Izuku Midoriya wanted nothing more to disappear, to set out to do what he wanted to do. However, according to 80% of the population, this was a worthless endeavor. After a nasty encounter with an old friend gone wrong, it was only luck that he ran into Rias Gremory when he did.


"You need to be more realistic, Midoriya-kun."

Izuku Midoriya, a boy with green eyes and green hair, could only flinch. He was currently wearing a black middle school uniform, his yellow backpack in his lap. He looked down, unable to look the school counselor in the eyes as the man read over his high school applications, an obvious disturbed look on the man's face.

U.A High school-Hero Course

Shiketsu High school-Hero Course

Ketsubutsu Academy-Hero Course

"You're a smart boy, Midoriya." The man started off, but the greenette expected the "but" any second now. He had heard this spiel many times from many people, after all. "But you can't keep this up. You have so many options, you could do practically anything you want. However, being a Hero is not possible without a Quirk."

"B-but I won't know if I don't try, right?" The man pinched his nose, trying his best to be gentle with the boy.

"Why set yourself up for failure? Like I said before, you could apply for any other field at any school anywhere." There was only deafening silence, to which the man sighed once again. "I can't decline your applications, especially with grades such as yours. I'll turn them in, but remember that you can change your application anytime. You're free to go."

"Thank you." The boy muttered before walking out the office. As soon as the doors closed, he could barely contain that sob that escaped. Thankful that is still early in the morning and that no one was around yet, he hugged his bag and began a slow trek towards the bathroom, not bothering to wipe the tears that cascaded his freckled cheeks.

"Excuse me?"

Izuku yelped he collided into something soft, causing him to fall to the ground as well as the inner contents of his bag. Looking up, he could feel his jaw drop as looked at the person who he had ran into.

She was incredibly beautiful, a woman who had no equal. Long, crimson hair that seemed to radiate in the low light of the hallway, blue eyes staring at him with concern in them. From his position on the ground, it seemed like her long legs ran forever. Which was proven false, as he suddenly caught sight of black, lacy panties that made him go red and nosebleed. She was wearing a white, red and black uniform that he didn't recognize.

There was no way she was going to talk to him, so he frantically began to collect his fallen books and pencils, trying to avoid eye contact. However, much to his shock, she got on her knees and began to help him pick up his school supplies. From the close proximity, he was able to notice the ahoge on her head and the sweet smelling shampoo.

"S-sorry for running into you miss-!"

"Don't worry about." She said, her voice soft but confident. A small smile formed on her face as she stood up, his yellow backpack in her left hand, her right hand extended to help him up. He took it, and with a surprising amount of strength, she was able to easily lift him. Maybe a strength quirk, he thought to himself bitterly. "I am half to blame, after all. As you can probably tell, I don't go to school here so I was a little overwhelmed. My name is Rias Gremory, I attend Kuoh Academy in Kuoh, a pleasure to meet you."

"O-Oh, my name is Izuku Midoriya. I'm a student here at Aldera!" He couldn't help the stutter that came out. The fact that he was talking to an older girl, a seriously beautiful one at that, made him nervous. The girl giggled lightly from the stutter and shook his hand, making him realize that they were still holding hands. He noted that her hands was incredibly soft and dainty. "What brings you here, Gremory-san?"

"I am here for a presentation as a representative of Kuoh Academy. You'll probably see me again later today, Izuku-kun." He blushed once again as she used his first name affectionately. "If I don't mind me asking, do you have any schools in mind?"

The memories of encounter prior with his counselor brought a sour taste to his mouth, and he resisted the urge to began crying again. Instead he opted to lightly grip his left hand to suppress the shaking in them.

"I want to go to U.A High School."

The redhead was looking at him intently, surprised from the lack of stutter. However, she made no move to say anything as he looked down towards the tile floor, eyes shadowed by his hair.

"I always wanted to be a hero, since I've had reasoning." He spoke softly, almost inaudible, but she heard it clearly. "I admired heroes and I envied their quirks. It was always, "I want a quirk just like theirs!", but it never came. It was as if God was mocking me, laughing at my dreams. I wanted to be like All Might, someone who could smile at any situation. I want to be a hero that gives hope..."

"Then what's wrong?" His head snapped upward, tears rolling down his cheeks once again as he stared at her in shock. His bag was on the floor as she slightly bent down to his level, the smile on her face unwavering. "I believe you, Izuku-kun. You should always strive for what you want."

There, in the hallway, under the light of dawn his dream was rekindled. Tears rolled down his face as he began sobbing, not feeling the weight of his insecurities on his shoulder for once in life. She brought his head to her chest, but he couldn't bear to care about the embarrassing position. He continued to sob into his savior.

He had cried into the chest of Rias Gremory for what felt like an hour, before she gently parted from him. She had things to do, after all. Promising to talk to him later that day, she took off. As he sat in his seat in his homeroom, he felt light as a feather.

"This is your last year of middle school. It's about time you delinquents decide what you're going to do with your life. Although, it's obvious that most of you want to be heroes!" The class exploded in chatter, a myriad of people showing off their quirks. Izuku, who sat in the back, didn't do anything as he looked away. "With such amazing quirks, it's definitely possible... but that doesn't mean you can use them whenever you want!"

"Sensei!" An ashen blonde boy spoke up over the commotion, his red eyes not sparing a glance at those around him. "Don't compare me to these wannabes! I'm on an entirely different level than these losers!" Of course, those around him began to complain, but a sharp glare put them in their place, making him laugh.

"Ah, that's right. You were planning to join U.A., weren't you Bakugo-"

The chatter returned.

"Whoa, the number one Hero School in Japan? I heard the entrance exams were brutal!"

"As big of a dick as he is, he's pretty much a shoe in!"

"That's right, my goal is to be better than All Might himself and become number one! With a quirk like mine, there's no competit-"

"You also wanted to go, didn't you Midoriya?"

The silence was deafening as all eyes turned to him, making him shiver once again. He felt his face flush as they all started laughing at him, causing him to sink into his seat. The anxiety that he had felt earlier had hit like a truck.

"Midoriya?! No way!"

"Good grades are good and all, but that's not enough for the hero program!"

"It doesn't have to be the hero program, there's also Support and Management Depart-!"


Izuku yelped as an explosion was set off right in front of him, causing him to fall out of his seat. He cringed as he felt embers of his destroyed desk collide against his skin. He felt tears begin to form in his eyes as angry red eyes glared down at him, small explosions forming in Bakugo's hand.

"You're even worst than these rejects, you fucking loser! You think you can stand in the same ring as me, huh!? You don't even have a quirk, you damned nerd!"

"K-Kaachan, that's not it!" He tried to reason with him, but knew it was in vain. "I-It's just that I've always wanted to go since we were kids! It's where All Might went, after all..."

This seemed to have the opposite effect, as everyone began laughing at the boy again.

"Now, now, settle down you two." The teacher called out to them, not really looking too bothered by the exchange. "If you keep damaging school property, I'll have to send you to the principle's office."

Bakugou clicked his teeth as he backed off, unwilling to have anything go on his record. As the teacher continued talk, Izuku cradled his burned arm, feeling his heart drop once more as his classmates snickered around him. He saw there on the floor for the rest of the class, trying his best to ignore the burning glare aimed at him.

"We're not done here, Deku."

As soon as the teacher dismissed them, Katsuki made a beeline for him. With the facade of calmness, the blonde grabbed his Number 13 notebook from his hands. Standing up, the greenette tried grabbing it but the blonde pushed him down by the face, a sneering rising on his face. His three lackeys behind him only laugh, not at all disturbed by the display of bullying. The class around them paid them no mind, continuing talking with their respective cliques.

"You were right, Katsuki. What a nerd."

"For the future? Yeah right, keep dreaming loser."

Tears began to form in his eyes as Katsuki kept glaring at him. Without an ounce of remorse, the boy let an explosion off in between his hands. Without looking, he tossed the flaming book out the window.

"I'm not going to tell you again, Deku." The calmness in his voice was long gone, replaced with hostility as he looked down on the downed boy. He kicked him in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him. "You're not going to U.A. You're going to go to the teacher and take back your application. You're then going to get lost and go to whatever backwater school you apply to. Never think you got what it takes to stand in the same ring again, got it? If you want a quirk so bad, fucking swan dive off the roof and go to hell! Maybe then you'll be useful!"

Tears actually began to fall down his face as Katsuki began to walk away, his friends following him while laughing, showering the boy with praises. Katsuki was always rude and loud with his insults, but never this cruel. He grit his teeth as heard the giggles and talking behind his back. He wanted to say something, say anything to refute his childhood friend. To tell him he was wrong, to tell them that they all were wrong, but the words refused to escape his lips.

He didn't know how long he sat there in the fetal position, holding his stomach as he cried. The unfairness of the world, his insecurities, hit him like a truck. At that particular moment, he wanted nothing more than to die, to get away from it all.

"Why am I like this?"

Life wasn't fair. How did he, a boy who inspired to be a hero from the start, get unlucky enough to be quirkless?

"I'm afraid there's no hope for him."

"He posses no quirk at all."

"I'm sorry, Izuku. I'm sorry!"

"If you want a quirk so bad, fucking swan dive off the roof and go to hell!"

"...Would it really be that easy..?" Izuku muttered to himself, standing up from the floor. The words that reverberated through his head made his body feel like lead. Peering out the opened window, the boy felt no fear as he stared at the ground that was five stories beneath him. He briefly noticed that his notebook was completely thrown across campus. Of course, the blonde wouldn't be happy with just tossing it out the window. The green-haired boy could only look at it in sorrow.

Again, he asked himself, why was he always like this? Why were they all like this? Why was it like this?

"What a worthless kid..."

"Feel sorry for the mother."

He wordlessly slipped his shoes off his feet, the sound of his rapidly beating heart doing nothing to ease the whispers in his ear as he opened the window. The crisp, morning air collided with his face. It would of felt cold, but he only felt numb. He didn't know if it was his life flashing before his eyes, but he once again remembered everything leading up to this moment. Him being diagnosed quirkless, being bullied his so called friends, his mother crying into him, everything.

Without a second thought, he jumped.

Rias Gremory could only stare.

The High Class Devil was no stranger to death, especially considering that she was born with the Power of Destruction and her brother being the current Lucifer. However, she thought as she stared at the corpse laying on the ground, she was not use to people taking their own lives.

When she had met the green-haired boy earlier, she had thought he was cute. A younger boy lacking confidence, who couldn't look at her for more than a few seconds at time. He was a few centimeters shorter than her, which made him that much endearing. However, what attracted her the most was his latent potential. With just one conversation under his belt, it was obvious he had no quirk. But for a devil such as herself, it was easy to sense the Sacred Gear inside of him. With his massive aura, it was easy to tell it was strong.

Not that it'd do him any good, anymore, she thought bitterly to herself.

Even with her good intuition, she would of never guessed that such a cute boy was that troubled. She tried to reason that maybe it was murder, but she was confident in the barrier that she made. The only living things on the courtyard was him and her.

Her next question was what would she do next. The boy had chosen his answer, his way out. Would Rias truly be in the right if she resurrected him? If she was accurate in her quirkless assumption, all she had to do was convince him that he had survived the jump with a newly awaken quirk. She'd offer to train him and ease him into the fact that he was no longer human.

The second, and the hardest question, was what if that didn't matter. People who tended to suicide had a myriad of reasons for committing such a deed, not all easy to understand. She could doom him by bringing him into the world that he had completely rejected. He'd hate her for the rest of his eternity, doomed to be a Stray. It was not that uncommon for devils to kill their new master.


"I want to be a hero that gives hope!"

His sincerity in his dream, she'd help him realize it. It was at that moment that Rias made her decision. Reaching inside her pocket, the red-headed girl pulled out her a chess piece, a glowing red Pawn.

"I command thee, Izuku Midoriya, on my name as Rias Gremory, become my servant. Return to this land as a devil. You shall lead a new life with joy as my Pawn! However, much to her pleasant surprise, he didn't resurrect immediately as her piece sunk into her chest. Instead, she grabbed a couple more and continued pushing them into his chest.

It was only until her last pawn went into him that he started to breathe, entering the world of dreams instead of darkness. Despite her insecurities, she smiled and picked him up bridal style as the world glowed red.

It felt like a minute ago.

When Izuku woke up, he expected many things. He wasn't religious, so he didn't really believe that he'd end up in heaven or hell. Maybe some form of purgatory or eternal darkness. However, he thought as he sat up, he wasn't expecting to wake up in his room in his bed. Glancing towards his window, he saw the golden dusk seeping threw his All Might curtains.

"What is going on?" He muttered to himself, bringing his right arm to his forehead. As he did this, he realized three things in an instant. First, he was naked, which was very strange. He didn't sleep naked. Why was he naked? He tried to stand up, but paused as he felt weight pressed against him. Cold, unbridled terror filled him as he threw his blanket off of himself, prepared to defend himself. However, he was unprepared for what was waiting for him.

There was a naked girl on top of him.

The first two oddities were quickly forgotten as his face began to burn, nose bleeding. He didn't know how he didn't notice the weight before, but the red-haired girl from this morning was laying on top of him. Naked as the day she was born, her long legs tangled with his. Considering the situation, he wasn't bothered by the drool on his torso.

He tried to focus, thinking that he was having a dream. However, his mind only wondered back to the feeling of her ample chest pressed against his abdomen, his face flushing even more as he caught a glimpse of her of her posterior, lacking the black lace she was wearing earlier. What the hell was happening? His internal rambling halted as he heard her yawn softly, eyes flickering revealing gorgeous blue.

"Oh, are you awake now, Izuku-kun?"

The girl smiled sweetly as she sat up and stretched. Earlier she had concealed herself on him, but now she was displaying her voluptuous curves to him. He suddenly remembered that this was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen in his life as the glow of dusk covered her. For the first time since he had met her, he truly noticed her massive chest.

'O-oh my god, what do I do, what do I do? Someone, save me!'

"W-W-Why are you naked!"

Not exactly the first question he wanted to ask, but it flew out of his mouth before he could think. She gently grabbed him by the cheeks, his eyes going wide as her face grew closer and closer to his. Nervous as hell, he closed his eyes but was surprised as her forehead lightly collided into his. Opening his eyes, he saw her staring with a serious expression on her face.

"I'm sorry." There was a heavy tone to her normally light voice, making him look at her with curiosity. Despite the situation, he look her in the eyes and noticed they were watering slightly. "I'm so sorry."

"What's wrong, Gremory-san?"

"You jumped this morning."

He froze, the matter of the fact coming back to haunt him. The girl didn't break her gaze from him, a troubled look forming that didn't fit for her pretty face. His shaking came back full force, and attempted to grab his sides, but was halted as her hands suddenly clasped with his.

"I-I'm sorry if I troubled you." He bowed his head. "I'm assuming you saved me, thank you Gremory-san..."

Rias opened her mouth, looking like she wanted to say something more, but was interrupted as the door to his room flew open. His mother turned on the lights, purse in hand.

"Izuku, are you sleeping already this early? I'm about to start making-"

There was a pause as his mom froze, purse dropping to the floor. Izuku could only look at her with wide eyes, but Rias smiled at her sweetly, not at all bothered that she was straddling greenette. His blush returned with a vengeance now that he realized her naked bum was pressed into his groin. He could only imagine what his mom was thinking right now.

"Ah, welcome home Mother."




"Mom?!" He watched in shock as she didn't faint, instead opting to slam the door shut and running downstairs. He felt himself sweat drop as he heard yelling, she was most likely on the phone.

"Your mother is an interesting person." Rias couldn't help but giggle as she got off of him. Walking over towards a neatly folded pile of clothes, she began to put on her clothes, starting with the risque panties that he was constantly reminded of. From the pile she pulled out a large bra, holding it to her chest. Pushing her hair to the side, she looked towards him. "Can you hook me?"

Was this real life, he thought to himself as he shakily reached for the black strap. Somehow her back was just as sexy as her front, pale skin glistening in the dusk all the way from her revealed neck to her revealed posterior cleavage. As he grabbed the strap, he tried hooking several times, his hands betraying him every single time. After a moment, he was able to do it causing him to fall back into his bed, overheating.

"This is the weirdest day of my life." He muttered. "What is going on?"

"As I said before, you jumped." The tense atmosphere returned with a vengeance, Izuku looking away as she began buttoning her skirt. "You were lucky I heard your call, otherwise I wouldn't have known. I brought you back to life, but at a price."

"...Back to life?"

"Yes." She smiled at him, but he could see the doubt behind it. He saw that same smile every morning. "The price to bring you back wasn't cheap. You have completely lost your humanity. I am a devil and so are you."

Devil-like wings emerged from her back, making him back up slightly due to the sheer size of them. A myriad of emotions filled him.

Denial. He wanted to think that Rias Gremory was a liar. There was no way she a devil. She had to be delusional, still living with Eighth Grade Syndrome. She had to have saved him with her wing quirk. The reincarnation and devil spiel was bullshit.

Anger. What right did she have to save him, anyways. She didn't understood his situation in the slightest. She didn't understand the pitiful, disgusted looks that were thrown his way every day. The cruel words, hateful actions that other kids said and did to him. The bullying...

Acceptance. Finally, he realized he had no reason to be mad. Regardless of how he was saved, or reincarnated, he was breathing and he was able to see his mother again. Someone had went out of their way to talk to him. That same someone had told him he could be a hero, what was he doing thinking like this?

"I don't understand."

"I would be surprised if you did." During his entire inner monologue, Rias had finished getting dressed in her school uniform. "Devils, Angels, Fallen Angels all live in this world in secrecy. Even creatures such as Yokai and gods roam this earth. After a war between the three factions, Devils were at a all time low and birthrate was low. To counteract this, Beelzebub made the Evil Piece System, which I used to bring you back. However, I'll talk about that another time. What I want to talk about is your power."

He instinctively flinched, causing a frown to form on her face.

"I don't have a quirk." He said flatly, playing with his fingers. "I'm quirkless."

"I figured that was the case." She said quietly. "Would you like to talk about it?"

"Not really." There was silence once again, the red-head thankfully not pressing the issue. She took a seat on his desk, crossing her legs and arms. She glanced around at his All Might merchandise and memorabilia.

"You may not have a quirk, but you do have potential." He looked at her curiously. "Before the Evil Piece System, there was the Sacred Gear System. You see, humans were gifted something Sacred Gears by God as a way to create miracles." The redhead flinched at the word God. "And you, Izuku-kun, have a Sacred Gear. A strong one at that."

"Say I believe you." He really didn't want to doubt her, but he tried unlocking a quirk for almost his entire life, only to give up a couple of years ago. Why would that change? "How do I access this power?"

"Focus on your entire being, and then focus on what feels like the strongest part of your body. What is it that you want the most?"

"I'm afraid there's no hope for him."

To be a hero, he wanted to say out loud but he felt his resolve waver. He desperately wanted to hold out his right hand and proudly say he wanted to be a hero, akin to heroes back in those old comics. But doubt came back to him tenfold. Even if he had a power, what was to say that it was useful? Him being Deku wouldn't change at all and he would of just gotten his hopes up. He went to lower his hand, but was stopped as Rias clasped it with two hands. He looked at his hand with wide eyes before looking at her, noticing a smile on her face.

"Be who you want to be, don't let anyone hold you back anymore. Proudly say what you want to be."


"I'm sorry, Izuku. I'm sorry!"


"You need to be realistic, Midoriya-kun."

"I believe you, Izuku-kun."



From his hand, a red light emerged, making them close their eyes from the intense light. When it finally shimmered down, Izuku couldn't help but look at his hand in shock. Instead of his fleshy right hand, there was a red, metallic gauntlet covering it with a green gem in the middle. He stared at it, the rush of power he had obtained was gone as quick as it came.

"The Boosted Gear." Rias breathed out, but Izuku paid her no mind. Instead, focused on trying to contain the tears that threatened to come from his eyes. He had no idea what this Boosted Gear could do, but it filled him with hope. "The Boosted Gear is a special Sacred Gear, one of the thirteen Longinus that is said to be able to kill gods. It has the power to double your power every ten seconds."

"Boost my power every ten seconds?" He wiped the tears from his eyes and brought his left hand to his face, thinking out loud. "That's such an amazing ability, but it's kind of wasted on me. Two times zero is still zero, after all. So I have to train my body to an acceptable level for me to benefit from this. What is my lower limit, anyways? Whats my upper limit? Is there a limit?! There also must be a downside to this, now I'm thinking about. I don't think it's similar to a quirk, so how am I going to explain this? Oh man, Mom is going to freak even more than she already has..."

"Do you always mutter like that?" Rias asked with an amused smile on her face, still sitting on his desk. He blushed from embarrassment.

"Sorry, it's a bad habit."

"Don't worry about it." She just waved it off, not really bothered. "But almost everything you said was correct. I can see why your scores are the highest at your school. The only thing that you got wrong is that it's wasted on you, it was given to you for a reason after all. I personally think becoming a hero is the first step, my cute little servant."

"A hero?" He parroted. "You called me your servant. Doesn't that mean I have to serve you for eternity?"

"That depends on you. If you raise yourself through the ranks, you can eventually become your own master with your own servants. Or you can stay by my side for eternity." She winked at him, making him flush for the umpteenth time that day. "I want you to know whatever you decide, you have my full support. I'll help you realize your dreams."

This was a lot to take in, but he got the gist of it now. He jumped out the window of his school this morning, dying, and being reincarnated by the devil known as Rias Gremory as her servant. He apparently had a supposed god slaying weapon that could help him become a hero. Sure, losing his humanity sucked but he wasn't really missing out on anything.

"I..." He hesitated once again.

"Want to be a hero, right? Do your best, Izuku-kun."

"This still feels like a dream."

Believing they had talked enough, Rias had invited herself to dinner. Despite finding an older girl in her son's bed, his mom turned out to be alright with it. Which was surprising, considering the fuss she was making over the phone. He didn't think to ask her who she had called.

After managing to calm her down, which turned out way easier than he thought he would, his mother had sent him to store to buy the ingredients for katsudon. A day for celebration, she had said after he revealed to her his Sacred Gear. There were many tears and apologies between the two of them.

After that, his new master had explained to him that she was only sticking around the Shizuoka Prefecture until he was off to school, wherever that ended up being. Of course, she was going to train him in using his Boosted Gear whenever she could, as well as introducing him to her peerage. It wouldn't be easy, she had said with a smirk on her face. He wouldn't complain if it produced results.

He was interrupted from his thoughts as sirens began blaring almost right next to him, police cars speeding away. Not a second later, a huge explosion collapsed a building a block away, a plume of smoke emerging.

"A villain attack?" Glancing at the grocery list in his hand, he pocketed it and began a light jog until he reached a taped off street. His eyes sparkling as he noticed the four heroes on scene. He recognized the first three instantly as Kamui Woods, Backdraft and Death Arms.

However, he thought with amazement, he didn't recognize the towering giant that stood over the buildings around him. She was really pretty, he decided. With long, blonde hair that reached her waist, she had purple eyes that watched on the scene with a grimace. Her hero costume was composed a purple and tan body suit, with orange stripes. There was a mask on her face and horns on her head.

'Wow, I wonder what her quirk is! She's so tall, I wonder what her exact size is? Can you she control her size at will or is it a predetermined size? Either way, it doesn't look like she can do much here seeing how compact it is. Property damage must be a huge issue as well. Maybe she counteracts this by changing her size before she hits something? So many possibilities..!"

He was once again thrown out of his thoughts as another explosion emerged from the street, the wind managed to flutter his air. Looking at the actual scene, he felt his heart drop. There in the center of it all was a villain completely made out of slime with someone trapped inside. There was no mistaking the blonde hair and red eyes that he saw on a daily basis. At the sight of him, the boy shuttered and took a step back but froze as he saw the look of desperation on his face. He wanted to look away and go back home, to reject the person that bullied him on a daily basis. However...

"Do your best, Izuku-kun."

He grit his teeth and ran.

"Hey, kid. What are you doing?!"

"What the hell, it's dangerous out there!"

As he continued to run, he couldn't find the heart to stop, instead focusing on the rapidly approaching villain. As soon as the slime looked him, he instinctively summoned the Boosted Gear, feeling a small rush of power enter his frail body.


Katsuki looked at him with wide eyes, but he couldn't really focus on that right now as a tentacle slammed on the ground where he just was. He felt his heart race at the realization that the boost was the only reason he had dodged that attack, which would of surely killed him.

'Think, think! His body his body is viscous, but maybe he has a core or something? I don't have the time or power to find that! Maybe his eyes?' Heart still pounding, he finally decided to take a gamble. Grabbing a MAX coffee can from his bag, he threw it straight at the villain's eye with surprising accuracy, making the slime cry out in pain, proving his theory right. This allowed him to slacken his hold on his hostage.

"Deku, what the hell are you doing? What is that?!" The blonde teen roared, making small explosions in an attempt to free himself. The greenette hid the fright he felt at the moment with a wavy smile. "I don't need your help!"


"I don't know!" He spoke, tears falling from his face. He grabbed the boy to the best of his ability and pulled, but the slime wasn't letting go. He could hear the villain regaining it's senses. "I know you don't like me. I know you despise me... but... I couldn't just watch as no one helped you...!"

"I don't know who you are kid," The villain spoke for the first time, his reformed eyes looking at him anger. Izuku's eyes widened as he raised a giant hand to the sky, the telltale signs of sparking obvious. "But I'm going to enjoy blowing you to smithereens!"

"Kid, you have to get out of the way!"


He raised his arm to his face, praying that a third boost would at least keep him alive. Suddenly, to his surprise, a gust of wind managed to knock him to the ground. He made a silent gasp as All Might of all people was towering over him, a large smile on his face.

"No one here was able to act in someone else's time of need." He spoke, not at all bothered by the green slime that tried to grab him by the arm. Izuku's eyes sparkled as that same arm was cocked back. He instantly recognized the stance. "Except for you, a young middle school boy. Color me impressed! But no need to worry anymore. It's fine now. Why...? Because I am Here!"

Not too sure how far I'm going into this. Ironically enough, I started at the Sports Festival and finished it. Then I went back and wrote the start. I had a lot fun writing it, so I'll probably continue it. I just need to get a timeline of when both DxD and MHA events occur and I'll go for there.

Just putting it out there, it's going to be a IzukuxHarem. I am unsure if I'd Rias or not. I'm torn between her being an overprotective sister or a romantic interest down the road. Issei will still appear down the road. Thoughts on this?

Next chapter: Who

"Hey, hey, why do you look so constipated?"