My previously winced eyes slowly opened when I realized what had not happened. I was laying on the ground with my arm still protectively raised up in front of me. I fell backwards but nothing happened to me…. nothing happened. That's when I heard the sound of her heaving heavily.

My eyes grew larger than they ever had before. There, standing protectively ahead of me was a girl, a woman. I didn't see her face; the hood of her light pink hoodie was up. All I saw was a few strands of very long brown hair waving out in front of her. She was clutching at her front; a pool of blood beginning to drip down her sides, coagulating around her feet. The two men who just stabbed her looked mortified.

"Dude, do you know who she is?!" She…. saved me. "Oh hell! We're done for!" She got in the way just now; I…. I didn't even see her standing there. "What should we do?! Take her to the hospital?!" "It's too late for that! Come on, let's get outta here before the others catch us!" She jumped in the way, getting stabbed instead of me. And I didn't even know what she looked like…. I couldn't see her face. She somehow managed to take off before I could stop her; see her… I tried to catch up, to find her, but I never did. And she's haunted me ever since.

The faceless angel who saved me.

Eight Years Later:

I came through the front doors of the manor house. I didn't come here often; Daddy installed me in my own apartment in a fancy neighbour across town. And I didn't like coming here either; I only did when Daddy summoned me to see him. He'd usually come see me on more casual occasions. The "family" butler held the office door open for me. "This way, Miss Steele." "Thanks, Jerome," I grinned back at him before going inside. Daddy was sitting at his place by the gigantic fireplace at the one side of his study. He smiled up at me and set down his brandy.

"Hello, sweetheart," Daddy came over to give me a big hug. "Hi, Daddy," I embraced him back. We got the formalities quickly out of the way and he went to sit behind his large, dark-wood desk. He took out a thick, brown envelop and slid it in my direction. "You're tuition. Go put it in the bank tomorrow and then transfer it to your UK account." "Thanks, Daddy…. But you really don't have to do this." "Course I do. It was my idea that you go to university in the first place." "Undergrad, but not PhD," I countered softly. He looked at me for a moment, then smiled. "It's good you're in school; makes you look normal." "I am normal, Daddy. I'm just a postgrad." "For now, maybe. But I'll be retiring sooner than later. It's time we start thinking about things, sugar."

My smile began to fade. Ever since I was small, Daddy wanted me to take his place as head of his mob. Of course there was the obvious problem that I was a girl, but seeing as I was Daddy's only child, he fought it tooth and nail. It didn't matter how I felt about the situation; this was all preordained for me…. Despite me wanting nothing to do the mob. I was getting a PhD in literature; I wanted to be a writer…. In other words, I didn't see myself living the mob-life, especially as the head of it. Daddy, on the other hand…..

"Daddy, I already told you. I don't want to be head of the mob; that's not for me." "Sure, it is; you're my daughter. They'll accept it eventually. And besides, it's the most protective spot for you," his eyes started to narrow onto me. "I don't want to be protected; I want an ordinary life. I don't want to be in a position where I have to be protected." "Oh, it's already way too late for that; that was sealed the day you were born. You're my daughter, Ana; that's enough for any rival gang, whether I'm still in charge or not." "Then I'll move; I don't have to stay in the city." "It doesn't work like that, sweetheart. Once in a gang, always in a gang." "But I'm not in the gang!" "You're my daughter; that's practically sufficient. Come on, Ana; don't make this harder than it already is," he leaned back in his chair and clasped the bridge of his nose.

No… just no. I wasn't about to let my father's profession dictate my life. I never signed up for that. I drew a deep, deep breath; my hands balled into fist. "No, Daddy; I'm not going to do it. I wasn't made to lead anyone, and I definitely wasn't made for this. You'll just have to find someone else to replace you." His glaze immediately sharpened on me; he was visibly annoyed. "I don't care if you can lead or not. The safest place for you is here like this. I don't want anything to happen to you, Anastasia. And you know better than anyone how dangerous it is for people like us. You were stabbed once already, remember?" My lips tightened. Of course I remember that; I still have the scar….

"Ana, the sooner you come to terms with things, the better. This isn't a punishment; I just want what's best for you. We can't rely on police protection; it goes far deeper than anywhere they can reach. You're going to replace me, Anastasia." "No, I'm not." "Then you're going to marry whoever does! No matter what, you need to stay at the center; you're my daughter. Do you have any idea the target that paints on your back? It's your choice, kiddo; either you succeed me or marry the man who does.

That's the best way to keep you safe now."