Chapter 3:

Serena took a taxi to the airport. It was stuffy in there, and the cabbie's Snubbul kept looking at her funny. But it was fast and relatively cheap. The cabbie nearly hit multiple cars on the way there but Serena pretended not to notice. She had to think of what she would do once she got to Hoenn.

"We're theya!" The cabbie said in a strong accent. "Pay up lady and get outta ma car! Your stinkin' it up with yo nastay perfume!"

It's called deodorant, Serena thought as she climbed out of the vehicle, maybe you could try it sometime, because you smell like a freaking Trubbish!

The cabbie sped off almost hitting a Fletchling in flight. The Fletchling chirped angrily before flying to its nest on top of a telephone pole.

Serena walked to the ticket booth and showed her reservation ticket to the Officer Jenny manning the booth. The Officer Jenny signed the ticket and pointed Serena towards a plane in the back of the airfield. It looked a bit run down, but Serena thought it would be okay.

She walked up to the plane. There was a younger man in uniform standing by it. Serena walked up to him.

"What's the story?" Serena asked him, "What do you mean by experimental?" The man gestured to her to come into the plane. They both walked into the plane. It was filled with boxes of berries and confections exclusive to the Kalos region.

"I'm a pilot that ferries berries and confectionaries between the Kalos and Hoenn regions," The pilot explained, "I needed a bit of extra money, so I thought I'd take a passenger as well." He pointed her to the back of the plane where a makeshift airplane seat was fashioned between some crates.

"Are you sure this is safe?" Serena asked dubiously, "Where are the seatbelts?"

"Ah!" The pilot said with a smile, "That's where the fun part comes in," The pilot pulled a Pokéball out of his jacket and tossed it to the ground. An Ekans popped out.

"Ekans!" Ekans hissed.

"Ekans will serve as your seatbelt for the journey. I promise that it doesn't bite." The pilot said.

"Okay," Serena said, "When will we get there?"

"We'll get there when we get there," The pilot said walking to the cockpit, "Now buckle up! We haven't a moment to lose!"