There was a rumbling from above, before Klaus felt someone shove him violently to one side, sending him rolling along the floor just as someone hit the space where he once was.

Spinning around, Klaus felt the air leave his body as he spotted a familiar hand sticking out from under a pile of rubble.

"DAVE! NO!" He screamed in desperation, rushing over and removing as many bricks and boulders as he could, until he got to one that was about ten times his own weight.

"Come on…" He muttered to himself, "… come on!"

Suddenly, it felt like his skin was knitting back together, the aches and pains disappearing as the piece of rubble floated high into the air, gasping in relief as ghosts cheered all around him.

"What the- "

Dave smiled weakly up at him, blood oozing from the corner of his mouth. "Y-Your Dad made a promise, remember, with Number 23? If I got hurt, all your powers would be returned to you."

"Dave!" Throwing the rubble to one side, he gently lifted the older man's head onto his lap, "Why did you- why the fuck- "

"- I-I wasn't going to watch you die." Dave whispered, "At least… I-I won't leave you, right?"

"No, no, no, no!" Klaus begged, "It won't be the same. It's never the same! Please just- "

It was too late. Dave's hand went limp in Klaus's grip, and everything fell silent.

"Dave…" Klaus whimpered, dropping the hand and glancing around, scanning the crowd of ghosts surrounding them, desperately searching for that familiar face.


The other siblings all bowed their heads in grief as Klaus started to sob bitterly, beating his hands on Dave's unmoving chest, as though that would bring him back.

Almost five minutes passed in complete silence, broken only by the sound of muted sobbing.

"Klaus…" Ben placed a hand on his brother's shoulder, "… I'm sorry."

"I want him b-back! Bring h-him back!"

"Klaus… We can't."

There was a moment of silence, before Klaus pushed himself to his feet.

"No… but I know someone who can."


Number 23 yelped as they were pinned up against a nearby wall, Luther lifting them up off their feet.

"We have a deal to make with you." Klaus's face was still stained with tears, but his voice remained completely steady, "A life for a life."

Number 23 snarled, "Let me guess… you want to exchange your Father's with that Dave?!"


The other siblings all turned to Klaus in shock. That was what he'd told them.

"No?" Number 23 was intrigued, "Then what's the plan?"

"You get to kill me… and my father. At the same time, two for the price of one." Klaus frowned, "You can't tell me he's treated you brilliantly since he found you."

"Found me?" Number 23 scowled, "You mean took me from the only good family I had."

"So…" Allison frowned, "… why can't you just kill him?"

"Because my powers don't work without someone offering something up in return!" Number 23 snarled, "Or else I would have!" He then turned to Klaus, "Why kill yourself in the process though? I can exchange your Father's life for your boyfriends'."

"… Because there's something I need to do."

Number 23 stared at him for a few moments, before shrugging and holding out his hand. "Deal."

Before anyone could stop him, Klaus grabbed the boy's hand, and everything went black.


"You didn't have to do that you know."

Klaus smirked at the little girl, rocking back and forth as she glared at him.

"Why would you make a deal like that?"

"Because I need to make sure Daddy Dearest goes to Hell."

She rolled her eyes, "You and I both know that Hell doesn't really exist… why are you really here?"

"Because I want to make a deal with you."


Five was the first to realise that something was happening, grabbing a hold of Vanya's hand as the world shimmered all around them.

"What's happening?!" Allison screamed, clutching onto Luter, whose other hand was on Ben's shoulder, watching as the Horror clung onto Klaus's limp body.

"I've got money on Klaus!" Diego called out, "I can guarantee, this is all to do with him!"

The world seemed to spin all around them, much like it had when they originally time-travelled back to this year… and then, everything went black.


When they next woke up, they were all amazed to see that they were back in their original bodies…. The world was intact and when Allison opened her mouth to speak, she was thrilled to see that she still could.

"What… what happened?" Vanya asked.

"Sorry." A familiar voice spoke him behind them, prompting them to spin around, "That's my bad."

Ben was the first to reach Klaus, grabbing him and spinning him around…. Only to realise that he still could.

"Yeah, that was another part of the deal." Klaus beamed, "I wasn't going to let her kill my favourite brother again."

"What deal?" Five spoke up, a frown on his face as he examined his new, older body, "And who's 'she'?"

"God…. Duh" Klaus shrugged, "As for the deal… well, in order to fix everything and make sure Dad gets sent to where he really belongs, I… gave up part of my powers."

"… Which part?" Luther was the first to speak up.

"The whole… resurrection, immortality thing." Klaus shrugged again, "Nothing major."


"It's fine! It's fine!" Klaus looked around, "I still have all the ghosts to keep me company."

"And… Dave?"

Klaus's face dropped, "He was… he was removed from the original timeline, so she… had to put him back."

"Oh… Klaus- "

"-It's fine, it's fine." Klaus waved a hand in dismissal, "It's not like we could have done anything anyway…. He's, well he won't be happier in the Vietnam war, but at least he wasn't crushed by a building back then."

"Klaus, why would you do this?"

"… People do crazy things for family, right?"

"I think the quote is, people do crazy things when they're in love."

"Sssh." Allison hissed at Five, "He's opening up to us finally."

For the next few seconds, there was silence, the world hustling and bustling around them as though nothing had ever happened.

"So…" Diego glanced around nervously, "… what do we do now?"

"Well, Mother's still alive." Klaus piped up, "We can go and see her and Pogo?"

Vanya tensed up briefly at the mention of Pogo, but after spending several months in the past, she had gotten over the hurt.

"And then?"

Before Klaus could answer, Five spoke up. "Then we find Klaus's family… we have better access to resources now."

Klaus stared at Five in shock, turning his gaze to his siblings who were all nodding in agreement.

"You- you really think they'll want to see me?" Klaus nervously whispered, "It's been… years and years now since I was taken."

"They're your parents." Allison pulled her brother into a hug, "Why wouldn't they want you?"

"… Do you want the list in alphabetical or chronological order?"

"Come on." Five cuffed Klaus around the back of his head, "Let's get to work."


Five was right.

It didn't take long for Five to find out where the Addams where staying now, which led to where they were now.

Standing outside a terrifyingly large house, that looked like it had come right out of a fifty's horror film.

Klaus actually really liked it.

"Well… this is it." Five sounded a little down… more so than usual, "Come on."

They headed up the path, only for Klaus to grab Ben's arm, stopping in his tracks. "Maybe… maybe this isn't such a good idea."

They all turned to face him, frowning as they noticed how his eyes darted around frantically, a stunned look on his face.

"What's wrong?"

"The…ghosts." Klaus spluttered, "They're all… cheering and whooping!" He then turned to his right, where the others presumed Uncle Vlad was standing, "Oh… they're the rest of the Addams family."

As if on cue, the front door of the creepy home slammed open, and a large man (who towered above even Luther), stepped out and beckoned them forwards.

"Come Inside." He stated, before moving to head back into the house.

Slowly, the seven young people followed, eyes widening at the sight of all the weapons along the wall.

"Is it wrong that I actually find this a little exciting?" Klaus whispered, glancing over his shoulder as the large entourage of ghosts followed them inside.

They were led to a large sitting room, where a man and woman were seated on the sofa, other couples on chairs around them, children playing in front of them.

Everything fell silent.

Slowly, the woman rose to her feet and made her way over, as the small group pushed Klaus forwards.

"Klaus…" she whispered, as the rest of the room gasped in astonishment, "… Can it really be- "She gently ran her fingers through his curls, and then across his cheeks, "My little ghost-whisperer."

"… Mum?"

She pulled him into a hug, as the man shot to his feet and rushed over, "I knew it!" He wrapped his arms around the pair of them, "I knew he'd comeback to us! Didn't I say he would? Fester! You owe me!"

As the other Addams' all swarmed around Klaus, the other Hargreaves children hung back, sad looks on their faces.

They knew this was going to hurt.

"Come on." Allison whispered, "We should give them some time alone."

They turned to leave, meaning that they completely missed Klaus twisting around to beam at them… only to see them walking away.

"Wait!" he cried out, running over and latching onto Ben, "Where are you guys going?"

"We were…" Ben paused, turning to Vanya waiting for her to continue the sentence.

"We just wanted to give you and… your parents some time alone." She whispered.

Before Klaus could say anything, his Mother straightened up, "Nonsense. Any friend of Klaus's is a friend of ours." She then narrowed her eyes, "Maybe more than friends?"

Almost immediately, five of them started to protest loudly, and honestly, Klaus couldn't help but feel a little insulted.

They'd be lucky to have him.

"We're his brothers and sisters." Ben's voice rose high above the others, as he stepped closer, "We're family."

Morticia Addams swept her eyes over the now-silent group, before a soft smile appeared on her face. "Very well… then you're our family as well." She glanced over at her husband, who spread his arms out wide and beamed at them.

"Welcome to the Addams family!"


Dave still didn't understand why he'd accepted this invitation.

Him and Wednesday were old college friends yes, but after he was almost eaten by the garden last time, he vowed to never go back to that house.

But apparently, he just had to meet her new brother.

So far though, he hadn't moved from this corner. He'd seen a man larger than a gorilla, a knife throwing contest between the Addams boys and a newcomer, the actress Allison Hargreaves (and who knew she knew the Addams?), a man teleporting from room to room, a large mug of coffee in his hand, a boy with tentacles and a girl with white pupils.

It was taking him some time to get used to it all.


Dave didn't react in time as he was bowled over by two cousins, fumbling to catch himself as they both yelled out their apologies, continuing on their way.

It didn't stop him from landing on his ass too.

"Hey, what are you doing sitting there?" A hand with HELLO tattooed on the palm reached out and helped him to his feet, "You look a little- "

Their eyes met and the man froze in place.

He was bewitching. Gorgeous eyes framed by dark eyeliner, dark, curly hair hung messily around his face. The top buttons of a tight, black shirt were entirely neglected and those pants were… tight…. Very, very tight.

He was possibly the most gorgeous person Dave had ever seen in his life.

"I'm Dave!" He blurted out eagerly, beaming when the other man smirked.

"I know… you can call me Klaus. Klaus Addams."