might you be and why do you stand with these whimps that once was Fairy Tail?" Banaboster introduced.

"We stand with anyone that needs our aid. So if I was you I would turn around and go home. Make any threat against these people again and you will regret it," Kiba growled. A man behind them with blue hair and a blue mustache stepped forward, "Thank you gentlemen for your aid but you should go before you get hurt. These are mages you're dealing with and I don't feel any magic from you two. Surely you don't mean to fight them. Magnolia is our town we will defend it," the man stated.

"Magic huh? That explains it. Kaguya must've transported us to another world. Well nothing we can do about it now. Right now let's kick some ass," Naruto sighed to Kiba.

Banaboster stepped up to claim Magnolia was now his but he never got the chance. Naruto and Kiba sprang into action and had all of his men unconscious in seconds. They were no match for even just their taijutsu let alone any actual jutsu. "Leave while we are fealing merciful," Naruto and Kiba growled in unison.

The man squeaked and didn't even bother to grab his guild members. He sprinted out of Magnolia so fast all you could see was his dust trail.

Naruto and Kiba turned back to the people they had protected. There were about 30 people there of varying types. Naruto talked to the man who had spoken up from them. "My name is Naruto Namikaze and this here is my boyfriend Kiba Inuzuka. It is nice to meet you guys," Naruto greeted.

"I'm Macao Cobalt fourth guild master of Fairy Tail. Thank you so for saving our city. Magnolia has been the guilds home for a long time and we would hate to lose it. Without our strongest members we just weren't enough," Macao greeted back.

"What happened to your strongest members?" Kiba asked concerned. "They were lost last year. They were holding the trials for S-class promotion and the island they were on was destroyed by a powerful creature of darkness Acnologia. It was a tragedy. We lost a lot of good people. Friends, family. It will never be the same without them," Macao's face fell.

Naruto and Kiba's did as well. They knew a thing or two about loosing those they loved. But then a thought struck them and they both looked determinedly in Macao's eyes.

"Can we join your guild? We know a lot about loss and we want to make sure none of us has to go through it ever again," Naruto declared. A huge smile broke across his face at the two. It was the first time in the past year that he had smiled. And he accepted their request. Things were looking up for that little family of theirs in good ol' Magnolia town.

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXA/N: Well there it is the first chapter of my brand new story! Wow that thing really just flowed out of me. I can't believe how easy it was to just get that out there. So I am really excited to bring this to you guys and I really hope you guys enjoy this. As with everything this is always dedicated to my amazing readers and my best of friends. I love you all. As always fave, follow and review. I live off those reviews. Cya!