(A/N: Thank you so much to those who favorited and are following this story. I'm glad you guys liked the first part. ^_^)

Violet eyes slowly blinked open to be met with a pale blue ceiling. Irises entire form ached, but she felt as if she were lying on something soft. It didn't make any sense to the young girl at all. The last Iris remembered she had been walking through a cave with Chara before they both were falling down a hole. She should probably be dead right now or at least, laying on the ground.

Instead, she was on a rather comfy bed, and more than likely, in somebody's home. None of this made any sense to her at all.

"I'm so glad you woke up!"

At the unknown voice, Iris couldn't help but tense up, and she nervously shifted her gaze on the person the light, and childish voice had come from. Iris was met with a pair of the brightest green eyes that she had ever seen before in her life, but this wasn't what caused her to sit up rather quickly.

It was a child, but not any normal child. He was a...goat? A goat that stood on two legs and wore clothing almost eerily similar to Chara's...

"Wh-who are you?!" Iris stuttered out. She had almost asked him what was he, but she had stopped herself knowing even if she was frightened by her current situation, that would have been rude.

"Oh! You must be really confused right now!" the goat child gasped out, a shy, but friendly smile forming on his lips, a little fang sticking out of his mouth. "Howdy! My names Asriel! It's nice to meet you- Um, what's your name?"

Iris gripped onto the front of her dress as she nibbled on her lower lip. To be honest, Asriel was actually kind of cute when she thought about it. Especially when his head was tilted to the side while he was looking at her like she was the most interesting person he had ever seen before in his life.

And the feeling was mutual.

"...My names Iris. C-can you tell me where I am, Asriel? And where's Chara?" Iris asked in a meek voice, glancing around the moderate sized room where she was hoping to see her friend. He was better at dealing with weird situations like this a lot more than she was.

"Iris? Like the flower? That's pretty!" Asriel chirped out, his words causing the raven haired girl to very lightly blush in embarrassment. Though the smile that had been on his face faltered. "Your in the Underground. I found Chara and you just laying at my favorite spot in the ruins."

Asriel suddenly glanced up as if he were staring directly at the hole where he knew Chara and Iris had come from once again. "You both fell pretty far, so I'm glad the flowers broke your fall. Chara was awake so I brought him here to my house and mom is treating his injuries right now...But you wouldn't wake up, so my dad carried you here himself."

"Dad said there might be a chance you wouldn't wake up after a fall like that...So I'm really happy you did!" Asriel trailed off, having lowered his head, but he was soon looking up with a relieved expression.

Iris didn't know how to respond. At least it sounded like Chara was okay. But what was this Underground place that Asriel had mentioned?

"You and Chara are the first human's I've ever met before."

"Yeah...I've never met someone like you before either..." Iris admitted sheepishly while scratching at her pale cheek.

"You mean a monster?"

Irises pupils grew wide since it made sense now. Of course! Asriel was a monster! The war that had happened between human's and monsters was way before her time, but everyone in her village knew how human's had banished monster's from the surface world. And they had used magic to create a barrier to trap them and make sure they could never escape; an art that was completely lost to her race now.

She had always found the tale very sad. Did monsters really deserve to be forced from their world? And deep underground where they had to live in the dark...Iris had often wondered if the monsters had even managed to survive after the cruel fate that was decreed on them, but it seemed they had...

"But...how did I get past the barrier?" Iris pondered outloud, crossing her arms over her chest while she tilted her head from side to side.

"I-it's better if I let mom and dad tell you that..." Asriel spoke up in a quiet voice.

At the sound of the doorknob turning, both children perked up where Iris once again felt her body tense up in fear. Two figures were coming through the door, and they were anthropomorphic goat's just like Asriel. Yet they both were incredibly tale, taller than any human. They were truthfully a little terrfying. Especially the large male with his bulky body covered in golden armor and imposing curved horns.

"Asriel, dear. So this is where you've been," the female goat said in a kind, and rather motherly tone. "I know you're concerned about the child, but you might startle her once she awa-Oh!" The woman stopped herself when noticing that Iris was sitting up on the mattress, and she placed a hand on her chest that was covered by a dark purple robe. "I'm relieved to see that you've regained consciousness, my child. How do you feel?"

"Oh um, I feel okay. I guess..." Iris responded timidly, rubbing at the back of her head. When she saw a familiar figure walk out from behind the two monsters, Irises eyes lit up and she moved off the bed to run over to him. "Chara! I'm so glad to see you!"

The brown haired boy nodded, a small smile on his face. "For a moment there I thought you died on me. I guess you're not as weak as you look~" he trailed off rather playfully.

Iris pouted at Chara since shouldn't he be saying how happy he was that she was okay, not teasing her? Noticing that the male goat had crouched down close to the two of them, Iris couldn't help but squeak and hide behind Chara, this causing the boy to roll his red eyes.

"There's no need for you to be afraid, my child," he reassured with a deep chuckle. "We're not going to hurt you...My name is Asgore, and this is my wife, Toriel." Another chuckle left his lips seeing that Asriel had ran up to his mother who was gently running her fingers through the white wisp of fur on his head. "You've already met my son, Asriel."

Iris blinked slowly, realizing that it sounded like Asriel's mother and father had combined their own names to make his. Maybe some would find it lazy or bad naming on their part, but Iris found it to be kind of cute.

"I'm Iris. It's nice to meet you," the violet eyed girl greeted with a small smile, moving away from Chara slightly. Maybe these monsters weren't mean like she was afraid they might be. Toriel had even crouched down close to her husband where her incredibly soft paws were tracing over Irises arms where she had small scrapes and a few bruises.

"Hmm...Your body doesn't seem as injured the way Chara's body was, but you should still let me heal you," Toriel voiced gently.

Iris glanced over at Chara who was staring down at the ground, his bangs hiding his eyes, knowing most of the marks that had been on his body were ones made by his father...Yet it seemed he had kept this fact hidden from Toriel. It had taken a few years before Chara had even opened up to Iris about his difficult life...

When Iris noticed a light pink glow emanating from Toriel's hand, she gasped when it was placed on top of her head where a warm sensation spread throughout her form. Not only were the aches she felt beginning to fade, but the bruises and cuts her body had obtained from the fall were vanishing too.

"H-how did you do that?!" Iris whispered out, completely in awe.

Toriel lightly giggled at the young girl's expression, a smile forming on her muzzle. "Chara reacted almost the same way you did, though this is nothing more than a simple healing spell. Human's were quite capable of performing this encantation themselves from what I recall,"

"Not anymore. Human's are weak and only know how to use weapons or their fists to solve everything now..." Chara spoke up in a rather bitter tone.

Toriel frowned at this, sharing a look with her husband who's thick blond eyebrows had furrowed at these words. To them, it sounded like the boy held resentment toward his own kind. They couldn't understand how someone so young could even feel hatred...Unless, human's had become even more cruel than they had been in the past...

Asgore let out a gruff cough to clear the sudden stiff atmosphere before speaking. "After what the two of you have been through, I bet you've worked up an appetite. My wife makes some of the best snail pie in the entire kingdom. How would you like to try some?"

At these words, Chara stuck out his tongue while his face had grown slightly blue. "Snail pie...Yuck! That sounds really gross!"

"I have to agree with Chara..." Iris said softly, shivering at the idea of having to eat a bug.

"But snail pie is really good! You should both try it!" Asriel exclaimed with a grin, wiping at his mouth when a bit of drool leaked out.

Chara shook his head, one of his signature teasing smiles forming on his face. "Only someone weird who doesn't have any taste buds would say something like that~"

Asriel pouted at this, waving his arms up and down cutely. "Th-that's not very nice, Chara! I'm not weird!"

"Don't listen to him, Asriel. Chara's the only one here that's weird. He'd just eat chocolate if he could," Iris voiced, giving a small flick to the red eyed human's forehead and making him wince.

"No one asked for your opinion, stupid!" Chara huffed out, suddenly digging a closed fist roughly into Irises head which made the girl whine.

While Asgore looked confused, Toriel couldn't help but laugh. "I'm glad to see the three of you getting along so well," she hummed out, Asgore sending his wife a look since he wasn't certain if this is what you would exactly call 'getting along'. "If you're really so against that choice of pie, I can always make another. What about a cinnamon or butterscotch pie?"



Iris and Chara exchanged glares with each other, but grins were soon breaking out onto their faces where they cried out together, "Cinnamon and Butterscotch!"

"Cinnamon and Butterscotch it is, then." Toriel said cheerfully, surprising both children and making them blush when she was running her furred fingers through their hair. Almost like a mother would.

"For now, I'm sure you kids would like to rest. You'll be here for quite some time, so we'll prepare some rooms for you," Asgore spoke up, but noticing the narrowed eyed look his wife was suddenly sending him, he began to sweat.

Chara just shrugged his shoulders, the words he said causing both adults to look like they froze where they stood. "That's because of the barrier, right? We won't ever be able to leave this place,"

At Toriel and Asgore's shocked expressions, Iris clasped her hands together while quietly asking Chara, "I-is that true? We can't leave this place...?"

"Yes. I mean, if these guys can't leave, that mean's we can't either. Unless, the rules are different for humans?" Chara trailed off, placing a finger against the side of his mouth while his head cocked to the side in a rather innocent manner.

Toriel licked at her dry mouth, feeling stupified by this child's quick understanding of the situation he was in. Even more so, he didn't seem upset at all. "No...I mean, you are indeed correct...There's no-no way for you to leave the Underground...Aren't you...saddened by this, my children...?"

Shaking his head, Chara played with the golden heart locket he wore. "Not really. We don't have any parent's. My mother died when I was little, and Iris lost both of her parents as well in an accident...So, it's not like we have anyone to go back to..."

Asriel's long white ears seemed to droop even more when he heard these words, and he asked in a voice that could barely be made out, "T-then both of you don't have a family...?"

"N-no. We just have each other." Iris admitted in a cracked voice while staring down at her feet that were covered with a pair of black flats with little bows on them.

When tears started to form in her eyes, Iris quickly wiped at them with her arm, trying to stop herself from breaking down. It had taken her a year before she had overcome her grief, and Iris had promised herself she wouldn't cry ever again; that she'd become strong for her parents memories. Still, when realization that she was alone in this world without anyone to guide her depression would hit, and then the tears wouldn't stop.

While Chara wasn't the most affectionate person, she thought he was the one who had grabbed her hand. He sometimes would when he noticed she was scared or upset...But this one was far softer than a human's, and her still misty eyes glanced at the slightly shorter figure beside her to see that it had been Asriel. What was even more surprising, his green orbs were shimmering, almost as if he were about to start sobbing himself.

"Y-you don't have to be alone anymore! Chara and Iris can stay here with us, can't they mom? Dad?" Asriel declared, looking at his parents with still watery eyes, but a strong look of determination shone in his eyes.

To both Chara and Irises immense shock, Toriel had managed to scoop all three children into her surprisingly, strong and warm arms where she held them close to her form. And the humanoid animal said something neither child had ever expected they would hear. "Yes, my dear Asriel. Of course they may stay with us. Iris and Chara can become a part of our family."