Now I know that Aladdin came from Bagdad but to be honest, and this is my opinion, I always thought they came from India. Mostly from the clothes, the jewels, and designs of the buildings, and the fan-art at the time. So, for my story, I'm going to say Aladdin came from India. You're free to disagree but for this fanfic only, they came from India.


Name: Naga

Age: same as Jay

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Parent: Jafar (father)

Live: Isle of the Lost

Symbol: scarab pieces

Crush: Uma (Formally), Ben

Style: Indian chic

Good/Evil: Evil

Description: She and Jay are twins and while Jafar trained Jay to be a thief, he trained Naga to be a dancer and she got really good at it. Up to the point, she worked at her girlfriend's mother's restaurant at the time. She and Uma were a couple for a long time, but it wasn't until Uma was complaining too much about everything, even not appreciating what Naga has done for her, as in getting more customers, defending her against Uma's mother, giving her gifts she made herself, even working Uma's shift and she never has gotten a 'thank you' from any of that. It was like too much give and no receive. Finally, Naga had enough and broke up with Uma. After that, she became a street dancer and it has gotten her more money for her father then her last job so it wasn't for nothing.

Friends: Mal, Evie, Carlos, Jay

Enemies: Uma, Gil, Harry

Roommate: Jordan

Likes: Dancing, singing,

Dislikes: Bullies, bad music, show-offs

Extra: She can mutate her legs into a snake tail at will with no magic and there are 4 phases of her snake transformation. Each bigger, stronger, and resembles a snake then the past phase up to the last phase where she can use her mutant genie powers thanks to her dad. Also, when she sheds her snakeskin, she uses it to make her clothes since it's very light and unless cut right, very sturdy. Sometimes Evie would go to her to get the skin to make her clothes but only if she's out of material.

Occupation: Dancer

Media: Movies and Wicked World

Animal partner: Ratigan

Jewel: Marquise Brown Moonstone

Mal's match: Thomas, son of Pocahontas. (Hey he's a real person so don't complain also I'm the John Rolf fan. Not Mal Gibson fan.)

Jorden's brothers

1. Will Smith: Ekada

2. Ne-Yo: Ethan

3. James Monroe Iglehart: Ekambar

4. Michael James Scott: Ekavir

5. Major Attaway: Ekayavan

6. Juwan Crawley: Evavada

7. Deonte L. Warren: Evan