Okay, I hadn't seen Endgame until after I had written this chapter, so this is definitely an AU. I mean, it was going to be anyway, but yeah. This contains no spoilers for Endgame.

I've made a few changes. For rereaders Loki's character has changed a bit and the camera parts are gone. if you're new ignore this.

Day One: One Awry Spell and Your Life Changes

Loki had messed up. Big time. An awry spell gone wrong had just about ruined his life. Eight babies. Eight. It wasn't Loki's fault that he had accidentally de-aged all the Avengers and a few of their companions. Okay, it was. But really, how had a simple spell designed to close Thor's mouth so he would just stop talking for three seconds turned into the scene playing out before Loki?

Thor and Steve Rogers sat next to Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton, babbling in toddler talk. All four appeared to be around one year old. Tony Stark and Pepper Potts were fighting over a model ship, the only toy that seemed to be present. They looked about two, and Bruce Banner, lying on the floor asleep, looked about the same.

Lastly was 6-month-old Peter Parker, the youngest of all ten of them, crying his eyes out for who knew what reason.

Loki surveyed the mess in front of him. Sadly, there was no way for him to reverse his spells; they just had to run their course. Loki surmised that this one would take at least two more days before the Avengers were big again, and he couldn't just leave them there.

Loki's hands flew to his ears as Clint added to Peter's symphony of wails. It appeared someone had hit him, given the pint-sized pink handprint on his face. Loki had his money on Thor. When they were young, it always seemed Thor was hitting and smacking and trying out his fists. Clint wobbled towards Loki on unsteady legs, tripping over his long shirt that was meant for an adult. Sure enough, the boy pointed at Thor and patted his cheek. Loki sighed and pulled the oversized shirt over Clint's head, leaving him naked. Quickly, he conjured a diaper and a black onesie for the child then went to Thor, changed his outfit and set him in the corner with a scolding about not hitting.

Then Loki continued redressing the babies in more adequate clothes, silencing cries, and picking up Peter, who was too young to do much of anything except sit up, cry, and put things in his mouth.

As Loki cradled a now asleep, blue onesie-clad Peter against his chest, he surveyed the rest of the children. Banner remained asleep on the floor, warm in a green onesie. That was a small blessing. The last thing Loki wanted was a baby Hulk running around and destroying things.

Thor sat pouting in the corner, arms crossed over his chest unhappily. He was clad in a red onesie and his long blonde hair was pulled back in a ponytail. Clint, in a black onesie, laid on the floor contentedly playing with his hands. In a purple onesie, Natasha watched him, occasionally interjecting by grabbing his fingers.

Tony, in a yellow onesie, having gained control over most of the model ship, had the wing shoved in his mouth and was chewing avidly. Pepper, dressed in a creme onesie, glared at Tony and clutched about 12% of the toy in her fist. Steve watched them, but kept his hands in his lap, picking at the cuff on the sleeve of his white onesie. Peter stirred on Loki's chest and opened dark brown eyes.

"Please don't cry," Loki pleaded, glancing down at the tiny baby. Peter's eyes were watery and his lower lip stuck out. "Oh brother," Loki muttered as Peter began wailing. The crying prompted Thor to join in, filling the room with shrill sounds that hurt Loki's ears.

"Thor," Loki said. "whatever is the matter? You were never a crier when we were young. Or when I was, at least." Loki leaned down and scooped Thor up, settling his now little brother on his hip, going to the couch and setting Peter down in the corner of it. Peter reached for Loki as he walked away, still crying. Clint and Natasha noticed his distress and joined in. Loki sighed and put Thor down, who was still crying. The noise caused Banner to awaken, and he sat up, eyes wide.

Loki immediately went to him and picked him up when his face began to redden. He calmed down and Loki placed him back on the floor and went to Clint and Nat. "Hush," he said, reaching down and picking them up. "What could they possibly need that makes them cry this much?" Loki wondered aloud as Tony and Pepper made the room even louder with their newfound cries. The common room of Avengers Tower was a symphony of distressed cries from 6 babies. The only ones not crying were Banner and Steve, but Banner looked as though he could start any moment. Steve just looked confused.

"They're hungry!" Loki suddenly said aloud and set the shrieking kids down on the floor. He gathered the rest of the children and sat them in a semi-circle, then went into the kitchen. He found a box of the treat Thor had seemed to love so much, Pop-tarts, grabbed them, and went back to the wailing children. Seven out of eight babies were bawling, with poor Steve in the middle, looking confused.

Loki quickly opened the box of pop tarts and offered one to each child. Before giving one to Peter, however, Loki pulled the baby's lip down to see if he had teeth. He had one, and another seemed to be coming in. Could teething babies have pop tarts? Loki didn't know, but he figured chewing on something would help relieve the pain and pressure. He offered Peter half a pastry after wiping the slobber off his finger on the back of his trousers, and the baby took it gladly. Loki then opened a pop tart for himself and bit into the sugary treat.

As he ate and watched the children, Loki knew he would need more supplies, as he couldn't keep conjuring things with his magic. "F.R.I.D.A.Y.," he spoke up.

"I'm not sure I can speak with you, " The AI replied. Loki sighed.

"I require assistance and do you see anyone else who can help me?" Loki asked, gesturing to the toddler filled room.

"No, sir," F.R.I.D.A.Y said. A strange crackling sound went through the vents, as if the AI was sighing. "What may I help you with?"

"Can you order enough supplies to support 8 children for two days?" he asked, standing from the couch and setting hands on hips.

"Of course, sir," F.R.I.D.A.Y. replied. "Shall I have them delivered here?"

"Yes, thank you, F.R.I.D.A.Y.," Loki replied. He leaned down and scooped up Banner, who looked about to cry. "Hush, child," he whispered to the black-haired toddler.

"You are quite welcome," the AI replied. "And who shall I bill these supplies to?"

Loki smirked and replied, "Tony Stark."

"Yes, sir," the AI said. Loki looked back to the rest of the children. They were growing restless. Loki ran to Tony's lab and found paper and pencils, bringing them back and setting them down in front of the children. He sat down next to them and tugged Peter into his lap since he was too young to draw, just chew on the pencils. Loki allowed him to gnaw on his finger as the other babies drew. Or, scribbled.

Tony snatched a pencil from Steve and smiled triumphantly. Steve just stared at him and calmly reached for his pencil, and when Tony refused, Steve grabbed another from the floor. Loki allowed the children to color for a few moments longer as he grabbed various pillows and blankets and laid them out on the floor, making a makeshift "fence" so the children could sleep. It was growing dark, and the children were growing tired. Nat was whimpering, and Clint was laying on the floor, his paper abandoned. Loki placed the babies one by one inside the circle of pillows, then stepped back and observed. All 8 were asleep. Quiet at last. Loki quickly then turned out the lights.

"Sir?" F.R.I.D.A.Y asked in a lowered voice. "The deliveries have arrived. Shall I send them up?"

"Yes, strange voice in the ceiling," Loki said. "That will suffice." A few seconds later, the elevator dinged and Loki winced at the sound, hoping none of the children would awaken. None did, so Loki lifted all the supplies with his magic and set them down in a corner of the room. Too tired to go through them now, Loki collapsed on the couch and fell asleep.


Chapter 2 will be posted once I finish chapter 3! I appreciate your feedback!