"Are you listening to me?"

Ki was startled suddenly by the sound of Domino's exasperated voice. She blinked the world back into focus, her eyes eventually settling on the riled teenager.

"What?" she inquired, slightly dazed.

"Boy, are you in La La Land," Domino declared, huffily, "I said, 'from here, you walk the rest of the way to the city'."

For a moment, the young Psychic was confused. She then glanced out the window and realized they were stopped on the side of the road at the edge of Viridian Forest. She was ashamed to admit to herself she didn't even recall the ride over.

Her mind was preoccupied with her thoughts on potentially what might be happening between Mewtwo and Giovanni. There was an ominous feeling she just could not shake. Her stomach was twisted tightly in knots.

She was as protective of him as he was with her.

"What are you daydreaming about anyway?" the Team Rocket elite instigated, "Your boyfriend?"

Domino's voice dripped with abhorrence as the word left her lips. She was thoroughly repulsed at the thought of the woman and the Pokémon being in a relationship. Were they that totally oblivious to the rules on a clearly divided line in species?

For a moment, Ki was rendered speechless at the girl's bold assessment. However, she soon began to feel an intense heat building within her as her temper flared hotly. It took every ounce of control she possessed to refrain in lashing out at her. She was incensed by her bigotry.

"Why does it matter to you?" she altercated, vehemently, "You obviously have it all figured out already."

Domino's eyes widened with disbelief.

"So then it's true?" she demanded.

"Do you have a problem with that?" Ki challenged.

"There's a lot of problems with that," the teenager disputed, "In case you've forgotten, you're a human!"

"I know what I am," the young woman retorted, "I know what he is, and what I see is no one different from me. I love him with my whole heart. He's treated me far better than most humans ever have."

The expression on Domino's face changed then to one of absolute repugnance. Her brain was simply unable to process what she was hearing.

"Y-you're a little tramp," she finally stuttered, "A whore."

Ki gave her a slightly derisive smile.

"Perhaps, but at least I'm not the one gratifying Giovanni for her position," she responded, coolly.

Without waiting for answer, she stepped out of the car and shut the door in the teenager's flustered face. As she started down the path, she heard Domino's muffled voice from inside screaming a stream of obscenities. The vehicle then abruptly sped off down the road, leaving a cloud of dust behind it.

Ki trekked deeper into the forest, still seething with anger. What gave that... that... harpy the right to dictate who she could or could not love? There was nothing wrong with her relationship to Mewtwo.

In fact, she had never felt anything more natural to her.

Although listening to the chatter of the Pokémon around her eventually managed to calm her, it did little to alleviate her anxiety. The pang of worry in her heart was steadily growing persistent, and stronger. Under normal circumstances, however, a stroll through the woods like this would have been quite enjoyable.

The missions, and the occasional secret excursion, only afforded a small reprieve in her longing to venture out beyond the concrete confines that have become her home over the last few months. So it was a rare day indeed, but one she was unable to fully benefit from at the moment.

She was a half mile within city limits, when she suddenly heard a strange tittering in the thick brush off to the side of the trail. She paused, concentrating on the sound. Pokemon had a wide range of vocalizations. This one, however, was distinctly that of a human being.

"We've got you, Pikachu," a male voice gloated.

"And there's nothing you can do," chimes in a female voice, maliciously.

"Will youse two pipe down?" another male voice with a Brooklyn accent scolded, "You're gonna get us caught."

The conversation was too alarming for Ki to ignore. If they had trapped a Pikachu as the first one claimed, she could not stand by and leave its fate to them. She decided to investigate further.

Realizing she needed a higher vantage point to assess the situation, she levitated and floated then to a nearby tree. With graceful silence, she alighted on one of the branches that overlooked a grassy clearing. What she discovered below confirmed her suspicions.

It came as no real shock to her who the miscreants turned out to be, but their uniforms were nonstandard. The woman's was especially revealing in a tiny white mini skirt and a crop top emblazoned with the Team Rocket logo. The outrageous outfit was paired with long, dark gray gloves and thigh high heeled boots. Her ears were adorned with a pair of bright green, pearl stud earrings as an added accessory.

The piece de resistance had to be her long red hair, which made her blue eyes stand out in sharp contrast. It was styled into an impossible angle behind her head, ending in a curl. There was no doubt she used copious amounts of gel and hairspray to manage such a feat.

Her male partner, however, was dressed more modestly in a long sleeved white shirt and pants, secured with a belt. His gloves and boots were the same dark gray color, but much shorter than hers. Where her gloves extended beyond her elbows, his barely reached them, and his heelless boots stopped at midcalf.

His choppy, chin-length indigo blue hair was also less dramatic. It was parted vertically to each side, leaving only a single strand to fall between his green eyes.

The two lounged on the grass watching a Meowth as it nervously scanned the forest.

"Relax, Meowth," the red head placated the Pokémon, "There's no way the pesky twerp and his friends will find us. Isn't that right, James?"

"Absolutely, Jessie," James affirmed, "Our invisibility net casts a force field over this place where not even their flying Pokémon will be able to spot us from above."

Strange, I can see them just fine.

If there was such a contraption around them, it appeared Ki was not affected by it. She hoped they weren't relying too heavily on it. That would be careless, and Team Rocket was anything but.

"How can you be so sure of that?" Meowth demanded.

She was slightly jolted as she recognized him as the third voice. Most Pokémon were incapable of human speech, and few others only with the aid of telepathy. Yet, he was clearly using physical means to communicate with his comrades.

"It's been hours since we snagged Pikachu," Jessie pointed out, "If they haven't found us by now, they never will."

This news seemed to cheer up the scratch cat.

"Hey, I guess you're right," he admitted.

He then turned to a glass domed container sitting nearby on a tree stump. Sealed tight within its cramped quarters, was a short, slightly chubby, bright yellow-furred Pokemon with two patches of brown fur striped across its back, red rounded cheeks and big brown eyes. It had long, pointed black tipped ears and a lightning bolt-shaped tail with another small patch of brown fur at the base.

"You hear that, Pikachu?" Meowth crowed, "You can say 'goodbye' to your pals. You belong to Team Rocket now."

Not if I have anything to do with it.

"Not on your life," the electric mouse defiantly objected, "Ash will never give up. He'll find you and then you'll be sorry."

The dome was suddenly filled with brilliant light as Pikachu attempted to make an escape. His Thunder attack, however, failed to even scorch the glass. The enclosure remained solidly intact. It appeared he was hopelessly trapped.

"Ha!" Meowth snorted, "Give it up. You're wastin' your energy."

The young Psychic had seen enough. It was time to stage an intervention. She would even the odds in Pikachu's favor.

Don't worry, I am here to help you, she projected only to the Electric Pokémon.

His ears pricked at the sudden sound of a gentle, female voice reveberating in his head. Bewilderedly, he glanced around the clearing, but other than Team Rocket, no one else was here. Could he have imagined it? Yet, for some reason, the encouraging words gave him a bit of hope.

Meowth noticed then how Pikachu seemed more alert, as if listening for something. Almost instantly, the Pokémon was set on edge again.

"Oh no," he moaned, anxiously, "I tink Pikachu hears somethin'."

"Meowth there is right about your voices," Ki finally announced herself, "There's a saying about loose lips, and I am afraid yours have sunk your ship."

The two humans quickly jumped to their feet and assumed a fighting stance. They were surprised and angry at having been discovered. This could potentially ruin all of their plans.

"Who said that?!" Jessie screeched.

"Show yourself!" James demanded.

After a few moments of tense anticipation, a petite, young woman emerged from the thick overgrowth. She stepped forward and walked into the clearing under the sunlight filtering through the canopy of trees. She leveled her green gaze at the group, a slightly contemptuous smile on her lips.

"You three couldn't possibly be from Team Rocket," she stated, "Their agents would never be so reckless as to reveal their location."

"Oh yeah?" Meowth retorted, "And what would youse know about Team Rocket?"

Ki's smile grew even wider. The Pokémon began to feel uneasy of her expression suddenly. There was something different about her. Something that was definitely not human.

"I know a great many things about them," she disclosed, "I have been in their employment for already a few months.

"So how's come we's ain't seen youse before?" the scratch cat questioned, suspiciously, crossing his arms.

"My work involves training and caring for the Pokémon on base," the young Psychic explained, "As I am rarely sent elsewhere on assignment, you couldn't possibly have known of me."

Abruptly, the blue-haired young man's green eyes lit up with recognition.

"Hey, wait, now I remember," James declared, "Jess, this is the trainer the boss had been raving about the last time we called, the "Pokemon Whisperer". She was put in charge of one of his prized Pokémon."

Jessie scrutinized the small girl before her. Although athletically toned, her features were soft and light, not hard and dark like the rest of the organization's agents. There was no way she could have handled that monster Giovanni had.

"You're the boss's new Pokémon trainer?" she scoffed, "You look more like a ballet instructor."

"At least I'm not the one who looks like she's dressed as a stripper," Ki countered, calmly,

The older woman could only blink at first, dumbstruck by the insult. Within seconds, however, her face became as crimson as her hair, her eyes a fiery blue.

"How dare you!" she exploded.

She attempted to make a lunge for the young woman, but unexpectedly felt a heavy pull on her shoulders and leg. James and Meowth was barely managing to restrain her efforts to attack. She struggled violently with them, clawing furiously at James' arms.

"Let me go!" she roared, "I'll show her!"

"Jessie, no!" Meowth warned, "Calm down! If youse kill her, the boss'll kill us!"

Ki was both amused and disturbed by this display of primal rage. The woman clearly had anger management issues.

While the three quarreled amongst themselves, forgetting her even in the midst of it, she quietly sauntered over to the tree stump to Pikachu. His yellow coat was shiny and appeared to be well groomed. His cheeks were the deepest shade of red she had ever seen on the electric mouse. It was obvious he was very much loved, and no doubt very missed.

She would stop at nothing to reunite him with his trainer.

She squatted to be level with his line of vision, flashing a gentle smile. The Pokémon's rich gold-brown eyes, bright and attentive, studied her with a fearful curiosity. Who was this strange new human, and what would she do with him?

It's all right, she consoled, sensing his anxiety, I am going to help you.

Pikachu tilted his head and an ear at her in confusion. He knew very few humans who could speak telepathically. There was at least one in particular he could recall, but didn't exactly have fond memories of.

He remembered her message, but in light of this new information, he was dubious of whose side she was really on.

"Aren't you Team Rocket too?" he inquired, skeptically.

Yes and no, she confessed, I am a trainer, first and foremost, but I have a good reason why I have come to be employed by Team Rocket.

You see, a very special Pokémon needed my help, she added, softly, I have been working with him for the past few months.

Here, her voice had abruptly taken on a melancholic edge. Pikachu could detect a despondency that gave truth to her words she was not what she seemed. No member of such an evil organization could have a heart as kind and empathic as hers.

Slowly, she was beginning to put his ills at ease.

"Are you friends?" he then asked, less harshly.

She gave him an almost mirthful smile. 'Friends' was no longer the word to describe what her and Mewtwo's relationship had evolved into, but, of course, the Pokemon couldn't have known otherwise.

Very much so, she affirmed, He and I... We're very close. We've become inseparable, and I miss him now with an intensity I could never be able to describe. Just as I know you and your friend must miss each other. Please, will you trust me to help you?

Ki hoped she could persuade him to at least allow her to free him. He needn't worry in extending beyond than what he felt was absolutely necessary. She would only see to it that he made his escape safely and handle the fallout from Team Rocket herself.

For a few moments, the electric mouse paused in thought. He was painfully aware of how limited his options were, but he had to weigh them carefully. He knew Ash wouldn't give up until he found him, but how long could that be? Pikachu had already been captured for quite some time now, and there was still no sign of the boy.

Could the Team Rocket trio actually have managed to outsmart his friends this time?

The Pokémon seriously doubted it, but the situation had grown rather bleak as the hours stretched on, his hopeful outlook diminishing. It was right around that moment, when the young girl seemed to have appeared out of thin air and boldly stand up to them on his behalf. Despite her involvement with the organization, her actions, and her words, clearly demonstrated she was truly not one of them.

With this in mind, he finally arrived at his decision.

"Yes," he agreed, amicably.

The young Psychic flashed a small grin in response. She was delighted he had chosen to take a chance on her. She reached for the glass container, but a sharp rebuttal suddenly interrupted her.

"Hey, little girl," Jessie spat, "What do you think you're doing with our Pikachu?"

Three pairs of irritable eyes were trained on Ki now as the red head, James, and Meowth abandoned their fight in the wake of at last taking notice of her absence. The young woman bristled slightly at the apparent jab of her physical stature, but outwardly, her calm demeaner never wavered. Instead, she gave them a rather sickeningly sweet smile that belied her intentions.

"Were you planning to give this Pokémon to the boss?" she inquired.

"Well... yes," James confessed.

"Why not let me deliver him for you then?" she continued, "It would save you three the trouble of having to travel all that way."

Instantly, both human and Pokemon faces alike erupted into gleeful smiles. Their behavior also changed drastically towards her.

"Youse would really do that for us?" came Meowth's exuberant reply.

"Of course," Ki affirmed, "Consider it as a favor from one member of Team Rocket to another."

"I guess we've misjudged you," Jessie admitted, begrudgingly.

Oh, you have, from the moment you let your guard down.

"I have one question, though," the young woman added, "How do you open the container?"

"Oh, just press that button there on the side of the base and twist the dome to the left," James supplied, without a second thought.

She followed his instructions, hearing the lock mechanism release. She then lifted the glass away and the Pokémon was finally set free of his prison. Pikachu wasted no time in scrambling down, and hit the ground at nearly a flat out run towards the trees.

The actions were performed with such swiftness, it was a few dumbfounding moments before Team Rocket could register what was happening.

"Meowth, do something!" the red head abruptly shrieked, "She just let Pikachu get away!"

"What do youse expect me to do?!" the scratch cat snapped, "I ain't no babysitter! If youse hadn't of lost your temper, none of this would of ever happened!"

"You... you tricked us!" the young man accused.

Ki was genuinely baffled at their inability to recognize the organization's own training techniques. She had gotten her hands on those books sometime ago and studied them whenever she had a spare moment. She had wanted to arm herself with as much intimate knowledge as she possibly could. It had certainly come in handy now.

"No," she corrected, "You all simply failed to remember the most vital rule; never trust your fellow members."

Jessie growled furiously, producing a Pokeball in her clenched hand.

"I've had enough of your attitude!" she declared, through gritted teeth, "You're worse than the twerp!"

She proceeded then to swing her arm back, lobbing the ball directly towards the young Psychic.

"Go, Arbok! Take care of this traitor!"

A moment later, the ball popped open and white light spilled out in a brilliant flash. It began to take shape, and when it had fully materialized, a hugely imposing purple Poison Cobra Pokémon was standing coiled before Ki. Yellow, black, and red markings covered its hood, which it flared out to make itself appear even more intimidating.

The snake towered over her, its narrow black eyes glaring down at her menancingly.

"You too, Weezing!" James ordered, throwing his own Pokeball.

Another flash of white light erupted, and a sickly gray-purple creature with two differently proportioned heads appeared. Various small craters covered its body, which emitted deadly toxins as suggested by the skull and crossbones design on the larger head.

The Poison Gas Pokemon floated near Arbok's head, fixing its dim-witted expression on the young woman. Both awaited their masters' next command.

Ki stared down her opponents, standing her ground firmly. She was reluctant to use her powers, especially since word could travel back to Giovanni. However, if they wanted to fight her, then so be it. They wouldn't get very far.

Her stance and the dangerous glint in her green eyes escaped the notice of all except one. Meowth recalled the vibes he had gotten earlier from this girl. Now more than ever, he was convinced they were dealing with no ordinary human.

"Jessie, I don't tink this is a good..." he began, nervously.

"Shut up, Meowth," the older woman interrupted, irritably, "You know this is the way. We can't allow treason to run rampant in the ranks of Team Rocket."

"Arbok, use your poison sting!" she then ordered her Pokémon.

The cobra reared its head and proceeded to open its mouth wide, launching an arsenal of millions of tiny, deadly needles. As the attack rapidly closed in on her, the young Psychic calmly raised an arm and her hand became shrouded in purple. Abruptly, the projectiles came to a screeching halt and then reversed course at twice the speed.

Caught off guard, they could do nothing more than stare at her frozen in shock. What sort of sorcery was this? How was it even possible?

"Arbok, dodge it!" Jessie finally cried out, seconds too late.

The attack slammed into the snake, the needles piercing deeply in its skin. Arbok screamed and collapsed to the ground, writhing in pain. While the poison had little effect in its system, the bleeding wounds caused enough injury to successfully incapacitate it.

The group then began to back up uneasily away from the young woman, keeping their distance between them. Her eyes still faintly glowed with the psychic energy.

"I told you this was a bad idea!" Meowth exclaimed.

"W-what are you?" James stammered.


Suddenly, a thunderbolt shot out across the clearing and hit Team Rocket dead center. Their cries of pain echoed through the surrounding forest, which caused a flurry of Pokémon to scurry for cover in fear. They didn't want to be next to feel that wrath.

Pikachu came bounding then towards Ki with a bright smile on his face. She watched him approach, feeling slightly puzzled.

Why did you come back? she inquired, softly.

"I couldn't let you face those clowns alone," he reasoned.

She gave him a warm smile. She could quite easily dispatch them on her own, but she was grateful for his offer of help nevertheless.

Thank you, she accepted, graciously, What of finding your friends, though?

"Hey, leave her alone, Team Rocket," a young male voice suddenly shouted.

The bushes then began to rustle noisily. A few moments later, a boy of no more than ten years old burst forth out of the thick overgrowth. He was accompanied shortly after by a girl, and another, slightly older, boy.

At first glance, Ki was somewhat anxious by their unexpected arrival. She wondered if they had seen the display of her powers beforehand. However, their lack of consternation suggested they had not

On closer inspection, she felt a tug of familiarity, especially the tanned young man wearing an official Pokémon League hat. His shaggy black hair poked out underneath in all directions. He wore a blue, yellow trimmed open jacket with white sleeves and collar which was paired over a black shirt and blue jean pants, and black and white sneakers. He carried on his back a green knapsack.

His red haired, fair complexion companion sprinted after him, tightly clutching a Togepi in her arms. Her short hair was pulled into a ponytail on the side, leaving choppy bangs. She was dressed in a yellow crop top and short shorts with red suspenders and sneakers. A small, red drawstring bag was slung on her shoulder.

Bringing up the rear, was the older, dark skinned young man with spikey brown hair. His clothing consisted of a green cargo vest over a short sleeved burnt orange shirt and brown pants and sneakers. A rather large blue camping backpack was strapped to his back.

His attention drew to her rather than the battle unfolding before them.

"Fear not, young maiden," he gushed, "I will rescue you."

Ki blinked in response at first, too dumbfounded to speak. Was this guy serious? Before she could react, he grasped her hand in his.

The touch of his skin on hers instantly snapped her to her senses and she all but snatched it away. Her green eyes lowered in a steely gaze at him, her mouth set in a thin, firm line.

"I would advise you not to touch me again," she warned, rather icily, "I can take care of myself."

He stared at her, his mind trying to process such abrasiveness from what he found to be a pretty girl.

"I am also spoken for," she added, a little less harshly, wondering if this would help ease the tension.

Mewtwo would be unhappy in the least if he caught the young man flirting with her. She didn't peg him to be the jealous type, but they were mates after all. The thought caused her heart to flutter with amorous joy, smiling inwardly.

At the revelation, the confused expression on the young man's face dissolved into one of clearly horror. It only added insult to injury when the girl approached him and grabbed on to his ear, dragging him away from the young Psychic.

"I told you one day you'd end up hitting on someone else's girl," she chided.

He didn't reply, too ashamed and embarrassed of his predicament. Ki felt a slight pity for him. Despite his disrespect for personal boundaries and behavior bordering on lewdness, she was almost certain he hadn't meant any real harm.

However, his unsolicited advances towards her served as a reminder of why she loved the Psychic Pokémon so much. He didn't see beauty in the way humans measured it, so her appearance never mattered to him. He accepted everything about her, which was more than most people had ever done.

The sounds of the fight escalating drifted to her ears then, and effectively pushed those thoughts aside for the moment.

"Pikachu, Volt Tackle!" the younger boy ordered the electric mouse.

The air began to crackle with electricity as the Pokémon charged up for the attack. His little body became bathed in blinding yellow light. Faster than anyone could blink, he streaked towards Team Rocket and their Pokémon like a blazing comet.

They made a desperate attempt to flee, but had ultimately reacted much too late. Pikachu slammed into them with such force, a tremendous explosion followed. Through the haziness of the smoke, the group could be seen flying overhead as the impact had sent them airborne.

"Looks like Team Rocket is blasting off againnnn!" Jessie, James, and Meowth screamed in unison before their voices faded out, disappearing beyond the tree line.

Childish fools.

Ki couldn't honestly believe how they managed to end up in the organization. It was almost absurd to think Giovanni would willfully employ those three. There had to have been favors pulled in from somewhere. What those favors were was best left to the imagination.

Pikachu trotted a little more slowly now back to his trainer. The move had left him slightly weakened as it carried a recoil effect. However, it didn't stop him from jumping joyfully into the boy's waiting arms.

He cuddled the electric mouse close to him, eliciting a happy squeal from the Pokémon.

"You're safe now, buddy," he murmured, his voice breaking slightly.

"You really showed Team Rocket," the red head interjected, sidling up beside the pair.

"Yeah," the older boy agreed, "I think it'll be a while before they try to bother us again."

Ki felt she was being intrusive of their private moment and decided to slip away while she could. Pikachu didn't need her anymore, and besides, she had to continue on her way to Viridian. She began to edge towards the brush then, shuffling backwards with silent steps.

"Hey, wait, don't go!" she heard the younger boy call out to her, suddenly, "Please, miss!"

She paused in her retreat and watched warily as he hurried to close the distance between them. Upon reaching her, he stopped a moment to catch his breath before speaking again.

"I want to thank you, for saving Pikachu," he expressed, graciously, "He found us on the path while searching for him after you freed him and led us to come help you."

"He's my best friend," he continued, "I just don't know what I would do if..."

He abruptly trailed off as he fought against the lump that was forming in his throat. She gave him a warm, gentle smile. Her assessment had not been wrong. The boy shared a unique and unbreakable bond with the Pokémon.

"You are welcome," she responded, quietly, "I could have done nothing less."

Regaining his composure, he flashed her a wide grin.

"My name is Ash, from Pallet Town," he introduced, "You've met my partner, Pikachu, and that's Misty and Brock."

"It's very nice to meet you," the young girl asserted, cheerfully, stepping forward, "This is Togepi."

She gestured to the tiny, egg-like Pokémon with various blue and red shapes on its shell in her arms, which trilled a happy squeal. After a brief hesitation, the older boy cautiously joined them. Ki noted with mild amusement he appeared to be uncomfortable in her presence.

"Hey, uh, sorry about that earlier," he apologized, sheepishly.

She gave him a slight smile that indicated she accepted it. He looked relieved.

"My name is Kikara," she disclosed, "I am from Saffron City."

Their faces immediately lit up with recognition of the town's name.

"Do you know Sabrina?" Ash asked, enthusiastically.

"I do," she confirmed, "Sabrina is my aunt, and the gym is my home."

"I thought I remembered you," she added, "Nearly a year ago, a young trainer with a Pikachu and his friends came to challenge her. He was woefully unprepared, but he had an abundance of spirit and heart."

He grimaced at the reminder. He lowered his eyes briefly, kicking the toe of a shoe at the ground.

"Yeah, but... it wasn't a real battle," he insisted, "Haunter just made her and Kadabra laugh until I was declared the winner, on a technicality."

"The battle you fought was more than between that of Pokémon," she disputed, "You helped to restore a part of her humanity she had cast aside for most of her life, and for that, I am grateful to you beyond words."

At these words, the crestfallen expression on Ash's face shifted into a slightly bashful one.

Ki saw his mouth open and begin to move, but she heard no sound as searing pain suddenly erupted across her temples. She grasped her head in her hands, a soft moan escaping her lips. Images of a dark room, bars, and chains flashed behind her closed eyelids in a blur.

She had not had a vision like this since...


Mewtwo's voice came to her then faint and weak, barely above a soft whisper. Her stomach gave a lurch and she felt a stab ram through her heart, nearly causing her to fall to her knees. She could sense something was wrong with him, something horribly, terribly, wrong. She could feel his agony and suffering.

"Hey, are you okay?" she finally heard the voice of the young boy ask, worriedly.

She opened her eyes to find all three humans, and Pikachu, regarding her with great concern. She was contrite, and a little self conscious, of them witnessing what surely must have been an alarming spectacle. She was thankful she hadn't become completely incarcerated.

She shook her head, partially to clear it and paritally to indicate that no, she was not okay.

"I'm... I'm sorry," she faltered, "I... I have to go. There's... an emergency."

"Maybe we could help," Misty offered.

Ki was able to afford her a small smile for the kind gesture. However, despite their nobility, bringing them along was not optional. The less people who were aware of Mewtwo's existence, the better.

"Thank you, but I need to handle this on my own," she gently dissuaded.

"Perhaps another time," she added, "Maybe we'll cross paths again some day."

Before they could utter a protest, she moved with a speed that should have been impossible for a human, swiftly cutting through the thick foliage. She then seemed to abruptly vanish beyond the trees. Both human and Pokémon alike were left stunned at her radical departure.

"Did you see...?" Ash started, but slowly trailed off.

"Uh huh," Misty confirmed, dumbstruck.

"I wonder what the emergency could have been," Brock mulled, slightly less fazed.

Ash remained uncharacteristically quiet for a few moments as he thought over the circumstances surrounding their new friend. Who, or even what, was she really? It appeared there was more to her than meets the eye.

"I don't know," he finally responded, "But... somehow, I get the feeling we're going to find out a lot sooner rather than later."

Ki distanced herself as far as possible before using teleport to leave the forest. Anyone glancing up at the sky a moment later, would have seen a brief streak of purple as it jetted through the atmosphere. She flew towards the Team Rocket base as fast as her powers would carry her.

Anxiety began to fester in the pit of her stomach. She should have refused to go without him. She should have known Giovanni was trying to get rid of her so he wouldn't have her standing in his way of whatever dastardly scheme he had set up.

Why, why hadn't she listened to her instincts?

After for what seemed like an eternity, she finally arrived at the compound. Avoiding the surveillance cameras, she teleported inside directly to the basement. She took a moment to allow her eyes to adjust to the dim lighting, and then peered across the room.

A cage of immense proportions immediately commanded her attention. It was solid, galvanized steel with tightly spaced thick bars. It was a type of containment used only for very large or strong Pokémon.

Partially shrouded in shadow, she could make out a pale purple figure, wrapped in chains, sitting on the floor slumped against one side. Its eyes were closed, its chest rising and falling with slow, labored breathing. There were burns all over its body consistent with those caused by electrical shocks.

Instantly, she could feel her world crumble around her, completely knocking it off its axis.


She was suddenly ill as a powerful wave of nausea swept over her. Her legs grew weak then, threatening to collapse from under her. Her heart gave a terrible, gutwrenching twist as her soul cried out in anguish to him. She couldn't breathe as her chest tightened, sobs becoming trapped in her throat.

She felt as if she were being physically torn apart, piece by piece.

It was like a nightmare. She couldn't run fast enough. With each step, it seemed as if she was moving further away rather than closer.

Mewtwo could faintly sense her presence, warm and comforting. He felt a softness fall across his cheek then and her delicate, flowery scent wafted to his nose as if on a summer breeze. He bit back a cry of frustration. How much more would his fevered dreams taunt him?

After a moment, his eyes finally fluttered open and he tried to focus through the blurriness. Slowly, a form began to take shape beyond the cage bars, and, at last, his vision cleared enough to behold her kneeling on the floor in front of him. Her emerald eyes were brimming with tears as he locked them with his own.

There was so much affliction in their normally vibrant, soulful purple depths. Silently, a river began to course down her cheeks when he managed to give her a weak, affectionate smile. Lovingly, lightly, she caressed over his cheek, her fingers soothing the burnt flesh. He half closed his eyes again, relishing her touch.

I swear it, I swear on my life, she vowed, in a soft whisper, Giovanni will pay dearly for what he's done to you.

No... Stardust... he struggled to talk, You.. you must... not. It... it is... dangerous. I want... I want... for you... to be... safe. Please. Leave... me...

No, she choked, her voice shaking with pent up sobs, No, I won't; not without you.

Ki... he started, but she immediately cut him off.

We leave together, or we won't leave at all, she declared, this time speaking with more power and determination.

It was pointless to argue with her once she had her mind so firmly set on something. He had learned this from experience. He would concede to her wishes, but it did not mean he would not worry.

Then... be careful, he cautioned.

He reached for her hand then and encircled his fingers in hers, squeezing them with what little strength he had left. She gave him a soft smile as her eyes began to burn once more, applying gentle pressure to his in return.

First, I am going to get you out of there, she decided.

Reluctantly pulling away from him, Ki stood to her feet and moved around the cage to where the door was located. She inspected it and was pleased, and relieved, to find it was secured with a padlock. This would be much easier for her to remove than if it had been built into the frame itself.

She raised an arm then and opened her palm flat in front of her, taking aim. Her body began to glow purple and a burst of fire suddenly shot forth from her hand. The lock quickly became an intense red as the Flamethrower superheated the metal.

Within moments, it began to melt until it was completely burned away. She was careful to avoid the smoldering puddle of molten steel on the floor as she wrenched open the cage door. The moment she set foot inside, she could feel the strong electrical current flowing through it. It made her hair stand up on end.

What the hell? she couldn't help exclaim.

Stardust... wait... Mewtwo tried to warn, The... cage... Damnit!

He snarled in frustation at his inept ability to communicate properly. He was so weak, even the use of telepathy was putting a strain on him. He had never felt so damn helpless in all of his life.

It's all right, she placated him, her voice low and soothing, I know... I know how difficult this is for you. I can hardly bear it myself, but we both have to keep calm. Please?

As his features softened, he suddenly seemed so frail, and it took every ounce of strength she had not to completely fall apart. She wouldn't know what she would do if he... Her heart contracted painfully at the prospect.

Swiftly pushing those emotions aside, she focused on his thoughts instead of what he couldn't speak. Immediately understanding, she started to search for the power supply. She spotted a series of cables mounted to the roof running from a large computer terminal.

Unwilling to risk both their safety, and even lives, she chose to leave the cage to reach them. She placed her hands on the electronics and unleashed a carefully controlled Discharge. The lights in the compound flickered with the sudden electrical surge as all the circuits, wires, and cables began to fry and short out. The air was soon filled with faint smoke and the fishy smell of melted, burning composites.

When she was certain she had effectively shut everything down, she returned to the cage and hurried to Mewtwo's side to free the Pokémon of his chains. She would have to work quickly. She didn't know how much time they had before Giovanni came to investigate. That was sure to have gotten his attention.

The restraints were woven in a manner which crisscrossed over his entire body several times. They were connected to the cuffs attached at his wrists, ankles and near the base of his tail, seriously compromising his movements. In fact, the shackles were so tight, the metal was biting into his flesh. Giovanni really was a sadistic, sick bastard.

Unfortunately, it would not be as easy to remove them as the padlock had been, designed with internal locks rather than external ones. She would have to cut them off, and this would be difficult as she couldn't rush through it. She had to be precise and careful so as not to injure him further. It would significantly slow down their progress, but it couldn't be avoided.

She simply refused to allow him to spend another moment longer trussed up like an animal.

She began to concentrate her psychic energy then to her hand, manipulating it until it formed into a purple blade. To say she was nervous would have been an understatement, but she forced herself to remain calm as she started first on the cuff around his tail. She was certain it was causing him the most discomfort given its close proximity to his nether regions.

With painstaking accurancy, the razor sharp Psycho Cut cleanly sliced the metal like a hot knife through butter. The instant it broke loose, he appeared to relax considerably, feeling relieved to have the pressure alleviated. He was beginning to chafe there.

She worked as quickly as she dared to release him from the other restraints. A knot of anxiety was rapidly growing in the pit of her stomach the longer time wore on. At any moment, she expected the Team Rocket leader to waltz in, and the chances of their escape would decrease dramatically.

Her sole concern was getting Mewtwo safely out and away from the facility, and to administer immediate medical attention. He was in a terrible state. He was suffering from electrical burns, partial paralysis, and a fever raged his ravaged body. His skin was alarmingly hot to the touch.

The last shackle was finally cast aside and the chains slumped to the floor with a metallic rattle. She ducked under one of his arms to drape it across her shoulders, wrapping an arm around his torso to support him as she helped him to stand. He gripped a cage bar with his other hand to use as an aid.

His whole body tingled as if it were trying to regain circulation in his limbs, but he still felt a numbness, especially in his legs. If it were not for Ki holding him upright, he was sure he would have already fallen flat on his face. He was essentially deadweight.

His height came at a major disadvantage now, forcing him to hunch over on her back heavily. He was dismayed to have them both placed in such a strenuous position, but she showed no signs she was in distress. He rested his chin then at her shoulder, leaning his head in to lay it against the side of hers for a few moments. She gave a bittersweet smile and gently nuzzled his cheek in return.

She could feel the immense pressure on her body, but she would not let it deter her. Even if she had to drag him out of here on nothing but sheer will and determination, she would. Nothing, or no one, was going to stop her.

Before they could take a step forward, however, she suddenly heard a smooth masculine voice that simultaneously froze and boiled her blood.

"I must insist you release that Pokémon at once, or suffer the consequence of your failure to comply."

Giovanni stood in the cage's threshold, effectively blocking their path. The silvery gleam of light bouncing off metal drew the young Psychic's attention in a new direction, and her heart almost stopped. Clutched firmly in the man's hand, was a .45 Colt Revolver.

There was a soft click, deafening in the silence, as he slowly cocked the hammer back. He left his finger off the trigger and relaxed for the moment, but his aim at the pair remained steady. Though, he wouldn't hesitate to shoot them at will.

Despite staring down the barrel of a gun, Ki's pertinaciousness only strengthened. Her emerald green eyes flashed with a fury unlike anything Mewtwo had ever seen in her before, and it was discomforting to him. He was uncertain of what her plan was, but he fervently hoped she would at least keep a level head. Now was not the time to think or act irrationally.

The role reversal was quite unprecedented and presented such an irony, he might have found it even amusing under different circumstances.

"You're a coward," she finally hissed at the Team Rocket leader, "Are you so afraid you would believe a gravely injured Pokémon and an unarmed woman poses a real threat to you?"

"My dear, I am many things, but a fool I am not," he retorted, "Regardless of Mewtwo's injuries, he is still a formidable and powerful force to be reckoned with."

"And you... you have been an ever increasing thorn in my side," he added, malevolently, "I don't know how you managed to free him, but this is as far as you go."

He paused a moment as a mixture of disgust and rage crossed his features. He seemed to struggle with the pent up emotions while trying to maintain some semblance of professionalism.

"When I hired you, it never would have occurred to me you would steal my own Pokémon from me and corrupt him through your "training"," he continued, "He's a weapon, a tool of war, and created for me to be at my disposal. He's an animal with no other purpose but to be controlled and most certainly is not your paramour to pander to your sexual fetishes."

Ki was well aware already of how he viewed Mewtwo, but it was no less distressing to hear. It only served to add more fuel to the inferno blazing within her. First Domino, and now Giovanni.

What right did they have to judge and meddle in her affairs?

Why couldn't anyone see the Pokémon the way she did? What did it matter of his appearance on the outside? He was as human as she was on the inside.

I... am not... some thing... you think... you can... do whatever... you wish... with... Mewtwo suddenly spoke up, his voice a low growl.

He ignored the pounding in his skull as he pushed past the barrier of pain. He was motivated by his growing ire. He would not remain silent any longer while this human continued to insult him, and now even had the audacity to attack his mate. That was unforgivable.

I... alone will... decide how... to live... my life... he pressed on, I... choose to... live it... with her.

He then lightly brushed his fingertips along the young woman's cheek in a loving caress as if to empathize his decision. She relished his touch, a warm, contented smile speading across her lips. She could not begin to describe how much joy she had in her heart to hear him say this.

Giovanni scowled at his words, blanching at the brazen display of affection shared between them. The Pokémon was still stubbornly defiant and the presence of that harlot was further compounding matters. He would remedy that soon enough, by removing her from the equation.

"You have made a very grave mistake, my friend," he informed, angrily, "You have sealed her fate and yours. I will break you yet."

He wrapped his finger around the gun's trigger and began to squeeze. In those heart pounding seconds, Ki didn't think, she only reacted.

All of a sudden, Mewtwo found himself being shoved with enough force to propell him to the other side of the cage. In the confusion, he managed to grab for the bars and hold on as he collided with them, slowing his descent to the floor. He was momentarily disoriented as his body exploded into a throbbing mass of agony.

He caught a glimpse of her small form bathed in golden yellow light rushing past him in a blur. Her lithe frame slammed the Wild Charge into the bigger, muscled man sending volts of electricity through his body. The shock caused him to jerk his arm upwards and inadvertently discharge the gun thereafter, the bullet lodging into the ceiling. A shower of debris rained down on them.

The weapon loosened from his grip as Giovanni landed on the ground, skidding across the floor out of his reach. Paralyzed and stunned, he could only stare at the young woman standing before him as the last tendrils of her powers vanished. He was unable to process what he had just become a witness to. His mind was simply rejecting it as nothing more than an optical illusion.

Yet, this excruciating pain he was currently in was certainly not imaginary.

Shortly after her induction, curiosity of her namesake had gotten the best of him and led to begin researching the Pokémon language. A language, he found, that had long been forgotten by all but a few ancients, including who was said to be the wisest; the Phantom Pokémon, Mew. The tomes were written centuries ago, but the deeper he dove into their depths, the more he suspected it was merely an elaborate fairytale.

It was said humans once possessed extraordinary powers and were thought to have descended from Pokémon themselves. He dismissed it at the time as nothing but the inane ramblings of a drunkard. Now, however, as he recalled those particular passages, he was convinced there was some truth to the lore after all.

Although her true heritage was still a mystery, Kikara had proven that beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Breathing heavily with the exertion, Ki braced herself for the inevitable aftermath of the attack. Even though she was mentally prepared for it, she still couldn't suppress the soft moan that escaped her throat as the recoil finally hit her body. She began to convulse with pain. Normally, she could tolerate it, but for some reason, the damage count was unusually high this time.

She sank to the floor on her knees, her legs refusing to support her any longer. She was sure she only need a few minutes to regain her bearings, but that was long enough for a new threat to emerge. She suddenly felt a cold, round steel object nearly boring a hole in the middle of her forehead.

The young Psychic lifted her eyes to meet the blond teenager's furious violet ones. Domino pressed the barrel of the gun harder against her skull, forcing Ki to tilt her head back at an uncomfortable angle.

"If you so much as twitch, I will blow your brains out, you freak," she spat, vehemently, "You'll become nothing but a smear on the wall, and there won't be enough pieces left of you for your former lover to pick up."

No! Mewtwo abruptly roared.

Instantly, he felt a new strength come over him as his desperation caused a surge of adrelanine to pump through his veins. His amethyst eyes began to glow with the signature blue color of his psychic energy. The walls and roof of the cage started to break apart around him, completely demolishing it.

Without missing a beat, he zeroed in on the Team Rocket elite officer and flew straight for her.

In a panic, Domino turned the gun on the Pokemon instead and disengaged it. Mewtwo quickly dodged the bullet and it struck the disabled computer terminal, further damaging the delicate electronics. The machine crackled and sputtered with sparks of electricity as it overloaded the already fried circuits.

He psychically wrenched the weapon from her, crushing the barrel inwards like a tin can. After flinging it a fair distance away, his hand grabbed for her neck and he squeezed it with both his powers and physical strength. She clawed at him frantically, struggling to free herself out of his chokehold.

I warned you I would teach you the meaning of respect if you did not treat her with such, he hissed, viciously.

Her flailing began to slow as her oxygen rapidly depleted. All the color was drained from her face and her lips started to turn blue. Moments later, he cast her limp body aside like a ragdoll.

The adrenaline in his system was finally running out, and he suddenly felt as if his body was made of lead. Everything was screaming relentlessly at him with pain. He was hot and cold at the same time, dizzy and shaky. At this point, he just wanted to curl up in his mate's arms and fall asleep for a few days, maybe a week.

He was so thoroughly exhausted.

I... am... ggglad... you... are... sssafe... Ssstardust... he stuttered.

He took a stumbling step towards to her, and abruptly his eyes rolled into the back of his head. There was a moment where he had the sensation his spirit had become separated from his body before blacking out. Forgetting her own pain in an instant, Ki sprang to her feet to catch him as he collapsed. She lowered him carefully to the ground in her arms.

Even unconscious, his brows were tightly knitted together in a sign he was in extreme agony. She laid a hand on his forehead and gently began stroking the feverish skin. It seemed to help as his tense muscles relaxed ever so slightly.

Her heart twisted in anguish as she reassessed his condition. He was deteriorating at an accelerated rate. If she failed to treat him within the next few hours, he would...

The sudden blaring of a fire alarm interrupted her thoughts. Her attention was redirected to the thick, black smoke spreading throughout the basement in a giant cloud. She quickly traced its source and found herself staring at a massive wall of fire where the terminal once stood. She realized the sparks must have ignited the bullet's powdery residue like striking a match.

The flames continued to climb higher, growing dangerously close to a main electrical breaker. If the blaze infiltrated that panel, the whole place would light up like a roman candle on the Fourth of July. It was one fireworks spectacular she didn't plan to stay around to watch. She needed to get them out of here now, before it was too late.

As if on cue, the building began to rumble as the first in what would be a series of explosions rocked it. Without sparing a single glance to the two prone figures lying on the floor, she teleported herself and the Pokémon out and away from the compound. It was not a moment too soon.

Outside, the very air seemed to tremble as the Team Rocket headquarters detonated with a thunderous eruption. Ki briefly paused to watch the burning wreckage, but it didn't bring the sense of satisfaction to her as it should have. While it appeared Giovanni and Domino had been successfully disposed of, she was unable to shake the feeling their threat was not completely eliminated. However, her troubled mind had far more important matters to worry about than the remote possibilty of anyone surviving.

With the aid of telekinesis, she swiftly carried Mewtwo north; to the one place she knew where it would be safe for them both to hide.