Chapter 1

Chiba Ryūnosuke and Hayami Rinka are your average middle school second years. They go to an elite school. Kunugigaoka Junior High School. Also known as Kunugigaoka Academy.

Chiba sighs from his seat and looks at his classmate who's name he doesn't even know "Don't worry. I can handle it. I'll finish your project after 3rd period. Can you meet me by the bulletin board after class? I need to work on my assignment too."

"You were supposed to have mine done this morning!"

"I know… I'm almost done. I just need a little more time."

"Just hurry up emo."

Chiba nods watching them leave.

In the class next door is Hayami who's dealing with the exact same problem.

She tucks her bangs behind her ear "I know I know. I'm finished already. I tried looking for you before class but I couldn't find you?"

Classmate "Good. You better get me an A."

Hayami nods "Its probably a 95% or so."

"Good. Later pigtails."

Hayami sighs as they leave.

That afternoon

Hayami sits down at her desk at home and pulls out her homework and begins working on it. Suddenly there's an explosion.

She looks out the window and sees a monster flying past. Her eyes go to her desk and she spots a black case.

'That definitely wasn't there a second ago?'

She opens it and is blinded by a light

A strange red and black creature appears from the red light "Hello. My name is Tikki!"

Hayami drops the box and gasps "What are you…"

The flouting creature smiles "I'm a kwamii! I can give you magical powers!"

She blinks "And why do I need that…?"

"To save the day! You saw that monster right? That's an akuma! A super villain! I don't have time to explain much right now but I can later! All you need to know right now is your weapon is a yo-yo, you're a super hero, your identity must remain unknown, you use your yo-yo to purify the akuma, your super power is lucky charm that will help you save everything, you have 5 minutes after using lucky charm before you detransform, and to transform you say 'Tikki spots on'!"

She blinks "I can save the people like this right?"

"Yes. Don't you want to know more?"

Hayami nods "Of course. But later. Whatever this is it needs to be handled now."

Tikki smiles "You also have a partner! Now transform!"

"Tikki spots on?"

Hayami stands up as her clothes are replaced with a polka dot hero costume "Ok this is really freaky… No time."

She jumps out her window and throws her yo-yo at a lamppost swinging herself over buildings.


Chiba "Nothing you said made sense."

The black kwamii shrugs "That's all the answer you get till I get some camembert cheese!"

Chiba "Ughhh… So you give me powers and I'm supposed to stop that monster?"


"Plagg get out of the trash! I thought you said you were a god like creature!"

Plagg "Just transform. Say Plagg Claws out!"

"Plagg Claws out!"

Chiba's school uniform is replaced with a black leather cat suit. His normally covered eyes are exposed and his hair is messy.

Chiba looks in the mirror and covers his eyes "Um… can you make it so my eyes are covered?"

Voice in his head "You gotta detransform kid."

He does and looks at Plagg "Was that you in my head?"

Plagg "Just retransform."

"Plagg Claws out?"

It's the same except know his eyes look more like cat eyes but are still red

Chiba sighs "I still don't like the color. But I guess I have to fight a villain. And I'm talking to myself… why is me talking to myself the least of my worries…"

He jumps out his windows and shoots himself across multiple buildings with his staff.

"This is awesome!!!" He thinks feeling the wind through his hair.

Suddenly he crashes into another hero

Hayami rubs her head "Ow… sorry about that. Err? Are you supposed to be my partner?"

Chiba stands up and offers his hand "My bad… I'm still learning the ropes. You must be the partner my kwamii told me about."

She nods "So you're a hero too?"

He nods doing finger guns "Yup! I'm a… Kuro Neko! Yea? Kuro Neko."

Hayami laughs lightly "Did you just come with that?"

He rubs his neck blushing faintly "Hehe… maybe…? I guess I'm just a little excited to have powers and a seemingly pawsome partner~?"

"Puns really? Hope that's not gonna be a permanent thing?"

"I think you purrmanet~ So partner? What's your hero name?"

She thinks for a moment "My name… hmm… Ladybug…?"

"Alright Ladybug. Let's go find this akuma!"

She nods and they're on their way to the akuma.

in battle*

Kuro dodges the hit "Cataclysm!!" He's about to touch the akuma when Ladybug stops him with her yo-yo and pulls him away

Ladybug "You can't do that! That's a person! Didn't your kwamii tell you anything?!"

"From my kwamii I learned more about Camembert than I did the akumas."

She sighs "The right hand! He hasn't opened it yet! The akuma must be in there."

He nods "You're right… how do we get him to open it?"

"Leave that to me! Lucky charm!"

Kuro smiles softly watching her look confused

Ladybug "A firework?"

Kuro "What're you supposed to do with that?"

She looks around and gets the idea.

"Just follow my lead Kuro Neko."

He nods following the plan

After battle

Ladybug releases the akuma and urns to the boy on the floor "What do we do with the boy…?"

Kuro shrugs and kneels beside the boy "Hey?"

He rubs his head "Who… where am I…? What happened?"

Kuro smiles "Doesn't matter. Point is you're safe now."

Ladybug kneels beside him "Let's get you back to where you belong boy."

He nods "Don't worry. I can find my way. Miss umm…"

Girl voice "No way!!! Super hero's!!!!"

All three look over there

Kuro "Is that Fuwa-san?"

Ladybug "You know her?"

Kuro panics slightly "I've seen her blogs here and there."

Fuwa runs over with her phone recording "OMG!!!! Super hero's!!! In Tokyo!!!! This is huge!!! What are your names?!?!"

Beep beep beep

Kuro Neko covers his ring and Ladybug covers her earrings


"And Kuro Neko. Gotta go!"

Both swings away

Kuro's about to go away but he turns to Ladybug "I hope we meet again Ladybug."

She smiles "Yea. I'm sure we will. With being super hero's and all."

He nods "Right. Supurr hero's."

Ladybug rolls her eyes swinging away.

Kuro smiles softly before leaving to detransform.

Chiba collapses on his bed "Plagg you have a lot of explaining to do. You coulda told me that the akuma's are people. And that cataclysm would KILL them?!"

Plagg shrugs "I figured you'd know that. I am the god of destruction after all? Of course your power will destroy anything you touch. Including living things."

Chiba runs his hand through the sides of his hair "Oh man… so if I mess up and touch someone?"

Plagg nods "Then suddenly its all 'Mr. Stark I don't feel so good'!"

Chiba groans laying back "That's a lot to take in- Wait did you just make a marvel reference?"

Plagg nods flying over to him "Yup! You can learn a thing or two from them! They know how to wreck things and save the day! Also what's with this stupid hairdo? You look sooooooooooo emo!!!!"

Chiba grabs his tail holding him "Must you criticize my hair for no reason?"

Plagg crosses his arms "Um? Yes! Because you won't get me any Camembert! Besides! Why'd you have freak when the costume showed your normal eyes?"

Chiba frowns "You know? For a self proclaimed god you're a lot more nosy than I expected."

Plagg shrugs flying out of his hands "I just wanna know why my new owner is so emo."

Chiba rolls his eyes "I don't like my eyes. They tend to intimidate people."

Plagg frowns "Understandable."

Chiba sighs doing other people's homework "So can you tell me about what I'm actually doing? And Ladybug?"

Plagg "Well. You have the power of destruction. Super power is Cataclysm. You destroy anything you touch including living things. It does affect you if you were to touch yourself. It won't disintegrated you but it will definitely break your bones."

"Would it hurt Ladybug?"

"Yes. It can destroy a miraculous too. You'd either kill Ladybug or seriously injure her."

Chiba sweats "So no pressure there… What else? Why do I have these powers and who sent you."

Plagg "Give me camembert if you want more answers."

Chiba groans "I don't think we have any. You're gonna have to deal with normal cheese till I go shopping tomorrow."

Plagg crosses his arms "Fine. I'll suffer…" 'he seems different from my past masters…'

Chiba nods getting up "Stay here."

Plagg hides in Chiba's pocket "I'll stay hidden. I need to know where the kitchen is!"

Chiba sighs "Just shut up."

He gets cheese and goes back to his room

"Eat up Plagg. Answer my questions know."

Plagg inhales the cheese "Look Chiba."

"How'd you know my name…"

Plagg "I'm magic. Your names Ryūnosuke but in Japan people go by their last names."

Chiba stares at him confused

Plagg "You also go by Ryuu or Ry at home. Dumb nicknames."

Chiba blushes softly "That's just what my family calls me… and only dad calls me Ry… How'd you know that though??"

"Magic. What was the first question again?"

"Why do I have these powers."

Plagg "To defeat Hawkmoth. He's a super villain who sends akuma's to evilize people to get your and Ladybug's miraculous."


Plagg nods "Yes that's what I said. You can't let him have your miraculous no matter what happens. And you can't let anyone know your identity. Not your friends or family or even Ladybug. You and Ladybug can't know who the other is."

Chiba sighs "The identity thing makes sense I guess. We need to protect people after all. But what happens if Hawkmoth gets one or both miraculous?"

"Dunno. But whoever has both can get ultimate power."

Chiba "Why me though? Who sent you."

Plagg hesitates "You were chosen. You're willing to sacrifice and destroy yourself for others. I was sent by the guardian. Anything else dealing with the guardian is above my rank. Kwamii's only know so much."

Chiba sighs rubbing his temples as Plagg flies around the room

Plagg "That cover everything Emo boy?"

Chiba's vain pops "My name's Chiba not Emo boy. And I guess that covers enough? You do realize I'm barely a teenager? I'm only 14? Ladybug seemed like she was 14 maybe 15 at most?"

Plagg shrugs "Don't know much about Ladybug personal. I know her powers and that stuff." Plagg lays down in the center of Chiba's bed going to sleep.

Chiba sighs looking at the strange creature "I can't be a hero though… I have homework… I hope Ladybug is able to handle this…"

Meanwhile Hayami

Hayami shakes her head "Can't. I have homework, other people's homework, and if my grades slip I'll end up in the End Class next year! Finals are in 2 months."

Tikki "You were chosen Rin-chan! You can't run from this!"

Hayami reaches for her ears "Yes. I can."

Tikki tries to stop her "Rin-chan! No!"

Hayami looks towards the voice seeing nothing "I'm sorry…" she takes out the other one and puts them back in the mystery box. Hayami hides the box in a drawer and continues her work.

End chapter

I've been wanting to do this for awhile [no lie it's been at least 7 months I just haven't]. Let's find out if I still suck ass or if I've gotten better at anything this past year!!!

Akuma suggestions for futures are welcome!