"Kara, you're back?" Alura asked confused and relieved when she saw her daughter.

"I am."

"Is everything okay?"

"It's fine. We fought off the Kleeth who will hopefully stay away for awhile."

"The Kleeth?" Alura asked wide eyed. "Are you sure you aren't hurt?"

"I'm fine. So is Alex." Kara assured her. "I'm sorry for running off and making you worry but-"

"You couldn't leave your friends and family unprotected?" Alura finished for her.

"Yes." Kara said. "But as soon as it was safe I came back to tell you."

"Why didn't you ask for help?" Alura asked.

"It was my fight, not yours." Kara argued.

"Have you forgotten what that crest stands for?" Alura asked pointing to the coat of arms on Kara's chest.

"No." Kara said. "But some fights I have to fight alone."

"I pray to Rao that statement is never true." Alura countered before asking. "Are you sure you are okay?"

"I'm fine." Kara smiled before pulling an awkward face.

"So this is goodbye?" Alura guessed.

"I don't belong here. I tried, I really did. But my life is on Earth." Kara said sadly.

"I know." Alura said hugging her. "And I am so proud of the woman you have become."

"Thank you." Kara said clinging to her mother just as Clark ran into the room.

"Kara. Hey." He said coming to a stop.

"Kal. What's wrong?" She asked seeing how flustered he was looking.

"Lois has gone into labour. I need to find Jarin."

"I will fetch her." Alura said. "Stay with Lois."

"Thanks." He said hurrying back to his and Lois's room.


"You okay?" Kelly asked several days later as Alex paced up and down Kara's apartment.

"No. She should be back by now."

"Goodbyes take time." Eliza reminded her.

"What if something has happened?" Alex asked.

"It probably has. Lois has probably gone into labour." Eliza suggested.

"You're probably right. But still. She said she would be right back. How is this right back?" Alex asked.

"Could you not just go to Argo?" Brainy suggested.

"I don't want to push her." Alex said. "Or make her feel uncomfortable."

"Interesting." Brainy said.

"What?" Alex asked looking at him.

"You don't seem to care about not making the rest of us feel uncomfortable with your continual pacing and mood swings."

"Brainy." Nia hissed.

"What? Is she not making you feel uncomfortable?" Brainy asked.

"Well yes. But you don't need to say that." Nia said quietly.

"I'm sure she'll be home soon." J'onn said to Alex who seemed unconvinced.

"Maybe she'll come back when there is no risk of eating this." Eliza said lifting the jar of preprocessed cranberry source that Alex had picked up.

"What is wrong with it?" Alex asked. "It has cranberries in."


As Kara walked towards her apartment door she saw Lena pacing outside.

"Lena?" Kara asked, happy to see the CEO so close to her apartment.

"Kara. Hi. Alex invited me. I hope that's okay."

"Of course it is. I just thought you wouldn't want to see me."

"For the last few weeks I have been by myself and it's not been much fun." Lena said.

"Does this mean you are not mad at me?"

"No." Lena said. "But I lied about Kryptonite, I lied about the Harun-El and I lied about helping Lex. You forgave me for all of those. Not forgiving you would be hypocritical. Although right now I'm okay with that."

"So you are still mad at me?" Kara asked disappointed.

"Right now I am angry at everyone and everything, including myself." Lena said. "And I don't see how I can lose that anger. To start with I didn't want to as it made me focused and strong." She added before confessing. "But I really don't like being this angry all the time."

"I don't like you being angry either." Kara said. "I wish I could go back and change how I did things. But I can't. Well I probably can, I mean Barry seems to all the time, and I did with Reign, but I don't think it would be a great idea."

"You travelled back in time?" Lena asked eyes wide.

"Not so loud." Kara said. "No one knows. Not even Alex."

"To stop her finding out something about the future and causing a paradox?" Lena guessed.

"No. To stop her being mad at me." Kara said.

"For such a bad liar you are kind of a pathological liar." Lena mused.

"Kickboxing." Kara suddenly and randomly said.

"Excuse me?" Lena asked completely confused.

"You said you were angry at me, at Alex, at James at yourself." Kara said.

"Well, yes."

"Kickboxing." Kara repeated.

"Is this a Kryptonian version of Tourette's?" Lena asked still lost.

"No. You deal with your anger by locking it away in small boxes. But I kind of think you are probably running out of room in your head or whatever metaphorical place you put them in." Kara said before getting distracted and asking. "Where do you put them?"

"A vault." Lena replied.

"Makes sense. I mean you can lock that. But if they are locked away they are still there. They will eat you up until one day you snap. So, as someone way better than me once told me, you need to release it in a controlled way. So kickboxing."

"You kickbox?"

"No, I'd kill someone. I just used old cars as punchbags." Kara said. "But you, you could kickbox."

"I think you should stick to journalism not life coaching." Lena responded.

"You could spar with Alex." Kara suggested before thinking through the consequences. "Actually scrap that. But my point it you need to release at least some of the anger. Even if it is not the Kara caused anger."

"I will think about kickboxing." Lena assured her.

"Good." Kara smiled. "So are you coming in?"

"I'm not sure. There are a lot of people in that room I may not be that friendly towards."

"Doesn't matter. You shouldn't be alone." Kara said.

"I don't want to ruin the day. Especially for Eliza who has gone through a lot in the last few weeks."

"You won't."

"I can't guarantee that I wouldn't unleash some of my anger and not in a controlled way."

"It's Thanksgiving." Kara shrugged. "Did Winn never tell you what happened at his first Thanksgiving with us?"


"It was Danvageddon." Kara explained. "So we are so used to tension and anger and alcohol fuelled outbursts."

"It was fine last year." Lena pointed out.

"A complete anomaly." Kara assured her. "So will you come in?"

"Well I did bring cranberry source. It even has real cranberries in." Lena said. The comment causing Kara to smile before opening her front door.

"Kara. You're back." Alex said rushing over to hug her sister. "I've been so worried."

"Sorry. Lois had the baby and they wanted me to stay for the naming ritual." Kara explained as she hugged Alex. Once Alex had finally released her she went to Eliza and hugged her.

"Welcome home Sweetie." Eliza smiled into the hug. As she looked over Kara's shoulder she saw Lena loitering, looking uncomfortable by the door. Releasing her daughter she looked at the Luthor and said.

"Lena, I'm so glad you came."

"She brought cranberry source, with actual cranberries." Kara said.

"Mine has cranberries in. 40% of it is cranberries." Alex said.

"Yeah, but it looks like hospital food." Kelly pointed out as several fire trucks drove, sirens blaring, past the apartment.

Seeing Kara's torn expression Alex said.


"Really?" Kara asked.

"Go." Alex repeated.

Smiling Kara ripped off her shirt and flew from the apartment.

Moments later there was a knock at the door. Confused Alex looked through the peephole. Seeing who it was she glanced back into the apartment to make sure all looked well before opening the door.

"Colonel Haley?" Alex greeted not trying to hide her surprise.

"I'm sorry to disturb you on Thanksgiving." She said.

"Do you want to come in?" Alex said stepping away from the door.

"Thank you. Don't worry, I won't stay long. I have to go back to D.C., but before I left I wanted to give you an update." Haley said. "Stopping here seemed easier than calling you in."

"Thanks." Alex replied.

"Supergirl returned to Earth this morning. Hopefully it is for good this time."

"Hopefully." Alex agreed.

"The Kleeth ships are still in retreat. We picked up some encrypted radio chatter, which will be sent to your team for analysis." Haley went on. "The Kleeth prisoners are to remain under your jurisdiction. But the President is prepared to use them as a bargaining chip with the Kleeth. So please ensure they have a good impression of us. Or at least an impression of us that will deter future invasion attempts."

"Of course." Alex said.

"Your sister still hasn't returned?" Haley asked not seeing Kara in the crowded room.

"No." Alex said.

"We still aren't sure how safe it is." Eliza jumped in. "But she is hoping to return soon."

"I see. Well I hope you are reunited quickly. Speaking of which, I need to see my daughter before my flight. Goodbye Director Danvers." Haley said before leaving.


"Where'd everyone go?" Kara asked when she flew back into the apartment several hours later, returning from Supergirl duties.

"Home so they can lapse into their food comas in peace." Alex said.

"Then why are you two still here?" Kara asked.

"We didn't want you to be alone." Eliza replied. "And we thought you'd be hungry."

"Starving." Kara agreed as Eliza heated up some left overs. "How was Lena?" Kara asked.

"Well, by the time she left, she was talking to Brainy. Was almost civil to Nia. Reasonably friendly to Kelly and J'onn." Alex listed.


"If she had heat vision James may not have survived."

"Although she did invite him to go training with her tomorrow." Eliza added.

"Training? What kind of training?" Kara asked worried Lena was going to be beating James up.

"She didn't say. Why do you so worried?" Alex questioned.

"I may have suggested she take up kickboxing." Kara said.

"At least if James can't walk he can't be Guardian." Alex shrugged.

"More importantly how are you doing?" Eliza asked Kara.

"I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?"

"You had a huge fight with Lena, were nearly killed by Lex, banished to Argo then came back and fought an alien invasion." Alex listed.

"Yeah, but I'm back now and with my family." Kara responded. "I missed you guys so much."

"We missed you too." Eliza said as the microwave pinged. Releasing Kara Eliza collected the plate and handed it to Kara.

"This tastes so much better than when I reheat." Kara commented as she wolfed down the food.

"Don't eat so fast." Eliza warned.

"It won't do any good. She knows that is all that stands between her and pie." Alex pointed out.

"There's more pie?" Kara asked hopefully.

"Not if you choke on your first course." Eliza warned.

"I didn't." Kara said pointing to the empty plate. "Be right back." She said super speeding into her bedroom.

Moments later she returned in her pyjamas.

"How much are you planning on eating?" Alex asked.

"I just wanted to be comfortable. They don't really do pyjamas like this on Argo." Kara explained as Eliza handed her a plate of pie.

"So we were thinking of having a movie night." Alex said.

"You don't have to go?" Kara asked.

"Tonight is all about you." Eliza explained as Kara finished the pie.

"So movie night?" Kara asked.

"Film is already in." Alex said.

"Oh." Kara said guessing Alex had picked T2.

"Will you relax." Alex said as she tugged Kara down so she was sitting between Alex and Eliza. "Although I wanted T2, I know neither of you would appreciate it."

"So what is it?" Kara asked.

"Wizard of Oz."

"Really?" Kara asked excitedly.

"Really. But if either of you sing I will make it my life's goal to seek and destroy every copy of the movie that is in existence." Alex warned.

"No singing." Kara agreed relaxing into the hugs that both Eliza and Alex were giving her.

-The End

A/N: Thanks for reading and reviewing.