Every so often, you will meet an individual who can only be described as magnetic. This sort of person can draw you in with a simple smile, filled with confidence and mystery, or a simple look that seems to promise the lure of something exquisite. Their walk is filled with purpose and their very aura is vibrant. Someone so enticing is never easy to forget, no matter how much time passes by.

The first time they met Sophia had been in the garden of Eden, they hadn't spoken to her, only watched as she glided through the lush vegetation, a robe of pure white clinging to her shoulders as wings fluttered in the gentle breeze, a strange silver tinge to the feathers. Beauty oozed from her like no other angel in their opinion.

"Have you spoken to her yet? Seems to me she's worth a quick natter"

"Don't be ridiculous, that's Sophia, angel of love. She's too busy filling the garden and the hearts of Adam and Eve. She hardly has the time for 'a quick natter' as you put it"

The demon smirked, rustling his black feathers and sending a meaningful glance to the angel as he stared of in indignation.

"That's probably gonna change pretty soon… Told me to come up and make some trouble after all"

The angel's eyes widened with worry as Sophia seemed to vanish and the next minute, she was in front of them, eyes burning with rage as she spoke to them for the first time, to the demon mostly much to the angel's annoyance.

"Right, you scaly bastard, what did you do!"

The next time they met was many years later. Aziraphale had been left as the host of heaven on earth and Crowley had been left to do his thing as well, occasionally carrying out his own demonic orders. They were watching in discomfort as the nails were hammered into the man upon the cross, his cried of 'father forgive them, they know not what they do' filling the air.

"Did you meet him?" whispered Aziraphale, wincing at the sound of the hammer hitting the final nail.

"Yes… bright young man. I showed him all the kingdoms of earth"

Crowley wasn't really paying much attention anymore, eyes catching sight of a lone woman walking, unnoticed, towards the crucifix. There was an unmistakable look of sheer annoyance on that pretty face.

"Why would you do that?"

"Well, he's a carpenter from galilee… not much opportunity for travel otherwise. What did he say to get everyone so riled up?"

Aziraphale sighed, not yet noticing the young woman as she seethed beneath the cross.

"Be kind to each other"

"Well that will do it"

There was a roar of exasperation, the humans around them only feeling it as a gust of strong wind as finally Aziraphale noticed Sophia, turned towards them and throwing her arms into the air.

"How am I meant to work on love amongst humans when they kill each other at the drop of a hat! Do you hear me you morons, give me a break here!"

Aziraphale broke out into a huge grin, happy to see another of his kind here as he gave a small wave to catch her attention.

"Sophia! Such a pleasant surprise, you look radiant as ever"

Blazing eyes turned on him as she stalked over, finally allowing humans to catch glimpse but otherwise pay her no mind.

"Why in all the kingdoms of heaven are our lot making my job a million times harder! 'Go spread love Sophia, show them that heaven holds them dear' I do as I'm told and no one thinks to mention 'hey, by the way, we're going to convince them to crucify our main human and have them do it to loads of others too', Gabriel is getting an earful when I get up there"

As an after thought she turned her back, facing to the sky and yelling for heaven to hear.

"When those bastards let me come back up!"

Aziraphale fidgeted as she sent waves towards heaven, a strange thought telling him that Gabriel was probably enjoying the attention. He'd hoped to avoid a telling off from Sophia, Crowley had not enjoyed it so much when she had turned her ire on him in Eden. But he couldn't deny that, even in her anger, she was a vision of beauty. Hair like fire and eyes of the greenest grass, skin sun kissed and petite in figure. Such a lovely little creature bestowed from heaven… Such a shame that her temper matched the fires of hell.

"From what I hear, heaven is letting you cool off after the shouting match you had with Gabriel last time over the whole arc business… Think he likes letting you simmer"

Aziraphale jabbed his elbow into the demons ribs, silently telling him to be quiet as Sophia turned once more, looking more peeved now than before, giving a huff and stomping off, yelling behind her as she went.

"Is that so Crowley, Well sod this for a game of soldiers. I'm getting drunk. You fools are free to join me"

Both angel and demon didn't need a second invitation, following behind as she muttered continuously, Crowley winking at Aziraphale and watching the angel blush slightly.

"Who'd have thought that the angel of love could be so feisty, makes sense, she's made sex a lot more active for both sides in the past few centuries… Now I get why Gabriel likes her so much"

Aziraphale scowled at that. Something about that particular angel getting his hands on Sophia seemed to leave a bad taste in his mouth. An unspoken mutual feeling seemed to pass over Crowley as well, he didn't really like the idea either.

"Catch up or I'll drink the whole inn before you get there!"

Her shout was like a turbo charge in their step, Crowley appreciating the way her hips swayed and Aziraphale blushing as every human that she walked past seemed to become overrun with love, grabbing onto the nearest body and acting upon the feeling. She was making a point and sending a silent 'screw you' towards the heavens. To hell if she'd play by their rules anymore. She was love and she was going to start acting on it as best she could.

One thing they had learned to expect from Sophia was that she liked to disappear from them for much longer than they disappeared from each other. She'd been gone for so long that both Aziraphale and Crowley thought she'd actually been recalled to heaven and been allowed to go to town on arguing with Gabriel about all the injustices in the world that made her job harder. It was a bit of a shock really when they'd discovered the reason why she could argue so freely with an arch angel. She wasn't far behind them in rank and just as needed. They'd always thought she was the same level as Aziraphale but with a much more volatile attitude.

The next time she reared her head had been during the witch burning years of England, during the late 1500's, dressed like a harlot of the streets, her breasts pushed up as she sauntered through the streets with all eyes on her.

"Well hello boys… fancy some fun?"

At first, his back to her, Aziraphale had turned to politely decline the wenches advances, only to splutter as she pressed up to him with a coy smile on her face, Crowley grinning madly at the change of attitude. That was something he'd been waiting to see. Millenia of raunchy sex and only an irate angel of love, who rarely showed a sexy side, to blame it on. This was definitely more like it.

"Sophia! This is hardly the behaviour of an angel of heaven!"

"I like it"

Aziraphale sent a seething glance at Crowley as Sophia sent an airy laugh his way, accepting Crowley's hand and instead pushing herself up against the demon, sparking a pang of jealousy through the angel as he scowled.

"Glad you like it Crowley, sweetie, I figured I'd have fun with my role, no point in being the angel of love if you can't participate every now and then"

"So, you've made an effort?"

Even Crowley was surprised, delighted but still shocked as she gave a wicked smirk and winked at him, hitching her skirt ever so slightly, showing the smallest bit of creamy ankle that could have stopped the heart of any human man during this century, and maybe more than a few other centuries in the future.

"That and some, I like it. So much better than constantly getting annoyed with the higher ups for the crappy orders. I'm doing things my way now, and its delectable… You should have seen the orgies of old Rome"

"Oh, I did, joined in once or twice too, didn't think it was directly because of you though, pretty one"

As Sophia and Crowley exchanged their memories of debauchery, Aziraphale felt himself getting more and more irate himself, suddenly feeling like he might rain brimstone down as the only thing he could think of sprang from his lips.


He'd shouted it far too loud, both Sophia and Crowley looking at him in mixed horror and annoyance as, quicker than they had thought, a mob gathered round them, pointing at Sophia and chanting that same word. They were charged by Aziraphale's ire even after the angel had realised his colossal cock-up, Sophia being dragged away for trial and inevitable sentencing as Crowley scowled at him.

"You realise you're a bloody idiot, right? You've just sent the angel of love, the moodiest bitch in the history of everything, to burn at the stake. She'll be discorporated, sent back to heaven for a new body, fight the toss with Gabriel for a bit and then, after all the paperwork, she'll have a real bone to pick with you when she'd sent back"

"Oh… bugger"

It was the sixties. Time of free love, drugs and great music. A time to fight against the man for a better world. Aziraphale liked to think that it was something good on heaven's part, shame that hell had to spoil it all with sexual disease and political angst. The only issue was that, neither he nor Crowley had since Sophia since she'd been discorporated at the stake. Had she been permanently kept in heaven? No new body for the raunchy little angel of love on account of bad behaviour. Somehow, he got the feeling that that wasn't the reason.

He was sat in his bookshop, happily sharing a bottle of wine with Crowley when it had happened, the demon suddenly laughing out loud as he pointed at the window, mirth in his eyes as Aziraphale turned to look, his face going pale at the sight.

"Looks like you have your punishment, angel"

Outside was a young woman. Beautiful, flaming red hair and eyes like a emeralds, small in figure but her breasts were a little more prominent than last he'd seen, she was dressed in the most UpToDate fashion of Twiggy as she stared angrily through the window at Aziraphale, sending more than a few rude gestures his way before flicking her wrist and appearing right in front of them both.

"Well hell, pretty one, you look totally bodacious in your new body"

"New body my arse you demonic prick! Same bloody body, different fashion sense. Aziraphale! What the hell do you think you were playing at sending me to the stake! Do you want to know what happened when I got back to heaven!"

She was seething in all her glory, more annoyed than she'd ever been, leaning over Aziraphale as the angel slouched and met her eyes tentatively. Crowley was quite enjoying the view from up her skirt. Still making an effort it seemed.

Aziraphale tried to give an answer but was cut short. She was in no mood for his fancy words.

"As soon as I got back to heaven, Gabriel was more than happy to meet with me! I tried giving that douche a piece of my mind, instead he tried to grab a piece of my arse! I have spent nearly four hundred years with him acting like a rutting bull! It's only because this decade is so keen on love that I got free you bastard! Do you realise that Gabriel was happy to keep me there until he got his end away, it'd only because the higher ups wanted an actual representative of love on earth that I got away from that dick!"


She sent a perplexed look towards Crowley for his comment, knowing that it was just his nature to make comments like that and didn't truly deserve a telling off, flicked her wrist once more and summoned an armchair perfectly matched to the ones that Aziraphale and Crowley sat in as she shot daggers at the poor angel who currently looked very sorry, for both her and he.

"I really am sorry, dear. I panicked at the sight of you in such promiscuity, you really are classier than that, and let slip the first word that came to mind. It didn't occur to me that you'd actually be burnt until it was too late"

"So, you're telling me that I got discorporated because you're a bloody prude?"

And then she was laughing, full and enchanting as she summoned a glass from his cabinet and filled it from the bottle that sat on the table. Sat in the wingback with a glass of red in her hand, she looked like desire personified, her dress skirt was tight and showing beautifully long legs that led up to the promise of so much more if she'd move only slightly to the left, her pretty breasts bound tight by the dress top with just enough cleavage to promise so much more. How in any level of heaven or hell was she classed as an angel when she looked far more tempting than any demon could?

"God Zira, have you seen what's going on around you? Sex is the fashion and fashion is everything, I'm at my height now. You thought I was naughty then; you should see the things I've come up with now. Love is all around and that's why they sent me back, to manage it and go to town"

She took a sip of the wine, both Aziraphale and Crowley shifting in their seat at the sight of her swallowing the liquid, a soft moan drifting from her lips and a dainty tongue flicking out to catch a droplet on her lip. She was feminine, always had been, and now they were beginning to realise that they were definitely male. Even without making the effort to summon the equipment. It was only an afterthought that Aziraphale realised she'd used a nickname for him, just like Crowley did.

"So… So, you were behind Woodstock, dear?"

That lovely little laugh again, airy and full of promise. She was looking at Aziraphale, her eyes seemed darker and so much more enticing as she traced the lip of her wine glass against her own lower lip. So delectable, how did heaven condone such behaviour from one of their own?

"Of course it was me, my sweet Zira, I've been so busy spreading love and the joy of sex these past few years, really takes it out of a girl, you know. It's a miracle that I've found time to come and spend time with my favourite pair at all… I do love being around you, it's so easy to let go"

She was on her feet once more, the content of her glass disappearing down her throat before placing the item down and extending her hands to both of them, a lovely smile on her lips. A spark lit in them both at her words, she liked them above any others. She actually wanted to spend time with them regardless of how busy she was in this decade. It didn't even matter to her that one of the pair was a demon. She loved to be with them both, it felt so good.

"Come on, lovelies, I want to show you my new venture on earth… A little ruse to play human whilst I'm here"

They both took her hand, a jolt shooting through them at the smallest touch, feeling them both suddenly make the effort to form male parts as she led them from the little bookshop, Aziraphale still feeling slightly nervous. This didn't feel like punishment for putting her to the stake by accident… What was she planning?

"Don't worry, sweet angel… I'll get my vengeance in a way more fitting for me. For now, I want to show you a world of fine cuisine and exquisite fun"

So, wanted to get back into something that excited me. Let me know what you think, all comments are appreciated. Let me know if you want to see more and, if you do, what do you want to see.

Much love,

Thecrimsondagger xx