A/N: Hello everyone!

Firstly, thank you so much for visiting my story! I have to say, I'm super nervous to finally be posting this fic. I kid you not, when I say that it's been in the works for… over a year now? I conceptualized the plot long before Kingdom Heart's 3's release, and while it's undergone a lot of change in the last six months, I finally feel like I'm at a point that I can start sharing it!

Firstly, this is planned to be a four act story; it takes place right after the ending of KH3, coinciding with all canon material released as of 6/7/19—meaning there'll, obviously, be an abundance of spoilers. If you haven't beaten Kingdom Hearts 3 (and seen the secret ending,) I sincerely urge you to do so before reading!

This story will feature the all-star cast, with background characters and interactions—however focusing primarily on Riku, Kairi, and their relationship. This is in no way meant to put the ending to KH3 to shame—but rather shed light on a connection so very often overlooked in the series. It's a huge shame to me as a RiKai fan, as—even in our prologue here, I reference multiple accounts of canon material to support the ship. On a similar note, I'll be taking from all forms of official media to support my story, including the games, novels, and the manga. For those interested in citations of these mentioned instances, I'll be sharing sources in the chapter's ending notes. All art featured in this work was draw by me!

I know RiKai isn't the most popular pairing in the fandom, but it's so very close to my heart and important to me. Whether you're already a fan, or just reading out of curiosity, I really hope that I can shed light on their beautiful relationship.

Thank you so much for your interest, and reviews are always appreciated!


The otherwise barren and silent streets were abruptly laden with his presence; his pace echoed up one sky-scraper to the next, haste was heard clear within his footsteps. The darkened roads were all-too familiar, as was the dread they left him to feel—though the magnitude of such seemed more desolate now than ever before. He needn't think critically to ascertain why, as it was, after all, the very same reason he found himself in the despondent mid-realm to begin with.

While he'd spent more than enough time in this place to know his way around, it was ultimately his heart's instinct that drew him to the light in the dark—that which seemed to illuminate the entire city. Incidentally, no, it wasn't the over-sized screens looming ominously above the urban clearing he'd come to. He called out her name the moment he caught even the most vague glimpse of her silhouette.


Panting heavily, his fleet came to a halt. He stopped a league away from her, a path between them very much existent. She, too, froze in place, and after a moment, he could've sworn he'd heard her whisper his name in response.


Ultimately, however, the truth of the fact was left uncertain to him, as he didn't get a chance to even attempt a reply. The very second she'd heard his step so much as shuffle again—Kairi's voice ascended unmistakable this time. "Stop!" she commanded in an assertive tone. It was one he'd come to know personally from days much more light-hearted... yeah, he could still hear that admirable, headstrong little girl, even now. Unintentionally obedient (clearly, to a fault,) he halted again by her word, though he found himself unable to listen to her demands in full, as she went on sternly to shout, "Go back!"

He was caught somewhat off-guard—though he knew he certainly shouldn't have been. Honestly, he felt it'd be more surprising for her to say anything else. His expression twisted in the slightest, weakness growing apparent upon his visage. "No," replied Riku firmly, "not until you tell me why you came here," —on her own, no less. Her answer was as cold as her shoulder.

"It doesn't concern you."

Such assuredness was unnerving, if only on account of the person expressing the sentiment. He almost wondered how she could say such a thing, but the falsehood in her tone was unmistakable. Her response was hesitation in silence... but he heard the truth. "Please..." he said. The heavy sound of his heels once more filled the air—growing louder as he began to draw closer. He had a feeling he'd again face disregard; he knew she'd try to persuade his leave yet. On the contrary, however, very much to his surprise—his advancement was, indeed, cut short again... though it wasn't words that stopped him this time.

A metallic sonance filled the clearing; in her hand materialized Destiny's Embrace. She pivoted on her heel, pointing her Keyblade in his direction. The notion was met with a wide-eyed stare of alarm on his part. "Don't," she gave her warning in a lowered voice. While her single syllable was certainly vague, he'd understood her meaning, loud and clear.

Before now, he'd never felt so defenseless at the end of a Keyblade's forté; without yet even the slightest notion of contact, its pressure was unrelenting. There were so many questions in his mind, but he wasn't sure where to start—or if he even wanted to. Regardless, ignorance certainly felt nothing akin to bliss.

"Why...?" his inquiry finally surfaced, though it came out more as a plea. "Why does it have to be like this?" Even as he thought upon everything that'd led them to the moment, he was truly perplexed. Hadn't he done... everything in his power to avoid something like this again? What decisions were made to get them back to this point? Incidentally, his answer wasn't unlike her own. In fact, it was almost as if she'd taken the words right out of his mouth.

"Because, I... I have," her wavering voice seemed to get caught in her throat, though she didn't stop till she forced it to semblance, "...I have to protect the things that matter."

Unsure if it was on account of the fact itself, or because that was her answer—but it was as if he could once more feel her being, cold and lifeless, resting within his arm. Undoubtedly, it came with the reminder of how empty his heart felt, after she'd lost her's.

Even back then, it was his lust for wonder that caused her suspended demise—the reason it'd been submerged in a darkness so much deeper than that found within The World That Never Was. It was on him—and not just as her friend... though, right now, he questioned if he'd ever really had the right to call himself that. He recalled that night on Hook's ship, and later as they'd fled to Big Ben. He'd attempted what he knew to be an impossible grasp towards the night's sky, the moon; it was as if he was trying to take hold of something far out of his reach. Befittingly, when he turned back to her (only a few feet away) that feeling of longing only ran deeper and deeper. Even back then, he knew she was something he could never truly call his.

But... did that matter, really?

Even back then, it was his lust for wonder that ultimately lost her heart—the reason she'd been submerged in a darkness so much deeper than that found within The World That Never Was. It was on him—and not just as her friend... though, right now, he questioned if he'd ever really had the right to call himself the time, he wasn't sure; truthfully, he was too immature to have thought about it. He was consumed with jealousy, unable to think upon his truest desires. He never really asked himself what was he really trying to accomplish by saving her. However ironically, it was the one whom ignited his envy that eventually helped him realize the answer. From way back then, to the given moment, all he wanted—all he ever wanted, was just for her to be safe. Never again did he want to see her hurt, in any manner, be it physically, or at heart. All he did was in attempt to spare her distress.

...So, why was it that, now, a luminous glimmer radiated around his raising grip? Why was it that the hilt of his own Keyblade had materialized within his hold? For that exact same reason as her, it would happen; she had to protect the things that mattered.

"So do I."

An agonized expression grew plain on her face, her eyelids drew to an abrupt and firm close. Incidentally, on any other day, she'd never have to so much as cast her gaze upon him again, should she wish. (Were it up to him, in fact, he'd have almost encouraged such to be the case—as in the past, he'd certainly tried.)

"Don't make me do this," she whispered.

"I'm not," he replied sympathetically. She had more than a single option before her.

He supposed it hypocritical to detest the sight of her Keyblade within the present moment, as he'd long since convinced himself that she deserved better than a life with him in it to any extent—be it neither small, nor large. He'd done so much to keep her at a comfortable distance, if only subtly. Every time, she's always send herself effortlessly back to his heart. It was no coincidence that any chance he'd near lost himself to the dark, she'd save him just the same.

It was true, that he'd given his heart to darkness in hopes of saving her's, and while Ansem may have taken his body—his feelings for her gave him the smallest semblance of control at the necessary moment. The Seeker of Darkness may have been able to control him in near-any situation otherwise, such as assaulting his former ally, or releasing darkness upon the realm of light—but... he'd sworn to himself, that his physical being wouldn't lay a malicious hand upon Kairi.

But she wasn't that fragile little girl anymore, and keeping her safe wasn't as "simple", now. For someone who supposedly cared so much for her and never wanted to let her hurt—he was, near ironically, the reason for so much of the pain she'd felt, and all the difficult decisions forced upon her.

"Go back. Please, just go back," she begged. On the contrary, a similar, yet distinctly different voice was an echo within his mind: Save her. Please, save me.

The term shadow was gainsay, as even that part of her was somehow radiant; she was a beacon yet to guide him, just as she had in the past. There's no power that can defeat you. Not the light, nor the dark, urged her faux visage. It was then that he'd realized the strength he was meant to conquer, and it was all thanks to her other persona... though, he felt it more-so to say, it was thanks to her as a whole. She and her Nobody were—after all—two sides of the same coin, and gratitude reflected every part of her heart.

And, in an almost poetic, bittersweet fashion, the other half of his heart felt the same way for hers. Knowing the same respect would be returned, Riku wouldn't have ever dreamed of stopping his replica from his heart's call to save the person he most cared for, no matter the consequences. After all, here he was... and not for the first time.

Take care of her.

He could remember it so clearly. The watchful eye he'd kept on her from afar thereafter, all in the name of the misplaced choices he'd made. He'd stayed at a distance, both to save her from all this, and out of the shame and guilt his mistakes had left him with. Until she, of course, found her way back to him. But even a blindfold couldn't conceal the shame he'd felt when beneath her gaze. He thought the tears in her eyes to be a response towards the monstrous appearance he'd taken—though that wasn't the case at all.

She was indeed deserving of her Keyblade's title in how she held him so sincerely upon their reencounter. It was at that moment that he'd known, there was no going back. She was only relieved to be with him once more, and to know the darkness hadn't consumed him whole. Incidentally, it undeniably would have, were if not for her intervening.

Again, and again, and again.

His lids, having previously drawn to a close, rose slowly to set his sights on her visage. With Braveheart in hand, the young man shifted on-guard; holding the blade above his form, his free hand extended in her direction. He didn't want to fight, he only wanted to stop her. She may pleaded for him to leave her be, but he wasn't going anywhere. "Not without you."

Heartache resounded from her core, as she could see the familiar glint in his eye; call it either determination or stubbornness, he'd made up his mind. And so, she'd made up hers, if even against her own will. Kairi, too, shifted to stand with her feet a shoulder's length apart. Her hilt's grip was as firm as her concentration. "No one else is going to hurt because of me," was her ultimate reply. Her gaze began to grow more harsh as her words went on, "especially not you." This time, her display wasn't an act; sensing the moment's nature shifting dramatically to truth, Riku felt an anxious droplet roll down the side of his brow. Despite her every warning, he dared to so much as shift his footing once more in her direction.

And, in an instant, their clash resounded.

Kairi lunged at him in full, holding nothing back. A fierce cry escaped her lungs as golden foliage conflicted against Braveheart's sterling ridge. In that moment, everything withheld was felt in the both the contact of their crossed blades, and locked gazes.

The duo rebounded. All the boy's mental preparation was lost with her assault; she needn't the element of surprise to best the moment, and she knew it. Springing back full-force, her footing landed on a glass window pane of the iconic skyscraper. His déjà-vu was dispelled as she didn't ascend higher, but instead charged at him for another clash. His guard wasn't yet collected to meet her attack, so he instead leapt into the air to dodge. In the event of either happenstance, he wasn't out to fuel her fire.

She landed with a stumbling foot... and it was so like her: fighting with her emotions, for better or worse, alongside all the force she could muster. Her gaze flipped up without coordination, and as he remained airborne for a moment, she threw her key in a floral Strike Raid. He blocked the brunt of the attack, though it caught him by the edge. A grunt escaped his lungs and he backflipped mid-air, landing on a heavy foot... and, to her dismay, that was all he did. He may no further attempt at attack.

"Fight back!" she shouted.

Instead, he did one worse. Seemingly fulfilling her request, he lunged for her; she rose her blade to guard. Taking advantage of the situation in the worst way possible, he flipped to flank her at the last moment. A gasp of surprise escaped her lungs as Riku reached for her blade's edge; his grip was tight around the weapon.

He was... trying to neutralize her.

Near humiliated, Kairi grit her teeth. It felt so low. Instantly, whatever sense of sportsmanship was agreed upon in the conflict dropped—on both sides. Fine. If he wanted to play dirty, she'd play dirty. Raising a fleet foot from the blacktop at their base, she kicked him in the stomach. He stumbled and groaned a bit, just enough to release her from his hold. He nearly missed the moment to guard as she began slamming her blade to his in relentless repetition. All he could do was stand there and defend. And then, one strike stood out from the rest. In a surprise, sweeping blow from below, Destiny's Embrace collided hard with his left wrist.

Her resolve was... short-lived.

A wounded cry resounded behind grit teeth. His blade fell from his hold with a loud clank. Bested, he stumbled back, gripping the residual fracture and ache that all but tore through his arm. Exhaling deeply, Kairi stood stunned—perhaps even more than he'd been. Not by the fact that she'd come out on top—but rather, by how despicable she felt in the moment. But, having come this far through reprehensible behavior, there was no time to let it show yet. With every fiber of her being, the young woman raised a shaking hand; she begged herself to steady.

"This is your last chance," she told him. "Leave."

Panting heavily to match, the boy didn't look up at her call. Instead, his gaze shifted from his gloved palm to the fallen blade at his side. Be it a broken wrist, or a vital clash to the torso... mortal injury was nothing compared to the type of pain he felt in the moment. Riku was silent as he remembered the moment in which he'd near lost his life—when he and his other dearest friend fought side-by-side for the first time in a year in this very same realm. Xemnas had nearly diminished what little light he could say he had—and all he could think about, in what would've otherwise been his final moments... was her.


Her name was the only thing he could bring himself to voice through the pain. She wanted so much for the three of them to be together again. It was the thought of seeing her, if only once more, that kept him going. It was in that moment that he found resolve: he would never abandon her again. Not even death could keep him from returning to her. His... or anyone else's. He would've done anything, as he'd certainly proven, were it for her. All those despicable lengths he'd gone to, and all the pressing dangers as well. If it meant saving her, or even something as simple as putting a smile on her face, he'd go so far as to do it all again.

He'd besiege Kingdom Hearts itself, if it'd spare her pain.

"Then run me through, if that's what it takes."

Slowly, silver lashes drew to a close... as Braveheart dematerialized. Kairi's eyebrows knit together in almost ironic confusion. Was he really... giving up? Finally, Riku rose to stand before her again. His intense, turquoise stare met her oceanic gaze. The young woman's heart skipped a beat as she'd processed his resolve. Her optics went wide, and the girl's already unsteady breath hitched as footsteps echoed just one more time.

He was approaching her. Unarmed.

"Stop," she warned, raising her blade to point towards the base of his neck from their distance. But, of course, he didn't. "Stop!" His stride brought him closer, and closer—and with his every step, her convulsing grip grew tighter. As he'd grown too near, she took a step back—but he'd yet to cease. "Don't!" she shouted in a shaking tone, stumbling a bit, "Don't—!" Backed as far she she could go, her footing was lost in his approach; Kairi fell to the ground. She didn't lower her blade even yet. Stop, stop! Indigo droplets welled, blurring her gaze, though the sight of him was yet distinguishable as he stepped to stand in front of her. With Destiny's Embrace pointed directly towards his heart...

Her arm finally lowered.

A weak, pleading whisper was all she could muster now. "Please, please," she let out a tearful sob, and her Keyblade fell to the floor in defeat, "just let me go," she begged, "just, let me—!" Suddenly, her voice was cut off, drifting off high above the towers as it though it were dispelled from her lungs entirely. Auburn lashes went wide, snapping open as she held her breath; it took her a second to realize the moment. In a firm, though somehow gentle embrace, Riku... held her in his arms. Even in the realm of eternal midnight, the Road to Dawn was somehow recognized.

"I swear," With his chest pressed to her's, the boy's thundering heart beat in time to Kairi's, "I'm never leaving you again."

A/N: So, that thing about Riku calling out to Kairi when he nearly dies? When he collapses in your party, in KH2, his death cry is her literally her name. If you search his voice clips on YouTube, you'll be able to hear it. I had to make sure myself, so when my husband was playing through KH2 for the first time, I made him stand around and let Riku die till I heard it myself. It took a few tries to hear, but he really says it, and it hurts me so good!

While it wasn't present in the first game, two cutscene from Birth By Sleep Final Mix and Re:Coded later confirmed that, after leaving Hook's ship, Riku took Kairi and fled to Big Ben. The way it's choreographed is as mentioned; if you haven't seen it, you really should. It's super sentimental.

Remember in 3D, when Riku tells Quazimodo, "a good friend sees you for who you are, no matter what face you wear"? I firmly believe he was talking about Kairi; if the game wasn't proof enough—the KH2 manga's interpretation of their reunion really supports the idea, as we actually see their full reunion. And, yes, she really does hug him there, too!

Riku and Naminé will have a healthy connection in this story, but Nomura's gone so far as to say that—in the ending cutscene for KH3, Riku was fulfilling Repliku's last wish in seeing her revitalized. While I adore Riku and Naminé's friendship, I feel the emphasis placed on her and Repliku should ultimately take precedence here.

And, finally—while it's the premise of the entire story, I'd just like to share that my interest first found base in the Reverse/Rebirth portion of the Chain of Memories novel—where Repliku outwardly confirms that Riku, did, in fact, have a novel-canon crush on Kairi! While a lot of people don't consider the novels to have any sort of basis, this might be the only time in the series where romantic feelings were confirmed—and I think that's very noteworthy.

Also, it's not RiKai, but a fun little tidbit of agreed upon fanlore is that Roxas broke Riku's left wrist during their battle in 358/2 Days. It's where he lands his final blow, and then, he's later wearing a brace in KH2. He's also seen flexing his wrist in the opening of 3D! That's how Kairi was able to best him here.

Again, thanks for reading; kudos and comments are appreciated!