
Family Origins

9:30 p.m. Brightburn, Kanasa.

Brandon Breyer walks about the ruins of the Breyer farm. He stands wearing a black button up dress shirt, with the top two buttons undone exposing a dark grey undershirt. He wears dark blue jeans and black shoes. His multi-shaded blue backpack he wore on his left side. His hair had grown slightly longer brushed off to the right hand side of his face. He walks about the property he grew up on.

He eyes the the demolished house Kyle and Tori Breyer raised him in. He remembers the night he found out he was not adopted from an agency but arrived on earth from a unknown world beyond the stars. He remembers how the Breyers lied and kept that from him, he remembers how much he hated this farm and them because of that. Still, they were his parents and right up until they each betrayed him and tried to kill him. Brandon doesn't finish the thought flashing back to using his heat vision to on Kyle and dropping Tori from the skies to her death.

Brandon walked through the crumbling home to find a lone picture among the rubble of all three of them during happier times before he found out he was...special, before his abilities manifested. He picks up the picture and puts in the lower pocket of his backpack.

"Now for the real reason I'm here for" Brandon thinks to himself heading toward the collapsed and destroyed barn, to its underground cellar where his spaceship is. Brandon finds the shard his mother took from his ship that night to try and kill him with. A reminder of the danger of letting someone get too close. Had he dropped his guard like he did while out hunting with his father he would have been the one dead now. Had he let her live he knew she would try again and next time she may have succeeded.

Brandon looked at the shard hatefully then tries to crush it in his hand only to find he can't as it starts to slice into his skin. He stops, his anger bubbling to the surface as he tries to use his heat vision on it to find it is resistant to even that. "Off course, it survived the heat of entering earth's atmosphere" Brandon walked over to his ship opening up the pod tossing the shard into the small space where his infant self had laid during his trek across the stars.

Brandon touched the ship and it powered-up reciting the same old message telling him to "Take the world" was that all there was to the message Brandon thought. Was there nothing else from his real parents? He had questions, many questions. Why was he sent here alone? Who were his real parents? Where is his homeworld? What where his people called? Why does he have these abilities? Why have they not contacted him? Was there a way to contact them? Why did the ship wait till he was 12 to tell him to take the world? And what was his real name? Did his parents even care to give him a real name?

Brandon removed his hand from the ship as it powered down. He searched around the ship, doubled checked it's cockpit only to find nothing. The only thing Brandon knew for certain was that he was an alien with abilities, his real parents sent him here to take the world, but take it for what and why he did not know. What he did know is he would not fail to live up to his real family's wishes. He will not only take this world, he will rule it and become the boss of bosses.