
"I've got you something."

"Mh?" Levi looked up, his gaze finding hers.

"Here." And Hange held something out to him, smiling a little nervously.

It was an eyepatch.

He stared at it for a moment before stretching out his hand, fingertips brushing the material before taking it.

"Where did you get that?"

"Well, you see, I had a spare on me." She brought up a hand, fingertips touching the black material over her left eye.

"Ah." He stared back down at the eyepatch in his hand.

"I mean, you can try it. If you don't like it—"

But Levi shook his head. "No, it's fine." He swallowed. "Thank you."

"No problem." She shrugged, still a little nervous.

Levi brought up a hand, fingertips carefully touching the bandages over his right eye. He sighed, shoulders dropping an inch, wincing at the pull of the still healing wounds.

He knew he wouldn't get his full vision back. His eye had taken too much damage. And the two fingers he'd lost... But there was no use in wallowing over that. There was nothing that could be done to change it, there was no going back. His fingers curled over the black material in his palm. There was only one way to go, and that was forward.

They couldn't afford to waste any more time.


Levi didn't look at her, but he could feel Hange's gaze lingering on him, studying him. And he sighed inwardly and turned toward her. He would have arched an eyebrow at her stare, but it still was uncomfortable to do that. So he settled on staring back at her, keeping his expression blank. "Seeing something interesting?"

"Oh, uh, no." Hange quickly averted her gaze, biting her lip. She hadn't meant to stare, but she couldn't help it. It suited him. And, well—

She suddenly smiled.

Levi sighed. "What?"

But Hange shook her head, waving a hand at him, already turning around. "No no, its nothing."

Levi crossed his arms. "Spit it out. The sooner we can get it over with. What's running around in that damn mind of yours this time."

Hange stopped and turned back toward him. Eyeing him for a moment. She took in a breathe. "Now we match." Hange watched him as he took in her words, his eye widening a little. Then he turned around, exiting the room, leaving her behind, but not before she heard him curse under his breath something that suspiciously sounded like idiotic shitty glasses and stupid idea's.

And Hange couldn't help another smile. They were almost ready. Ready to go back.


After some colorful curses, Levi finally managed to tie the final knot. He let out a breath, his hand falling away and to his side. It was not that bad, right? Well, it was better than anything that he'd hoped for, anyway. He pulled a hand through his hair, black strands falling back over his forehead, and stared at his own reflection. The person that was looking back was him. But— it was not him. He grimaced. Stupid. He was still trying to get used to his own reflection, to the battered face that was looking back at him. Still adapting to the fact that he had eight fingers now instead of the damn ten that were necessary to tie an even close to okay knot. It was still him, alright. But... but—

Shaking his head, Levi turned away from the mirror. Stupid. Fucking stupid. There was no use in wallowing over it anymore. He brought up a hand, fingers softly touching the black material covering his right eye, and he closed his left.


It was time, they were ready. Ready to go back.

All the mistakes are mine.