"She's going into shock!"

"We're losing her!"

Steely hazel eyes narrowed in determination and the white-coated man turned to a nearby nurse. "Get me Doctor Hayato. Now!"

"But Doc, he just got off-"

"Hayato is the best doctor we've got, and he's also our only chance at saving this young woman. I don't care if he's in a damn coma. You wake him up and tell him to get his ass up here right now."

The nurse nodded and rushed from the room as fast as his legs would carry him. Back inside the operating room, Doctor Michael Chaplin turned to his unconscious patient, intent on saving her life.

He was just stretching out on the old couch in his office for some much- needed rest when his door swung open and an out-of-breath nurse rushed in.

"Doctor Hayato, we need you in OR."

The doctor swallowed a heavy sigh and sat up again, rubbing his tired blue eyes. "I'm off duty, Sam-"

Sam at least had the decency to look apologetic. "Dr. Chaplin said for you to...ah...get your ass to the OR, sir."

Hayato sprang off the couch remarkably quickly for his size, not even sparing it a second glance as he hurried out the door. "What've we got?"

"Twenty-four year old, very fit. Details say she was in a car accident but it looks like abuse to me. Major blood loss and internal hemorrhaging."


"Not yet."

The pair made it downstairs in record time and quickly scrubbed up after rushing into the room.

"About time," Chaplin snarked, but his colleague wasn't offended - he knew the other man was just tense.

Hayato slipped on some gloves and bent over the operating table, swearing under his breath at the blood that continued pulsing out of the redheaded woman's body. His blue eyes met Chaplin's and he nodded once, then set to work.

Two hours later, the woman was finally stabilized and sleeping peacefully in the ICU. Hayato had just managed to strip off his bloodstained gloves when shouting erupted in the hallway outside. The words were as yet indecipherable but whoever was yelling was headed his way. He'd barely taken two steps away from the door when it slammed open and a wild-looking man barged in.

"Where's my girlfriend?!" he demanded, eyes casting frantically around the room. "Where is she?!" Security arrived right after the man and strained to pull him back through the doorway but he wouldn't budge. That frantic gaze finally came to rest on the surprised, tense doctor in the center of the room and the man inhaled in shock. "What the h-"

The expletive cut off as one of the security guards managed to deliver a stunning blow to the back of the man's head, dropping him to the floor like a sack of potatoes. The guard sent Hayato a sheepish look. "Sorry, Doc. He heard that his girl was in the hospital apparently and just lost it. She was that redhead they brought in earlier."

Dr. Leonardo Hayato nodded mutely, his brain too exhausted at this point to process much, and carefully stepped around the unconscious man. He headed down the hallway, deciding that the situation was best left to security, clocked out, and went home for some quality down-time.

As his front door closed behind him, his shoulders sagged in absolute relief. He stumbled into the bathroom and quickly showered off; it wasn't long afterwards that he was falling face-first into bed.

He never noticed the email that was loaded onto his laptop screen, waiting to be read. And he had no idea how much that one email was going to change his life.

A/N: Anyone want to take a guess as to what's going on so far? Or try and summarize it, maybe?

Anyway, I'm going to bed. Books should be updated soon. G'night. XD