The cold was the first thing Katherine felt, followed by the hard wooden floor, upon opening her eyes she could see a small dimly lit room with the red headed figure standing in the corner. Katherine slowly shifted her body weight and in response the woman, no, the monster was right in front of her eyes,

"Wakey wakey little one" She taunted, smirking as she crouched down to Katherine's level,

"Why didn't you kill me?" Katherine's voice quivered as the monsters smirk grew even larger as she inhaled deeply,

"Well, you were just so tasty, I think for a while I'll keep you, and you will keep me company" She grabbed Katherines jaw and tilted it slightly, "You see little one, everyone I knew and loved was killed, and I'm lonely… maybe if you behave I'll change you too"

"Just kill me." Katherine stared into the crimson eyes, her heart pounding so loudly in her chest as the monster cackled, shaking her head,

"What's your name little one?" The monster stood up and walked over to the nearby window, before looking back over her shoulder "Well?"

"Katherine, Katherine Cullen. What do you go by? Monster?" The defiance in Katherine's voice, and the boldness entertained the woman, confirming that she had made the right choice in keeping her little pet toy alive,

"Victoria, little Katherine, my name is Victoria."

A/N: Did anyone manage to guess?