I watched as a girl rushed hurriedly across campus, her skirt and books flying every which way.

First day rush, it was usually the worst day of school. Not for me though, being a study abroad student, you had your perks. First of all, they wanted you here. Second of all, they made sure you were comfortable (e.g., a very nice apartment) and third of all, you were given a very prompt, very happy guide. Emphasis on the happy.

I stood beneath one of the cherry blossom trees at the main building's entrance. The University was a large place and most people explored the campus a few days early to get used to it. Not me though, I was lucky. Lucky, lucky American.

I looked around, and saw different students standing, talking, some staring at me, some ignoring me altogether, but none of them making their way over to talk to me. That much I expected. I did not, however, expect my guide to now be—I glanced down at my watch—fifteen minutes late. Amazing.

"You're tapping your foot, Princess." Banriyu said hovering just over my shoulders. "The Japanese do not do that. It's a sign of disrespect."

I laughed. "I literally just saw a guy tapping his foot over there." I inclined my head in the direction of a kid with glasses, he had several papers in his hands and he wore a pink shirt tucked into light wash jeans. "He's still doing it!"

Banriyu puckered his lips, glaring over to the boy, and shook his head. "Shameful. Times have really changed."

I cut my eyes over to him, as I wiped my hands together. I really needed to wash them. It was really warm out and they were starting to feel like layers over dust were lightly covering them. It was fine at first, now it was really starting to bother me. "How old are you again, Banriyu?"

Banriyu closed his eyes, and held his nose into to air. "Well, I am certainly older than your America—"

"My America?" I shook my head at him. "You've been there longer than I have. You might as well be a citizen."

"If they made spirits citizens." He replied, giving me a bemused look. "I suppose I would be."

I took a deep breath and looked around. "You seem to forget that I'm still a quarter Japanese."

"That you are," he agreed and then added, "And…"

I looked over to him with a raised eyebrow as he continued, "if you look really deeply, you can see it."

I reached over my shoulder and flicked him, well I tried. My finger just passed right through. "Smartass."

He'd been spending too much time with me. When I was a kid, he was never that sarcastic, but given enough time, I could turn even angels to the dark side.

"Well," he started. "We should probably get going or you'll be late for class."

I picked my leather bag up from the ground, I frowned slightly at a scuff on the toe of my ankle boot. "You don't have to come with me if you don't want to."

"Don't worry about me." He said, "It's my duty to protect you, Princess."

I paused, and blinked at him, "You do know that I'm not a real princess…right?" I asked as we started on our way, him hovering just over my shoulder.

"To me, you will always be a princess." He said, holding his head high.

I stopped walking to look at him. "Aw, Banriyu—"

He sniffled. "I still remember the day you were born—"

"Okay, that's enough." I left him behind, my face burning with embarrassment. I glared over at him trying to hide behind my dark hair. "You do this every time!"

Banriyu's silver hair was pulled back in an elegant half up half down style, making the slightly sulky and yet overtly parental reprimanding look he was giving me all the more lethal. "What? Show my love? Are you ashamed?"

I threw my head back and groaned loudly, rolling my hazel eyes.

"Really you shouldn't be so repulsed." The samurai spirit said through his teeth. "If only you knew how long it took me to learn to show my feelings, you wouldn't be so quick to dismiss them. In my time, it was almost dishonorable to show one's affections so openly. Hmph! If I was even perceived as being overly sentimental it would be seen as favoritism. That would, of course, lead to entirely new problems, especially in leadership. Namely…."

I proceeded to ignore him, walking as quickly as possible as I glanced back over my shoulder to—

"Ugh!" I slammed into someone and instantly retreated backwards, tripping over my own feet and tumbling down to the ground.

As a side note, I hated to fall, only because I hated to awkwardly get back up to my feet, laugh it off, and pretend it didn't happen. Plus, it never failed to put me in a foul mood, so when I did start to fall, I braced myself until I felt hands reach out and grasp me firmly by the waist. I hung suspended backwards for a moment, blinking as I looked up into the bright green eyes of my knight with red hair.

Whoa… My eyes consumed his face, his bright, bright eyes and his… presence. He was taller than me by more than a few heads but he felt bigger, you know, like he was taking up so much more space than he was. It's hard to explain. And that face, did I mention that face? Maybe it was just the sun though. It was bright out.

"Are you alright?" this green eyed boy asked me in perfect English.

I blinked and eased out of his grasp. Not quite as embarrassed as I could have been, I gathered myself. Odds are, this is the first and last time I'd be seeing this guy. "Yes, thank you." I replied back in Japanese. I guess Banriyu was right, you really had to look deep to see it. I was so obviously American—well obviously not Japanese. Oh well.

I brushed myself off and made sure my skirt wasn't up in the back, now that would be embarrassing. "I'm sorry I bumped into you, I guess I wasn't paying any attention."

This pretty boy gave me a warm smile, a smile that made me want to smile too. "I'm afraid that I'm also somewhat at fault here. I was trying to catch your attention, but you seemed to be a bit preoccupied…" Hearing my response, he responded back with Japanese, without even acknowledging the change. He was quick, this one. But, this University was pretty prestigious, I bet everyone here was quick to the draw.

"Preoccupied? Oh, I—Oh! Yeah," I shrugged, glancing up behind the boy as Banriyu shot me a very disapproving look. He wasn't happy. "I always talk to myself. Bad habit, anyway, again," I bowed my head, and tried to move around him to finally get into the main building. "I am so, so sorry but if I don't leave now, I'll be late for class."

He stepped in front of me, blocking my sure exit. I blinked at him a little rapidly this time, fighting back a pinch of irritation. Banriyu sighed, "You're going to be late, Princess."

I sighed through my nose. I know!

I turned back to the boy, "I'm sorry, but…do I know you?"

"No. But I know you, you're Aurora Allyn, right?" He extended his hand for me to shake and gave me a deprecating laugh. "Unfortunately, I'm your very tardy tour guide, Shuichi Minamino. But, you can call me Shuichi."

I looked around briefly, feeling a little uneasy. "Actually," I stepped away from him a bit, his friendliness now seeing a little suspect. "My guide is named Tohru Fushimi. I think I better go."

He reached out and grabbed me gently by the wrist. His grip wasn't tight, but Banriyu had already started to reach for his sword, pulling at my energy. I kept my eyes on Minamino as I shook my head "no." Banriyu didn't draw but he did float around to me to hover just over my shoulder. If this Minamino tried anything funny, Banriyu would strike. That made me feel at least a little better.

I looked down at his hand wrapped gently around my wrist.

Minamino began again, "I know it sounds bad, but Fushimi had asked me ten minutes ago if I could stand in for her, just for today. She has a temperature." Letting go of my wrist, he reached into his back pocket and pulled out a wallet. Minamino proceeded to then open it up and pull out a student ID. There it was, white with yellow and navy trim, just like mine. I immediately relaxed.

"Heheh," I laughed, now officially embarrassed. "Sorry about that, I'm a little paranoid. Bad habits."

Minamino, or Shuichi, as he preferred, laughed in response. "That's quite alright. I think it's a good idea to be cautious. Caution never hurt anyone."

"Not for long anyway," I said, extending my hand. "It's nice to meet you."

"And you as well." As his hand wrapped around mine, I noticed how warm it was, but not quite soft. Smooth? Was that the word?

Anyway, I didn't let myself wonder for too long because after the first firm shake, I immediately dropped his hand. He was attractive. I was attracted to him. But I'd be damned before I let myself develop a crush on him. That's a no-go.

Shuichi glanced down at his watch and gave me a sheepish grin. "The time. Unfortunately, I'll have to ask you to trust me again as we run to our next class." He reached back to me, glowing like Greek god, and slipped his hand into mine again. His warm skin, making me warm all over. "You'll have to forgive me for being so irresponsible—time hasn't been very kind to me as of late."

He paused before he started forward, his grip on me loosening slightly. "Is it alright if I touch you? I realize I may be encroaching on your boundaries, but I have made us very late."

Hating myself, I shrugged nonchalantly, surprising myself with just how alright I was with him touching me. "It's cool, but let's not make it a habit." I said, in the best impression of myself I could pull forward with his uncannily pretty self staring right at me. Jesus, look away already!

Shuichi laughed, "Of course." With that I gave Banriyu a nod, and I let the pretty red head lead me to class.


Besides my tardiness, which Shuichi immediately took care of (sweet talking our teacher took zero effort on his part) the day went pretty well. He showed me around to each of my classes, gave me a historic run down of all of the buildings we entered, and showed me some quiet spots to study (most of them were random benches surrounded by trees and other greenery). I didn't peg him as a loner, but the way he talked, or better yet, the way people at the University responded to him, let me know that it was rare indeed for Shuichi Minamino to be seen paling around with anyone. I had more than my fair share of glances and glares handed down to me by the female population. But, really, what could I do?

Our day together ended at two, and I'd wanted to hit up the school library. As it came into view I unceremoniously stretched my arms behind my head and turned on my heel to face him. "Well!" I said, "I think you've ruined my life enough for one day."

He laughed. "I remember apologizing for that twice already. Is it still not accepted?"

"Nope. You paid with credit, Shuichi, I only accept cash."

He laughed again, smiling with his eyes this time. "I'll try to remember that tomorrow."

Tomorrow? That's going to have to be a no-go. "Right," I rolled my eyes, a little too comfortably. "But, seriously, thank you for today." I shrugged, and, to my own disappointment, I kept going. "You're not nearly as boring as you look."

Shuichi laughed aloud, closing his eyes with the force of it. Maybe I was being crazy but did he have the single most beautiful laugh ever or nah?

Okay. Nope! We're not doing this. Escape. Escape! ESCAPE!

"I'm glad I was so tolerable." Shuichi gazed down at me with a curious look on his face, his expression amused, I could even hear it in his voice.

I shrugged again, "Yeah, well, it happens to the worst of us every now and then."

Banriyu cleared his throat, now at my right. "Are you flirting with him, Princess? You've only just met. Your father would definitely not approve. Good manners aside there's something not quite right about him—"

Livid, I let out a scream of frustration and swiped at the air and Banriyu just dodged, laughing at me. "I AM NOT—"

"Aurora." Shuichi's voice was filled with concern. "Are you alright?"

You love to ask me that don't you? I looked over at Shuichi, a smile on my lips, "Yes, I'm just…trying to stop a very, VERY annoying mosquito from biting me." I shot Banriyu a sour look, "I'm allergic."

"I see." He responded, frowning slightly, "We should get inside then. Most of the mosquitoes here are very mild, but you shouldn't take any chances. There's a quiet part of the library with a skylight above a few tables. You'll like it, perhaps almost as much as I do."

I stared at him for a little longer than I should have, thinking over just how much I wish he'd just leave me alone. But, alas! I had no friends here, and my great grand parents lived out in the country. I had no human companionship. Spirits were great, but they made me a little complacent sometimes. I had to have other friends too while I was in Japan. Shuichi was a very persistent and mannerable start.

After a while, I shrugged, walking toward him to stand by his side. "Okay, but I get the best seat, though, right?"

He chuckled, amused. "Right."


It was almost five o'clock. I stretched my arms above my head and closed the book I had open. After talking briefly for a few minutes, Shuichi and I had spent the rest of the time in relative silence. I'd grabbed three books I knew I'd have finished within the week and he had double that number. I was starting to think he was a little genius.


He looked up from his novel and smiled at me, looking at me like he wanted to be interrupted. Like he was happy for it. Odd, right? "Yes?"

"I think I'm going to head home." I flashed him my watch, "It's almost five."

He nodded in agreement and began to gather his books.

I held my hands out, "You don't have to stop, you know. You can just stay here. You've done more than enough for one day."

Shuichi continued to pack his things, "Are you walking home?"

I paused, "Yes."

"Then I'll walk with you."

"No, no! You don't have to do that."

"I want to, we're classmates, and besides I'm still your guide for the day." Shuichi said.

"But, it's only for the school day." I said, "Plus, I don't think its that serious."

Shuichi had already packed his things and had actually gathered up my books and held them out to me, "I insist." And weirdly enough, his tone suggested that it was a bad idea to argue or rather, it was an argument I couldn't win. I sighed and took the books.




I closed the door behind me and locked all three locks with a snap. I thought about taking my shoes off near the door but, hey, I'm American!

"Princess," Banriyu tsk-tsked, crossed his arms over his chest, and looked down at me with a disapproving frown. He'd only materialized his upper half. He would have been more imposing if I could see the other, but…

I took my shoes off by the door, flipped the light on and walked into the kitchen, passed the small sitting area and down the hall to my bedroom. I opened the door and jumped immediately on my bed, startling Nike.

She slipped through my mattress as I came down, and appeared before me, hovering in her miniature form which was a foot long, slightly over thirty centimeters. "Oh, hey, Nike."

Frowning, she threw her emerald colored hair over her shoulders, and crossed my arms, "What happened to three o'clock?" she got really close to my face her turquoise eyes blazing, "It's five thirty."

I laughed nervously, a little at a loss, "Uh…oops?"

She sucked her teeth at me, and then got even closer, "I was starving!"

I sighed and flopped onto my back. "You do know I left out some food for you, right?"

"Junk food. Look at me," she pointed to herself, her shapely hourglass figure showing through her Grecian inspired clothing, all ivory and gold with sandals crisscrossing up her thighs. Her garment opened up to reveal her chest and the curve of her porcelain legs. "That food is for the birds…and the desperate."

I didn't point out that neither of them, actually needed to eat. It would only make Banriyu sad and, Nike would, of course, grow extremely angry with me for even daring to suggest such a thing.

I rolled off the bed and walked to the mirror against the door. I was a strong five-two (average height in my opinion) with long, dark, reddish brown hair, that curled at the ends. My skin was golden brown, sun kissed (Nike called it).

"Uh-oh, she's checking herself out again," Nike commented, standing on my shoulder. "What happened, Ban?"

"It's Banriyu." He sighed but continued, "She met a boy today."

"A boy?" Nike grabbed my ear and pinched it affectionately, "Is he handsome?"

"I did not 'meet a boy' today," I said with a roll of my eyes before yanking the door open and stepping into the hall. I couldn't do anything anymore. "My guide happened to be a boy."

"One she had no problem flirting with." Banriyu revealed earning an impressed whistle from Nike.

"Did she frown a lot?" Nike asked, leaping from my shoulder to the kitchen island as I prepared dinner. Nike had three forms: this one, one where she was five-ten and another where she was thirty feet tall. For whatever reason, probably being able to stand on my shoulders, she loved this form the most.

Banriyu closed his eyes, thinking deeply, "Yes, I believe she did."

"Great! He's probably impossibly beautiful then." She shrugged and then began to float in midair lounging on her side, "It's settled, I'm seeing him tomorrow."

I opened the refrigerator, "Not if I say you're not."

Nike giggled smugly, "Oh, come now! You know you love me too much to deny me this. I'm not Banriyu."

Banriyu puffed himself up, "And what, exactly, does that mean?"

She barely gave him a glance, "I thought it was obvious. She loves me more."


I ignored them. A day didn't pass when they weren't directly at each other's throats.

"Hard of hearing, Mortal?" Nike replied with a girlish laugh. "I swear, you give your kind such a bad name."

"My kind? My—" Banriyu laughed, bemusedly, before turning his voice into something more serious. "I dare you to say that again—"

"What's with all the noise?" Came Hydra's sleepy voice as he rose off of the couch, to peer into the kitchen. He rubbed his eyes with the back of his hands as he padded his way toward me. I was just placing chicken into a pan when his small arms wrapped around my waist and he buried his head into my back. He looked around ten years old—give or take a few years with large violet eyes and messy, inky black hair. Despite being a giant beast in his second form, he made for the cutest kid. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." I turn around with a smile and ruffle his hair, kissing his forehead. He really was the cutest. "Don't mind them, they're just arguing as per usual." I said with a roll of my eyes as he leapt onto the island to sit while I cooked.

"Who did you meet today?" Hydra asked suddenly as I began to start in on the vegetables and rice.

"Not you too, Hydra." I complained with a groan. "He was my student guy."

"I knew it!" Nike exclaimed, "You admit it!"

"Guide!" I said, furiously chopping carrots, "I meant guide."

Nike shrugged, "Sure you did."

"What did he look like?" Hydra continued, his voice strangely…without any inflection.

"Oh," I shrugged, glancing back at him slightly. It was weird for him to act like them. "I don't know…tall, weirdly pretty."

Hydra frowned, "He smelled like roses."

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"I could smell it on you."

"Oh." I responded, and gave myself a whiff, "I can't smell a thing."

"It's faint." He said quickly, "was he…silver haired?"

"Silver haired?" I laughed, "No, this guy was a red head with bright green eyes."

"Oh, really," Nike commented, "How bright were they?"

I turned to my only friend in the room, "Save me, Hydra."

He only smiled, flashing a few of his sharp teeth. He spoke in his sweet, boyish voice. "Anything you want, my love."