This is it guys, last one. Warnings for mentions of suicide and drug use.

The next day when she woke up, she was already itching for another hit and she hated herself for it. She got up and dressed, getting ready for work almost like a robot, empty and void of anything. She was just doing her hair when the knock at the door sounded as usual, but she didn't answer. She couldn't bring herself to. She couldn't face them, she felt so ashamed of herself. She was wearing a long sleeve top to hide the fresh mark on her arm, she didn't need them leaving her because of this. They knocked again but she still ignored it as she put her hair up in a messy ponytail. She heard the door open and she glanced over, finding the boys peering in looking somewhat confused why she hadn't opened the door or told them to come in like she usually did.

"Didn't ye hear us?" Murphy asked with a slight frown, noticing how vacant she seemed and how she wouldn't look at them. He shared a look with his brother, the pair clearly concerned.

"Yeah, sorry. I'm just a little tired I guess." She said softly, grabbing her bag. Connor walked over, pressing a hand to her forehead as he looked down at her concerned.

"Do ye think yer gettin' sick? Maybe ye should stay off work?" He suggested looking worried, making her smile at him. These two boys were too good for this world, far too good for her.

"I'll be fine. If I feel any worse I'll come home, I promise." She said trying to be reassuring, wanting them to stop worrying about her. He seemed satisfied and nodded as they all left the apartment.

"Ye've got our work number, if ye need one o' us te come look after ye if ye get sick, just give us a ring yeah?" Murphy said softly on the way to the diner. She glanced to him and smiled, giving him a nod. She'd never understand just why these boys took her in or why they had helped her. Not that it was much use now.

They gave her the usual hugs and left her at work, she only made it a few hours before she told them she felt sick and had to go home. The withdrawals were already kicking in and she stormed over to Nathans place, she was angry and she was desperate. She pounded on his door for what felt like five whole minutes before he answered, only in his boxers and looking tired and disheveled. When he saw her, he grinned and she shoved him aside as she walked in.

"The fuck did you do this for Nathan?" She asked harshly as he shut the door, watching as he sauntered over to the couch as sat down, looking up at her like the cat that ate the canary.

"I told you before, you're my favorite. I don't like you being clean and not needing me." He smirked, making her skin crawl. She wanted to hurt him, to scream at him or something, but the desperate burning need for the drug was singing strong in her veins and it was drowning out all rational thought. He just watched her squirm smugly, knowing exactly what she needed but waiting for her to ask.

"I need more." She bit out after a few tense moments of silence. His grin widened as he sat forward a little, a gleeful gleam in his eye.

"Always for you sweetcheeks. If you don't have money, you know what to do." He leered at her. She grabbed some money from her pocket, feeling glad she could actually pay him this time and she saw how his face fell when she threw it at him, knowing exactly what he wanted from her. He regained his composure though and stood up, rummaging through a duffel near the bed.

"I want enough for the week, I'm not coming here every day. There's more than enough to cover it there." She said coldly, making him return to her with a little more of a sour face. She had paid him a lot more than what it was worth though so he complied. She stuffed it into her bag and left before he could say another word.

When she got back to her loft, she sat on the bed. She couldn't do this, not again. She couldn't keep using like this just to fight off the withdrawals, the high didn't even last now for her, in the end, she had been using just to be able to live as the withdrawals had become so unbearable, and now she was back to square one with this. She didn't have the fight left in her anymore to stay clean, not this time. But she had no desire to live a life hooked on this bullshit and become the empty shell of a girl she used to be, selling herself just to stave off the symptoms. She knew what she had to do, she was at the end of her rope now. She had tried, she had put up a good fight to give herself a better life and at one point she thought it might have been in the cards for her. A new life with the boys, but now she could see it wasn't meant to be. She was a bad person, this would always be her life. It was always haunting her no matter where she went or what she did, it would always come around full circle once again. She needed to break the cycle, she needed it to stop.

She didn't even realise she was crying until she sniffled and startled herself. She grabbed the little notepad she had by the side of the bed and started writing a letter, she knew the boys would be the ones to find her, she wanted to explain, to thank them for all they had done for her. To say sorry. When the note was written she set it on the pillow as she got the heroin out from her bag with shaky hands. She looked at it for a moment, her heart sinking. She wondered why she had been dealt this hand, why she had to go through all this and it had to end this way. She had been happy with the twins, and now that wasn't an option. She just hoped they would forget about her.


The boys made their way home from work, they were trying to be quick so they could see Maddie. She had seemed so under the weather when they dropped her off at work and they wanted to check she was okay. She wasn't seeming like herself.

"Do ye think we should pick up some food or somethin'?" Murphy asked as he exhaled his smoke, glancing to his twin.

"Nah, let's just get back first and see how she's doin', she might not feel up te eatin'." Connor replied, anxious to go back and see her. The boys had become pretty close to her in the time of knowing her, they cared for her a great deal, more than they would admit to each other or themselves. She was really making an effort and she was like a different person now. They felt good that they had helped her, and they both wondered to themselves just what might be in the future for the three of them once she was truly better.

They made their way inside and once on their floor, they knocked on her door. There was no answer and they knocked again, it reminded them of the morning.

"Ye think she's asleep?" Connor asked curiously, not really wanting to wake her if she was resting. Murphy was far too impatient though and he walked right in, his twin sighing and following after him. At first glance, it looked like she had fallen asleep sideways on the bed. But then they saw the syringe, the note, and their hearts stilled in their chests.

"No! No, no, no!" Murphy yelled, running over to her and dropping to his knees. He took her face in his hands, she was already cold and a strangled sob left his lips. Connor was by his side then, checking her over frantically like he couldn't believe this was happening.

"Madeleine! Can ye fuckin' hear me?!" He panicked, when he touched her arm, seeing the fresh marks, his heart shattered feeling how cold she was. He darted off to their apartment to call an ambulance, he knew deep down she was gone, but he didn't care, they needed to come and bring her the fuck back, this wasn't happening.

Murphy stayed there with her, sobbing pitifully as he scooped her lifeless body into his arms, cradling her like she might just come back to him if he did.

"Why Maddie? Why did ye do this?" He cried brokenly, not understanding how this could happen when she was doing so well. Connor came back, his heart only breaking more seeing Murphy holding her like that whilst he cried. He was trying to be the strong one, trying to keep a level head for his brother's sake despite the fact he was dying inside. He grabbed the note, swallowing thickly. He noticed Murphy's tearful eyes turn to him and without words he knew he wanted him to read it out loud for them, to have some kind of understanding of why the fuck she had done this after everything.

Connors' voice wavered as he started reading the note, tears streaming down his face as he recounted what happened to her. She had written about her drug dealer lying, saying he wanted to get clean and how she wanted to help him, how he had drugged her water and then injected her with heroin when she was out of it and got her hooked again. Both the boys were sinking in grief and the rage that this asshole had done this to her, taken her away from them. She told them how she couldn't go through this again, she wasn't strong enough and how she couldn't put them through this once more, this time on a worse scale.

"I'm sorry, and I'm sorry that you'll be the ones to find me since you're the only ones who have ever given me a real chance. You have no idea how happy I was with you two, I wish things were different, I love you both so much and I wish you all the best. You two are angels. Saints in a world among evil men. You took me in and shown me more kindness than anyone ever did, and I will always be grateful for that. You gave me a taste of what normal life was like, so thank you. Please take care of each other, maybe one day we will meet again.



The boys were silent, letting it all sink in as Murphy still held her limp body close to his own, wishing she would just open her eyes and it was all a bad dream. It didn't take too long before the ambulance and police showed up. The boys recognised Duffy, the detective from when Maddie had been drunk and the man even shed a tear at seeing her like this, he knew without even looking at the note she wouldn't have done this to herself for no good reason, she had worked so hard to stay clear of the drug for years. Connor handed over the letter begrudgingly, knowing it might help if the cops could catch the fucker who did this to her, but he didn't want them to take the note, the last thing they would have of her.

Murphy fought the paramedics who tried to take her, there was nothing they could do and he didn't want to let her go, he was sobbing and screaming at them to fuck off and Connor had to step in, helping them get the girl away from his hysterical brother. He held him until they had all left and they both cried, even though Connor was trying to be strong, he couldn't help it. Her death had left a gaping hole in both of their chests that would never be able to be filled. The future they once looked forward to with her, it was gone in an instant. They hadn't been there to stop it, to talk her down, to let her know it was okay and it wasn't her fault. To help her through it once again no matter how bad it would get. And now she was just gone. Nothing but a memory to them both.


Two years later

Nathan Carroll was an evil man. Once a petty drug user, he was now a big-time drug dealer, with even more evil under his belt. Pushing drugs onto those who were vulnerable and whenever people would try to get clean, he would inject them himself to get them hooked once more. He also had a thing for underage girls. But now the man that thought so highly of himself was on his knees, sobbing and begging for his life as he felt the barrels of two guns pressed against his head, the masked men hard and cold, not listening to any of his pleading. He should have known his time would come, that judgement would be awaiting him for all of his sins, he just hadn't expected it so soon.

The man behind him on his right jabbed the gun more in his head and the words he spoke with a thick Irish brogue shocked him.

"This is for Maddie ye sick fuck." He spat at him, making his blood run cold. He had heard what happened to her, that she had taken her own life, he had been brought in and questioned over it since he was the one who apparently gave her the drugs. But they had nothing to pin it on him with, so he was able to walk free. It made him feel even more invincible. But he wasn't, that much was clear right at that moment when The Saints of South Boston had broke in and beat the shit out of him before getting him on his knees.

They started praying and Nathan switched off, he knew this was it for him, he knew there was no way out. For the first time in his wretched life he felt bad, he regretted every choice he had made that got him to this point, but it wasn't out of guilt for anything he had done or who he had done it to, it was simply because he had been caught and now faced with his own mortality. The prayer was finished and then everything went black as he was sent to his maker to atone for his sins.